The American Indian tribes in the United States have this saying: "you can't outsmart Mother Nature she KNOWS she KNOWS what you did" Usually this is in the context of Native children being mischeivous. Gramma playfully says this line saying: "you may have stole the cookie out of the cookie jar and gotten away with it but our Creator she KNOWS what you did and you have a dirty conscious etc)".
Same thing with some mayocel who tries to outsmart his genetics by SEAmaxxing.
So Some fat balding incel does not make the genetic cut and NO self-respecting white women will have his kids (sure its upsetting but it is good for the human race/environment, if hot prime white 19 year olds fucked incels bareback, the world would be highly DYSGENIC and GROSSLY overpopulated! I mean look at Brazil! You have all these hotties fucking like rabbits but as a result you have a population of trashy/violent mulattos living in the slums due to overpopulation/crowding etc). But this persistent little white fuck tries to be SLICK and pull a fast one on Mother Nature. He thinks "hee hee I will trick some Phillippino rice farmer with my money into fucking me" but sure he may get his wish but the JUICY irony is he tends to have an incel son who become an even BIGGER incel than daddy! Ie multiplying the problem 2fold!
-SEAmaxxing just puts off the inevitable for 18 years and makes incel daddy feel like he is winning in life but once his 1/2breed son hits 18 and is still an incel its a RUDE wakeup call that daddy's genetics ain't shit and that he CANNOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES outsmart his fat/balding/short genetics!
Here are some stats:
*Mixed couples have the most stillbirths/miscarriages
*Mixed kids have high suicide/depression
*Mixed kids are not accepted by ANYONE
*Mixed kids can't receive bone marrow/heart transplants etc and literally DIE!
(Mother nature ACTIVELY kills dysgenics even the American Indians believe this).
-Mother Nature is TELLING racemixers their genes ain't shit and to JUST STOP and ACCEPT YOUR PLACE you were NOT MEANT to have your time in the Sun in this life. Mother Nature DECIDES NOT YOU!