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Serious Russians That Were Drafted Deserve Hot Ukrainian Pussy

another retarded agent spreading misinformation about the war, ukraine and nato are eating shit right now, all of eastern ukraine is under russian control
Absolutely fucking brutal especially the video of that Ukrainian ogre beast punching through the Russian soldier's skull as he screams for mercy. Posts like these make me appreciate life a little more and not taking anything I have for granted.
Yeah dude I can only see that shit once… it’s too traumatizing to watch.
Absolutely fucking brutal especially the video of that Ukrainian ogre beast punching through the Russian soldier's skull as he screams for mercy. Posts like these make me appreciate life a little more and not taking anything I have for granted.
Hey, hey - why the fuck he even is in the Ukrainie should be first question.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
Some soldiers were forcibly conscripted for the war effort so it could be state-mandated military service, but without any further context I’m only speculating. And what they did to him was a clear violation of The Geneva Conventions :feelsstudy:
Russia violated shit ton of Geneva conventions already like killing thousands of civilians, so it's not even comparable.
And if this soldier was forced - well, first of all he did fucking nothing during first 8 months of war to oppose putin, and then after he got his conscription letter he could flee, he could hide, he could attack recruiting officer, he could surrender since Ukrainians treat peaceful surrenders as humans.
He didn't choose anything of that. He had chosen to go and kill his neighbor country people aka he had chosen to play stupid games and win stupid prizes.
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Russians that were drafted deserve to die and nothing more.
They should go ER on their officers for drafting them into this bullshit.

It is morally justifiable for conscripts to do so.

Also, that foid looks mid.
Are you homo or something

They are still fuck so hard
Actually to be fair there are many sites that post videos from both sides. Most people don't care though.
About war: Russia during this war was threatening whole world for example Miedieyiev twitts about how Russia will invade Europe and nuke USA etc.

West simply can't afford to let Russia win, because we now see you as brainless monkey with granade (aka nuke).
Before February we really had nothing against Russians, but now we see you as literally animals.
You could live nice rich life and develop, but you have medieval mentality.
This is joke.
If you had nothing against Russia, why push NATO near Russian borders?
You thing supporting lgbt, feminism, trannies, female politicians, pseudo-tolerance is not that brainless monkeys do? West appeared as dumb and lacking common sense which is much worse than having medieval mentality.
It's been virtually nothing but setback after setback for Russoids but it's funny to see their fanboys still shilling for Putin all over social media.
Ukraine still failed to retake territories captured by Russia even with support from the West. Ukrainian army also was trained by NATO countries from 2015.
Hey, hey - why the fuck he even is in the Ukrainie should be first question.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
And why Polish soldiers invaded Iraq?
This is joke.
If you had nothing against Russia, why push NATO near Russian borders?
Noone is pushing NATO near Russia. It's Russian neighbors WANTING NATO because they were afraid of Russia. And this war only proves them right - you are either in NATO or Russia attacks you.
We have nothing against Russia, but we have everything about becoming part of Russia - we want to have our very own country and live in peace, but Russia was never a peaceful nation and was always attacking its neighbors.
You thing supporting lgbt, feminism, trannies, female politicians, pseudo-tolerance is not that brainless monkeys do? West appeared as dumb and lacking common sense which is much worse than having medieval mentality.
Feminism, lgbt, trannies - of course this behavior is stupid and is an act of brainless monkey as well. West has its issues. People in the west started voting more on right winged parties because they were starting getting sick of LGBT and shit.
Yet - dealing with trans and feminism is not much compared to attacking with army another country. Both things are bad, but every sane person will pick dealing with trannies in somewhat peacful way.
Attacking its neighbor is showing that one is not civilised, and you know what humans are without civilization? Animals.

And why Polish soldiers invaded Iraq?
Tbh I dont know WHY they did it, officially it had something to do with 9/11 WTC attacks probably. I was small kid when it happened, but I can assure you there were many voices against it, unlike in Russia about killing civilians in Ukraine. Polish soldiers that fought in Iraq were not seen as heroes, but as greedy people that were paid well for their mission - unlike Russian soldiers killing civilians in Ukraine that are seen in Russia as heroes.

I can only assume WHY REALLY Polish soldiers invaded Iraq with other NATO armies:
1. Because we are in NATO.
2. Because USA told so and USA is best governor we ever had.

Russia would be rich and prosperous country with its natural resources if Russians wanted, but you prefer to shit on your neighbors with wars instead focusing on economic prosperity and having good lives by yourselves.

Ukraine still failed to retake territories captured by Russia even with support from the West. Ukrainian army also was trained by NATO countries from 2015.
I dont know about that. Im not following war news, but literally 1 month ago Ukrainians were making huge advances, then it freeze because Russia bought shit ton of drones from Iran and this drones are devastating electric infrastructure (btw it says a lot about Russian technology - Russian drones were literally not seen as threat). Then, few days ago, Russian were making offensive actions to gain more land, but so far it is not very successful, while Ukrainians started to slowly continue its advances once again - we will see how it will turn out.
As I said I dont really follow war news, so its all I know.


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I'm tired of hearing about this war bullshit everywhere. At this point I'm one fucking step away from saying fuck it like Israel. Nuke the whole fucking region into the ground and nuke it again. Right in the border. Maybe in the 100Mt range just to start.
Noone is pushing NATO near Russia. It's Russian neighbors WANTING NATO because they were afraid of Russia. And this war only proves them right - you are either in NATO or Russia attacks you.
We have nothing against Russia, but we have everything about becoming part of Russia - we want to have our very own country and live in peace, but Russia was never a peaceful nation and was always attacking its neighbors.

Feminism, lgbt, trannies - of course this behavior is stupid and is an act of brainless monkey as well. West has its issues. People in the west started voting more on right winged parties because they were starting getting sick of LGBT and shit.
Yet - dealing with trans and feminism is not much compared to attacking with army another country. Both things are bad, but every sane person will pick dealing with trannies in somewhat peacful way.
Attacking its neighbor is showing that one is not civilised, and you know what humans are without civilization? Animals.

Tbh I dont know WHY they did it, officially it had something to do with 9/11 WTC attacks probably. I was small kid when it happened, but I can assure you there were many voices against it, unlike in Russia about killing civilians in Ukraine. Polish soldiers that fought in Iraq were not seen as heroes, but as greedy people that were paid well for their mission - unlike Russian soldiers killing civilians in Ukraine that are seen in Russia as heroes.

I can only assume WHY REALLY Polish soldiers invaded Iraq with other NATO armies:
1. Because we are in NATO.
2. Because USA told so and USA is best governor we ever had.

Russia would be rich and prosperous country with its natural resources if Russians wanted, but you prefer to shit on your neighbors with wars instead focusing on economic prosperity and having good lives by yourselves.
Some Russian neighbors arent not only in NATO but even in Europe, like Mongolia but Russia dont attack them.
Just because some countries want to join NATO doesn't mean they should join. Its childish logic. Also you write that countries join NATO because they dont want to be attacked by Russia but Russia also dont want to be attacked by NATO because this 'defence' alliance showed that it can attack other countries first, like in Yugoslavia in 1999. Maybe respecting each other interests would be better but US wanted to keep global hegemony after their victory in Cold War.
Is there any reason we should give a fuck about the Ukraine besides (((Western Interests)))
Some Russian neighbors arent not only in NATO but even in Europe, like Mongolia but Russia dont attack them.
Just because some countries want to join NATO doesn't mean they should join. Its childish logic. Also you write that countries join NATO because they dont want to be attacked by Russia but Russia also dont want to be attacked by NATO because this 'defence' alliance showed that it can attack other countries first, like in Yugoslavia in 1999. Maybe respecting each other interests would be better but US wanted to keep global hegemony after their victory in Cold War.
Lol. You Russians literally have siege mentality. Do you understand that none gives a fuck about your country as long you don't attack anyone? That's why I said you are like people from medieval times - you think other nations want to invade you and take your land, BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU WOULD DO IF YOU COULD.

I don't know if its something western culture learnt the hard way because of colonization, or because west is rich enough to be happy with themselves, but it doesn't matter really. The most important thing is: western people don't give a fuck about their countries having more land and taking over new areas, they focus on being happy and prosperous in their country. No western country would fucking attack Russia because they don't give a fuck about yours country or gaining new areas in general.
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3 million corpses with virtually no equipment because the officer ranks have embezzled everything that isn't nailed down

that's russian government for you
Of course they embezzled everything i would steal everything steal as much of possible if I was Russian officer fuck normies
40 million Africans are starving as a result
Africans are starving because they haven't heard about condoms and they fuck like rabbits but don't think about what they are going to eat, other's lack of intelligence it's not our problem.
Many countries in Africa rely on both countries for a significant percentage of their wheat, fertilizer, and vegetable oil imports, but the war has disrupted global markets and trade flow.

40 million Africans are starving as a result.

Good point, wonder what other global econ is getting squashed because of this.
I would never go anywhere near a ukrainian foid. Don’t care if it makes me a volcel, it’s not like they want me anyway. Sorry not sorry.
i'm so tired of hearing about this globohomo conflict. putin and zelensky should both die and taking sides is cringe and low-sentient
Goes for all men in a war
Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
But those soldiers from Ukraine are still violent savages.

He had chosen to go and kill his neighbor country people
Are there any differences between "neighbor country people" and some gooks in Vietnam? :waitwhat:
Just what so wrong about fighting in a war with neighbor country?
But those soldiers from Ukraine are still violent savages.
They are the one defending themselves. Its like law in most countries - if someone attacks your home/house you can kill this scum.

Are there any differences between "neighbor country people" and some gooks in Vietnam? :waitwhat:
Just what so wrong about fighting in a war with neighbor country?
Well, differences are obvious -if It's far away from you it's safer for you to attack that country.
Do you mean its ok for russia to kill Ukrainians because USA 60 years ago killed Vietnamese people? Lol.
Lol. You Russians literally have siege mentality. Do you understand that none gives a fuck about your country as long you don't attack anyone? That's why I said you are like people from medieval times - you think other nations want to invade you and take your land, BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU WOULD DO IF YOU COULD.

I don't know if its something western culture learnt the hard way because of colonization, or because west is rich enough to be happy with themselves, but it doesn't matter really. The most important thing is: western people don't give a fuck about their countries having more land and taking over new areas, they focus on being happy and prosperous in their country. No western country would fucking attack Russia because they don't give a fuck about yours country or gaining new areas in general.
Yeah, Westerners focus on being happy and prosperous in their countries. But they also start a wars to protect their interests.
1885 - US intervention in Panama.
1898 - US seized Cuba and Puerto Rico from Spain.
1903-1925 - US military activity in Honduras.
1912-1933 - US occupation of Nicaragua.
1916-1924 - US occupation of Dominican Republic.
1914 - US intervention in Mexico.
1994-1995 - US-led intervention in Haiti ( Polish soldiers also participated maybe because Haiti was ready to attack Poland together with Putin and Lukashenko ).
They are the one defending themselves
And they are still breaking the laws.
It is like feeling bad for sand niggers in Afghanistan/gooks in Vietnam/any other savages.
Do you mean its ok for russia to kill Ukrainians because USA 60 years ago killed Vietnamese people? Lol.
I didn't said that this war is something "OK".
Do you mean its ok for russia to kill Ukrainians because USA 60 years ago killed Vietnamese people? Lol.
Not 60 years ago, NATO attack Serbian passenger train for example. But this doesn't matter because if it's 'humanitarian' bombings then life of civilians doesn't matter.

And they are still breaking the laws.
Because Russia killing thousands of civlians of course are not braking any laws, conventions or pact they singed with Ukraine in 1994r.
One who is defending can use greater force to defend oneself properly.

Yeah, Westerners focus on being happy and prosperous in their countries. But they also start a wars to protect their interests.
1885 - US intervention in Panama.
1898 - US seized Cuba and Puerto Rico from Spain.
1903-1925 - US military activity in Honduras.
1912-1933 - US occupation of Nicaragua.
1916-1924 - US occupation of Dominican Republic.
1914 - US intervention in Mexico.
1994-1995 - US-led intervention in Haiti ( Polish soldiers also participated maybe because Haiti was ready to attack Poland together with Putin and Lukashenko ).
Anything before WWII is not today west. Hitler was great example how some west nations were amoral in past. Now we can make same if not bigger list for Russia attacking other countries.

Just found this in 30 seconds:
1992-1993 Transnistria occupation
1992-1993 Abkhazia
1994-1996 1st russian-chechen war
1999-2009 - 2nd Russian-chechen war
2008 Georgia war
2015-2022 Syrian war
2014 - ukrainian war

Not 60 years ago, NATO attack Serbian passenger train for example. But this doesn't matter because if it's 'humanitarian' bombings then life of civilians doesn't matter.

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And Russia shot passenger airplane twice in last 30 years. But I guess its okay because of your siege mentality you constantly think someone is about to get you. No one would give a fuck about your country if you would behave like normal people.
Big army is of course something Russia should have just to scare potential opponents away, but no one gives a fuck about your country.
Not 60 years ago, NATO attack Serbian passenger train for example. But this doesn't matter because if it's 'humanitarian' bombings then life of civilians doesn't matter.

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Actually Im thinking why is that Russian attacks are seen as bad, and USA attack are seen as not as bad. The reason is: every land or country Russia had influence over was turning into literal shitholes, while every land/country USA had influence over was growing economically.

Poland is best example for that - after WWII Russians literally governed in our country for 50 years. We were poor, had little freedom and average person had almost no opportunities.
Now we can say that for last 30 years USA is governor of Poland - we were getting richer and richer every year (till 2022 of course), people had better and better lives, average life quality had risen up, life span got longer and young people have more opportunities than ever.
So no fucking wonder noone wants Russia near them,
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Something like a civil wars. Does this even counts?
Ok fine. So we still have a bunch of other things on list.
Wasn't Russia asked for assistance from Syrian president? I may be wrong, btw.
Wasnt USA asked for assistance in many conflicts they got involved in? Yes they were.
Two wrongs don't make a right, huh?
Second sentence is more important: One who is defending can use greater force to defend oneself properly.
And that a law that is applied in most countries.
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play stupid games and win stupid prizes.
Are you homo or something

They are still fuck so hard
why do you think I'm a homo? Because I think this Ukrainian foid is mid?
This is joke.
If you had nothing against Russia, why push NATO near Russian borders?
You thing supporting lgbt, feminism, trannies, female politicians, pseudo-tolerance is not that brainless monkeys do? West appeared as dumb and lacking common sense which is much worse than having medieval mentality.
Western European wokesters in Berlin and Stockholm who cut defense spending and were buying their gas from Russia because muh environment looked dumb. Eastern Europeans and the United States was right all along about the threat that Russia poses to European security.
Because Russia killing thousands of civlians of course are not braking any laws, conventions or pact they singed with Ukraine in 1994r.
One who is defending can use greater force to defend oneself properly.

Anything before WWII is not today west. Hitler was great example how some west nations were amoral in past. Now we can make same if not bigger list for Russia attacking other countries.

Just found this in 30 seconds:
1992-1993 Transnistria occupation
1992-1993 Abkhazia
1994-1996 1st russian-chechen war
1999-2009 - 2nd Russian-chechen war
2008 Georgia war
2015-2022 Syrian war
2014 - ukrainian war

And Russia shot passenger airplane twice in last 30 years. But I guess its okay because of your siege mentality you constantly think someone is about to get you. No one would give a fuck about your country if you would behave like normal people.
Big army is of course something Russia should have just to scare potential opponents away, but no one gives a fuck about your country.
When East European countries try to join NATO it's completely normal, when Russia fears that NATO could potentially attack her, its paranoia.
Btw, Russia is not my country and I dont necessarily defend this war. It seems like a stupid move. If I was a ruler of Russia, I would better invested money to modernize defence industry and to create new sorts of weapons to scare the US and NATO from potential confrontation.
Not 60 years ago, NATO attack Serbian passenger train for example. But this doesn't matter because if it's 'humanitarian' bombings then life of civilians doesn't matter.

View attachment 670154
Thats retarded logic though

just because one country kills civillians doesnt mean if other countries start doing it its okay as well xD
Actually Im thinking why is that Russian attacks are seen as bad, and USA attack are seen as not as bad. The reason is: every land or country Russia had influence over was turning into literal shitholes, while every land/country USA had influence over was growing economically.

Poland is best example for that - after WWII Russians literally governed in our country for 50 years. We were poor, had little freedom and average person had almost no opportunities.
Now we can say that for last 30 years USA is governor of Poland - we were getting richer and richer every year (till 2022 of course), people had better and better lives, average life quality had risen up, life span got longer and young people have more opportunities than ever.
So no fucking wonder noone wants Russia near them,
After the fall of Soviet Union, Eastern Europe has one of the highest rates of suicides and alcoholism in the world, maybe Poland it exempt from this tendency due to strong religious influence, idk.
I'm pretty sure you can find countries under US influence which are poor like Colombia and Kosovo.

why do you think I'm a homo? Because I think this Ukrainian foid is mid?

Western European wokesters in Berlin and Stockholm who cut defense spending and were buying their gas from Russia because muh environment looked dumb. Eastern Europeans and the United States was right all along about the threat that Russia poses to European security.
Except the fact that Sweden never had any pro-Russian sentiments.
Btw, how German and Swedish policy is related to a globohomo madness in Anglo-sphere like US, UK, Canada, Australia, NZ where they push lgbt tyranny and feminism?
Thats retarded logic though

just because one country kills civillians doesnt mean if other countries start doing it its okay as well xD
Who says that it's OK? I just see all those Westerners who didn't cared about civilian deaths in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan now virtue signalling about Ukraine.
If I was a ruler of Russia, I would better invested money to modernize defence industry and to create new sorts of weapons to scare the US and NATO from potential confrontation.
Russia is a fundamentally corrupt society and that's why Putin failed to "modernize defence industry".

Except the fact that Sweden never had any pro-Russian sentiments.
Btw, how German and Swedish policy is related to a globohomo madness in Anglo-sphere like US, UK, Canada, Australia, NZ where they push lgbt tyranny and feminism?
Thats because unlike the U.S., the Germans and the Swedes spent disproportionately on foreign policy initiatives on "globohomo madness", whilst neglecting the bread and butter of international relations: defense.
After the fall of Soviet Union, Eastern Europe has one of the highest rates of suicides and alcoholism in the world, maybe Poland it exempt from this tendency due to strong religious influence, idk.
Poland is not exempt from that. But you know which slav country has THE MOST suicides and alcoholism? Yep. Russia.
They governed Eastern Europe for 50 years so no wonder Eastern Europe has same trends - maybe now it will get better, since we are already 30 years free from Russia.

I'm pretty sure you can find countries under US influence which are poor like Colombia and Kosovo.
You might be right. I was never interested in reading about this countries. So USA may be sometimes bad, sometimes good for people they govern, Russia is always bad for people they overpower.
Russia is a fundamentally corrupt society and that's why Putin failed to "modernize defence industry".
Ukraine is probably more corrupt than Russia. Some NATO countries are even poorer and (obviously) more corrupt than Russia.
Poland is not exempt from that. But you know which slav country has THE MOST suicides and alcoholism? Yep. Russia.
They governed Eastern Europe for 50 years so no wonder Eastern Europe has same trends - maybe now it will get better, since we are already 30 years free from Russia.
There are different info on which country is the most suicidal, often South Korea is mentioned ( an US ally ).
Lithuania ( closely related to Slavic nations by culture ) was also amongs the leading countries suffering from alcoholism and suicides.

Asset1 2

I have only one thing to tell you, Ukrainians and Russians, from a Jew:

Всем воздаётся по заслугам —
Господь наказывает вас:
Как прежде убивали нас,
Вы убиваете друг друга.
“С колен встаёшь” или «свидомый» —
В Аду вам за грехи гореть
И мне не надоест смотреть —
Чума на оба ваших дома!
The most important thing is: western people don't give a fuck about their countries having more land and taking over new areas, they focus on being happy and prosperous in their country. No western country would fucking attack Russia because they don't give a fuck about yours country or gaining new areas in general.
those are rookie numbers , my curry shitskin brethren Hannibal Barca slaughtered an estimated 80,000 chadlite soldiers at the battle of cannae in one day
This is hell, the redditors celebrating shows their lust for violence that they hide, all humans have it. No place for mercy, the guy couldnt even hide, no time for peace. Russia is the one to be blamed for forcing them to go to russia and ukrainia for forcing their MEN to fight.
This is hell, the redditors celebrating shows their lust for violence that they hide, all humans have it. No place for mercy, the guy couldnt even hide, no time for peace. Russia is the one to be blamed for forcing them to go to russia and ukrainia for forcing their MEN to fight.
I fucking hate reddit cucks sooo much. Its so easy for them to talk shit about Russians getting slaughtered while their staring at a computer screen. I wish they got shipped to that hell hole so they know what it feels like

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