Let's look at your MENTALCEL FAKECEL stats:
- Wants LL surgery at 6 ft.
- Rejects a girl who tried to escalate with him.
We can safely assume that the girl was above a 2/10 and you have high-standards: if you think 6ft is short then you probably think a 5/10 girl is 2/10.
Any time a woman acknowledges me, even though I know it's platonic, I still appreciate it. If an ugly girl who I couldn't erect for even with 100 Viagra approached me, I'd be fucked cuz I would STILL want to date her out of desperation. And there you are rejecting women so you can extend your roleplaying inceldom or cuz you have a mental problem.
JUST LOL@this thread. What backfire. It's almost rubbing our inceldom in our faces tbh. It's almost bragging. You reject women? Good for you. We CAN'T cuz we don't get the chance to.