Roosh had a good education and a job in some STEM field - as an ethnic Muslim. He also looks OK. And he threw this all away in order to be a snake oil salesman. Then he turned alt-right/ish and blackpill/ish. And is getting destroyed now because he build his house on sand (=e-scamming, patreon, snake oil). I doubt that he and his ilk (like that fat dude living in Thailand, what happened to him? Fat Forney or whatever his name was.) Of course he is depressed. And I doubt that he gets women in Poland. He bet on the wrong horse, he will never get a normal job again, but the day and age in which he can make money with his shtick is over for various reasons.
Can't say that I feel too bad for these people, though. They hate working people, they hate poor people, they hate non-white people up to a point where it borders on self-hate in his case. His pathetic attempt to brown-nose up to a movement that would attack him for being too ethnic. They have zero understanding how monopolization in late stage capitalism works and instead have occult conspiracy theories about the Jews. In one of his latest articles, the highest-rated comment was someone saying that he doesn't care about Incels because that's just "survival of the fittest" and nature sorting out the weak. The only people responding said that this is the way Jews think about white people. So ... it's basically capitalist Social Darwinism with or without anti-semitism. If these people had more power, things would probably get WORSE for low-status men. After all, they basically hate everyone who isn't white / middle-class / Christian / NT / straight etc. etc.
This is the poetic justice that comes with monopolization: that the monopolized capital doesn't even need these useful idiots anymore because they can just niggerize the whole world now, and have no need for racism, sharp religious distinctions or even nation states with borders anymore. Let alone a comfy middle-class with sexy housewives. Meanwhile, these people go on about the "cultural Marxists" and believe that we're living in a "nanny state" and a "welfare state" ... fuck them all. Right-wingers fully deserve what is coming for them.