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Reminder that I'm a guy in his 20s making 80k+ a year



Nov 11, 2017
Several cars and one that looks nice that always get complimented on one of them by MEN. I modified the car. I used to be big on cars and tried getting friends this way. It never worked. I couldn't get women either through this. Lol.

Making 80k+ a year. I'll probably hit 100k this year, but still live with my parents because just lol at living alone as an incel. They'll find my brains splattered everywhere within a week. Besides I don't have to pay for that much here. At least here I have some company as well too.

Oh yeah getting my Master's in the summer.

I work out, eat healthy, lift 5 times a week for about an hour or hour and a half. I run a lot to about 10-15 miles 3x a week. I have a Nick Bateman type body. I'm 11% body fat.

Where is the pussy I'm getting? I go out and get rejected, rejected, rejected, rejected, and rejected, and rejected, and rejected, and rejected.

With my expensive clothes, expensive cars, a shit ton of money, muscles and abs, shouldn't I be getting a woman like 95% of the dumb ass male culture tells me? What a fucking joke. All this shit means nothing to women unless
A) You want to be a beta provider to some used up bitch in her 40s
B) You have a good looking face

Since my face is ugly women don't give a fuck. You know how sad it is to believe you're a failure at life because you cannot get a woman regardless of your job and your income? It's so depressing. Oh and don't think for one second I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I thought women loved hard working men like society tells us? I fucking did so much hard work to get to where I am today. I thought women loved brains? My degrees mean nothing. My GPA means nothing. Money means nothing. Cars mean nothing. FACE. FACE. FACE. THAT'S IT. Just have a good looking face. The rest is all bonus for women to be more attracted to you.

My face is disgusting. I have described my face in detail to incels on here, and even just by a description they already know it's over. It's OVER.

And for ANY woman who makes an account and tries to message me, GO FUCK YOURSELF, because I know you will just try to use this ugly subhuman for money or beta providing for your child you dumb single mother cunts.
is 80k a year good? i am training to get a job that can get 60-130k a year
heroinfather said:
is 80k a year good? i am training to get a job that can get 60-130k a year

For a guy my age? Yeah it's okay. I'm going to be hitting 100k more than likely this year.

Also depends on your area too. In my area I'm not rich at all. Probably middle class at best.

Either way none of this shit matters. I'm so depressed. I really do want to die. I can't take the rejections any longer. They're so brutal to me. 10-15 years ago I always wanted to have a good job (which I do now), good income (which I do now), social life and a girlfriend (which I will never have and it depresses me)

Incel is incel. Oh yeah forgot to mention I'm a manlet subhuman at 5'6. Another reason why I'm incel and women reject me. It really is over. It's so sad how I'm invisible everywhere I go .
heroinfather said:
is 80k a year good? i am training to get a job that can get 60-130k a year

"is 80k a year good"

Sounds cool, OP. I'm kind of jelly, except for the rejection part.

How old are you?

I keep thinking how if I could make another 20k my life would be a lot better. I'm almost 27 making 46k which is kind of shitty. Last year was the first year I started working so yeah.
I’m in the same boat. I’m a successcel. I do live alone as an incel. I used to gymcel but I have got fat over the past 2 years because who gives a fuck anymore.

BTW, your height is the biggest dealbreaker, not your face. Both matter but height matters more. Tallfags GTFO.
moneycelling is my goal now, moved back with my parents to save on rent, i just found it no point living in my own in a 1 room apartment, not like i am ever going to have a girl over.
Send a picture to me. Also, yeah, $80k.. not sure if that's a lot. Ok... that's around $6,6k. That's a lot of money. What kind of job do you have?
How do you earn 80k without a masters

Also what type of cars do you modify
Send a picture to me. Also, yeah, $80k.. not sure if that's a lot. Ok... that's around $6,6k. That's a lot of money. What kind of job do you have?
anincelforlifelol said:
Several cars and one that looks nice that always get complimented on one of them by MEN. I modified the car. I used to be big on cars and tried getting friends this way. It never worked. I couldn't get women either through this. Lol.

Making 80k+ a year. I'll probably hit 100k this year, but still live with my parents because just lol at living alone as an incel. They'll find my brains splattered everywhere within a week. Besides I don't have to pay for that much here. At least here I have some company as well too.

Oh yeah getting my Master's in the summer.

I work out, eat healthy, lift 5 times a week for about an hour or hour and a half. I run a lot to about 10-15 miles 3x a week. I have a Nick Bateman type body. I'm 11% body fat.

Where is the pussy I'm getting? I go out and get rejected, rejected, rejected, rejected, and rejected, and rejected, and rejected, and rejected.

With my expensive clothes, expensive cars, a shit ton of money, muscles and abs, shouldn't I be getting a woman like 95% of the dumb ass male culture tells me? What a fucking joke. All this shit means nothing to women unless
A) You want to be a beta provider to some used up bitch in her 40s
B) You have a good looking face

Since my face is ugly women don't give a fuck. You know how sad it is to believe you're a failure at life because you cannot get a woman regardless of your job and your income? It's so depressing. Oh and don't think for one second I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I thought women loved hard working men like society tells us? I fucking did so much hard work to get to where I am today. I thought women loved brains? My degrees mean nothing. My GPA means nothing. Money means nothing. Cars mean nothing. FACE. FACE. FACE. THAT'S IT. Just have a good looking face. The rest is all bonus for women to be more attracted to you.

My face is disgusting. I have described my face in detail to incels on here, and even just by a description they already know it's over. It's OVER.

And for ANY woman who makes an account and tries to message me, GO FUCK YOURSELF,  because I know you will just try to use this ugly subhuman for money or beta providing for your child you dumb single mother cunts.

Im gonna add to this by saying, if you are ugly, you need a good personality to get these high paying jobs. To get past an interview you either have to be attractive or have a good personality.
_incelinside said:
How do you earn 80k without a masters

Lmao if you go to a good uni, study CS, and do tons of personal projects, you can easily make 90k+ right out of school in a non-cuck middle-low cost of living area.
ropecel said:
Lmao if you go to a good uni, study CS, and do tons of personal projects, you can easily make 90k+ right out of school in a non-cuck middle-low cost of living area.

Damn. Should have gone that route probably
Money means nothing unless she's looking for a betabux. And why would you want to betabux? Just get a hooker.

Case in point I knew of this one couple. They were pretty mismatched i.e. the girl was a really cute normie redhead college student and the guy was a really nerdy chubby ugly asian. Always wondered why they were together. Come to find out it was because the chubby asisn was making six figures in his 20's as some kind of engineer or something.

She admitted herself that was the only reason why she was with him. She rarely slept with him, and talked about how he had a small dick and shit. And sure enough, she was cheating on him. With who? With some unemployed crossdresser pretty boy that lived with his dad and played in a hair metal cover band.

And most of the dudes I've known who got the most action certainly didn't have good jobs. NOTHING matters if you're not good looking. Face it.
_incelinside said:
Damn. Should have gone that route probably

Meh, moneycelling isn't that great. You lose the major goal in life of financial independence. There's not much to live for in life as an incel and losing that was a big hit to my motivation to live.
Uglychad said:
Get surgery then?

Problem with that is you risk ending up looking like a monster caricature of Chad and just end up even more incel than you were before.
Redpill Robert said:
Problem with that is you risk ending up looking like a monster caricature of Chad and just end up even more incel than you were before.

You dont have much else to lose if im correct

ropecel said:
Meh, moneycelling isn't that great. You lose the major goal in life of financial independence. There's not much to live for in life as an incel and losing that was a big hit to my motivation to live.

It's always better to be a richcel
well to be fair if u do all of that for women it might come across as needy and not confident in urself, overcompensating by buying shit.
Fucking lol. I'm 25, I'm still in apprenticeship. I don't even make nearly 10k in a year. Lmao. Neither I have muscles and I'm a manlet with autism. How the fuck am I supposed to get a gf if even OP fails with it?
i make 17520 a year. yay
lol @ being rich and living with your parents.
JFL at thinking having a nice car attracts women. I remember I used to fantasize about tricking out a car and driving around town impressing women. JFL if you ever tried to run fast and the furious game.

100k is barely enough to betabux now a days
Have you tried spending some of that money on looksmaxxing (ie: surgery, dermatology, orthodontist, etc) ?

If you didn't, give it a shot.

If you looksmaxxed to the fullest with no results, then it's truly beyond over, and this is one of the true SuicideFuel posts.
nice humble brag post.
your face is literally the only thing that decides how successful you will be with women.
cookinbreakfast said:
JFL at thinking having a nice car attracts women. I remember I used to fantasize about tricking out a car and driving around town impressing women. JFL if you ever tried to run fast and the furious game.

100k is barely enough to betabux now a days
Doesn't work nowadays, except if you pay them. Look ER.
Get to Asia!

I find your story really sad.

You'd be great dad material cos you're healthy, strong, and making decent money. But women just want to wait until you're mid 30s and desperate and then cuck you.
I don't even earn half that. I am even worse off.

I wish I was a richcel, life would have been far better
Redpill Robert said:
And most of the dudes I've known who got the most action certainly didn't have good jobs. NOTHING matters if you're not good looking. Face it.

This, the biggest Chad I know personally is a dude I knew since middle school. I remember how he's had 26 girlfriends by the age of 16, he graduated high school at the age of 22, nowadays he moves around from one place to another without a permanent home (currently he lives at a college dorm despite not studying because of his connections) and he constantly jumps from one shitty job to another being unable to hold them down. He has pretty rough finances but he slays like fucking crazy. When I was more naive I asked him what does he do and he just innocently told me "nothing, I've only ever pulled two girls I talked to myself, they just come to me on their own".

Meanwhile I used to be friends with a few pathetic beta white knights who were specifically working their asses off to get good paying jobs because they believed it's the only way they can get women, and they weren't totally rejected due to being ugly manlets.
@IFartAtRoasties Pic of him? I can shatter personality theory whenever some troll or naivecel brings it up.
Money and material things only matter if you're Chad, only foreign gold digger whores may be interested else. Incels can't fucking win!
heroinfather said:
is 80k a year good? i am training to get a job that can get 60-130k a year

depends on where you live.
You earningsmog me and I'm older than you. Feelsbadman.
cookinbreakfast said:
JFL at thinking having a nice car attracts women. I remember I used to fantasize about tricking out a car and driving around town impressing women. JFL if you ever tried to run fast and the furious game.
100k is barely enough to betabux now a days

If you're not complete subhuman 4+ and you drive around in a nice car you can hoard nigger women. Have a friend look who did it.
Money is such a useless cope if you're not getting laid. It doesn't enhance your life in any meaningful way.
itsOVER said:
Money is such a useless cope if you're not getting laid. It doesn't enhance your life in any meaningful way.

Yes it does, it makes your life less miserable.
being incel is bad enough but atleast you have money, i could kinda cope with that man, im poor af i have like $10000 to my name after i quit publix
Bushladen008 said:
Yes it does, it makes your life less miserable.

You're still fucking miserable buddy boyo.
itsOVER said:
You're still fucking miserable buddy boyo.

Yeah but it's better than being broke.
Bushladen008 said:
Yeah but it's better than being broke.

Not by much. Pussy is the main contributor to happiness. I'd 100% rather be a broke Chad than a multi-millionaire incel.
itsOVER said:
Not by much. Pussy is the main contributor to happiness. I'd 100% rather be a broke Chad than a multi-millionaire incel.

No, pussy is cope.
Damn I envy you. Money is everything. You could buy escorts or something and you can afford to own a mare.
Since u are rich why not just surgeymaxx

Gtfo troll
I am a broke bum and 80k a year wouldn't hurt me, so yes this is indeed suicidefuel for me.
iFartAtRoasties said:
This, the biggest Chad I know personally is a dude I knew since middle school. I remember how he's had 26 girlfriends by the age of 16, he graduated high school at the age of 22, nowadays he moves around from one place to another without a permanent home (currently he lives at a college dorm despite not studying because of his connections) and he constantly jumps from one shitty job to another being unable to hold them down. He has pretty rough finances but he slays like fucking crazy. When I was more naive I asked him what does he do and he just innocently told me "nothing, I've only ever pulled two girls I talked to myself, they just come to me on their own".

Meanwhile I used to be friends with a few pathetic beta white knights who were specifically working their asses off to get good paying jobs because they believed it's the only way they can get women, and they weren't totally rejected due to being ugly manlets.


I mean really,
whats the point of being alive when you are sub chad
you work hard, get financially stable while girls chase a homeless chad

I get why sub-8 normies complain
heroinfather said:
is 80k a year good? i am training to get a job that can get 60-130k a year

>is 80k a year good

The incel life style needs at most 50k a year. 

Assume you have a PC , and pay around 1500 for a 1 bedroom apartment and have 600 for food, that leaves you with 10k left a year and you can use that for your vidya.

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