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Response to @Samurai on a Bluepilled Post about “Productiveness”



Jul 30, 2022

Productiveness is cope. Perhaps this is what happens to kike worshippers who claim to be incel. They start to spout bluepills after some time spent online :feelshaha: . The only reason why you would be on this forum is because you haven’t obtained pussy using cultured methods other than betabux / escortbux. You already know that most bitches in your age range are taking dick every other week (mostly from Chad or Tyrone). You also know that there are pathetic normcucks out there who will later become husbands / betabuxers for those same bitches, and in return will receive starfish sex at best (and possibly raise the children of other men while simultaneously under the illusion that the child is theirs)

I agree that it is pathetic for incels to constantly lament over the fact that they do not have a GF. I also think it’s a childish phase that most of them will overcome at some point. Either they will become a cuck and LTR a used-up bitch, or they’ll become MGTOW. But to say that someone deserves to be without pussy simply because they lament over the fact that they haven’t had a GF, is a very foidish / IT-ish thing to say. It doesn’t matter that you said “some”. The fact is that you said inceldom is deserving of someone who laments over the same condition that was a direct result of their inceldom (no GF). You sure that you’re not an infiltrator from Reddit? :feelssus:

If you have come to terms with the state of the modern social-economic world and how emasculated young men have become - You’ll also realise there’s not much reason to contribute to society unless you want to prolong the despair or misery that has affected you, while your masters continue to stay richer and able to slay high SMV bitches every other day as they reap the benefits of your so-called “productiveness”. If by “productiveness” you mean gymmaxxing, then unless you have experienced physical health improvement from gymmaxxing, then it’s all for vanity, similar to how foids take selfies all day and post it on their social medias for simps to validate them

The point is not all “productiveness” serves the interests of the producer, depending on what kind of “productive” activity it is. In some circumstances, it would be preferable for the individual to just do nothing. Sometimes it is more convenient to be a “pathetic lazy dork” than be a “productive” oofy doofy who enables other people to stay richer than themselves with more affluent lifestyles. Plus success is never certain, and success does not come to all who try. If there is someone else out there who will benefit more from your “productiveness” than you yourself, then why encourage it?

A “decent productive life”, “only low t bitches will get mad” --- JFL this is literally :redpill: rhetoric :feelshaha:. The only pragmatic purpose of being “productive” is to establish generational wealth for future descendants, which you will not do unless you become a pathetic betabux cuckold who snags a roastie with +13 bodies on her. Otherwise all you would be doing is vanity work that will possibly benefit others more than it will benefit yourself. You have practically nothing to gain from being “productive” unless this “productive” work is causing you to earn more money than the average person (which in this case does not apply to most young men in western society)

You hate your life less because you’re a bluepilled cuckold who thinks a dead kike will come back on a flying donkey to rescue him from earth and deliver him to a world of never-ending paradise. This coping thought alone makes you feel less miserable and less bitter about your current socio-sexual situation, and not simply because you became more “productive”

Quotes from some based gray @Aku no Hana:

You have to remember that normies always tell ugly and/or short and/or financially poor and/or disabled men there's more they could be doing and that if they're still not successful and get rejected by even average and sub-5 women they try to meet and date, (and the fact that this is more the case now than it was in the past, which they want to deflect from understanding) it must be because they aren't trying enough. The overwhelming majority of people in society have this mindset to us, the redpill is but a specific form of it.
The point is that normies/redpillers are the ones mostly responsible for encouraging this fallacy (not noting the distinction I highlighted and just blanket telling all men, regardless of their height, looks, and other factors outside of their control, that they need to keep trying and if they don't find success it's because they haven't enough) and it's just despicable that it's always incels, the guys who are already completely down on their luck with nothing, that get accused of being the fallacious ones. ("it's not that you aren't successful because trying wouldn't make a difference, you aren't successful because you don't try!")
The value of the blackpill is that it emphasizes (at least in theory) starting from an objective place that confronts the truth without bias even when it's politically incorrect or "uncomfortable," then from there soberly acknowledging the potential for what is within a man's control to change bringing him better odds of success. Note that most people do the reverse: assume the man is at fault and isn't doing enough purely because in some cases, effort corresponds to increased chances of success. They just refuse to confront the fact that this isn't always the case, because they not only do not care about the most unfortunate members of society, they actively hate us because it's the only way they can not feel guilty to support a society that leads to people like us existing.
The sheer quantity of normies that tell all incels "just shower" "just work out" "just learn game" "just be confident" will always be incomporably more egregious than the existence of the minority of men on this forum who actually happen to not practice good hygiene.
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Total state of this forum, apparently mods dont give a shit about incel shamers like @Samurai
High IQ. Just another victim blaming red pill cope.
"Always a productive day, never a reproductive day."
Total state of this forum, apparently mods dont give a shit about incel shamers like @Samurai
Telling people to at least make an attempt at life = incel shaming

Cry more you cuck.
Just like how Jeremy Meeks deserves to be incel, so do lazy faggots who refuse to put effort into improving their life.
I’m seeing a lot of anti-incel counterarguments that incels “deserve” to be lonely made by the exact same people who often tell you: you’re not entitled to sex. I have one word for this:

The idea of ‘deserving’ sex renders it as some sort of reward or accomplishment, so given that logic alone, by using the word ‘deserve’ with all its intended connotations, you are suggesting that you view sex as something that must be earned, which means that not only you are, on a subconscious level, seeing it as a symbol of status, power, and happiness [or self-worth], but you are also suggesting [or implying] that some people are fully entitled to it, because the lack of it is somehow justifiable to you.

Besides, nobody gets to be the judge of who has sex and who doesn’t based on his or her own arbitrary and (more often than not) politically motivated reasons. That’s up to Mother Nature and the quality of your genetics to decide.

@Samurai might as well return to Reddit. Maybe he would be rejected from r/IncelTears, but he would surely be welcome on r/IncelExit

Are you trying to imply that all men who are redpilled and not Chad are the ones who deserve sex? At the end of the day, genetics, money and status are the three main "personality traits" that dictate a male's odds of success in sex / dating

Either you have the "personality traits" that trigger / activate the "sex-craving" areas of foid brains, or you don't. Nobody decides who deserves sex. It is religious cope to think sex or inceldom is deservable for whatever reason
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I'm productive not because I see it as a cope, but because I refuse to let my inceldom affect other aspects of my life.

I believe productivity is also determined by your genes = mental health aka willpower= likely blue-pilled
Just like how Jeremy Meeks deserves to be incel, so do lazy faggots who refuse to put effort into improving their life.

Not being lazy won’t solve your inceldom. You have been brainwashed really badly.

Jeremy Meeks doesn’t “deserve” to be an incel. He has good genetics, therefore he has sex, and you don’t. It’s that fucking simple.

Not being lazy won’t solve your inceldom. You have been brainwashed really badly.

Jeremy Meeks doesn’t “deserve” to be an incel. He has good genetics, therefore he has sex, and you don’t. It’s that fucking simple.
Where did I say not being lazy will guarantee getting a girlfriend?
Total state of this forum, apparently mods dont give a shit about incel shamers like @Samurai
Er ist ein halb Jude halb Engländer, oder so. Sein Profil allein zeigt mir schon das er so eine Tiktok schwuchtel ist. Ist einfache eine eklige kleine Ratte, die aus irgendeinem Grund hier sehr stark zelebriert wird.

Die schwuchtel hat mal versucht so eine schlampe bei IT zu leaken, weil er so wütend auf die war, hat voll verkackt, und war da voll der meme.

Ausserdem bedroht er auch Leute die er nicht mag das er die Behörden auf sie losschicken wird. Also wie gesagt, gemischtes stück Dreck.
Where did I say not being lazy will guarantee getting a girlfriend?
Then why do you obsess over others not improving their lives on here in the first place? Don’t backpedal now, you’re clearly indicating that you need to “improve your life” (whatever that means, :feelsseriously: as if people who’re not Reddit brained aren’t actively and marginally improving their lives by supporting their communities, families, wageslaving, studying, and more importantly, spending time doing what they enjoy and having fun with their hobbies) in order to have sex, because in your eyes, incels deserve to not have sex or in other words, you think people are entitled to sex.
Telling people to at least make an attempt at life = incel shaming

Cry more you cuck.
What good does it do a man to gain the world and every foid in it but to lose it all eternally .There is one life and one light and hope and truth ,Jesus

Productiveness is cope. Perhaps this is what happens to kike worshippers who claim to be incel. They start to spout bluepills after some time spent online :feelshaha: . The only reason why you would be on this forum is because you haven’t obtained pussy using cultured methods other than betabux / escortbux. You already know that most bitches in your age range are taking dick every other week (mostly from Chad or Tyrone). You also know that there are pathetic normcucks out there who will later become husbands / betabuxers for those same bitches, and in return will receive starfish sex at best (and possibly raise the children of other men while simultaneously under the illusion that the child is theirs)

I agree that it is pathetic for incels to constantly lament over the fact that they do not have a GF. I also think it’s a childish phase that most of them will overcome at some point. Either they will become a cuck and LTR a used-up bitch, or they’ll become MGTOW. But to say that someone deserves to be without pussy simply because they lament over the fact that they haven’t had a GF, is a very foidish / IT-ish thing to say. It doesn’t matter that you said “some”. The fact is that you said inceldom is deserving of someone who laments over the same condition that was a direct result of their inceldom (no GF). You sure that you’re not an infiltrator from Reddit? :feelssus:

If you have come to terms with the state of the modern social-economic world and how emasculated young men have become - You’ll also realise there’s not much reason to contribute to society unless you want to prolong the despair or misery that has affected you, while your masters continue to stay richer and able to slay high SMV bitches every other day as they reap the benefits of your so-called “productiveness”. If by “productiveness” you mean gymmaxxing, then unless you have experienced physical health improvement from gymmaxxing, then it’s all for vanity, similar to how foids take selfies all day and post it on their social medias for simps to validate them

The point is not all “productiveness” serves the interests of the producer, depending on what kind of “productive” activity it is. In some circumstances, it would be preferable for the individual to just do nothing. Sometimes it is more convenient to be a “pathetic lazy dork” than be a “productive” oofy doofy who enables other people to stay richer than themselves with more affluent lifestyles. Plus success is never certain, and success does not come to all who try. If there is someone else out there who will benefit more from your “productiveness” than you yourself, then why encourage it?

A “decent productive life”, “only low t bitches will get mad” --- JFL this is literally :redpill: rhetoric :feelshaha:. The only pragmatic purpose of being “productive” is to establish generational wealth for future descendants, which you will not do unless you become a pathetic betabux cuckold who snags a roastie with +13 bodies on her. Otherwise all you would be doing is vanity work that will possibly benefit others more than it will benefit yourself. You have practically nothing to gain from being “productive” unless this “productive” work is causing you to earn more money than the average person (which in this case does not apply to most young men in western society)

You hate your life less because you’re a bluepilled cuckold who thinks a dead kike will come back on a flying donkey to rescue him from earth and deliver him to a world of never-ending paradise. This coping thought alone makes you feel less miserable and less bitter about your current socio-sexual situation, and not simply because you became more “productive”

Quotes from some based gray @Aku no Hana:
Productivity is pointless but pointing that out is hopeless! Be productive for the life to come ,God has a crown with your name on it,don't let anyone steal it from you.I don't disagree both you and Samarai make some good points but both miss the boat .

I think people should be more productive but I don't think most people on this site can do that without God,I couldn't ! Second point ,if you do succeed ,then what?? When the things of this world pass away where will you stand without Jesus??
Fucking state of .is incel shaming bluepillers are allowed to roam free
You enjoy writing responses, OP. Otherwise this is huge waste of time.

If you're actually blackpilled you will ignore this and focus on coping.
Productivity is pointless but pointing that out is hopeless! Be productive for the life to come ,God has a crown with your name on it,don't let anyone steal it from you.
"But patience, to prevent
That murmur, soon replies, “God doth not need
Either man’s work or his own gifts; who best
Bear his mild yoke, they serve him best. His state
Is Kingly. Thousands at his bidding speed
And post o’er Land and Ocean without rest:
They also serve who only stand and wait.”
SOME and i repeat SOME incels are pathetic ugly loosers who just need to fix their personality teehee
must wage hard for that PRIME 40 year old pussy :feelsaww:
SOME and i repeat SOME incels are pathetic ugly loosers who just need to fix their personality teehee
I agree, sistah


Telling people to at least make an attempt at life = incel shaming

Cry more you cuck.
They hate you because they don't want to see you succeed in life while they are are miserable and rotting 24/7
They hate you because they don't want to see you succeed in life while they are are miserable and rotting 24/7
jfl people have many reasons to dislike samurai by now

he's a whiteknight larper who came here to spam retarded threads about moving to north korea, and then moved on to trying to get users to selfdoxx and threatening to report them to the FBI

all of this way before his recent thread. don't comment about stuff you don't know about
They hate you because they don't want to see you succeed in life while they are are miserable and rotting 24/7
They remind me of the 40 year old infertile childless women who want to bring the 20 year old women down to their level with cats and wine
jfl people have many reasons to dislike samurai by now

he's a whiteknight larper who came here to spam retarded threads about moving to north korea, and then moved on to trying to get users to selfdoxx and threatening to report them to the FBI

all of this way before his recent thread. don't comment about stuff you don't know about
I don't like white knights but samurai is right when he says that Incels should focus on self improvement. The point of self improvement is not get a gf, it's to develop a healthy relationship with yourself.
Just like how Jeremy Meeks deserves to be incel, so do lazy faggots who refuse to put effort into improving their life.
Girls should want to go out with me because of me despite my ratty, pot-bellied appearance.

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