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LifeFuel Rice whore gets fired from Google

I can't believe how hideous Asain foids are. Every time I see one I'm reminded of just how easy foids have it considering these creatures have no problem dating.
She’ll be mopping the floors at some grocery store now lol
AHAHAHAH GOOD THAT THIS USELESS BITCH is fired. Why should this whore get paid for playing with dogs and eating food JFL.
Goof riddence the recession will put toilets back in the kitchen.
Life on easy mode lol
hahahaha, "work"
Lifefuel for @Transcended Trucel
2020 was your first hint that the jews are completely reworking the economy and calling it something else.

I wonder how much jewish cock this flatfaced gook had to suck to get that job.
Imagine this is what this toilet got to do for a living making bank while her looksmatch is assembling graphics cards in a factory 3 cents an hour.
2020 was your first hint that the jews are completely reworking the economy and calling it something else.

I wonder how much jewish cock this flatfaced gook had to suck to get that job.
ahahhahaa flatfaced
:foidSoy:she was laid off because of male privilege!
Bye bye life in tutorial mode, gookle.
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She has the same nose as the Tinder pigwoman experiment :feelspuke::dafuckfeels:

indeed. Hopefully more get laid off everywhere except me
I assumed it was all useless foid jobs like customer experience reps or marketing specialists getting fired
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Society is healing, hopefully
I can't believe how hideous Asain foids are. Every time I see one I'm reminded of just how easy foids have it considering these creatures have no problem dating.
2020 was your first hint that the jews are completely reworking the economy and calling it something else.

I wonder how much jewish cock this flatfaced gook had to suck to get that job.
Faggot leftists are now realising they will be in the firing line once the Jews have total control.
The time of these useful idiots is ending.
Heres the full collection

View: https://twitter.com/Babygravy9/status/1598718636138569728?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1598718636138569728%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=

the twitter employee video will be a little bit compressed (240p/15fps) so my filthy nigger internet provider can upload it before the .is massa decides to whip my video to death

Original threads
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Asians typically aren't diversity hires, as she's really beautiful my guess is that she's hired purely based on her vagina.

Anyhow, it's kind of odd having to read a newspaper to learn that you're fired. Also notice the fact that she said that the firing wasn't done based on performance, this means that her job was a luxury deadweight job to begin with, she was probably only hired to have a larger percentage of female staff.

Can't say that I feel any happy hearing that she cried on the day of her firing as I instinctively want to act supportive to sad people, though then I realise how toilets view me and remember that no toilet is worthy of empathy.

Nicole Tsai reminds me of that Twitter employee whose days also seem to include nothing but leisure and unproductive business meetings. My guess is that she significantly out earns a large part of the general population including many more productive people at Google purely so they can say to Feminists "look at how much money we're paying toilets".

For most toilets the workplace isn't a meritocratic space, it's simply a space where they can get paid for simply hanging around people and occasionally talking to them. As age, race, and looks don't matter for toilets simply having a vagina qualifies you to almost all the privileges in life.

One thing I find funny is that a lot of these deadweight toilets claim that "no man is worthy of my time" but I think that one of the factors of the dating market being so fucked is that a large percentage of toilets are simply being overpaid to do nothing and "look feminine" by attending meetings to make the meetings seem more diverse. As they're not hired based on skill they are ignored during these meetings and then perpetuate the stereotype that "people don't listen to toilets", Feminism creates its own problems. If you look at many Asian countries where all toilets in companies are there based on their skills you never hear toilets say "people ignore me because I'm a toilet", and in the West it seems like Feminism wants this to be a self fulfilling prophecy, plus they usually get paid more than their productive male counterparts. I wouldn't be surprised if this was a plot by the local managerial staff to exclude her male colleagues as potential mates. My guess is that the managers do this so they can expand their own potential dating pool, but then again the #NeToo movement has made this impossible, so at best these toilets are just there as expensive decorations to increase ESG scores.

Still, can't say that I didn't feel sad for her getting fired, especially since I find her attractive which might be a strong reason why I felt upset to see her in distress... I know, it's cucked, can't help it.
Personally I think she's hotter than literally any White toilet in the world, but I guess that it's just a difference in taste. I especially like her flat nose, big lips, and small eyes. :ahegao: :ahegao: :ahegao:
What in the fuck
laid off is different than getting fired and isn't that bad actually. not lifefuel
More proof modern women are lazy
“Such a high performer”
“They randomly laid you off”
“It makes no sense”
Cuck orbiters assuring her she wasn’t dead weight

Just lol

Life would be so confusing with a foids IQ and lifestyle
I make like a third of their salary doing work that’s 3 times as important

Life fuel seeing them snap back to reality for even a second.
Adult daycare is probably purely to increase ESG scores and for the managers and productive employees to have attractive toilets to look at.
100%. Normie men morale improves when they have young attractive foids around especially if they’re incel or only have some old landwhale wife to talk to back home.
Society is healing, hopefully
Collapsing more likely, the gibs is running around and the economic tech bubble can longer carry all the useless foids with useless 4 year degrees getting paid 6 figures to do literally nothing, this decade is gonna be interesting :feelsdevil: :feelsdevil: :feelsdevil:
I can't believe how hideous Asain foids are. Every time I see one I'm reminded of just how easy foids have it considering these creatures have no problem dating.
Disgusting horse face ching chong speaking creatures can suck whitoid chad dick easily its over buddy boyos:feelsrope:
Jfl jewgle does something based for once
This video is the reason why so many people here in the SF bay area/Silicon valley hate us Asians so much. We are overrepresented in tech and earn a lot. A lot of noodlewhores boast about their comfortable jobs with their benefits and then go on twitter to complain about the high cost of rent and the homeless crisis. We have these comfortable jobs with tons of benefits and consider 114k a year salary as dogshit. We don't really "work" or do anything beneficial for society. These noodlewhores also like to showoff their comfortable high rise lofty apartments and only date white men. Or in some cases, tall rich high value men of their own race.

If anything, these tech companies are worthless. The people actually getting things done, doing hard work, and maintaining society are doing the real work non related to tech. Construction workers, transportation, food, retail, sanitation, etc...
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Lol if I got fired I would get a new job in a week max because I'm not useless like those superflous meme workers are.

What a coincidence that useless jobs like HR or 'snack manager' are all populated mainly by women.
Yeah keep sucking on the frappaccino and crying you stupid useless whores.
:feelsLightsaber: :feelsLightsaber: :feelsLightsaber: :dab:
There are hundreds of thousands more useless employees at tech companies, trust me. That’s why I laugh when some tech company expands like crazy and people outside the company think that means some new tech is coming out. Incessant growth, no matter the quality of the hire, was appealing for a decade, but now value is scrutinized more.

Anyways, anyone know where I can find more vids of these bitches getting laid off?
Why tf is the noodlefoid recording herself crying to her reaction of being fired ?
Oh yeah , because simp soy cucks will feel bad for the foid . Oh no I lost my job .
Yeah its the worst thing to happen to these normie scums , that's how privileged they are compared to us brocels . :cryfeels::feelsree:
Workplace is just a playground for women. If they had to work even half as hard as guys they couldn't take it
Imagine this is what this toilet got to do for a living making bank while her looksmatch is assembling graphics cards in a factory 3 cents an hour.
theyre both working for google jfl
im asian and my sister was actually one of the 12000 laid off jfl

(she works in marketing)
Those idiots keep filming themselves and getting fired right after. When will they learn to keep their mouths shut.

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