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Blackpill Reminder that studycel = retard/moroncel



Apr 3, 2018
If you think that studycelling all day will somehow magically make you rich or happy in the future you're self-deceived, and being proud of good grades is the dumbest shit ever... how good your grades are past the first year of high school is pre determined by genetics and environment, you didn't use your willpower or free will to get something to be proud of, it was just pre determined

If you are a good student in high school past the first year in every subject you are extremely likely a fakecel because that is an ultra normie thing to do

People who become rich leave the normie path after high school or after college and actually do something instead of rotting in a 9 to 5 job as if rotting 0 to 24 because of school wasn't enough
ROFL did you just fail some classes or what? This reeks of projection and sour grapes cope.
Intelligence is somewhat genetic. There is truth to that.

However, you can at least graduate if you work hard. I know a guy who graduated with a degree in Computer Science. He's not that smart, but he worked hard at it. Granted, he went to a not so good university, and he got Bs and Cs.
ROFL did you just fail some classes or what? This reeks of projection and sour grapes cope.

I didn't, it's just true and you are /r/cucktards child who still insists on the just world fallacy
Intelligence is somewhat genetic. There is truth to that.

However, you can at least graduate if you work hard. I know a guy who graduated with a degree in Computer Science. He's not that smart, but he worked hard at it. Granted, he went to a not so good university, and he got Bs and Cs.

How good were his professors?
but what about my STEM degree
I know a lot of really ugly guys with great degrees and great jobs. Almost all in highly technical fields, but still... six figures makes it easier to cope.
Studyceling is a trade off for being neet.
wtf is OP smoking lmao
Most people don't become rich though. What do you expect to live on?
True. Getting a good job is more about knowing people than understanding esoteric maths and shit.
If you're gonna troll at least word it properly
No trolling here, just wondering how well you understand the concept of the "just world fallacy". Seems like hardly whatsoever, since you strawman that garbage onto me baselessly. What is wrong with my wording? Did you not understand my point? In that case that is more on you.
People who become rich leave the normie path after high school or after college and actually do something instead of rotting in a 9 to 5 job as if rotting 0 to 24 because of school wasn't enough
That is 1 in 10.000. 9.999 people ruined themselves and either roped, work low paying jobs or went back to college.
cope as shit. being intelligent when you're young is mostly genetic, but later on for 95% of people it's hard fucking work. almost no one gets born as a savant so you have to just learn it man. take whatever classes you failed again and study harder next time, people dumber than you probably got better grades because they had the self respect to work for it.
Wrong. Higher income + Incel > low income + Incel. Money could be well spent on escorts, surgeries, and looksmaxing. Plus there's the betabux option. Educated women want a man that's as educated than her or typically more since their hypergamous. There's studies supporting that getting degrees would make it easier for men to date.

We don't have looks anyways, money is our only hope, and it's what were left with.

Not everyone can Neetbux btw.
this is cope, alleast when you studycel you have a better chance of being financially stable in the long run, unlike neetcels or wageslaves, i wish i had the strength to studycel.
If you think that studycelling all day will somehow magically make you rich or happy in the future you're self-deceived, and being proud of good grades is the dumbest shit ever... how good your grades are past the first year of high school is pre determined by genetics and environment, you didn't use your willpower or free will to get something to be proud of, it was just pre determined

If you are a good student in high school past the first year in every subject you are extremely likely a fakecel because that is an ultra normie thing to do

People who become rich leave the normie path after high school or after college and actually do something instead of rotting in a 9 to 5 job as if rotting 0 to 24 because of school wasn't enough
You don't back up any of your claims.
Career has nothing to do with being an incel. Nobody denied school is a cope but it's better than being poor wageslave with no qualifications
Better than working at McDonald’s
ROFL did you just fail some classes or what? This reeks of projection and sour grapes cope.
This tbh

Also according to this thread I'm a fakecel because I did well in school. Just fucking lol.
Job market is very competitive. Know people that have degrees (and some in some pretty difficult fields) yet are still working shitty service jobs. A lot of it is about knowing the right people plus having the degree.

I mean if you don't have legs, you can't work for a landscaping company. If you do, you can, but no guarantee you'll get hired since you don't know anyone. If you have legs AND know someone, that's how you get the job. See what I'm saying?
Fucking this. Truecels fail at studycelling and are forced to wageslave or NEETcel.
I'm probably gonna rope before I finish my degree, but idc studying makes me feel productive.
this is cope, alleast when you studycel you have a better chance of being financially stable in the long run, unlike neetcels or wageslaves, i wish i had the strength to studycel.


Why quote that autistic bullshit? Did you mean to reply to it?

Btw. you are 15 years old so you can't get this as well but it's not my problem if you have a privileged school life and want to indulge the illusion that you earned it
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Studyceling is the best cope, next to video games and anime of course
Wrong. Higher income + Incel > low income + Incel. Money could be well spent on escorts, surgeries, and looksmaxing. Plus there's the betabux option. Educated women want a man that's as educated than her or typically more since their hypergamous. There's studies supporting that getting degrees would make it easier for men to date.

We don't have looks anyways, money is our only hope, and it's what were left with.

Not everyone can Neetbux btw.

Idk why you would want a gold digger who wouldn't enjoy sex with you when she will with chad for something he didn't earn

I wasn't encouraging anyone to only have an elementary school education, just putting forth the truth that people who get good grades past the first year of high school aren't incels which you are only confirming here + that they haven't earned it as it's pre determined by environment and genetics
Studyceling is the best cope, next to video games and anime of course

I don't see how torturing yourself with pointless nonsense will help you cope
Here is why this post is cope. Studyceling really could get you rich. But at the same time does getting rich matter when you're 5'4 and ethnic? You'll only get a fat, ugly, and lazy girl who couldn't get rich herself. That's the blackpill. The only real solution at this point, to your problems is either looks or extreme status.

As for the OP though, college could make you rich. However you really are a moroncel if you think money matters.

Money = worthless gold digger who won't enjoy being with you and will lust after chad every second she is with you for money

Being born chad = a girl who actually wants you
No trolling here, just wondering how well you understand the concept of the "just world fallacy". Seems like hardly whatsoever, since you strawman that garbage onto me baselessly. What is wrong with my wording? Did you not understand my point? In that case that is more on you.

You think you are black pilled and don't want to use the just world fallacy.... but then when we turn to academic success you instantly show everyone your ultra blue pilled normie beliefs and use the just world fallacy of "nothing is pre determined by genetics or environment, people work hard and so they earn good grades"
cope as shit. being intelligent when you're young is mostly genetic, but later on for 95% of people it's hard fucking work. almost no one gets born as a savant so you have to just learn it man. take whatever classes you failed again and study harder next time, people dumber than you probably got better grades because they had the self respect to work for it.

Yes, this is what I expect out of an incel website... a blue pill pulled straight out of a normie male feminist's neckbeard

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand banned
I don't see how torturing yourself with pointless nonsense will help you cope

It's not torture if u like it, it feels nice IQ mogging Normies, not to mention that you can advance your career, not all of us are LDARing. Yes looks affect everything but getting a job opportunity merits good grades and hard work more than looks, which is different in dating.
It differs from job to job though, like looks play a bigger role as a waiter for example than a programmer.
You don't back up any of your claims.

Yet more evidence that you're from /r/cucktears and a troll, if not then you have less than 80 IQ (JK, anyone who would troll like this is still dumb af)
i did well in high school and crashed and burned in uni and dropped out/got kicked out
This innocent anime girl keeps crying if you don't make a comeback
This. Hard.

Going full blue pilled retard in this thread... that's extremely original, impressive and high IQ - gj!

Why are the responses to this so predictable? Can people just not admit that this one thing isn't earned at all?

Seriously you're a sheep-like fucking moron if you unironically agree with the first reply
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