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School shootings are justified



Cucktears Agent
Nov 13, 2017
The most humiliation I received were at the hands of fellow students and teachers. School destroyed me mentally, years of trying hard and wagecucking to pay fees were useless. I never received any support or help, but was constantly mocked and bullied for being a poor ugly ethic. What mistake did I commit to receive such treatment ? I was born ugly, that's it,that's my greatest mistake in life. But did I choose to the way the look? No. They did not forgive for being ugly, something in which I had no control over, therefore I will never forgive them, slaughtering them is the only appropriate answer. School shooters are hERos and should praised for giving evil people the reward they deserve.
water is wet, only retards deny the rightfulness of school shooting
*some school shootings are justified, but almost all are preventable
I look at it like this
Is the guy being bullied for something personal?
What I mean is- put every other individual of the school acting like that guy does. If a single one of them wouldn't be bullied for it, its personal and he is being singled out?

If so and this is a continuing pattern, him shooting up his school is justice. While ideally he should shoot his bullies only, I have limited sympathy for all the people who witnessed his abuse and laughed to themselves, watched, or ignored their fellow man. All it would take is inviting him to hang out, or sit with them at lunch, or ask if he's okay. But they never do, and somehow expect nothing will come of it.
God the things highschoolers did to me. They'd literally just slap me and keep slapping me till i cried. id make myself cry because i knew that's when they'd stop. they'd pants me regularly, spit on me, gum on my chair, spit on me. girls always laughed. always lauged. the same girls on inceltears were laughing at me back then.

fuck everyone who says its not justified. all those rats need to die. I hate those florida kids crying on talk shows. fuck them
Anyone who murders and causes mayhem is justified.

Neurotypicals one day: haha look at that loser dweeb he's so pathetic! let's bully and harass him for weeks on end! surely nothing can go wrong!

Neurotypicals next day: omg why would the person we bullied, harassed, made fun of, and abused did this?! why would he shoot up a school?! I just don't understand how someone can be so cruel!?

Fuck them. Neurotypicals are the biggest hypocrites ever.


Neurotypicals online: omg so true!!! we all have to be nice to each other and talk to the lonely kids! show them someone cares!

Neurotypicals IRL: hahahahaha go fuck yourself, kid! I'm gonna beat the fuck out of you and humiliate you for my personal amusement!
Bushladen008 said:
The most humiliation I received were at the hands of fellow students and teachers. School destroyed me mentally, years of trying hard and wagecucking to pay fees were useless. I never received any support or help, but was constantly mocked and bullied for being a poor ugly ethic. What mistake did I commit to receive such treatment ? I was born ugly, that's it,that's my greatest mistake in life. But did I choose to the way the look? No. They did not forgive for being ugly, something in which I had no control over, therefore I will never forgive them, slaughtering them is the only appropriate answer. School shooters are hERos and should praised for giving evil people the reward they deserve.

I agree with you but i personally think it's better to beat the little shits up because you can do it more than once
I agree with you but personally i think it's better to beat the little shits up because you can do it more than once.
Akarin said:
water is wet, only retards deny the rightfulness of school shooting

TheVman said:
fuck everyone who says its not justified. all those rats need to die. I hate those florida kids crying on talk shows. fuck them
I agree with you guys but I don't want to get shot. Maybe we should have a secret signal to identify us in schools?
peanutjar22 said:
I agree with you guys but I don't want to get shot. Maybe we should have a secret signal to identify us in schools?

You're still in school?
ya 99.9% of highschool/college students and teachers are evil bullys that cause thousands of incels to die by suicide every year so i feel no sympathy for them when an incel decides to rightfully get his revenge
If I would have had access to guns when going to school I probably would have ended up shooting a few bullies too.
Only the bullies should be shot up. Makes no sense shooting random people. Lmao, what if you got shot minding your own business in school? You'd enjoy that huh?
Nautica1983 said:
Only the bullies should be shot up. Makes no sense shooting random people. Lmao, what if you got shot minding your own business in school? You'd enjoy that huh?

I'd enjoy that very much, yes.  :feelsOkMan:
peanutjar22 said:
I agree with you guys but I don't want to get shot. Maybe we should have a secret signal to identify us in schools?

Signal, what signal. These school shooters don't give a fuck about incels they'll kill anyone they see, and everyone on here is too pussy to shoot up a school.
Nautica1983 said:
Signal, what signal. These school shooters don't give a fuck about incels they'll kill anyone they see, and everyone on here is too pussy to shoot up a school.
Kointo said:
Is that even a question?

Are you going to answer or keep delaying
Nautica1983 said:
Kointo said:
Is that even a question?
Are you going to answer or keep delaying
The answer is clear enough for me to not answer, but let me spell it out for you. I W A N T TO D I E
Kointo said:
The answer is clear enough for me to not answer, but let me spell it out for you. I W A N T TO D I E

Then just jump off a high building? Hang yourself? Plenty of painless ways to kill yourself
Nautica1983 said:
Then just jump off a high building? Hang yourself? Plenty of painless ways to kill yourself

Too high inhib. It would have to be someone else killing me.

And hanging isn't painless lol
Kointo said:
Too high inhib. It would have to be someone else killing me.

And hanging isn't painless lol

Oh thats easy. Go in the hood and fuck with people and a thug will definetly shoot you.
To ask whether it's justified or not is irrelevant imo.
Anybody with a functional brain knows that. tbh
Glad to see you guys approve.
They definitely are let nobody say otherwise OP.
I wouldn't say "justified", but they definitely aren't a bad or reprehensible thing.
Cam The Angel said:
I agree with you but personally i think it's better to beat the little shits up because you can do it more than once.

Maybe I can't relate because my hs experience was not that bad
That's the thing, school shootings wouldn't exist in a world without bullying and social rejection.
If an environment breeds such hate, it only had Itself to blame. I mean, why do you think these massacres are specific to schools? Because that's where most of the frustration these young men have tends to originate from.

I remember back when I was in school, I DREADED going into that building. I wanted to be anywhere but there, including a casket. It scarred me for life.

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