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Venting Running out of money soon.



Childhood was Paradise
May 2, 2018
So school started 13. August and I haven´t attended yet and it´s on purpose, in Denmark we get 916$ a month for going to school (for 18+) and I have taken a student loan at the side at the maximum payment possible at 516$ together it´s 1432$ a month but since I haven´t attended school and won´t be attending at all I will be kicked out soon and therefor have no money. I am essentially creating my point of no return where I am forced to rope or face the consequences of being kicked out of my apartment. So to sum it up it´s over.

Also I don´t have the mental strength to continue school even though it´s my last year before I can go off to college, there is just no point in it since I have an undiagnosed problem with my throat I have been operated on 4 times to no avail so I eat EXTREMELY slow so even if I could finish school I could never hold down a job because it is impossible for me to eat enough calories in a day to maintain my weight and I can´t get an early pension so my only way out is rope.

I hate how the system has failed me, they don´t take my problem seriously even though my throat problem has ruined my life, I can´t enjoy food or drugs, I can´t go out with friends because eventually we will have to eat, and I can´t get a girlfriend because that includes dating or at least eating together and if I were lucky enough to meet up with a girl from Tinder why would she choice me a physically flawed person over another better looking guy with a healthy body, it´s simple she won´t. No my life is over at 24yo and this will be my last month.
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a car is a 2nd apartment
a car is a 2nd apartment
Yeah I have a car but I am not going to be living in my car so in my head that isn´t an option.
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Yeah I have a car but I am not going to be living in my car so in my head that isn´t an option.

how did you get in debt tho, are you a college student?
Well, women have medical problems too. But I'm very sorry to hear that your situation is this bad :(

You can't go on welfare? Here in the UK you could probably get disability payments for your condition, but at the very least you could just get normal welfare and see how it goes from there.

The only other option I can think of is like... patches or sweets or something, to maintain a good blood sugar level? Or... I dunno. Even better might be smoothies. Can you drink smoothies? You can make them very nutrient and calorie dense so they could help a lot, potentially.
Well, women have medical problems too. But I'm very sorry to hear that your situation is this bad :(.
What does this have to do with the thread? You’ve been acting very suspicious since this morning. You talk as if you’re better than us or something. It’s like you’re making an observation of incels. I’m not calling you out or something like that. I’m just concerned.
That's so depressing.

In art, suicide is always so romantic. Isolde's Liebestod, Götterdämmerung with the torch into Valhalla, Werther's suicide - it's always about love and great ideals, ideas, beliefs.
In reality, it's always just about some shitty sickness and the inability to pay for health care in this late stage capitalist system in which only the rich can afford housing and proper health care.

This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
how did you get in debt tho, are you a college student?
I took a loan to buy my car 7500$ and student loan isn´t a big deal because if I did go on welfare I wouldn´t have to pay it back only if I got a job.

Well, women have medical problems too. But I'm very sorry to hear that your situation is this bad :(

You can't go on welfare? Here in the UK you could probably get disability payments for your condition, but at the very least you could just get normal welfare and see how it goes from there.

The only other option I can think of is like... patches or sweets or something, to maintain a good blood sugar level? Or... I dunno. Even better might be smoothies. Can you drink smoothies? You can make them very nutrient and calorie dense so they could help a lot, potentially.
Nope I can´t get disability payment because they don´t care about me but I could maybe go on welfare which is a little over 916$ a month which isn´t enough to pay for my car loan (which I have to make a payment to the bank every month) and before I joined the school a couple of years ago, I was on welfare for 2½ years because of depression and suicidal thought and I don´t want to go back to that it sucks being that poor and constantly have to go to meetings with a counselor who tries and press me into doing some work because it´s a requirement for welfare. I think a guy with my severe condition should be entitled to disability payments just like any other person with so severe conditions that makes them unable to work let alone have a life. As I already said I can´t socialize or get a GF, even if I didn´t have my back injury and coulnd´t pursue my dream of bodybuilding because it´s impossible for me to consume enough calories life hasn´t been too kind to me so I am ready to sign out soon.

And I have tried the foods you are talking about or rather I had some drinks from the Pharmacy with nutrition in them back when my eating problem was even worse and I almost coulnd´t eat solid food and there is no energy in sweets and liquid food, and what life would that be? It´s downright pathetic all of these people who try to "get the best out of life" and just go along with the hand they were dealt in life.

Most people admire people like that but why would I "live" a "life" where I have to give it 100% all the time to maintain what amounts to a few percent of what others have, people who were born with healthy bodies, people who were born with good looks (Chad), people born into a privileged family of wealth where I am poor, average looking (which mind as well be ugly because I will never experience what a 9+/10 have) and I don´t have my health so fuck this world.
i would choose the rope if it was me
n reality, it's always just about some shitty sickness and the inability to pay for health care in this late stage capitalist system in which only the rich can afford housing and proper health care.
I live in Denmark so we technically have "free" healthcare but I have dreamt of many times if I would be fortunate enough to win the lottery then I could pay the best doctors in the world and see if they could find out what was wrong with my throat. But the doctors I´ve been to just said there is nothing more they can do and that´s it, meanwhile there are so many TV programs about people with severe deceases where they go to another country to visit doctors who can help them, but none of that for me because I am just another insignificant poor peasant in their eyes.
i would choose the rope if it was me
I am going to, I have money for this month so I will rope by next week but at the latest before this month is over.
What's Denmarks version of Craigslist?

Possible to sell the car and start taking the bus system? College/university student in my country get free busing

Start selling your belongings you don't really need on your version of craigslist.

You have to cut back on drugs or expensive things you don't really need.......basic survival food + shelter
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I took a loan to buy my car 7500$ and student loan isn´t a big deal because if I did go on welfare I wouldn´t have to pay it back only if I got a job.

Nope I can´t get disability payment because they don´t care about me but I could maybe go on welfare which is a little over 916$ a month which isn´t enough to pay for my car loan (which I have to make a payment to the bank every month) and before I joined the school a couple of years ago, I was on welfare for 2½ years because of depression and suicidal thought and I don´t want to go back to that it sucks being that poor and constantly have to go to meetings with a counselor who tries and press me into doing some work because it´s a requirement for welfare. I think a guy with my severe condition should be entitled to disability payments just like any other person with so severe conditions that makes them unable to work let alone have a life. As I already said I can´t socialize or get a GF, even if I didn´t have my back injury and coulnd´t pursue my dream of bodybuilding because it´s impossible for me to consume enough calories life hasn´t been too kind to me so I am ready to sign out soon.

And I have tried the foods you are talking about or rather I had some drinks from the Pharmacy with nutrition in them back when my eating problem was even worse and I almost coulnd´t eat solid food and there is no energy in sweets and liquid food, and what life would that be? It´s downright pathetic all of these people who try to "get the best out of life" and just go along with the hand they were dealt in life.

Most people admire people like that but why would I "live" a "life" where I have to give it 100% all the time to maintain what amounts to a few percent of what others have, people who were born with healthy bodies, people who were born with good looks (Chad), people born into a privileged family of wealth where I am poor, average looking (which mind as well be ugly because I will never experience what a 9+/10 have) and I don´t have my health so fuck this world.

Well, some people are born in places like Africa or Venezuela where their lives would be much worse. I really think it's best to try to make the most of whatever hand you are dealt.

I agree that they should give you disability but if they don't then again... I think it's best to just make do at least while you can work something else out.

You can make REALLY great smoothies, honestly. I know it's not as good as solid food but... really like, I've looked into this loads before and some of the things you can do with them are pretty amazing. Markus Rothkranz covers this a lot in his health videos (I'll link one below). Again though, it's just to try to find a sustainable, stable starting point where life may not be great but at least it's ticking along and then you can make improvements based on that :)

Oh and... do you really need to keep the car?

Here is a vid, anyway. I'm not saying you need to make some super healthy thing like this but just as a proof of concept of how much it's possible to squeeze into a smoothie. It would keep you functioning and mean you can work, plus you can put all kind of high calorie things in there like bananas and coconut oil and they'll keep you going very well at least.

What does this have to do with the thread? You’ve been acting very suspicious since this morning. You talk as if you’re better than us or something. It’s like you’re making an observation of incels. I’m not calling you out or something like that. I’m just concerned.

I said that because he said that no woman would be interested in him. I have thought like this at times too, as my health is rocky in some ways. But of course there are a lot of women out there who also have health problems, so it's not like they're immune to this stuff.
Well, some people are born in places like Africa or Venezuela where their lives would be much worse. I really think it's best to try to make the most of whatever hand you are dealt.

I agree that they should give you disability but if they don't then again... I think it's best to just make do at least while you can work something else out.

You can make REALLY great smoothies, honestly. I know it's not as good as solid food but... really like, I've looked into this loads before and some of the things you can do with them are pretty amazing. Markus Rothkranz covers this a lot in his health videos (I'll link one below). Again though, it's just to try to find a sustainable, stable starting point where life may not be great but at least it's ticking along and then you can make improvements based on that :)

Oh and... do you really need to keep the car?

Here is a vid, anyway. I'm not saying you need to make some super healthy thing like this but just as a proof of concept of how much it's possible to squeeze into a smoothie. It would keep you functioning and mean you can work, plus you can put all kind of high calorie things in there like bananas and coconut oil and they'll keep you going very well at least.

I said that because he said that no woman would be interested in him. I have thought like this at times too, as my health is rocky in some ways. But of course there are a lot of women out there who also have health problems, so it's not like they're immune to this stuff.

are u female?
Dont do this mate. You'll end up in a shitty situation and unable to rope because of our natural inclination towards living. Either drop out of school now and work for a few years or go to class.
Fuck these scandanavian countries literally give you everything on a silver plate how the heck do you end up homeless.

916 for just going to class. Just go and get the money
What does this have to do with the thread? You’ve been acting very suspicious since this morning. You talk as if you’re better than us or something. It’s like you’re making an observation of incels. I’m not calling you out or something like that. I’m just concerned.
if this fag is suspicious you are definitely a larp or femail
What's Denmarks version of Craigslist?

Possible to sell the car and start taking the bus system? College/university student in my country get free busing

Start selling your belongings you don't really need on your version of craigslist.

You have to cut back on drugs or expensive things you don't really need.......basic survival food + shelter
We use Guloggratis.dk and denblåavis.dk instead of craigslist. And selling the car isn´t an option I HATE taking the bus I have such an amazing awoken mind filled with philosophical thoughts I should be entitled to at least having a car and be able to survive! And in Denmark we don´t get free bussing after we turn 18 and it costs me 58$ a month just to pay for the bus.

I don´t have anything to sell I only own the essentials I don´t have the latest new phone or Ipads or any crap like that, I have my stationary computer, my foldout couch where I sleep on but it is just used as a bed, I have a cheap laptop for school, I even only own 2 pants that fits me because I have a weird body so it´s hard for me to find clothes, and I have my Toyota Aygo 2012. And I am not trying to cope and survive I am going to end this miserable excuse of an existence.

And in case I forgot to mention it I am allergic to so many things including almost every food especially fruits and vegetables so I have tried a lot of smoothies but I can´t drink them because it messes with my throat.
Dont do this mate. You'll end up in a shitty situation and unable to rope because of our natural inclination towards living. Either drop out of school now and work for a few years or go to class.
You wanna bet?
Also you missed the part where I can´t work because of my throat condition I have been thinking about many times just quit school and work at Mc Donalds since our minimum wage is about 18$ with additional fees when working past 6pm, weekends and holidays but I can´t because I wouldn´t be able to consume calories enough in one day to maintain my weight.
We use Guloggratis.dk and denblåavis.dk instead of craigslist. And selling the car isn´t an option I HATE taking the bus I have such an amazing awoken mind filled with philosophical thoughts I should be entitled to at least having a car and be able to survive! And in Denmark we don´t get free bussing after we turn 18 and it costs me 58$ a month just to pay for the bus.

I had to take the bus, hated it at first but I sat in the back area where nobody was....wasn't that bad and nice not having to focus on driving.

Vehicles are expensive, Insurance + gas money + monthly payments of vehicle if not fully paid off + repairs to it

So you get about $900 per month for school, how much is the course per semester?
I had to take the bus, hated it at first but I sat in the back area where nobody was....wasn't that bad and nice not having to focus on driving.

Vehicles are expensive, Insurance + gas money + monthly payments of vehicle if not fully paid off + repairs to it

So you get about $900 per month for school, how much is the course per semester?
I have already taken the bus for 2 years before getting the car so I know about taking the bus.

Yes they´re expensive especially in Denmark, gas here isn´t as cheap as in the US it´s 1.83$ per liter that would be 6.93$ per gallon (you pay for gallon in the US If I´m not mistaken.
And car insurance in Denmark is extremely expensive I pay 125$ a month but that is actually VERY cheap but it´s because my car is eco friendly so it´s cheaper.

For this school year I have paid 583$
I took a loan to buy my car 7500$ and student loan isn´t a big deal because if I did go on welfare I wouldn´t have to pay it back only if I got a job.

you got pressured into school + car + everything at the same time.
you need to tell your parents to stop harassing you and go in your own pace
you got pressured into school + car + everything at the same time.
you need to tell your parents to stop harassing you and go in your own pace
What does my parents have to do with anything? I live on my own and I am 24 years old. The school were I go is called HF it´s high school in Denmark and it is a requirement to be able to get into a college if the grades also is good enough.

And it wasn´t all at once I went to school for 2 years and took the bus and got the car in April this year.

My only hope now is that I will win the lottery in the next weeks but of course that will never happen.
What does my parents have to do with anything? I live on my own and I am 24 years old. The school were I go is called HF it´s high school in Denmark and it is a requirement to be able to get into a college if the grades also is good enough.

And it wasn´t all at once I went to school for 2 years and took the bus and got the car in April this year.

My only hope now is that I will win the lottery in the next weeks but of course that will never happen.

24 years old and in highschool? your story doesn't add up. did you even save money for school and a car?
24 years old and in highschool? your story doesn't add up. did you even save money for school and a car?
I know it doesn´t make sense, HF is somewhat the equivalent of US high school in the term of it giving access to college. People in HF are a lot of different ages from minimum 18yo to over 40 years old. but most are in their twenties.

And yes I did save up for the car through my student loan.
I know it doesn´t make sense, HF is somewhat the equivalent of US high school in the term of it giving access to college. People in HF are a lot of different ages from minimum 18yo to over 40 years old. but most are in their twenties.

And yes I did save up for the car through my student loan.

i don't really have advice for you since i don't know how denmark works.
but maybe try to speak with the school assistant and maybe she can sign you a letter for social security (neetbux)
maybe try getting neetbux directly through social security, but you need to be a good actor
another tip is to simply save on all expenses, couch surf if you can, don't eat fast food
i don't really have advice for you since i don't know how denmark works.
but maybe try to speak with the school assistant and maybe she can sign you a letter for social security (neetbux)
maybe try getting neetbux directly through social security, but you need to be a good actor
another tip is to simply save on all expenses, couch surf if you can, don't eat fast food
It actually would have been a viable option to have tried if I have had the time but unfortunately I am out of time now. Because I have been on sick leave from the school on my second year for over 6 months so I had to repeat my second year so my student counselor know how severe my problem is and could vouch for me. Why do you do this to me? Giving me one last reason to live dammit!!! But it´s too late although it would´ve been nice to see if it worked because I am not trying to scam the government for money because I am truly sick and in need of help (Governmentbuxx)
you're trying to push yourself into a corner to make it easier to rope, but you won't and you'll just end more miserable. Go to school.

Had fun with you yesterday, TheGoodGuy
If anyone's wondering, that's us when the pigs showed up and tried to arrest us. He's not poor anymore, no need to worry.
I loved that movie (44 minutes). No one can ever become more badass than Larry Phillips and Emil Matasereanu.
Yeah, too bad they didn't kill anyone.
That disappoint me too so bad, I mean they fired over a thousand rounds and didn´t even kill a single person. They did however kill a security guard years prior to their infamous shootout.
It actually would have been a viable option to have tried if I have had the time but unfortunately I am out of time now. Because I have been on sick leave from the school on my second year for over 6 months so I had to repeat my second year so my student counselor know how severe my problem is and could vouch for me. Why do you do this to me? Giving me one last reason to live dammit!!! But it´s too late although it would´ve been nice to see if it worked because I am not trying to scam the government for money because I am truly sick and in need of help (Governmentbuxx)

i would legitimately donate you money but im not allowed to have credit since im disabled, sorry
i would legitimately donate you money but im not allowed to have credit since im disabled, sorry
Doesn´t matter I just want to end all my worries, pain and suffering.
What does this have to do with the thread? You’ve been acting very suspicious since this morning. You talk as if you’re better than us or something. It’s like you’re making an observation of incels. I’m not calling you out or something like that. I’m just concerned.
So school started 13. August and I haven´t attended yet and it´s on purpose, in Denmark we get 916$ a month for going to school (for 18+) and I have taken a student loan at the side at the maximum payment possible at 516$ together it´s 1432$ a month but since I haven´t attended school and won´t be attending at all I will be kicked out soon and therefor have no money. I am essentially creating my point of no return where I am forced to rope or face the consequences of being kicked out of my apartment. So to sum it up it´s over.

Also I don´t have the mental strength to continue school even though it´s my last year before I can go off to college, there is just no point in it since I have an undiagnosed problem with my throat I have been operated on 4 times to no avail so I eat EXTREMELY slow so even if I could finish school I could never hold down a job because it is impossible for me to eat enough calories in a day to maintain my weight and I can´t get an early pension so my only way out is rope.

I hate how the system has failed me, they don´t take my problem seriously even though my throat problem has ruined my life, I can´t enjoy food or drugs, I can´t go out with friends because eventually we will have to eat, and I can´t get a girlfriend because that includes dating or at least eating together and if I were lucky enough to meet up with a girl from Tinder why would she choice me a physically flawed person over another better looking guy with a healthy body, it´s simple she won´t. No my life is over at 24yo and this will be my last month.
So like you can't drink food substitutes either?
So like you can't drink food substitutes either?
Nope I can´t drink protein powder anymore because I am allergic to milk and I have tried other substitutes but the pee protein is the cement undrinkable, I am also allergic to soy so I can´t use that protein powder either and a lot of other like egg protein is too expensive for a poor person like me. I have also tried Maltodextrin which is carbohydrates (sugar) but was allergic to something in that too and smoothies is a no go. It´s over.
So school started 13. August and I haven´t attended yet and it´s on purpose, in Denmark we get 916$ a month for going to school (for 18+) and I have taken a student loan at the side at the maximum payment possible at 516$ together it´s 1432$ a month but since I haven´t attended school and won´t be attending at all I will be kicked out soon and therefor have no money. I am essentially creating my point of no return where I am forced to rope or face the consequences of being kicked out of my apartment. So to sum it up it´s over.

Also I don´t have the mental strength to continue school even though it´s my last year before I can go off to college, there is just no point in it since I have an undiagnosed problem with my throat I have been operated on 4 times to no avail so I eat EXTREMELY slow so even if I could finish school I could never hold down a job because it is impossible for me to eat enough calories in a day to maintain my weight and I can´t get an early pension so my only way out is rope.

I hate how the system has failed me, they don´t take my problem seriously even though my throat problem has ruined my life, I can´t enjoy food or drugs, I can´t go out with friends because eventually we will have to eat, and I can´t get a girlfriend because that includes dating or at least eating together and if I were lucky enough to meet up with a girl from Tinder why would she choice me a physically flawed person over another better looking guy with a healthy body, it´s simple she won´t. No my life is over at 24yo and this will be my last month.
Jfl, you get 1500$ a month for fucking going to school, You got 4 surgeries (paid first by your free health care) and yet you believe your system has failed you? For fuck sake its you're genetics that failed you, there is nothing wrong with roping considering there is quite literally 0 value to staying alive but dont you go and make yourself look like an idiot who doesn't realize that he got the best spawn point but spawned with the bad stats, and about wanting to find a foid, well in that department we're all screwed.
Jfl, you get 1500$ a month for fucking going to school, You got 4 surgeries (paid first by your free health care) and yet you believe your system has failed you?
Yes my body failed me but the system has failed me too, they could´ve asked doctors abroad for help like they would´ve if I was a celebrity or millionaire but they didn´t want to because that would be a hassle and doctors only have that job for their status and money they don´t want to go the extra mile for a nobody. And I think your round up that number though it was 1432$ but 516$ of them is a loan like anyone can take you even have student loans in the US. But yeah I get 916$ for going to school.
sell your organs
Denmark and most central and North european countries are expensive af, if you are not rich by default or have plans to be, it's a hell to live.
Denmark and most central and North european countries are expensive af, if you are not rich by default or have plans to be, it's a hell to live.
THANK YOU! A lot of people don´t get that, a mentioned yesterday how our insurance on cars are expensive and a gallon of gasoline costs 6.9$, also we have an insane toll on cars at 150% or more on luxury cars. Food is also very expensive I remember when I have seen videos from the US with bodybuilders grocery shopping in walmart it´s insane how cheap the food is!

I'd be pissed off if I had no money. Wouldnt cope with that
Agree! Rich people saying money isn´t important should shut the fuck up, money takes away stress about all the financial matters and by having money one is able to cope; no money no cope.
To say that money isn't important in this world is retarded
It truly is, I remember Jim Carrey talks a lot about money doesn´t matter because he used to be poor and I like him as an actor but damn I get mad at the ridicules statement money is important it can change our whole life. If I win the lottery Wednesday at over 50 million DKK taxfree then people like him don´t think that the money matters? I can get a luxury apartment, a nice car (Mercedes) hot tub (my number 1 materialistic need) and just buy whatever I want. Money is everything and it can almost buy happiness, money is the cheatcode to life which nearly make every obstacle in life disappear thus making it easier to work on the inner problems such as finding "happiness".

I also envy how you can cope with drugs because I can´t due to my throat problem and it´s so unfair, imagine if you couldn´t cope with alcohol drugs (I know alcohol is a drug btw) or even food, every thing people cope with to avoid roping is not an option for me not even bodybuilding.

No cope ready the rope.
Money would be an even bigger advantage to people like us. The people who say money makes you sad end up sad because that big a change in net value means you end up alienating all your old friends and have to leave them being in your new rich life, bar a few. So people get depressed. Most people here, we're despised by society, we have no one significant to leave behind or alienate so money wouldn't fuck us up. It would give us the other things we'd like.
This is so true, there isn´t any friends really so we are already at the lowest level so money would just give us the means to build a new life from the foundation.
Yes my body failed me but the system has failed me too, they could´ve asked doctors abroad for help like they would´ve if I was a celebrity or millionaire but they didn´t want to because that would be a hassle and doctors only have that job for their status and money they don´t want to go the extra mile for a nobody. And I think your round up that number though it was 1432$ but 516$ of them is a loan like anyone can take you even have student loans in the US. But yeah I get 916$ for going to school.
Cabbage if you think its you're governments job to get foreign doctors for you, no that is you and your families job dont jou realise the fact that you even got a single free operation is good enough? And you got 4 and are complaining about your government... Honestly you should've taken things into your own hands if you are so desperate.
Cabbage if you think its you're governments job to get foreign doctors for you, no that is you and your families job dont jou realise the fact that you even got a single free operation is good enough? And you got 4 and are complaining about your government... Honestly you should've taken things into your own hands if you are so desperate.
What the hell give you the right to sit their high and mighty and judge me when you probably have a healthy body to cope with drugs, alcohol, gymcelling. And IT IS the doctors jobs! They shouldn´t just say that they can´t do more for me and that´s it, I was at specialized ear,nose and throat doctors and the should bring other professionals in because it´s their fucking job! I have already done my part trying many different doctors so these specialized ear,nose and throat doctors should pull their strings.

It´s clear to see that you seem EXTREMELY jealous of the free healthcare, do you live in a third world country or something since you have that envy?

I Also saw in another thread or was it this one? Someone mention I should be glad not to live in Africa or some other poor country, but I have thought about that many times before and I would rather be in their shoes if they have a healthy body or at least throat (so they shouldn´t worry if they´re going to choke to death every time they eat) even if they don´t have money for food every day, at least when they finally eat they CAN eat! If I could trade I would gladly live in a third world country of poor-dom if it meant I had a healthy body! And it´s extremely ignorant of you to think otherwise because if you haven´t experienced being in my situation you will NEVER understand how I feel it´s like trying to understand an addict sure you can learn things about it but you will never understand it fully before you have been in the same situation!

It is also clear to me that you´re a sheep and a government lover, I have an awoken philosophical mind that know truths that no one else stops to think about so I should be fucking entitled to getting some help and even getting millions just for having my superior mind! But of course the sheep will never understand the mind of a wolf..
You have things that other people don't have. Own apartment, own car (+ license), student.. those are 3 things that I'm already envious off. Why not studycel and get rich with a good degree?

I understand your trouble though. Must suck to not do the simplest things in life normally :/ Have you tried finding other people with similar issues? maybe they have tips on how to make the situation any better.
You have things that other people don't have. Own apartment, own car (+ license), student.. those are 3 things that I'm already envious off. Why not studycel and get rich with a good degree?

I would trade with a skinny healthy African guy any time I rather have my health.

And as I have already said in this long rant (so no blame for not reading it) is I can´t work because I can´t eat fast enough in the launch break to get enough calories in a day. I even got punished for having longer breaks when I was an apprentice as a butcher in a butchers shop because and I quote "it isn´t fair you get 10 minutes longer breaks than the others" even though they were relaxed and enjoyed their break while eating and I was trying to force the food down and nearly choking so trust me I wasn´t on a BREAK! My punishment was to work 1 hour extra on saturdays where I normally would get off at 13pm so I know would get off at 14pm. The world even punish me even further for having this throat problem, I realized by then that I could never get a job because it would be impossible for me to get enough calories in a day.
I would trade with a skinny healthy African guy any time I rather have my health.

And as I have already said in this long rant (so no blame for not reading it) is I can´t work because I can´t eat fast enough in the launch break to get enough calories in a day. I even got punished for having longer breaks when I was an apprentice as a butcher in a butchers shop because and I quote "it isn´t fair you get 10 minutes longer breaks than the others" even though they were relaxed and enjoyed their break while eating and I was trying to force the food down and nearly choking so trust me I wasn´t on a BREAK! My punishment was to work 1 hour extra on saturdays where I normally would get off at 13pm so I know would get off at 14pm. The world even punish me even further for having this throat problem, I realized by then that I could never get a job because it would be impossible for me to get enough calories in a day.

Sucks that we have 0 control over what our lives turn into. I fully understand you being frustrated with that illness though. If it wasn't for my healthy body I would probably kms real fast. By the way, have you tried powder food (drink only)? You could drink it during work maybe? An office job would be perfect for that I guess.
Sucks that we have 0 control over what our lives turn into. I fully understand you being frustrated with that illness though. If it wasn't for my healthy body I would probably kms real fast. By the way, have you tried powder food (drink only)? You could drink it during work maybe? An office job would be perfect for that I guess.
What does "kms" stand for?

Yes I have tried powder drinks and smoothies I have already answered this longer up in the thread, but because of my allergies to almost everything it isn´t an option for me :feelscry:
What does "kms" stand for?

Yes I have tried powder drinks and smoothies I have already answered this longer up in the thread, but because of my allergies to almost everything it isn´t an option for me :feelscry:

kms = kill myself

also, that sucks. Keep us updated and remember, rope = win for society.
Fuck these scandanavian countries literally give you everything on a silver plate how the heck do you end up homeless.

916 for just going to class. Just go and get the money

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