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Reminder that there are many fakecels among us

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Deleted member 306

Deleted member 306

Incel Superior
Nov 8, 2017
And they don't even have the decency to hide it. If you have had non paid sex with a female you don't belong here. Us subhumans, can't
even get a date.
What if the female was like a 3/10 negroid?

Just asking you know
marin said:
What if the female was like a 3/10 negroid?

Just asking you know

involuntary celibate, if you can have sex with a 3/10 you are a volcel
marin said:
What if the female was like a 3/10 negroid?

Just asking you know

So what? If you fucked her then you liked her.
Reminder that there are incels here who are trying to be gatekeepers for a community based on their own subjective standards, and ostracize others from a community of the ostracized, leaving them nowhere to go and their suffering discredited because king douchebag is in a slightly worse position than you.
blickpall said:
Reminder that there are incels here who are trying to be gatekeepers for a community based on their own subjective standards, and ostracize others from a community of the ostracized, leaving them nowhere to go and their suffering discredited because king douchebag is in a slightly worse position than you.

You obviously didn't read the sideline in r/Incels
marin said:
I only fucked because my friends were pressuring me, I mean they told the girl that I wanted to hook up with her without telling me, and she accepted, so what could I do? If didn't fuck her they would probably think I'm gay tbh.

You had a boner whcih means your primitive brain liked her body
Hopefully the noncels will be purged soon. One of the mods said as much.
BlackPill47 said:
Hopefully the noncels will be purged soon. One of the mods said as much.

We come to this forum to escape the harsh reality and they come and remind us of our subhumanity. If we needed that we would be on r/sex not here.
Indeed. We should make a separate forum for volcels/got laid once's
ItheIthe said:
Indeed. We should make a separate forum for volcels/got laid once's

That would work
I agree, they are not like us at all
IlieknothingREAL said:
I agree, they are not like us at all

I agree with your agrreement
heilsa said:
Everyone is vocel in 2017

Thailand is just a few hours away and every white dude can gets laid there without payin

Not through looks ofc - if youre ugly in europe/us youre still ugly in thailand - but through the lms status

What if you are not white?
heilsa said:
Everyone is vocel in 2017

Thailand is just a few hours away and every white dude can gets laid there without payin

Not through looks ofc - if youre ugly in europe/us youre still ugly in thailand - but through the lms status

What if you're an ugly ethic, no Thailand for us?
Just because someone gets lucky once, and hasn't touched another girl for 16 years, he isincel. Striking out once doesn't make you not an incel lmfao.
Not even a DATE? More like not even a smile.
The top poster @Weed is a fakecel that should be purged.
blickpall said:
Reminder that there are incels here who are trying to be gatekeepers for a community based on their own subjective standards, and ostracize others from a community of the ostracized, leaving them nowhere to go and their suffering discredited because king douchebag is in a slightly worse position than you.

you can always go to ForeverAlone or a dozen other mental health forums. You'll probably feel more at home there, tbh
a-virgin-nigger said:
The top poster @Weed is a fakecel that should be purged.

Stfu you're a volcel for not fucking gay men.
Weed said:
Stfu you're a volcel for not fucking gay men.

If I was gay, I wouldn't be here. I would be slaying faggots on Grindr. Now fuck off my site SEX HAVER!
a-virgin-nigger said:
If I was gay, I wouldn't be here. I would be slaying faggots on Grindr. Now fuck off my site SEX HAVER!

If I had a BBW fetish I would've begged her to stay with me. Now fuck off... wait what your site? hahahha
purge.Weed said:
If I had a BBW fetish I would've begged her to stay with me. Now fuck off... wait what your site? hahahha

Stfu. Fact is you fucked a non paid femoid. Therefore you are a non-virgin. Therefore fakecel. Therefore you should be PURGED. 
a-virgin-nigger said:
Stfu. Fact is you fucked a non paid femoid. Therefore you are a non-virgin. Therefore fakecel. Therefore you should be PURGED. 

Stop tagging azavii and wasting his time like you did in r/incels. 
You admitted you can slay gays. Fact is that you won't install a grindr and slay them proves you're a volcel, therefore F A K E C E L.. GET OUT MY SITE !!!!!!111!1111!!!!
Weed said:
Stop tagging azavii and wasting his time like you did in r/incels. 
You admitted you can slay gays. Fact is that you won't install a grindr and slay them proves you're a volcel, therefore F A K E C E L.. GET OUT MY SITE !!!!!!111!1111!!!!

I am not gay. Therefore it's against my nature. I am physically incapable to slay gays.
a-virgin-nigger said:
I am not gay. Therefore it's against my nature. I am physically incapable to slay gays.

I don't have a BBW fetish therefore it's against my nature. I am too physically incapable of slaying landwhales because as soon as I inserted my penis into her vagina it would go down. Took me 1 hour and 30 minutes to cum and not by fucking her. I jerked off at the end just to cum and escape her house. You're legit low IQ m8, I am sorry to tell you that <- real blackpill tbh tbh
Weed said:
I don't have a BBW fetish therefore it's against my nature. I am too physically incapable of slaying landwhales because as soon as I inserted my penis into her vagina it would go down. Took me 1 hour and 30 minutes to cum and not by fucking her. I jerked off at the end just to cum and escape her house. You're legit low IQ m8, I am sorry to tell you that <- real blackpill tbh tbh

You just admitted you inserted your penis into a vagina of a non paid landwhale. The rest of your sperg speech is irrelevant FAKECEL. PURGE PURGE PURGE.
a-virgin-nigger said:
You just admitted you inserted your penis into a vagina of a non paid landwhale. The rest of your sperg speech is irrelevant FAKECEL. PURGE PURGE PURGE.

So ignorant. I am pretty sure azavii gonna have a great laugh at our conversation, have fun you volcel fakecel.
IWeed said:
So ignorant. I am pretty sure azavii gonna have a great laugh at our conversation, have fun you volcel fakecel.

You know you lost. Fuckin lol.
a-virgin-nigger said:
You know you lost. Fuckin lol.

Goddamn you still replied to me. Do you jerk off while having arguments with me or something? You just ignored my statement that I am physically incapable of slaying landwhales then I called you out for being ignorant and you're saying I lost. 

 You're in the 2% on the left BTW.
Who cares?

Most of the fakecels are better posters and more likely to stick around.

Flaming at people because you are in a slightly worse position is pathetic.
lol Weed said:
Goddamn you still replied to me. Do you jerk off while having arguments with me or something? You just ignored my statement that I am physically incapable of slaying landwhales then I called you out for being ignorant and you're saying I lost. 

 You're in the 2% on the left BTW.

Yet you inserted your penis into one. P in V. PENIS IN VAGINA. SEX. Calling me low IQ, yet you don't even know. You had sex. Fucking fakecels are retarded.
a-virgin-nigger said:
Yet you inserted your penis into one. P in V. PENIS IN VAGINA. SEX. Calling me low IQ, yet you don't even know. You had sex. Fucking fakecels are retarded.

You admitted you can slay gays you foken fakecel volcel !!!!!!! Fucking volcel fakecels everywhere....

Goddam fakecels bullying truecels, I won't have this and I am raging
IlieknothingREAL said:
Goddam fakecels bullying truecels, I won't have this and I am raging

Nobody is bullying you bud

Just making the point that whining about it every other post isn't productive for you or interesting.
I always thought incel is anyone who is 20+ and stays more than 6 months without sex.

Im 22 and i had sex one time in life at 21 and now im more than 1 year without fucking a femoid, am i a fakecel?? O_o
KilluminoidBR said:
I always thought that incel as anyone who is 20+ and stays more than 6 months without sex.

Im 22 and i had sex one time in life at 21 and now im more than 1 year without fucking a femoid, am i a fakecel?? O_o

The 6 months without sex definition is from love-shy.com. The amount of incels who agree with it is very low. In my opinion, you are not an incel and to most other incels you are not too.
azavii said:
The 6 months without sex definition is from love-shy.com. The amount of incels who agree with it is very low. In my opinion, you are not an incel and to most other incels you are not too.

If we go by the dictionary definition then that is involuntary celibacy, but you're right in saying that the duration would not meet the standards of most of the kingcels here. Personally I think at least a couple years need to pass, or for you to be a one-timer in early pubescence or something; basically, 6 months is not enough time for most people to drastically change such that they went from having sex to being incel, unless they got 3rd degree burns or gained 100 lbs or something. I don't think it's right to silence people like the one you responded to, though, because while as one other poster said in this thread ("they are nothing like us," or something to that effect), they still have a similar problem. It is the cliche question of "is it better to have loved and lost, or to never have loved at all," which by definition can have no answer because both parties can claim that the grass is greener on the other side. There is a definite pain to never having received affection or attention, but there is an entirely different pain in having gotten it once and then never being able to reclaim it again. Like chasing the dragon after you used heroin for the first time.
ordinaryotaku said:
Not even a DATE? More like not even a smile.

Smile is nothing tbh. Some girls have smiled at me because I was acting like a retard.
If I had a BBW fetish I would've begged her to stay with me. Now fuck off... wait what your site? hahahha
I don't have a BBW fetish therefore it's against my nature. I am too physically incapable of slaying landwhales because as soon as I inserted my penis into her vagina it would go down. Took me 1 hour and 30 minutes to cum and not by fucking her. I jerked off at the end just to cum and escape her house. You're legit low IQ m8, I am sorry to tell you that <- real blackpill tbh tbh

Interesting how this guy wasn't banned earlier. It was very clear from the beginning that he was a Fakecel. The moderation staff back then were so lenient.

@Weed tbhtbhngl thoughts?

I always thought incel is anyone who is 20+ and stays more than 6 months without sex.

Im 22 and i had sex one time in life at 21 and now im more than 1 year without fucking a femoid, am i a fakecel?? O_o

Joined Nov 8, 2017
Last seen Saturday at 8:06 AM

So we have an active fakecel among ourselves. I wonder how the mods will react to this. :feelswhere::feelswhere::feelswhere:

@GoffSystemQB thoughts?
I only fucked because my friends were pressuring me, I mean they told the girl that I wanted to hook up with her without telling me, and she accepted, so what could I do? If didn't fuck her they would probably think I'm gay tbh.
Even if he hasn't browsed the forum for years, why is he not banned? Look at the post I quoted, good gracious.
Interesting how this guy wasn't banned earlier. It was very clear from the beginning that he was a Fakecel. The moderation staff back then were so lenient.

@Weed tbhtbhngl thoughts?

Joined Nov 8, 2017
Last seen Saturday at 8:06 AM

So we have an active fakecel among ourselves. I wonder how the mods will react to this. :feelswhere::feelswhere::feelswhere:

@GoffSystemQB thoughts?
How do people even locate these 2+ year old threads?
lets say you have a 40 year old guy who had sex once when he was 20.
or a man who has sex once a year

are they incels?

i would say they are incels. they are involuntarily not having a sex life. just because you managed to get lucky once or once in a while you are still an incel. if you are generally unable to get sex you are an incel.
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