Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Soy Rooshvforum member agecucks and calls anything that isn't NPC behavior "autism".



mentally crippled by lonely teen years
Dec 27, 2019
A post from a while ago.

Oh boy!

Just a little Public Service Anouncement for those that are thinking of jumping ship and that the grass is greener on the other side:

Let's start with the illegal under-age sex first, shall we?

[Link to forum promoting underage sex removed. -Mod]

Last block of wall of text -


A man in his 40's wanting to 'pass' as a 16 year old so he can bang 14 year old! Nothing wrong about that. I'm being facetious.

Alpha are you Noblesse from this site you are promoting?

Doesn't matter. "We just set it up". You are associated with it and you are promoting it here in strict contravention of the rules whichi apply on this site right now: No under-age stuff!

14 years old may be legal in some parts of the world, but in most places around the planet it is illegal. And the fact that a 41 year old man fantasises about being a 16 year old (in disguise) so he can legally rape 14 year olds is not a good look my man.

That's not game. It's the worst kind of predatory instinct imaginable. I'd say a few of those 14 year old's fathers' might have something to say about a 41 year old man conning his sweet little 14 year old 'virgin' in to sex, wouldn't you?

Nah, you wouldn't, because you are a sperg. Quite far along the autistic spectrum it would seem. Absolutely no sense of self or theory of mind. Seriously, you need to get a diagnosis. If you haven't already.

You have already been banned from the STW forum for promoting your shit there (thanks to them in fact for drawing my attention to this).

You flew in to an autistic rage and insulted everyone after 3 fucking posts you fucking mong! (eh, making the most of it till D-Day!)


In fact, someone over there at STW said your 'book' on game read more like Elliot Roger's manifesto. Fucking bingo! Couldn't have put it better myself.

This severe autism you have coupled with such a strong urge to con under-age virgins in to sex by pretending to be a 16 year old yourself is more than 'creepy'. It's dangerous. You need to be reported and your hard drive's gone through for under age pics and vids.

I'm not sure if you are Noblesse, Alpha, but all the same, you are guilty by association. You have broken the rules of this site by promoting this.

Also, you have broken another core rule of this site by promoting P4P when you linked to that site:


"I tell incels to go to MANY prostitutes".

Who the fuck are you? You shouldn't be giving advice to anyone. Your entire manifesto is pure fucking sperg-out. It's fucking unbearable. You give other people with autism a bad name. You come across as a serial-killer in the making. You aren't just a danger to women and under-age girls, you are a danger to men as well, should you have get any kind of weapon in your hands, ooh, like a car, say...

That's two rules you have broken that have earned you a perma-ban.

But finally, to add insult to injury, you put a fucking post up on your new 'successor' to RVF: Roosh's Mental Breakdown.


First off, Roosh has not had a fucking Mental Breakdown, he's simply had a change of heart. Shit happens. And secondly, you insult those who have had genuine mental breakdowns - people who can not eat, sleep, function in any way or form. Those people are out to the edge of their sanity, they haven't just happened to find God/Jesus.

You're a real class act Alpha/Nobby or wtf your name is.

Actually, I'm being facetious again, you're just a fucking clown!

And a potentially dangerous one at that.

I saw a very prominent RVF member browsing that site when I was - they had obviously registered. You are better than that man!

For some people who always go on about fucking sperg this and fucking autist that, some of you aren't too quick on the old uptake. Get a grip.

The guy is totally of his rocker.

40 year old man, wants to dress up in a little invisible 16 year old cloak shield so he can manipulate under-age virgins in to sex. Sounds legit.

And you left this place for that!

I guess the grass is always greener...


"Male privilege"? more like "Autistic loon".

You are a potential menace to society and young children. God help any man that sees you as a mentor or decides to meet you in real life.

Get a diagnosis. Get help. Even at your age it is not too late.

End of Public Service Anouncement.
Basically since PUA died Roosh had to nuke his forum and make it religious and what not. So another user makes his own forum and invites some people, and this soy decides to "roast" him, because he admits to wanting to hook up with 14 year old girls. The dude actually admits that 14 is fine in some places, but says most it's not, as if that's a good argument for why it is "wrong". He then says that advice to incels on seeing prostitutes to get comfortable with intimacy is a bad idea and that someone is "autistic" for believing in this stuff.

Being blackpilled = being autistic according to this soy cuck.

@turbocuckcel_7000 you used to browse redpill spaces, thoughts?

also @Mainländer @Made in Heaven
When IT says to find a prostitute you rightfully lambast them for missing the whole point, but this random oldcel says it and suddenly he's right and it's based and blackpilled?
@Atavistic Autist this may interest you.


You flew in to an autistic rage and insulted everyone after 3 fucking posts you fucking mong! (eh, making the most of it till D-Day!)


In fact, someone over there at STW said your 'book' on game read more like Elliot Roger's manifesto. Fucking bingo! Couldn't have put it better myself.

It can't be denied. In 2020 just be banana (JBB) theory is legit @BabyFuck McGirlsex
When IT says to find a prostitute you rightfully lambast them for missing the whole point, but this random oldcel says it and suddenly he's right and it's based and blackpilled?
I don't lambast IT for the prostitute thing jfl. I have escortcelled myself. what the hell are you talking about?
I don't lambast IT for the prostitute thing jfl. I have escortcelled myself. what the hell are you talking about?
I expressed myself wrong. I meant other users lambast IT for that retarded advice, not you. Therefore you should know that it's not good advice at all.
"That's not game. It's the worst kind of predatory instinct imaginable. I'd say a few of those 14 year old's fathers' might have something to say about a 41 year old man conning his sweet little 14 year old 'virgin' in to sex, wouldn't you? "

Fathers should not be happy about their daughters engaging in promiscuous fornication regardless of their ages. I bet most are not, but they have to compromise because of nowadays cucked culture.

"Predatory" lol. "Game" is predatory, you're the hunter and the "HBs" are the prey. If you are not comfortable with it you shouldn't be in male-only spaces to begin with, be them PUA, incel, mgtow or whatever forums. It's beyond me what leads someone to join a forum like that just to shame his fellow men's normal attraction for sexually developed young girls.
I expressed myself wrong. I meant other users lambast IT for that retarded advice, not you. Therefore you should know that it's not good advice at all.

that advice is actually helpful for incels after they looksmax successfully to normie tier, and here's why

as an incel, all those years of isolation will do damage to your brain and create social anxiety, so becoming comfortable with sex as opposed to being a full blown virgin actually will make a difference if you have the potential to ascend

when IT gives the advice, they are not thinking of the above, they are saying "stop complaining on the internet, pay a hooker, and shut up"

understand the difference?
That's not a bad strategy. Did he succeed?

that advice is actually helpful for incels after they looksmax successfully to normie tier, and here's why

as an incel, all those years of isolation will do damage to your brain and create social anxiety, so becoming comfortable with sex as opposed to being a full blown virgin actually will make a difference if you have the potential to ascend

when IT gives the advice, they are not thinking of the above, they are saying "stop complaining on the internet, pay a hooker, and shut up"

understand the difference?

so you're telling me
so you're implying

that paying a stupid ass whore to fuck the brains out of, for her to spend on her new shoes
as soon as possible
will put a former incel on a better mental state that finding a girl he actually likes to be around with and reciprocates that feeling
and having sex with her, which will result in pair bonding instead of vain materialistic gains

jfl I'm done with you, escortcels are seriously mentally impaired, you guys must have some brain damage in the prefrontal cortex which regulates higher emotions
losing your virginity to a whore is not better than not losing your virginity at all
which will result in pair bonding instead of vain materialistic gains
woah woah woah, never said that
jfl I'm done with you, escortcels are seriously mentally impaired, you guys must have some brain damage in the prefrontal cortex which regulates higher emotions
losing your virginity to a whore is not better than not losing your virginity at all
ah, should've stated that first, you're a hardcore anti escortcel. just lol
A post from a while ago.

Basically since PUA died Roosh had to nuke his forum and make it religious and what not. So another user makes his own forum and invites some people, and this soy decides to "roast" him, because he admits to wanting to hook up with 14 year old girls. The dude actually admits that 14 is fine in some places, but says most it's not, as if that's a good argument for why it is "wrong". He then says that advice to incels on seeing prostitutes to get comfortable with intimacy is a bad idea and that someone is "autistic" for believing in this stuff.

Being blackpilled = being autistic according to this soy cuck.

@turbocuckcel_7000 you used to browse redpill spaces, thoughts?

also @Mainländer @Made in Heaven

Man, it's so insane how hard they are cucking for teen whores. What is wrong with these assholes? When will they wake up?

I definitely try to do what that older guy does and youthmax and say I'm as young as I look and not my real age, it's only reasonable, it just doesn't help much when you don't even have a number in your phone.
A post from a while ago.

Basically since PUA died Roosh had to nuke his forum and make it religious and what not. So another user makes his own forum and invites some people, and this soy decides to "roast" him, because he admits to wanting to hook up with 14 year old girls. The dude actually admits that 14 is fine in some places, but says most it's not, as if that's a good argument for why it is "wrong". He then says that advice to incels on seeing prostitutes to get comfortable with intimacy is a bad idea and that someone is "autistic" for believing in this stuff.

Being blackpilled = being autistic according to this soy cuck.

@turbocuckcel_7000 you used to browse redpill spaces, thoughts?

also @Mainländer @Made in Heaven
what a coincidence you tag me in this just as I'm reading another """""rape""""" of a jailbait fucking an old man multiple times because she has an abusive mom/absent dad

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/rape/comments/i8qdre/a_memory_i_cant_get_rid_of/
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If supposed religion actually took off, PUA would be hacked to pieces by foids' male relatives.

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