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Reminder that 95% of you have a shit personality and that personality matters

hehe xd

hehe xd

Jan 4, 2018
This is the most triggering topic for incels, only a few such as me swallowed this pill:
We were born ugly and were mistreated and learned to be defensive, but we have shit personality, a person with amazing personality is as rare as a person with amazing looks, liking anime and being nice irl due to high inhib doesnt make u have a gp, personality is correlated with looks because when u get validated and praised from a young age u will have no reason to be a dick instead of nice confident and outgoing

Inb4 copelorda link the okcupid personality/looks graph

Inb4 shut in neets try to argue with me even tho any semi nt poster here knows its true and avg guys with great personality can outslay 7/10 guys with boring personality

Life isnt a porn
Noo personality doesn't matter women are not selecting by personality traits they are going by looks mainly. Having a good personality but unattractive face is not going to attract women to you maybe it works if you have high status but low status + ugly/average = personality doesn't matter
you’ve effectively said that personality doesn’t matter for shit, and disproven your last line about outslaying 7/10s by saying “we were born ugly, were mistreated because of our looks and that’s why our personality now sucks”. good going.
NeverSubmit said:
Noo personality doesn't matter women are not selecting by personality traits they are going by looks mainly. Having a good personality but unattractive face is not going to attract women to you maybe it works if you have high status but low status + ugly/average = personality doesn't matter

average+good personality is fine. legit ugly like under 5th percentile is when personality doesn't matter
Yes our personalities were mostly developed by how other people treated us but no way an average guy can putslay a 7/10 with personality lmao.. maybe 6/10 would but not average
fugmedaddy said:
average+good personality is fine. legit ugly like under 5th percentile is when personality doesn't matter
Even if an average guy has a good personality he will still be invisible to women. Like I said if he has zero status there's nothing a good personality can do for him women will still avoid him like the plague.
Every time I try to be outgoing or "open up"
people give me weird looks or laugh or judge me.Its more and more discouraging the more I try so I just dont bother.
Normies dont understand that confidence and personality comes from having good looks and constant positive feedback over the years and validation which only comes from being good looking.
knajjd said:
you’ve effectively said that personality doesn’t matter for shit, and disproven your last line about outslaying 7/10s by saying “we were born ugly, were mistreated because of our looks and that’s why our personality now sucks”. good going.


There are TONS of 3-6 guys who outslay their better lookibg peers because they are extremely NT

Personality is mostly nurture for the avg person

So our personality is shit, its not fair but its justified cuz genetic trash looks
Yes I have a shitty personality
I am far below average looks-wise


So it doesn't matter. I don't want to be in a cucked rl with a landwhale, even if I could.
hehe xd said:

There are TONS of 3-6 guys who outslay their better lookibg peers because they are extremely NT

Personality is mostly nurture for the avg person

So our personality is shit, its not fair but its justified cuz genetic trash looks

here’s another way to word it: you admit that bad looking people are discriminated against. if you really do believe that, how can you say that personality would matter at all for an ugly man? no matter his personality, he’ll be thought of as a creep and be harassed anyway because of his looks.
MysteryMan said:
Every time I try to be outgoing or "open  up"
people give me weird looks or laugh or judge me.Its more and more discouraging the more I try so I just dont bother.
Normies dont understand that confidence and personality comes from having good looks and constant positive feedback over the years and validation which only comes from being good looking.

Then u are not good at being outgoing and opening up

Sorry boyo ive seen social chads that would pass as truecels here slay tons of girls irl

Maybe its diff in anglo saxon dominated countries but in israel its like this

knajjd said:
here’s another way to word it: you admit that bad looking people are discriminated against. if you really do believe that, how can you say that personality would matter at all for an ugly man? no matter his personality, he’ll be thought of as a creep and be harassed anyway because of his looks.

First of all ur not an ugly person and shouldnt be allowed to speak on their behalf

Second of all gl people can develop shit personalities from being bullied not only uglies

And its entirely possible that ugly males dont get discriminated against thus develop nt personality and compenstate their looks by being extremely funny or shit

NeverSubmit said:
Even if an average guy has a good personality he will still be invisible to women. Like I said if he has zero status there's nothing a good personality can do for him women will still avoid him like the plague.

Obv an average with good personality will be inivisble near a real life chad just like a plain jane compared to a model, ur a fucking hypocrite if ur saying men wouldnt do the same

But for ltr the avg guy will win, and many moids will never meet the chad they would be willing to cuck their husband for

fugmedaddy said:
average+good personality is fine. legit ugly like under 5th percentile is when personality doesn't matter

hehe xd said:
Then u are not good at being outgoing and opening up

Sorry boyo ive seen social chads that would pass as truecels here slay tons of girls irl

Maybe its diff in anglo saxon dominated countries but in israel its like this

First of all ur not an ugly person and shouldnt be allowed to speak on their behalf

Second of all gl people can develop shit personalities from being bullied not only uglies

And its entirely possible that ugly males dont get discriminated against thus develop nt personality and compenstate their looks by being extremely funny or shit

GL people rarely get bullied and if they do, people WILL protect them and the bully will know not to fuck with him. bullying works when no one really gives a fuck about the dude you're bullying. 

similarly, it is impossible for an ugly man not to be discriminated against. it is possible for said ugly man to just not know it's due to his looks, though.

study up on the nature of human evolution. a "good personality" is nothing but some arbitrary social construct, and it's literally impossible for one to be sexually attracted to (want to mate with) another human being just because of their personality. people may like hanging out with him, perhaps, but that is all of it.
yeh I think personality matters to some extent but:

  • less about dispositional personality traits than it is about exhibiting low inhib interactions and extraversion in social situations
  • obviously, showing extraverted behavior, and seeking out such opportunities, is easier for neurotypicals to do than high inhib folks on the Social Anxiety/Avoidant PD/Aspie spectrum
  • matters most when competing against other men of similar attractiveness
  • matters most to women who are seeking out longterm mates (short-term mating strategy = Chad wins)
  • matters most when meeting women via mutual social groups (dating apps favor short-term mating strategy = Chad wins)
  • below a certain looks threshold, you will be too unattractive to consistently outcompete normies w/ just behavior alone due to "Failo" effect
knajjd said:
GL people rarely get bullied and if they do, people WILL protect them and the bully will know not to fuck with him. bullying works when no one really gives a fuck about the dude you're bullying. 

similarly, it is impossible for an ugly man not to be discriminated against. it is possible for said ugly man to just not know it's due to his looks, though.

study up on the nature of human evolution. a "good personality" is nothing but some arbitrary social construct, and it's literally impossible for one to be sexually attracted to (want to mate with) another human being just because of their personality. people may like hanging out with him, perhaps, but that is all of it.

T. Insecure 14 yr old bdweller

U reek off of autism
95% is a numbed that you pulled out of your ass
Facade said:
95% is a numbed that you pulled out of your ass

I want to say 100% because this is an extremely edgy and subjective community but the mare fucking guy seems nice
fucking bluepillers larping as an incel...

personality is a M.E.E.M

did ray the child rapist aged 23 as a neo-nazi get countless roasties lined up to S U C C him because personality?

oh, no you're right actually! personality does matter! personality of being a complete and utter asshole.

but guess what?

personality only works if you are C H A D.

asshole or not no one gives a damn if you are E U G E N E.
No, you're just wrong
Hunter said:
fucking bluepillers larping as an incel...

personality is a M.E.E.M

did ray the child rapist aged 23 as a neo-nazi get countless roasties lined up to S U C C him because personality?

oh, no you're right actually! personality does matter! personality of being a complete and utter asshole.

but guess what?

personality only works if you are C H A D.

asshole or not no one gives a damn if you are E U G E N E.

kek the denial is strong here

How about u stop being blinded by hate and accept the ultimate truth pill

Would u fuck a stacy even if she was a terrible person? Yes

Would u ltr with them? No

Same shit goes to femoids

But chads and stacies are rare, in the 3-7 area personality can outdo looks
hehe xd said:
kek the denial is strong here

How about u stop being blinded by hate and accept the ultimate truth pill

Would u fuck a stacy even if she was a terrible person? Yes

Would u ltr with them? No

Same shit goes to femoids

But chads and stacies are rare, in the 3-7 area personality can outdo looks

except female brains work differently, lol. go back to cucktears.
hehe xd said:
Would u fuck a stacy even if she was a terrible person? Yes

Would u ltr with them? No

Are we women? No
Hunter said:
except female brains work differently, lol. go back to cucktears.

Keep cope and carry on

OTaKu_WarrIOr_N said:
Are we women? No

Would u act like women? Yes

If u had the chance to fuck most girls u see irl u would do it, dont blame girls that better males than u and the femoid offer themselves to them so free
Having to fake a "good personality" is tiring af though.. I did for roughly 2 years and although people genereally treated me better it was so freaking exhausting to fake that outgoing personality...
Personality doesn't matter if you are ugly, but being ugly increases your chances of being a mentalcel who doesn't have the emotional strength to fake charisma 24/7 so he can maintain a relationship
Extraaa said:
Having to fake a "good personality" is tiring af though.. I did for roughly 2 years and although people genereally treated me better it was so freaking exhausting to fake that outgoing personality...

"Pretending" to have good personality literally means u donr have good personality

Its the equivilant of blue eyes and contacts of blue eyes
hehe xd said:
Keep cope and carry on

Would u act like women? Yes

If u had the chance to fuck most girls u see irl u would do it, dont blame girls that better males than u and the femoid offer themselves to them so free

you're the one coping, you think getting laid is as easy as just being nice. cuck.
I have a gud personaliteehee

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