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Venting Selfish Bitches Wants to Take Over Crime Subgenre



May 2, 2018

Some points I want to directly address.

Hannah Graham’s parents were the chief advocates for SB 565. Her mother pleaded to the Justice Committee, “Please don’t let what happened to my beautiful daughter, Hannah, happen to another young woman in Virginia.” While SB 565 may indeed have prevented Graham’s death (her killer turned out to have a long history of violence against women and a prior conviction for criminal trespass), critics, worry about its potential to sow more injustice. In a statement, the Virginia ACLU wrote, “It actually is a creeping assault on Virginians’ privacy and due-process rights that could lead to more bias in the state’s criminal-justice system—and even false convictions.”

The murders of particular white women are criminal events that become emotional and political events. Their deaths are often disastrous, not only for their families and loved ones, but for the falsely blamed and accused, who are disproportionately poor men and men of color, and for those who suffer from the laws passed in their names.

So she starts off with the bullshit bill being passed in Virginia ( get the fuck out Virginia ) and states how it negatively impacts poor men and people of color while seeming ignore or don't blatantly mention how it effects white men or how they'll make up the majority of the falsely accused.

The novelist and television writer Megan Abbott recently wrote in the Los Angeles Times that this trend may be connected with an increasing awareness of how deeply sexism and misogyny permeate our world. These shows operate by encouraging viewers (often women and femmes) to identify with the victim. Thus they function, she writes, “as the place women can go to read about the dark, messy stuff of their lives that they’re not supposed to talk about—domestic abuse, serial predation, sexual assault, troubled family lives, conflicted feelings about motherhood, the weight of trauma, partner violence, and the myriad ways the justice system fails, and silence, women.”

She goes on to quote a hack writer to spews some bullshit about how the Dead Girl subgenre is somehow sexist and misogynistic and problematic.

As someone who is both an intersectional feminist and a writer working on a book that explores the murders of two women, I am perhaps both the ideal reader for such stories and deeply suspicious of their motives...... Is it possible to write a story about a dead girl that is not a Dead Girl story? Is there anything in this genre that can make us more informed, more free, more equal? Or do these narratives simply enable prurient access to women’s bodies and glorify misogyny?

Of course she is an intersectional feminist. Of course she wants to subvert a subgenre to rid it of "misogyny" and make it "more equal" and get the readers "woke". My god it just never ends.

Alice Bolin’s new essay collection Dead Girls: Essays on Surviving an American Obsession probes this ambivalence.....With each essay, Bolin names the tropes that define this troubled and troubling Dead Girl genre: a haunting dead or missing girl, who exerts a strange, sometimes sexual hold on the main investigator or detective of the story, and often on the town or city as a whole.

The male gaze folks. The bitch is complaining about the suppose gaze of detectives/investigator in a Dead Girl crime story. Fucking pathetic.

“The Dead Girl Show’s notable themes are its two odd, contradictory messages for women,” writes Bolin. “The first is that girls are wild, vulnerable creatures who need to be protected from the power of their own sexualities … The other message the Dead Girl Show has for women is simpler: trust no dad. Father figures and male authorities hold a sinister interest in controlling girl bodies, and therefore in harming them.”

So she wants to be a slut. These bitches don't want to be told what to do or be controlled by no man even if it is their fathers or some other male authority.

Bolin situated herself on the side of Dead Girl shows being irredeemably flawed and problematic, and Abbott more on the side of Dead Girl shows as necessary responses to our pervasive culture of violence against women.

One bitch says Dead Girl genre is flawed and problematic the other bitch says it is needed as a response to the violence made against women while ignoring the fact the vast majority of violence ( 99%) is towards men. This like a debate on whether we should kill or give a lifetime sentence to a 25 year old male kissing a 14 year old girl.

On this point, Bolin also writes powerfully that though the genre may appear, on its face, to be about women, it is in fact usually about the numb and senseless actions of men.

So the subgenre gives too much focus towards men and need to give some more towards women? Fucking cunt.

Vanessa Veselka also lodged a similar indictment of Dead Girl culture in 2012, writing in her luminous piece for GQ that “it seems our profound fascination with serial killers is matched by an equally profound lack of interest in their victims.”

So crime stories so should shift away from focusing on the interesting serial killers(men) and more attention needs to be given to the mundane, uniteresting victims(women). Yeah that is a good way to kill off a genre.

In my view, Dead Girls can be both victims and perpetrators. So much wrong is done to them, and so much wrong is done in their name—just think about the Central Park jogger case.

No mentions of the wrongs directly committed by women. Funny how that works.

When I sought to sell my piece on the murder of black trans woman Sage Smith, I was turned down by over thirty publications before Splinter (formerly Fusion) ultimately took it. I’m currently at work on a piece about the murder of the trans woman Ally Steinfeld, which is quickly racking up a similar number of rejections on the grounds that it is “worthy” but “just not right for us.”

Oh god. They want to bring trannies into this? What a shock....

The Dead Girl story doesn’t have to exploit. There is room to create art about the ways women and femmes suffer under toxic masculinity, about the ways they lived—and about the ways they died.

I wonder if there would be artwork of how I am suffering from this toxic femininity culture and how I die a little inside reading this garbage article.....
absolute garbage to the highest degree

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