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Brutal Reproduction is the purpose of life



May 18, 2021
The purpose of life is reproduction. If you don't spend your time productive reproducing, it's most logical to watch porn to at least simulate the purpose of life for your body. Males who don't get to reproduce have to simulate reproduction by watching reproduction on a screen to trick the brain into thinking it's reproducing.

I have actually first hand experience with this. If I'm outside I see all these men doing pointless shit like playing sports alone or in groups of men, or swimming, or just roaming around aimlessly. Instead of doing the same and "enjoying life" I'm deeply frustrated and depressed because all of the attractive females outside that I don't get to reproduce with.

Are all these men brainwashed or homosexual? Or low in testosterone? They are around females while still functioning, while knowing they will never reproduce with all these females.

I have tried to go outside playing soccer, swimming, hiking, shopping, doing activity with friends, etc. to get a "higher quality of life" or "spending my time productive". But eventually I stopped doing these things because I just got miserable seeing all these females around me that I will never mate with. I don't know how men don't go insane and go to work, etc.

The stronger my body told me to reproduce, fulfilling it's purpose, the less fun these activities were. They just seemed pointless and frustrating. Why even do them at all if you can't fulfill your purpose? It's not like you can fuck the girls around you while going for a swim or playing soccer. They're just there and you know you will never get to touch them.

Yet all these men are outside highly functioning. Are they so deep in their own fantasies? They probably think that by doing their routines that they get to fuck the girls of their dreams, lol. It's sad really.

We really need AI asap. Then we could at least go outside with our virtual female partners and even record all females we see outside to virtually replicate them for our use immediately. That would actually highly motivate me to go outside.

If you're outside having aimless "fun" you're either still young without a high libido or you're completely delusional. I had to learn this the hard way by getting rejected by my crushes time and time again while being " productive", active and social. Didn't help one bit. Still got rejected because of my mental issues and severe insecurities. Yes, there are lots of attractive incels out there that don't get to fuck because of severe mental issues. Females are attracted by looks but they don't mean shit if you're mentally ill and extremely insecure. That's what you call "mentalcel".

The logical conclusion should be to spend most of your time at home and look at porn, be it hentai or real human porn. At least be kind to your body, yourself, and simulate the experience of reproduction. That's the closest you can get to fulfilling your purpose.

I would like to go outside and spend my time having fun, but that's simply not possible when you don't get to have sex while having fun.

Why would I even care about going out with friends or shopping or whatever if I know that I will just see females I will never mate with? It doesn't make any sense. Normal people are deeply stuck in their delusions.
another wet GrAY thread


I have tried to go outside playing soccer, swimming, hiking, shopping, doing activity with friends, etc. to get a "higher quality of life" or "spending my time productive". But eventually I stopped doing these things because I just got miserable seeing all these females around me that I will never mate with. I don't know how men don't go insane and go to work, etc.
>sees females
i had the same problem, i just went off trail deep into the woods and no female robots were around
Compulsion is not a purpose. The compulsion to reproduce (to fuck basically, because our instincts don't know about pregnancy) evolved because there was no way for anything else to evolve because evolution requires reproduction. It's no more a purpose of life than a junkie's desire to get high.
I don't know how men don't go insane and go to work
Because they had sex in their life, i talked about this on one of my post, it's like men who had sex in their life unlock something in their brain and can move on, maybe it's their brain feeling that " the job was at least done once " And it's probably enough to cope a little more then virgins like us.

Why would you envy couple outside when you already had this in your life, why would you envy people who have sex, when you already had it and know how it feels.

We are stuck in a point of our life where we can't move one from something other people had naturally without huge efforts...And people dare to say " just go to an escort/prostitute " but it will probably not lift our weight, i trully think that having sexe only with a prostitute will just make you go deeper in depression, everytime you will see couple outside, you will no more think " i can't have that " you will now and forever " i had to pay for having 1 hours of that, and will forever have to pay "

Only people able to cope with prostitute are the guy who already had " free sex " what i mean by that is common social reward sex, the type of sex that women give to you because they actually want to have sex with you, not because you gave her 200 dollars for one our of fake sex.
because evolution requires reproduction
Yes, therefore it's the objective purpose. And even if it's all subjective, I don't see how that helps or solves anything. The desire is still there, it's hardwired. The frustration is still there. As I said, I could go out trying to have fun, but it will be overshadowed by sexual frustration.
Most men arnt incels.
Most incels arnt trucels.
I would like to go outside and spend my time having fun, but that's simply not possible when you don't get to have sex while having fun.
Dude, the outdoors are so fucking comfy. Plus porn is a CHEAP substitute for sex, obviously it is a shitty cope. In my teenage years I was quite the coomer, in fact I was a gooner before gooning was a term. Porn gets old really fast.
Honestly if you don't speand time outdoors then your chances of ascending are NULL AND VOID. That's the sad reality of it.
Its not for me but you are right biologically speaking. This has destroyed me form the inside and I am too weak to resist or overcome it. I must fuck whores in Pattaya to free myself of this torment and proceed with my actual goals.
Porn gets old really fast.
If porn gets boring for you then ok, I guess it's different for me. I get extreme dopamine trance-like states every time I look at an attractive female, be it porn or instagram. It's like some sort of heaven.
it's like men who had sex in their life unlock something in their brain and can move on, maybe it's their brain feeling that " the job was at least done once "
High IQ point, I think it's right too as you sometimes see people who were married or had a string of relationships but eventually decide it's not worth their energy. For us we're stuck in the zone mentally where everything has the same urgency and mystery as it did during adolescence.
Because they had sex in their life, i talked about this on one of my post, it's like men who had sex in their life unlock something in their brain and can move on, maybe it's their brain feeling that " the job was at least done once " And it's probably enough to cope a little more then virgins like us.

and mystery as it did during adolescence.
And do you want to lose that? Sure, I want to have sex with all the girls I find attractive, but if I knew that I will lose that very desire once I have sex, I actually wouldn't do it. It actually scares me thinking about losing my enormous attraction and teenage horniness. We should actually be thankful wtf. The pleasure we feel while looking at porn or fantasizing about our teen years brings us more pleasure than what normal non-virgins feel when thinking about sex or having sex. That's why we're so focused on sex and porn, because we get much larger dopamine and pleasure hits. I don't want to lose that ever.
Op has a Chad impregnator brain in an incel's body
And do you want to lose that?
Yes, because I think it's holding me back when it's in the back of my mind all the time. I struggle to focus on things because the fact I've not been able to get laid hits me every day. Also porn addiction isn't something I'm happy about either.
does purpose bring about happiness?
Because they had sex in their life, i talked about this on one of my post, it's like men who had sex in their life unlock something in their brain and can move on, maybe it's their brain feeling that " the job was at least done once " And it's probably enough to cope a little more then virgins like us.
High IQ point, I think it's right too as you sometimes see people who were married or had a string of relationships but eventually decide it's not worth their energy. For us we're stuck in the zone mentally where everything has the same urgency and mystery as it did during adolescence.
Its the same with alot of things. You don't know its really possible until you've done it. For people who never had sex, the realm of the possible is much smaller and your lack of experience becomes debilitating in many other aspects of life.
Yes, therefore it's the objective purpose.
I can't see a purpose in a compulsion. That's like saying our purpose is to die because we're mortal.

And even if it's all subjective, I don't see how that helps or solves anything. The desire is still there, it's hardwired. The frustration is still there. As I said, I could go out trying to have fun, but it will be overshadowed by sexual frustration.
Neither accepting nor refusing our "purpose" solves anything. And you're conflating sex and reproduction. If reproduction is the purpose, would your frustration be negated by donating sperm and knowing someone used it to make a baby, but you remained a virgin? And if some guy is banging foids left and right but doesn't want kids, would that mean he's frustrated?

I may be subhuman, but I'm superior to every other kind of animal. I could rope and commit the ultimate rejection of every animal instinct that's hardwired into me. People do it every day, people decide not to have kids every day, and choosing their own purpose.
Neither accepting nor refusing our "purpose" solves anything. And you're conflating sex and reproduction. If reproduction is the purpose, would your frustration be negated by donating sperm and knowing someone used it to make a baby, but you remained a virgin? And if some guy is banging foids left and right but doesn't want kids, would that mean he's frustrated?

I may be subhuman, but I'm superior to every other kind of animal. I could rope and commit the ultimate rejection of every animal instinct that's hardwired into me. People do it every day, people decide not to have kids every day, and choosing their own purpose.
By purpose I obviously mean biological, natural purpose as living organisms. What subjective purpose you give your life is something else entirely. About donating sperm, obviously you had an orgasm and your brain thought you impregnated a female. Same with porn. I actually wrote this in my start post. The frustration comes from not being able to impregnate females of your desire in real life, not in your imagination before you donate your sperm or imagine them in porn. It's about having real, physical sex with them. No amount of imagination masturbation can fulfill that.
By purpose I obviously mean biological, natural purpose as living organisms.
And I'm saying there can be no purpose in something that's purely mechanistic.
The only possible outcome is X, therefore our purpose is X.
In this case X is inheriting traits that compel us to mate. There is no way to inherit anything to the contrary, so it's no more our purpose than to die.

About donating sperm, obviously you had an orgasm and your brain thought you impregnated a female. Same with porn. I actually wrote this in my start post. The frustration comes from not being able to impregnate females of your desire in real life, not in your imagination before you donate your sperm or imagine them in porn. It's about having real, physical sex with them. No amount of imagination masturbation can fulfill that.
So it's just about sex, not reproduction?


Well let’s say that the ability to once in a while do so is a thing that makes other things in a life matter. Without the perspective of a romantic relationship, everything else is just hollow.
Well let’s say that the ability to once in a while do so is a thing that makes other things in a life matter. Without the perspective of a romantic relationship, everything else is just hollow.

Life on its own is already difficult. Even normies who don't have dating problems suffer because of how shitty life can be.

But having to deal with the shitty life AND the lack of affection, intimacy and sex is a horrible combination.
Affirmation of Will manifests itself in street fights, Killing other males, all for the sake of the insufferable Debt wanting to subtract itself again, into another.

Negation of Will manifests by inaction, isolation, avoidance, straight edge, and possibly suicide!

Staying in your Room playing cool ass vidya, by itself is negation of Will.
You are defying nature/Gaia by Default.
Dude, the outdoors are so fucking comfy. Plus porn is a CHEAP substitute for sex, obviously it is a shitty cope. In my teenage years I was quite the coomer, in fact I was a gooner before gooning was a term. Porn gets old really fast.
Honestly if you don't speand time outdoors then your chances of ascending are NULL AND VOID. That's the sad reality of it.
Are you really sure you were a gonner ? Gooning is next level masturbation/porn addiction, many have entire rooms dedicated for gooning
You are defying nature/Gaia by Default.
We need to suppress our instincts to keep society and our standard of living going. If we just went after our instincts and feelings and "stayed true to our real nature", we would be gr@ping, stealing, and even killing all day long, which would result in never ending war and the collapse of civilization. We would "bomb" ourselves back into the stone age. The goal should be to keep the system going, control our desires and hope for an AI technology that could create a matrix for us where we can live out all of our desires.
Gooning is next level masturbation/porn addiction, many have entire rooms dedicated for gooning
I think truecels and turbo mentalcels should dedicate their entire lives to gooning, vidya and NEETing. If it's over anyway and never began make the best out of it and enjoy your life.
We need to suppress our instincts to keep society and our standard of living going.
While women are going after their long suppressed instincts and cause the worst inequality since the early stages of industrialization. The only difference is how women are celebrated and encouraged to fuck around while men are shamed for competing with and motivating each other aka "toxic masculinity"
We need to suppress our instincts to keep society and our standard of living going. If we just went after our instincts and feelings and "stayed true to our real nature", we would be gr@ping, stealing, and even killing all day long, which would result in never ending war and the collapse of civilization. We would "bomb" ourselves back into the stone age. The goal should be to keep the system going, control our desires and hope for an AI technology that could create a matrix for us where we can live out all of our desires.
Live like a "happy" deprived recluse, while others affirm will, whilst nothing bad coming their way!

Negation for ONE nanosecond can never compensate, for the Injustice that was done to your "person".

An animal would seethe with Rage and go after the meat, even if it means negating the Will of others to affirm His own.

No cope, no religion, ONLY bitterness and spite remains till the End.

Alright, back to vidya ..:feelscomfy:
Somewhere in our lineage there was a split where we became the slaves and other familial lines became the smart high IQ rich giga moggers. Our retarded great grandparents sold our farms where we could at least be trucels in peace and practice self sufficiency for Tucker Carlson, night clubs and honey buns. Now we are forced to wage slave.

This is more a crisis of pragmatism than a crisis of nceldom/NEETdom. Every "fun hobby" is truly useless at the end of the day when you consider NONE of your basic needs are secured. Shelter is hidden behind a reoccurring monthly paywall, food is poisoned and reliant on complex systems to get to your grocery store. The shelves could be empty one day, now what? We have no skills bhai.

Normies are just oblivious to these facts, allowing them to play frisbee and go for bike rides without freaking out.
Somewhere in our lineage there was a split where we became the slaves and other familial lines became the smart high IQ rich giga moggers. Our retarded great grandparents sold our farms where we could at least be trucels in peace and practice self sufficiency for Tucker Carlson, night clubs and honey buns. Now we are forced to wage slave.

This is more a crisis of pragmatism than a crisis of nceldom/NEETdom. Every "fun hobby" is truly useless at the end of the day when you consider NONE of your basic needs are secured. Shelter is hidden behind a reoccurring monthly paywall, food is poisoned and reliant on complex systems to get to your grocery store. The shelves could be empty one day, now what? We have no skills bhai.

Normies are just oblivious to these facts, allowing them to play frisbee and go for bike rides without freaking out.
Affirmation of Will manifests itself in street fights, Killing other males, all for the sake of the insufferable Debt wanting to subtract itself again, into another.

Negation of Will manifests by inaction, isolation, avoidance, straight edge, and possibly suicide!

Staying in your Room playing cool ass vidya, by itself is negation of Will.
You are defying nature/Gaia by Default.
Since you have used the term affirmation of the will i assume you read schopenhauer. No, suicide is not negation or denial of the will.:

Suicide, the arbitrary doing away with the individual phenomenon, differs most widely from the denial of the will-to-live

Far from being denial of the will, suicide is a phenomenon of the will’s strong affirmation. For denial has its essential nature in the fact that the pleasures of life, not its sorrows, are shunned. The suicide wills life, and is dissatisfied merely with the conditions on which it has come to him. Therefore he gives up by no means the will-to-live, but merely life, since he destroys the individual phenomenon. He wills life, wills the unchecked existence and affirmation of the body; but the combination of circumstances does not allow of these, and the result for him is great suffering. The will-to-live finds itself so hampered in this particular phenomenon, that it cannot develop and display its efforts. It therefore decides in accordance with its own inner nature, which lies outside the forms of the principle of sufficient reason, and to which every individual phenomenon is therefore indifferent, in that it remains itself untouched by all arising and passing away, and is the inner core of the life of all things.
Far from being denial of the will, suicide is a phenomenon of the will’s strong affirmation. For denial has its essential nature in the fact that the pleasures of life, not its sorrows, are shunned. The suicide wills life, and is dissatisfied merely with the conditions on which it has come to him. Therefore he gives up by no means the will-to-live, but merely life, since he destroys the individual phenomenon. He wills life, wills the unchecked existence and affirmation of the body; but the combination of circumstances does not allow of these, and the result for him is great suffering. The will-to-live finds itself so hampered in this particular phenomenon, that it cannot develop and display its efforts. It therefore decides in accordance with its own inner nature, which lies outside the forms of the principle of sufficient reason, and to which every individual phenomenon is therefore indifferent, in that it remains itself untouched by all arising and passing away, and is the inner core of the life of all things.
What do you mean by this:

"but the combination of circumstances does not allow of these, and the result for him is great suffering." The will-to-live is especially strong in those who end their lives but they do it anyway because they can't fulfill their instincts and needs like having sex with the females of their desire?
Retard read before you comment
What are your thoughts on my post?
What do you mean by this:

"but the combination of circumstances does not allow of these, and the result for him is great suffering." The will-to-live is especially strong in those who end their lives but they do it anyway because they can't fulfill their instincts and needs like having sex with the females of their desire?

What are your thoughts on my post?
Basically your fate and what you are born with, opportunities missed, ugly face, poor, damage to body, etc, etc etc
Not being able to have sex with females is one such example.
Basically your fate and what you are born with, opportunities missed, ugly face, poor, damage to body, etc, etc etc
Not being able to have sex with females is one such example.
The life-force in those who end their lives is really extremely strong with strong urges to live, experience, reproduce, but since these things are not granted to them by nature in this reality, they end their lives out of hopelessness and frustration.

This is why I'm saying we need artificial superintelligence that can create a 1:1 simulation of reality where we can experience anything we want and live to the fullest. Like a smartphone with an AI assistant that can grant us any wish. Like a genie in a bottle.

Would that outcome make the suffering worth it for you?
The life-force in those who end their lives is really extremely strong with strong urges to live, experience, reproduce, but since these things are not granted to them by nature in this reality, they end their lives out of hopelessness and frustration.

This is why I'm saying we need artificial superintelligence that can create a 1:1 simulation of reality where we can experience anything we want and live to the fullest. Like a smartphone with an AI assistant that can grant us any wish. Like a genie in a bottle.

Would that outcome make the suffering worth it for you?
No, A thousand pleasures do not compensate for one pain.

Were the evil in the world even a hundred times less than it is, its mere existence would still be sufficient to establish a truth that may be expressed in various ways, although always only somewhat indirectly, namely that we have not to be pleased but rather sorry about the existence of the world; that its non-existence would be preferable to its existence; that it is something which at bottom ought not to be, and so on.

“Whatever nature and good fortune may have done, whoever a person may be and whatever he may possess, the pain essential to life cannot be thrown off:

“Peleus’ son was wailing and lamenting, looking up to the broad heaven.” [Iliad, xxi, 272. Tr.]

And again:

“I was the son of Zeus, of Kronos, and yet I endured unspeakable afflictions.” [Odyssey, xi, 620. Tr.]”

I think some of the chads and high status males like Saint Francis and The Buddha realised this.
No, A thousand pleasures do not compensate for one pain.

Were the evil in the world even a hundred times less than it is, its mere existence would still be sufficient to establish a truth that may be expressed in various ways, although always only somewhat indirectly, namely that we have not to be pleased but rather sorry about the existence of the world; that its non-existence would be preferable to its existence; that it is something which at bottom ought not to be, and so on.

“Whatever nature and good fortune may have done, whoever a person may be and whatever he may possess, the pain essential to life cannot be thrown off:

“Peleus’ son was wailing and lamenting, looking up to the broad heaven.” [Iliad, xxi, 272. Tr.]

And again:

“I was the son of Zeus, of Kronos, and yet I endured unspeakable afflictions.” [Odyssey, xi, 620. Tr.]”

I think some of the chads and high status males like Saint Francis and The Buddha realised this.
But life without any suffering at all would be torture as well. There needs to be some kind of suffering. There's no real pleasure without suffering. Sex isn't special without a refractory period. Water isn't pleasurable without the ability to be thirsty.

A matrix could let us freely choose how we want to live. Imagine after having fucked millions of girls in the simulation, eventually you will want to experience a female that makes you suffer to challenge yourself and make existence more challenging.

The Buddha basically advocated for reaching non-existence. If you don't believe in this Samsara shit, he basically advocated for death. Non-existence is only preferable to a life that is not worth living at all, with only or extreme suffering. Non-existence means no love, no sex, no pleasures, no body, no self, forever.
But life without any suffering at all would be torture as well. There needs to be some kind of suffering. There's no real pleasure without suffering. Sex isn't special without a refractory period. Water isn't pleasurable without the ability to be thirsty.

A matrix could let us freely choose how we want to live. Imagine after having fucked millions of girls in the simulation, eventually you will want to experience a female that makes you suffer to challenge yourself and make existence more challenging.

The Buddha basically advocated for reaching non-existence. If you don't believe in this Samsara shit, he basically advocated for death. Non-existence is only preferable to a life that is not worth living at all, with only or extreme suffering. Non-existence means no love, no sex, no pleasures, no body, no self, forever.
Without suffering, there is only boredom which is a torture, true. Indeed, the best sauce is always hunger. However, pain-dependent pleasures are not something that we actually want if given complete free-will. Another issue is that pleasure is never as pleasant as we expected it to be and pain is always more painful. The pain in the world always outweighs the pleasure. If you don't believe it, compare the respective feelings of two animals, one of which is eating the other.

Sleeping with millions of girls is pointless because it quickly gets boring, which is just another kind of pain. Then, as you mentioned, you have to make things harder to get the girl, which brings even more pain.

The non-existence (Nibbana) of the Buddhist is a relative one, and always refers to a definite something (Samara) that it negates.

Considered more closely, an absolute nothing, is not even conceivable, but everything of this kind, considered from a higher standpoint or subsumed under a wider concept, is always only a relative nothing. Every nothing is thought of as such only in relation to something else; it presupposes this relation, and thus that other thing also.

To those in whom the will has turned and denied itself (Nibbana), this very real world of ours with all its suns and galaxies, is—nothing
Without suffering, there is only boredom which is a torture, true. Indeed, the best sauce is always hunger. However, pain-dependent pleasures are not something that we actually want if given complete free-will. Another issue is that pleasure is never as pleasant as we expected it to be and pain is always more painful. The pain in the world always outweighs the pleasure. If you don't believe it, compare the respective feelings of two animals, one of which is eating the other.

Sleeping with millions of girls is pointless because it quickly gets boring, which is just another kind of pain. Then, as you mentioned, you have to make things harder to get the girl, which brings even more pain.

The non-existence (Nibbana) of the Buddhist is a relative one, and always refers to a definite something (Samara) that it negates.

Considered more closely, an absolute nothing, is not even conceivable, but everything of this kind, considered from a higher standpoint or subsumed under a wider concept, is always only a relative nothing. Every nothing is thought of as such only in relation to something else; it presupposes this relation, and thus that other thing also.

To those in whom the will has turned and denied itself (Nibbana), this very real world of ours with all its suns and galaxies, is—nothing
With AI you could rewrite or reset your biology so that fucking girls never becomes boring if you so desire. You could have the sexual desire of your teenage years and live out any fantasy with any girl. You could revisit your fondest memories.

Maybe eventually you'll want to erase your existence (if that's even possible, nothingness seems like an impossibility or else there would be nothing). But before I would do so willingly, I would want to spend as long time as I want in this simulation. Fucking girls for millions if not billions of years. Live out any fantasy. Experience all the things I want. And then after the best of lives I could go in peace to loop the entire thing again without memories or stay in a state of deep sleep for a long, long time.

This world could be "perfect" in theory but of course the suffering that exists can never be deleted. So if we can't end existence we must create the best possible one.
Since you have used the term affirmation of the will i assume you read schopenhauer. No, suicide is not negation or denial of the will.:

Suicide, the arbitrary doing away with the individual phenomenon, differs most widely from the denial of the will-to-live

Far from being denial of the will, suicide is a phenomenon of the will’s strong affirmation. For denial has its essential nature in the fact that the pleasures of life, not its sorrows, are shunned. The suicide wills life, and is dissatisfied merely with the conditions on which it has come to him. Therefore he gives up by no means the will-to-live, but merely life, since he destroys the individual phenomenon. He wills life, wills the unchecked existence and affirmation of the body; but the combination of circumstances does not allow of these, and the result for him is great suffering. The will-to-live finds itself so hampered in this particular phenomenon, that it cannot develop and display its efforts. It therefore decides in accordance with its own inner nature, which lies outside the forms of the principle of sufficient reason, and to which every individual phenomenon is therefore indifferent, in that it remains itself untouched by all arising and passing away, and is the inner core of the life of all things.
It depends on the context, on why you are going to End your life.

If it is because, you wish you had things going out for you, or you decide to Destroy the World by eliminating your perception of "it".

Yes, i Did read Schopenhauer, but not the only One, i also read Philipp Mainlander, and Emil Cioran.
But life without any suffering at all would be torture as well. There needs to be some kind of suffering. There's no real pleasure without suffering. Sex isn't special without a refractory period. Water isn't pleasurable without the ability to be thirsty.

A matrix could let us freely choose how we want to live. Imagine after having fucked millions of girls in the simulation, eventually you will want to experience a female that makes you suffer to challenge yourself and make existence more challenging.

The Buddha basically advocated for reaching non-existence. If you don't believe in this Samsara shit, he basically advocated for death. Non-existence is only preferable to a life that is not worth living at all, with only or extreme suffering. Non-existence means no love, no sex, no pleasures, no body, no self, forever.
Buddha called it Nirvana, i.e Extinction.
Live like a "happy" deprived recluse, while others affirm will, whilst nothing bad coming their way!

Negation for ONE nanosecond can never compensate, for the Injustice that was done to your "person".

An animal would seethe with Rage and go after the meat, even if it means negating the Will of others to affirm His own.

No cope, no religion, ONLY bitterness and spite remains till the End.

Alright, back to vidya ..:feelscomfy:
We need to keep going to advance towards AI and sex paradise.
Buddha called it Nirvana, i.e Extinction.
I know and it's not a goal I find attractive at all. Nirvana means no sex, no wordly pleasures, no body, no desires. It's just emptiness, completely devoid of any meaning.

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