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School: do you have to be a bully to be popular?

Need to be a bully in school to be popular?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 22.5%
  • No, there is another wey

    Votes: 31 77.5%

  • Total voters


Nov 19, 2017
Been thinking about it for some reason. I have been bullied but I have also been a bully. This is what it's like:

Victim: Get the shit teased out of you, noone intervening, having stupid rumors spread about you. Random people you don't know are suddenly taunting you or talking about how much of a fag you are. Bystanders being silent like corpses. You don't know what's going on. Ask others what's going on, no coherent answer, friends will become distant, slimey mega pussies sucking up to your bully. Be confused and feel like trash.

Bully: Have a few friends, they could be coward no good slobs, doesn't matter. Pick one victim in your class or at the school yard who stands out because of anything, even a funny name or a rumor from 5 years ago will do. Make a joke. See if the others find it funny. If so, go further. Punish the shit out of the kid. Everyone around you will never say anything, it's unreal, random suckers wanting to join your hate club for no good reason. At this point you can tell them anything. Want to look smarter? Tell the cowards how dumb the victim is. Want to look savvy? Tell others how awkward and aspie victim is. Even if he/ she isn't, it will stick and become a forced identity, on top of that you will be percieved as positive. Never be alone.

This gets me thinking. I only bullied for fun, I wanted to have something I can exploit for lulz, idgaf about fitting in or anything. But I must say: people came out of nowhere to join my circle jerk. It was like magic. Just a whole legion of no name cowards surrounding you. Outsiders being total pussies, not making a sound.

Is this the only way in school?
Bullying is a normal part of establishing the social hierarchy. Normies are against bullying but I endorse it
You need to be good looking to be popular.
in middle school when they bullied a lot of the girls joined in and bullied me as well it wasn't race or anything, it was mostly making fun of me because i didn't have much friends and just sat around at lunch talking with my 1 friend that i had.
I would say it's the other way around (you have to be popular to be a bully). Not all popular people are are "bullies", but being popular gives you the power to be one. Some won't use that power, but I'd say most will - if not consistently, then atleast on occasion.

Power corrupts, simply; if someone can get away with doing something, they will.
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Bullies in School mostly grow up to be worthless sacks of shit and don't contribute jack shit to society except bragging about how cool they were in highschool.
from experience i agree 100% with these observations. my social circle fucking skyrocketed when i bullied. however, you can also be popular by being GL or through connections.
Bullies in School mostly grow up to be worthless sacks of shit and don't contribute jack shit to society except bragging about how cool they were in highschool.
Major cope.
Most bullies are popular but you don't need to be a bully to be popular. You just have to be attractive. Everything else is just gravy.
If you're good looking and anti social, people of both genders will go out of their way to talk to you, and that is how you'll become popular. Bullies can be, unless they are failed normies or incels. Bullies are all loud mouth and obnoxious. They are good looking most of the time, but it doesn't seem to be completely correlated.
I didn't witness much bullying in my secondary school, there weren't many clear social heiraches either, It was strange
No you don't need to bully anyone.
lol no. The people who bullied me were other losers.
Bullying is a normal part of establishing the social hierarchy. Normies are against bullying but I endorse it
This. It is in our nature to wheedle out the weak
In this twisted society, sadly, yes.
The people who bully me are pretty popular especially among girls.
I would say it's the other way around (you have to be popular to be a bully). Not all popular people are are "bullies", but being popular gives you the power to be one. Some won't use that power, but I'd say most will - if not consistently, then atleast on occasion (this is a very important distinction)

Power corrupts, simply; if someone can get away with doing something, they will.

This. If you bully someone as an an ugly incel everyone will turn agaist you because "bullying is bad"

If Chad bullies you, however, then "he's just playing around"
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most bullies are failed normies/mid normie-tier in terms of looks, usually its just to vent frustrations. but sometimes it is also average looking sluts, chads and stacies havent got time to bully cause theyre too busy raising their popularity ELO
I bullied a few kids but they deserved it; it was never somebody who didn't wrong me. They either tried mocking me or they acted up.
I bullied stupid people because it was funny and easy. But I got bullied by stupid people for not being good at sports. It evened out.
Not really, I know a lot of popular people that aren't bullies. I dragged them down so they cucked me.
You have to have the ability to be a bully. But you don't have to do it
Not all popular kids are bullies, but all bullies are popular kids.
Are your victims incels now?

no, I bullied above average (but not extremely popular) normies most of the time

and by bully I mean I pushed them around physically, because I was bigger than everyone back then.
no, I bullied above average (but not extremely popular) normies most of the time

and by bully I mean I pushed them around physically, because I was bigger than everyone back then.
Mogging people but still incel. Very unfortunate.
yes bullys are loved and adored by everyon meanwhile bullyed incels like me are hated by everyone
I didn't witness much bullying in my secondary school, there weren't many clear social heiraches either, It was strange
wow, maybe it depends on the school or maybe the country (economically, culture etc)
not necessarily, but it's a major status halo. I definitely gained a lot of popularity when I was a bully, and girls were attracted to me, especially the nice/goody-two-shoes types (brutal blackpill). I guess it makes sense from an evolutionary perspective. The problem is you have to be prepared to defend your title at all costs. It doesn't take much for you to lose everything and end up at the bottom of the social hierarchy. It was a very harsh life lesson for me.
Most of the popular kids in my school weren't bullies and they liked me for some reason.

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