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RageFuel Seeing white foids being with ni*gers makes me fucking sick man

Yeah it's "whites" that promote interracial porn. Fucking faggot
Yes, literal users on this forum that write about their fantasies of nigger dick domination. Not mentioning the actual website but real cels here.
Shut yo bitch azz up lil Whyte boy. Lil nigga thinks he's so tough talkin on da net. See wat happens when you run dat mouth to muh face
deal with it you little fag, you wont do fuck all lmfao
Yea I know right. You are probably fucking one as we speak
Im Not Amazon Studios GIF by Amazon Prime Video
@BlackCel_from_ZA these niggas mad asf that we be stealin dey snowbunnies n shieeeeeet
Whiteys mad that snowbunnies want us melanated kangz over their pasty shrimp asses
Whiteys mad that snowbunnies want us melanated kangz over their pasty shrimp asses
Frr mang. Deez pussy lil Whyte boys mad asf
Good, let the niggers beat up and rape those whores lol. Who cares what some sluts do.
Because why not, I know you are one. I have a fakecel detector built into my brain
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I hate it so much that I had to skip my entire year of university because I saw 4 foids sat with one nigger. I can’t stand being in their fucking vicinity
It’s happened to me so many fucking times. A foid I have a crush on, I see her a couple days later with a fucking nigger. EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME
Did they have big butts? Foids with big butts are ALWAYS BBConly. :feelsrope:
It's because they are hedonists, if they like to suffer, fuck it, I don't care.

I never wanted to understand a foid rationally, nor do I intend to waste cognitive capacity analyzing it
I hate it so much that I had to skip my entire year of university because I saw 4 foids sat with one nigger. I can’t stand being in their fucking vicinity
It’s happened to me so many fucking times. A foid I have a crush on, I see her a couple days later with a fucking nigger. EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME
Disgusting mudsharks smh
Every woman you see in person has been fucked by a black guy at some point in her life. BBCpill is beyond brutal.
Every woman you see in person has been fucked by a black guy at some point in her life. BBCpill is beyond brutal.

Angers me so fucking much seeing white foids going for these violent abusive apes will who will do nothing but treat them like absolute dogshit and get them pregnant young & early before ghosting like a bitch. I'm genuinely convinced all mudsharks have less than half a brain, what makes these fucking ni*gers REMOTELY attractive to them? Have they not learned from the thousands of coalburners before them that have been abused and killed by their ni*ger "boyfriends"??? They are disgusting, uneducated career criminals. It makes zero fucking sense man, they are lazy broke bums who are fucked financially so its not like they're after betabuxxer's, they look fucking hideous, like an literal ape out of the jungle, and they are some of the dumbest low iq retards alive. Why in the world would white foids go for these useless, retarded apes when they can have a well mannered educated, employed gentleman. Makes my fucking blood boil every time I see one of them out in public.

This is actually based af. Those whores don't really love men unconditionally anyways. Fuck them.
I hate it too.
Every woman you see in person has been fucked by a black guy at some point in her life. BBCpill is beyond brutal.
Fuck this shit man. I can't cope with not being black
You will grow out of it when you realize you don't belong to the white race, you belong to the subyuman sub5 race and have more in common with the hindus of the dharavi slums then you do the tyrones that get attractive snowbunnies to splooge in.
Aka. an obedient slave this is exactly why whites get cucked by blacks
True. Europeans should grow some balls and return to their Pagan roots
Why does it matter to you cucks if you're never going to experience the love and desire from one. Who cares if they burn coal, your societies are already doomed by globalization and it isn't going to end. These toilets will never want you.
That is the reason I left the white nationalist community. Unfortunately.
All the propaganda works. Imagine being a girl growing up.. all you see is interracial shit on social media, tv, porn, everywhere you look. IF you wanna be a normal girl you should date a black guy of course.

True. Women are highly suggestible creatures, and the kikes know this. I remember seeing a car commercial with a white woman driving a car with her black husband, and it zooms in on the white womans face as they're racing through the countryside and she just has this huge grin on her face. It's basically signalling to women that if you date niggers, your life will be some grand adventure (as opposed to the "boring" life of dating a white man)
It just makes me jealous because they also have shitskin yet they are much more desirable than us. I also see them getting the baddest white foids, while browns can't get anything. White foids with lighter features like blonde hair and blue eyes like to fuck blacks much more than the darker uglier "whites" like Italians. Blacks are the only ethnics who do well with white foids. Other ethnics like rice, sand, and curry are racial truecels.
It's simple niggers get pushed to the front of everything music sports entertainment ect plus u know how dumb foids are they will do what celebrities do have a nigger baby because the celebrities do it adopt a nigger baby because celebs do it nigger babies are a fashion statement to white foids yet they wonder why no man wants them nobody wants to raise a abomination
It's simple niggers get pushed to the front of everything music sports entertainment ect plus u know how dumb foids are they will do what celebrities do have a nigger baby because the celebrities do it adopt a nigger baby because celebs do it nigger babies are a fashion statement to white foids yet they wonder why no man wants them nobody wants to raise a abomination

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