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Saints row 4 was absolute trash.



Nov 7, 2017
I remember playing saints row 3 and it was a good game, but saints row 4 made most of the game play elements pointless because of the powers.
For example, I don't think I ever used vehicles in that game because you could just use super speed and super jump to fastly move around the city.
Also guns where obsolete because of the superstrenght and speed combo attack that instakilled normal enemies.
They also reused the same exact map.
I had no idea anyone else on here was sad enough to have played it. I liked 3 too, its like a crossover of the poor mans GTA and a bastardised rip off of a Marvel comic. In a way 4 was kind of interesting because I liked the superpowers, but it got boring and I never finished it the story was a bit lame. They basically sell you another copy of a virtually identical game which has features a mod or a hack could have added on to Saints Row 3. They killed Oleg too. Like people add similar things to GTA V with a hack! Its just blatant profiteering.

Main thing I found amusing about 4 was Keith David being VP and poking fun at Mass Effect. I'm really glad I got it cheap used...
commander_zoidberg said:
I had no idea anyone else on here was sad enough to have played it. I liked 3 too, its like a crossover of the poor mans GTA and a bastardised rip off of a Marvel comic. In a way 4 was kind of interesting because I liked the superpowers, but it got boring and I never finished it the story was a bit lame. They basically sell you another copy of a virtually identical game which has features a mod or a hack could have added on to Saints Row 3. They killed Oleg too. Like people add similar things to GTA V with a hack! Its just blatant profiteering.
Main thing I found amusing about 4 was Keith David being VP and poking fun at Mass Effect. I'm really glad I got it cheap used...
Yeah I got it for 4 dollars and barely played it because of how repetitive and identical it was.
Also 4 was just too insane with the story and characters.
How did you feel about that spinoff shooter they made called "agents of mayhem"?
I got hyped when I first heard about it but then found out it was just a shitty multiplayer shooter.
Have It on my PS3 and forgot about it
You have to look for replay value where it is hidden, my friend.

One of my favorite things to do is slap some music on, sit back and try to building jump from one end of the map to the other.

I think there's an achievement for that.
I've never been fond of Saints Row series, it is all unserious and weird. My favourite game similar to Saints Row has to be GTA IV, that game was great.
I fucking hated saint rows 3

The city of steelport with its shitty brown buildings and the awful looking npcs gave me headaches at least in saints row 4 its blurry due to super sprint

Both of those games still got no shit on 1 and 2

commander_zoidberg said:
I had no idea anyone else on here was sad enough to have played it. I liked 3 too, its like a crossover of the poor mans GTA and a bastardised rip off of a Marvel comic. In a way 4 was kind of interesting because I liked the superpowers, but it got boring and I never finished it the story was a bit lame. They basically sell you another copy of a virtually identical game which has features a mod or a hack could have added on to Saints Row 3. They killed Oleg too. Like people add similar things to GTA V with a hack! Its just blatant profiteering.

Main thing I found amusing about 4 was Keith David being VP and poking fun at Mass Effect. I'm really glad I got it cheap used...

I wouldn't recommend finishing the saints row 4 story

They tease with some bullshit and it just ends
Crustaciouse said:
Yeah I got it for 4 dollars and barely played it because of how repetitive and identical it was.
Also 4 was just too insane with the story and characters.
How did you feel about that spinoff shooter they made called "agents of mayhem"?
I got hyped when I first heard about it but then found out it was just a shitty multiplayer shooter.

Man. I got hosed. I paid £7.50 plus P&P.

I have never even heard of it mate. I'm not that into new games any more. I mostly just play older ones or GTA:V or Halo games these days.

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