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Blackpill Reminder that studycel = retard/moroncel

Going full blue pilled retard in this thread... that's extremely original, impressive and high IQ - gj!

Why are the responses to this so predictable? Can people just not admit that this one thing isn't earned at all?

Seriously you're a sheep-like fucking moron if you unironically agree with the first reply

Thanks man!

I'm biased as a studycel, but seriously getting a degree isn't retarded if your degree has value. JFL if your degree isn't STEM as an incel though.
Thanks man!

I'm biased as a studycel, but seriously getting a degree isn't retarded if your degree has value. JFL if your degree isn't STEM as an incel though.

I am studying STEM and it's fucking pointless lol, who needs to program all day, it's technically the most replace-able work out there
You would be surprised by the amount of incels in STEM
"If you think that studycelling all day will somehow magically make you rich or happy in the future. "

No one said that, studying and improving your current cognitive abilities through mental stimulation both feels good and it is better then doing nothing.

"How good your grades are past the first year of high school is pre determined by genetics and environment, you didn't use your willpower or free will to get something to be proud of, it was just pre determined."

Well, if you are going to argue about free will yes indeed. Most of the existence we experience is pre determined howevee not all of it, you stil need to show some efford in order to learn the subjects you taught. I generally hate to give anecdotes however i am inclined to believe that it will fit in here:

In my high school there was a truly cmentally insufficient" kid, in the first year of school he failed in every single subject in school curricula. After getting sick of the situation he actually started to study a lot, about 9 hours a day with the help of the high caffeine dosage. After torturing himself he got good grades, i think most of them were 90 out of 100 mark. Did the others got these marks a lot easier than him? Yes indeed, the world is not just after all. I dont know what happened to him after that though.

If you want sone more scientific approach i urge you to red this Jaeggi's paper, their research was actually groundbreaking and they seen that using dual n back actually increase their cognitive abilites in considerable amounts! Even with different mental tasks.



Also as you can imagine neuroplasticity and neurogenesis is a factor in intelligence aswell, you can only increase it by mental stimulation. Which novelty, being a philomath and polymath can give you a great advantage in.


"People who become rich leave the normie path after high school or after college and actually do something instead of rotting in a 9 to 5 job as if rotting 0 to 24 because of school wasn't enough."

They can afford to leave the normie path because they are rich, i dont think anyone here would be able to sustain such a lifestyle. Norm of the life is pain, humans are destined to experience pain and misery by default. Only a small minority lives life on a silver platter.

I think the problem is your perception of studying, original poster. For example i couldnt understand your one comment.

"I don't see how torturing yourself with pointless nonsense will help you cope."

First of all this depends on what is the individual is studying, second of all i dont see how learning is "torturing yourself". Studying gives me euphoric feeling for example; learning about existence, history of the old, how things work makes me feel good. Why? Feeling of satisfaction, giving your effort for satisfying your curiousity of course.

Everyone should keep their curious side, try not to see scientific subjects as "keys for existence" rather then torture machines.
I apologise for such a long reply; i just feel too enthusiastic when talking about such a fascinating organ like brain, intelligence and CNS. I would like to talk to you more about it if you want!
I apologise for such a long reply; i just feel too enthusiastic when talking about such a fascinating organ like brain, intelligence and CNS. I would like to talk to you more about it if you want!

Fun to read:feelsautistic:
No time to read that, but I was gonna post a clarification anyway:

I'm not saying that it's literally impossible for you to put in hard work to get good grades past the first year of high school, it's that it's pre determined by your genetics and also by your environment which includes (but is not at all limited to) how good your professors are, for example I had an A+ in electrodynamics as my final grade in a year but next year we got a very old femoid as our professor and I got an F... that is literally how big the difference is and I think remember I putting in more effort in the latter year, there is no free will there, if there is an opportunity to study students will do it unless it's really difficult bullshit, in that case it's pre determined by genetics and environment

It's sad to see people instantly go blue pilled when talking about this as if they have to gain anything by defending chads and stacies who studyslave thinking it will make them rich when if you look at the average pay in my country for the HARDEST working jobs you will see it's around 950 in $ if you are lucky

If there was a super-intelligent AI it could predict who will get which grades throughout their last 3 years of high school and what would make the AI's predictions incorrect would be the free will of students which would amount to very little, if we ran that experiment no one would argue with what I am saying in this thread, or maybe they would because certain users on this forum are extremely blue pilled when it comes to academics, defending it and saying that there everyone has earned everything they have
I am studying STEM and it's fucking pointless lol, who needs to program all day, it's technically the most replace-able work out there

Eh I'm a CS boy too. I feel you. The classes are pretty useless. You have to get a degree to get in the door at most places though sadly. When I say that STEM is useful, I mostly meant for people doing shit like electrical engineering where you have to learn signals and shit. Studying CS is only really useful if you want to go in the more mathy niche stuff like ML or intense graphics.

Also programming is not a replaceable job. If you're so bad at it that you're replaceable by some Indian pajeet fucktard, then yeah it's replaceable. If you know your shit though and can solve problems well, you're quite not replaceable. Don't give me some shit about "AI" taking our jobs in the future. That's so far away it's irrelevant.
Fun to read:feelsautistic:

Is this sarcasm? I am too sleep deprived to understand what i read...

Also thinking about the brain really gives me a boner, a scientific boner perhaps? Sciencephilia?
No time to read that, but I was gonna post a clarification anyway:

I'm not saying that it's literally impossible for you to put in hard work to get good grades past the first year of high school, it's that it's pre determined by your genetics and also by your environment which includes (but is not at all limited to) how good your professors are, for example I had an A+ in electrodynamics as my final grade in a year but next year we got a very old femoid as our professor and I got an F... that is literally how big the difference is and I think remember I putting in more effort in the latter year, there is no free will there, if there is an opportunity to study students will do it unless it's really difficult bullshit, in that case it's pre determined by genetics and environment

It's sad to see people instantly go blue pilled when talking about this as if they have to gain anything by defending chads and stacies who studyslave thinking it will make them rich when if you look at the average pay in my country for the HARDEST working jobs you will see it's around 950 in $ if you are lucky

If there was a super-intelligent AI it could predict who will get which grades throughout their last 3 years of high school and what would make the AI's predictions incorrect would be the free will of students which would amount to very little, if we ran that experiment no one would argue with what I am saying in this thread, or maybe they would because certain users on this forum are extremely blue pilled when it comes to academics, defending it and saying that there everyone has earned everything they have

You don't need an AI for this. Just do this when they're like 5 years old (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanford_marshmallow_experiment)
Eh I'm a CS boy too. I feel you. The classes are pretty useless. You have to get a degree to get in the door at most places though sadly. When I say that STEM is useful, I mostly meant for people doing shit like electrical engineering where you have to learn signals and shit. Studying CS is only really useful if you want to go in the more mathy niche stuff like ML or intense graphics.

Also programming is not a replaceable job. If you're so bad at it that you're replaceable by some Indian pajeet fucktard, then yeah it's replaceable. If you know your shit though and can solve problems well, you're quite not replaceable. Don't give me some shit about "AI" taking our jobs in the future. That's so far away it's irrelevant.

Are you forced to sit isolated from others in the classroom with the 3 biggest sociopath femoids and is your professor an old femoid who doesn't explain anything well and everything there is shitty in every way and you would have a much better chance literally being self-taught?
Is this sarcasm? I am too sleep deprived to understand what i read...

Also thinking about the brain really gives me a boner, a scientific boner perhaps? Sciencephilia?

Haha not sarcasm. I enjoy reading long posts here.
Are you forced to sit isolated from others in the classroom with the 3 biggest sociopath femoids and is your professor an old femoid who doesn't explain anything well and everything there is shitty in every way and you would have a much better chance literally being self-taught?

If you can self teach yourself the material better, just fucking do it. There are literally two classes of mine (both taught by old foids) that I never have gone to other than for the tests and I just self teach myself. If you know what you're doing, self studying is usually better than going to the dumb lectures.
OP sleeps, jakcs off and eats cheetos all day and has the nerve to criticize people doing something with their life. JFL
If you can self teach yourself the material better, just fucking do it. There are literally two classes of mine (both taught by old foids) that I never have gone to other than for the tests and I just self teach myself. If you know what you're doing, self studying is usually better than going to the dumb lectures.

Haha, true

It seems that people have an inclination to hire femoids in the programming field and femoids dominate it where I am from (just that class, I am better than all foids in some other classes)
I know that one... other than the fact that most of the children who failed the test didn't muscle their way thorough life with will power it doesn't tell us anything about academics and if it does then it proves me right

Dude you realize the project shows that people with not natural intelligence, but the idea of delayed gratification, do better in life in general. School is one of the biggest ideas of delayed gratification ever. Study now and get the grades you need to be successful in the future. It's a proponent for working hard.
OP sleeps, jakcs off and eats cheetos all day and has the nerve to criticize people doing something with their life. JFL

That would take the best psychologist ever to figure out - how someone spends every part of their day figured out based on a black pilled post

Have fun with your 80 IQ and closed mindedness
Dude you realize the project shows that people with not natural intelligence, but the idea of delayed gratification, do better in life in general. School is one of the biggest ideas of delayed gratification ever. Study now and get the grades you need to be successful in the future. It's a proponent for working hard.

Blocked, re-read my reply
Haha, true

It seems that people have an inclination to hire femoids in the programming field and femoids dominate it where I am from (just that class, I am better than all foids in some other classes)

Companies love hiring retarded foids for programming jobs that's just how it is sadly. Find a good first job in uni, get some experience, then they won't be too worried whether you're a foid or not.
OP sleeps, jakcs off and eats cheetos all day and has the nerve to criticize people doing something with their life. JFL

The funniest part is how you think studyslaves are "actually doing something with their life", keep criticising enlightened threads plz, it's golden

I'm not saying that it's literally impossible for you to put in hard work to get good grades past the first year of high school, it's that it's pre determined by your genetics and also by your environment which includes (but is not at all limited to) how good your professors are, for example I had an A+ in electrodynamics as my final grade in a year but next year we got a very old femoid as our professor and I got an F... that is literally how big the difference is and I think remember I putting in more effort in the latter year, there is no free will there, if there is an opportunity to study students will do it unless it's really difficult bullshit, in that case it's pre determined by genetics and environment

It's sad to see people instantly go blue pilled when talking about this as if they have to gain anything by defending chads and stacies who studyslave thinking it will make them rich when if you look at the average pay in my country for the HARDEST working jobs you will see it's around 950 in $ if you are lucky

If there was a super-intelligent AI it could predict who will get which grades throughout their last 3 years of high school and what would make the AI's predictions incorrect would be the free will of students which would amount to very little, if we ran that experiment no one would argue with what I am saying in this thread, or maybe they would because certain users on this forum are extremely blue pilled when it comes to academics, defending it and saying that there everyone has earned everything they have
This tbh

Also according to this thread I'm a fakecel because I did well in school. Just fucking lol.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd banned
Work smart not hard. I can't do both. anyway if you want a high paying job, then be a plumber or an electrician. They get paid more than lawyers. Those guys can get up to around $120 an hour due to their bullshit charging fees. Hard work but for ridiculous pay.
Work smart not hard. I can't do both. anyway if you want a high paying job, then be a plumber or an electrician. They get paid more than lawyers. Those guys can get up to around $120 an hour due to their bullshit charging fees. Hard work but for ridiculous pay.

How do I do that with ADD?
You can't have genuine free will or a genuine desire to study that is free from the shakals of previous happenings (your professors, genetics etc.) making grades pre-determined at least to an extend and so attaching pride and shame to it is a blue pilled thing to do
Tfw don't study at all, still top of my accounting class.

It's filled with females so it isn't that difficult tbh.

"Age was a major determinant of deferred gratification."

"Absence of the father was prevalent in the African-descent group but occurred only once in the East Indian group, and this variable showed the strongest link to delay of gratification, with children from intact families showing superior ability to delay."

It also doesn't say anywhere that the children who got the second treat were more successful

Read the study before you link it
Fuck you OP. I study comp sci at a university that is tied for #1 in CS. Studycelling and statusmaxxing is the only hope (cope) I have bro.
this is cope, alleast when you studycel you have a better chance of being financially stable in the long run, unlike neetcels or wageslaves, i wish i had the strength to studycel.

It's pre determined, so...
Every truecel that wants to contribute to this cucked society is dumb. Do the bare minimum.

You don't need a lot of stuff to live comfortably, you don't need to contribute this much to this society.
I studycelled.

generally it was a waste of time but I guess I have an OK job now. I'm smarter than my boss so I pretend to work all day when I'm actually browsing the internet for most of it.
Every truecel that wants to contribute to this cucked society is dumb. Do the bare minimum.

You don't need a lot of stuff to live comfortably, you don't need to contribute this much to this society.

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