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Brutal Ricecel billionaire dies: A long sad story



The Satoru Iwata of incels.is
Jul 10, 2018

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwyqAvFbAdY

View attachment 382333

These are the eyes of a man who will die of loneliness. They will certainly be slanted.

The pair I'm talking about belonged to Tony Hsieh, the founder and former CEO of Zappos. He died in a housefire recently. His story up until now has been one of material success, but I say, especially now, that his story is a tragedy: a genetic tragedy. And the theme of that tragedy is the sisiphean task of being liked, WHEN YOU ARE AN UGLY ASIAN.

You see, unlike white billionaires, Tony, the natural asian male beta, cared a lot about what other people thought of him. And that care struck a chord in the patterns of wanting to be liked by cool strangers, desperately:

Let's take the sale of his first company LinkExchange. On an old interview on NPR, I recall he stated he could have timed to exit his company in a way to obtain substantially more profit, but instead chose to leave at a time when he was simply unhappy, as he felt the company, due to the impersonal way of how it had to scale, became structured in a way that forced him to not always be the good guy. He would rather a profitable company be sold than stay and be the bad guy.

He still made quite a pretty penny by leaving early, and with that new fortune, I think due to the extreme coping and low-self esteem from being an ugly introvert CS chink, he found himself with the NEED to experiment in trying to become a "cool" leader, to make up for all those lost times. He founded Zappos. A company who's very brand is simply extreme customer satisfaction, beyond all others at the time. He had the vision to make his company a happy, holistic, autonomous workplace, where unhappy workers were paid to quit. Tony wanted to bring economic growth to downtrodden downtown Las Vegas by creating some weird hippy commune, and setting shop there.

At the time, the need to provide customer satisfaction was borderline corporately negligent of profit for profit's sake. It was all about customer loyalty. The long-term betabuxx play. I can see that in Tony. He's the kind of guy that needs to naturally overdeliver just for a smidge of loyalty. Fucking asian beta shit. You see the theme I'm getting at here--

Tony was known for being a "huggy" guy in a semi-creepy way (incels know it's only creepy because he's ugly). Tony, like most beta asian men have a massively anxious attachment style. At least that's how journalist Kara Swisher seemed to recall on a podcast. Though the creepiness was heavily implied as an initial instinct, she then backtracked a bit, and tried to virtue signal that he hugged in a wholesome way, because even the most virulent feminists realize its a bit gauche to creepshame an recently deceased well-intentioned billionaire with mental health issues who just enjoyed hugs.

I think only an ugly chink can get accused of being a "cult" leader for genuinely wanting people around him to be happy beyond what a normie CEO would deem acceptable. To me, he seemed like a guy that just wanted to legimitately earn respect and affection, yet was too stoic and nice to force it. Instead of directly paying for friends, create a business environment that incentivizes friendship. To Tony, that's chaotic good, to a normie, that's just weird. How ironic, that Tony was ultimately fooling himself. I think In the process of just keeping everything fun, fresh, and happy, and that beta need of overly needing to win over "cool" people and strangers, over the years, he got usurped by an entourage of "cool" sycophants that led him down a spiral of depression, drug/alcohol addiction, and insanity. That's one account, another account on a podcast claims that like many fucked mid-life dudes, his original peer group his age started settling down, starting families, and he was the one suddenly all alone. Surely he had "facebook" friends, and friends on paper, but nothing close. Nothing meaningful. Figures for a rice. He had to desperately seek attention from other cheap sporadic sources, which can be a bit dangerous if you are overly agreeable and wealthy.

COVID-19 did not help things. It forced him to isolate from any group of love and power he desperately needed and became accostomed to. I think what happened is that in isolation he began to realize that his cult, or any friends he had for that matter, was entirely propped up by his own fortune. And in the wake of the pandemic, it's not like these "cool" sycophants are neccessarily obligated to shoot him a call or text to elevate his own sense of importance.

So in his solitude, he retreated into that teenage nihilism. He began experimenting with extreme minimalism (while injesting copious amounts of alcohol, ecstacy, and shrooms). How little food can he eat and still survive? How little oxygen does he need to survive? In the same way he dabbled with trying to bring holistic value and community to the world, the questions he now began asking himself were like passive-aggressive experimentations in committing suicide. As COVID wore on, he was nearly 100 lbs, and was irresponsibly playing with fire like a nihilistic teenager. What does it all mean? Why give people anything if they simply can't call me back and say hello. By all actionable accounts his pattern of behavior leading to the inhalation death is suicidal in nature, although the instance wherein he died was not necessarily intentional. He died because he did not care to live.

It's funny looking back at this now, because I think this branding influence of Zappos certainly rubbed on Amazon, which at the time of being acquired was still unprofitable. The only thing missing from Zappos' equation was fucking over its own warehouse workers, which Amazon was obliged, to become the juggernaut it is today.

That's something to think about. Amazon/Bezos is thriving today, is because it's psychotic and doesn't give a shit in order to win for the empty pursuit of winning, and Tony is dead because he cared too much yet, ultimately got nothing out of it, so he no longer cared to live. All this desperation to be needed, because he was ugly, a probably a virgin in his teens, and never recovered from it. Money cannot escape genetics-- although a billionaire, he died Mike Yanagita lonely.
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Brutal incelindexpill.
Information being out in the open about everyone is suifuel.
I mean, you have to get others to know about you if you moneymaxx by CEO.
I'm sure nobody knew him when he sold his first company.
I mean, you have to get others to know about you if you moneymaxx by CEO.
Yeah that's a serious downside though in a world where guys with no relationships with women are discriminated against.
I'm sure nobody knew him when he sold his first company.
At least not for now.
It just keeps getting worse. In the future this information will probably be available about even more people publicly even if they were not yet successful. Only rich chads will have privacy. It's over.
Yeah that's a serious downside though in a world where guys with no relationships with women are discriminated against.
I don't know how true that is tbh.
At least not for now.
It just keeps getting worse. In the future this information will probably be available about even more people publicly even if they were not yet successful. Only rich chads will have privacy. It's over.
I'd say rich chads have the least privacy. The most privacy would be if you ((()))maxx and make money from investing instead of work.
I don't know how true that is tbh.
With the importance of networking in getting a good paying job and how married men are more often promoted than single men it's very real tbh
I'd say rich chads have the least privacy. The most privacy would be if you ((()))maxx and make money from investing instead of work.
ngl we might be moving to the point where rich chads have a lot more privacy since nothing is really stopping some chads from moneymaxxing if they want to.
Over for rich ricecels :feelsrope:

Really well written OP.. really well done.

Kind of sinilarities with Michael Scott though more introverted, beta and intelligent.

Can relate to the story to. I think most here can. Most had a simp and niceguy period before settling here.

People dont give a single fuck about you no matter how much effort, consideration and care you shower them with. Investing anything, whether its finances, creativity, jestermaxxing or care into people (individual.and collectively) is an inverted horn of plenty.

Save everything for yourself. Only you matter and what you want and feel. Make no more than 5 exceptions beyond first degree relatives in who you will give a single fuck about. 5 is a lot. You will most likely need less.

Dont try to please nobody. Including by trying to impress them or make them feel regretful for how they treated you. Kick the imaginary audience out of your head. All they do is gaslight and destroy you.

Dont try to be liked or disliked. Dont try to be or do, say or feel anything in some way to please impress or please.

It is of crucial importance to remove yourself from needing any verification from anyone. Only after everyone else is out of your head the real you will surface. Your mind is your house and you pay dearly to let them squad for free in your house with zero regard for houserules.

The only thing in life what matters is what you want. Fuck people, social conventions, laws, logic and fuck cowering for the unseen eye in the sky. Fuck everyone.
Nice post
A tragic tale

Really well written OP.. really well done.

Kind of sinilarities with Michael Scott though more introverted, beta and intelligent.

Can relate to the story to. I think most here can. Most had a simp and niceguy period before settling here.

People dont give a single fuck about you no matter how much effort, consideration and care you shower them with. Investing anything, whether its finances, creativity, jestermaxxing or care into people (individual.and collectively) is an inverted horn of plenty.

Save everything for yourself. Only you matter and what you want and feel. Make no more than 5 exceptions beyond first degree relatives in who you will give a single fuck about. 5 is a lot. You will most likely need less.

Dont try to please nobody. Including by trying to impress them or make them feel regretful for how they treated you. Kick the imaginary audience out of your head. All they do is gaslight and destroy you.

Dont try to be liked or disliked. Dont try to be or do, say or feel anything in some way to please impress or please.

It is of crucial importance to remove yourself from needing any verification from anyone. Only after everyone else is out of your head the real you will surface. Your mind is your house and you pay dearly to let them squad for free in your house with zero regard for houserules.

The only thing in life what matters is what you want. Fuck people, social conventions, laws, logic and fuck cowering for the unseen eye in the sky. Fuck everyone.
Well said,

I also want to chime in that for normies, this way of thinking is natural and expected. Tony's problem was that he fought this natural normie order. He wanted to be a benevolent hero figure, but only Chad can get away with that.
Never began for ricecels. Why bother trying if this guy ended up being lonely? Honestly pure suifuel.
Sorry too long, did not read.

My take:
Uber's former CEO travis kalacknick is definitely a below average white male in terms of looks. Yet he was seen with two blonde stacy females in that infamous video of him berating an Uber driver (a subhuman middle eastern peon slave).

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTEDYCkNqns

Never began for Asian American males no matter how successful whether millionaire or billionaire. Its your look that matters the most to people. And most people would just assume he was a typical Asian tech nerd no matter what his net worth was. Not some edgy white skater/surfer dude with tattoos. Which white females absolutely love.

He would of been better off being single with an average income of $35 - 78k per year. Escortmaxxing or visiting massage parlors a couple times a year.

Too fuckin bad.

Women genuinely are repulsed at the sight of Asian men. It is about as equal to most men (of all races) repulsion of Black females. Except soy cuck white males will actually virtue signal and date black females. I see it every now and then. I KNOW white males don't want black females whatsoever. AND I know white females don't want ethnic males in general but you do see them in public on very rare occasions. JFL clown society, There is a very good reason why European tourists in SF describe Americans as fake. I overheard their conversations.
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Really well written OP.. really well done.

Kind of sinilarities with Michael Scott though more introverted, beta and intelligent.

Can relate to the story to. I think most here can. Most had a simp and niceguy period before settling here.

People dont give a single fuck about you no matter how much effort, consideration and care you shower them with. Investing anything, whether its finances, creativity, jestermaxxing or care into people (individual.and collectively) is an inverted horn of plenty.

Save everything for yourself. Only you matter and what you want and feel. Make no more than 5 exceptions beyond first degree relatives in who you will give a single fuck about. 5 is a lot. You will most likely need less.

Dont try to please nobody. Including by trying to impress them or make them feel regretful for how they treated you. Kick the imaginary audience out of your head. All they do is gaslight and destroy you.

Dont try to be liked or disliked. Dont try to be or do, say or feel anything in some way to please impress or please.

It is of crucial importance to remove yourself from needing any verification from anyone. Only after everyone else is out of your head the real you will surface. Your mind is your house and you pay dearly to let them squad for free in your house with zero regard for houserules.

The only thing in life what matters is what you want. Fuck people, social conventions, laws, logic and fuck cowering for the unseen eye in the sky. Fuck everyone.

View: https://youtu.be/w0xbP83McGk
Sorry too long, did not read.

My take:
Uber's former CEO travis kalacknick is definitely a below average white male in terms of looks. Yet he was seen with two blonde stacy females in that infamous video of him berating an Uber driver (a subhuman middle eastern peon slave).

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTEDYCkNqns

Never began for Asian American males no matter how successful whether millionaire or billionaire. Its your look that matters the most to people. And most people would just assume he was a typical Asian tech nerd no matter what his net worth was. Not some edgy white skater/surfer dude with tattoos. Which white females absolutely love.

He would of been better off being single with an average income of $35 - 78k per year. Escortmaxxing or visiting massage parlors a couple times a year.

Too fuckin bad.

Women genuinely are repulsed at the sight of Asian men. It is about as equal to most men (of all races) repulsion of Black females. Except soy cuck white males will actually virtue signal and date black females. I see it every now and then. I KNOW white males don't want black females whatsoever. AND I know white females don't want ethnic males in general but you do see them in public on very rare occasions. JFL clown society, There is a very good reason why European tourists in SF describe Americans as fake. I overheard their conversations.

europeans are probably more racist than southern whites. They are just more classy about it
you can't win as an ethnic male
I read somewhere they burned the house he was in and he perished :cryfeels::f:
R.I.P. This is fucking brutal. there's no gym for your face. There's no personality for your face. There's no shower for your face. And there's definitely no fucking money for your face.
I read somewhere they burned the house he was in and he perished :cryfeels::f:
it's weird because he had strong suicidal signs for months and of all people, only the singer Jewel cared enough to at least write him a letter addressing her concerns that he's undergoing a downward spiral. I suppose that's somewhat lifefuel that a famous singer cared somewhat, but the friendzone doesn't save truecels.
His story is proof that moneymaxxing doesn't work. All the money in he world didn't make up for the lack of female love and validation. Meanwhile 6 foot redneck ogres are balls deep in Tinder sluts and get to live happy lives, have children, grandchildren, and a legacy. The billionairre ricel gets a diamond crusted tombstone.
His story is proof that moneymaxxing doesn't work. All the money in he world didn't make up for the lack of female love and validation. Meanwhile 6 foot redneck ogres are balls deep in Tinder sluts and get to live happy lives, have children, grandchildren, and a legacy. The billionairre ricel gets a diamond crusted tombstone.
Looks are everything.
His story is proof that moneymaxxing doesn't work. All the money in he world didn't make up for the lack of female love and validation. Meanwhile 6 foot redneck ogres are balls deep in Tinder sluts and get to live happy lives, have children, grandchildren, and a legacy. The billionairre ricel gets a diamond crusted tombstone.
Over for moneycoping incels
Tony basically refutes the personality argument that soys use. This guy used his wealth to help people, shifted the consumer market towards free shipping which soys rely on today. Despite this foids still rejected him. They would rather be with a criminal who hurts children(Jeremy meeks) than an incel who changes the world for the better.
Tony basically refutes the personality argument that soys use. This guy used his wealth to help people, shifted the consumer market towards free shipping which soys rely on today. Despite this foids still rejected him. They would rather be with a criminal who hurts children(Jeremy meeks) than an incel who changes the world for the better.
That’s ugly ugly? Or just meh? Cuz he mogs the shit out of me
Any billionaire can get women. This guy just went crazy.
fucking brutal truly ethnic males are cursed
I didn't read the whole thing, tbh, but all I can say is that his white billionaire counterparts would be knee-deep in pussy by his age
Since a white guy who gets a billion dollars already has a wife & kids and a bunch of real friends hes had for a long time.. he doesn't much use his business to try to get friends or promote friendship or whatever.

A white billionaires is just playing the game, if he has $1 billion, his next goal is to get $2 billion. It doesn't mean he is inhuman, like to some degree the white billionaire will still care about his employees, its just not remotely to the same extent this ricecel was.

To use Bezos as an example, Bezos has buddies that him and his brother have known since highschool, and they still hang out and go for wild trips. Bezos also was married, then he got divorced because he got tempted by insanely hot women.

As much as white women focus on being 'happy' all the time, in the culture for white men we don't really put that much emphasis on happiness, and definitely not happiness for other guys. We sort of pride ourselves on the suffering and hardship we have to go through 24/7.

Its only hardcore hippy type white beta males who are so empathetic, and worried about 'happiness', and always reading spirituality type of stuff trying to find fulfilment/happiness.

Normal white guys fulfillment is achievement in whatever they are doing. Whether their hobbies, sports, money, women, etc.

Less ambitious white guys they sort of find fulfilment in 'leisure time', like watching the game, fishing, etc.. while smoking and drinking.

Its the really extraverted guys who end up committing suicide on drugs, as they are always wanting to 'party' and its a bunch of guys like them who sit around together all the time getting more and more unfulfilled with life.

Something about life is most of life for a man I believe should be alone working towards his life missions. Whereas socializing is something he does a few times a week. Sort of like how real men in the past had the relationship with their wife. They spend hardly any time with her, they actually forced to do 'date night'. Compare that to the beta males who are always watching Netflix for their girlfriend and its obvious who has the better strategy.
Autistic thread. If this guy was a billionaire he had really easy access to women. There are many hot women who agree to let rich arabs shit on them for money. Do a search for tag the sponsor.

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