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JFL Religiouscels having kids



always losing to hbox
May 1, 2018
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

JFL @ procreating if you really believe there's a high chance that your kids will go to hell

I detest their obsession with creating life and keeping it alive (being against abortion for people they don't even know or care about)
I think the best thing that can happen is to never be born and if you die as a baby or a fetus at least you never endured this mad rat race.
The proper parenting will lead children down the right path. Improper parenting is the reason for the state of society in the 21st century (feminism, cucks, etc.). I can't wait to have kids and if I ever ascend, I will definitely have kids.
The proper parenting will lead children down the right path. Improper parenting is the reason for the state of society in the 21st century (feminism, cucks, etc.). I can't wait to have kids and if I ever ascend, I will definitely have kids.
You have to admit, having kids is by far, the most selfish thing in the world.
Unless you are religious, and there is some shit in the bible like, thy must have babs, in which case, I guess you have an excuse.
I detest their obsession with creating life and keeping it alive (being against abortion for people they don't even know or care about)
I think the best thing that can happen is to never be born and if you die as a baby or a fetus at least you never endured this mad rat race.
The bible even says that tbh

"I congratulate the dead, who have already died, rather than the living, who still have to carry on. But the person who hasn’t been born yet is better off than both of them. He hasn’t seen the evil that is done under the sun."
You have to admit, having kids is by far, the most selfish thing in the world.
Unless you are religious, and there is some shit in the bible like, thy must have babs, in which case, I guess you have an excuse.

Not true, read my comment above
You have to admit, having kids is by far, the most selfish thing in the world.
Unless you are religious, and there is some shit in the bible like, thy must have babs, in which case, I guess you have an excuse.
On the contrary, having kids is the least selfish thing you cant do. The cost of raising a child is unbelievable, for what tangible gain? Plus I am commanded to reproduce, unless I remain celibate.
On the contrary, having kids is the least selfish thing you cant do. The cost of raising a child is unbelievable, for what tangible gain? Plus I am commanded to reproduce, unless I remain celibate.
Life is nothing but suffering, the only reason anyone ever has kids is because they want to, because they think it would be fun, and they don't like the idea of growing old and dying, so they live through their child vicariously.
But, seeing as you are Lutheran, I see your desire to do so as far less unreasonable than most. Not to mention you would probably be far better at raising them, than the average degenerate non-believer.
On the contrary, having kids is the least selfish thing you cant do. The cost of raising a child is unbelievable, for what tangible gain? Plus I am commanded to reproduce, unless I remain celibate.

"A good name is better than precious ointment,
and the day of death than the day of birth."

in addition to what I already posted:

"I congratulate the dead, who have already died, rather than the living, who still have to carry on. But the person who hasn’t been born yet is better off than both of them. He hasn’t seen the evil that is done under the sun."
highest IQ ppl are all incels

Newton, Tesla, etc.

Our cucked society is just getting lower and lower in IQ
Those were voluntarily celibate men. Smart men could find a way to get laid if they put their mind to it.
And what does sex have a flippin' flop to do with IQ?
Those were voluntarily celibate men. Smart men could find a way to get laid if they put their mind to it.


Imagine being so low IQ that you actually believe this

Those were voluntarily celibate men. Smart men could find a way to get laid if they put their mind to it.
And what does sex have a flippin' flop to do with IQ?
I don't believe in volcels. Given the chance to marry their ideal women, and live in happy, strong monogamous relationships, that did not act as a detriment their work, they would have done so.
I don't believe in volcels. Given the chance to marry their ideal women, and live in happy, strong monogamous relationships, that did not act as a detriment their work, they would have done so.
I disagree. In the biography about Newton I read he didn't marry/have sex for religious reasons. There was a chapter on him suffering intensely in his 50's due to his extreme horny-ness, but he thought God would disapprove so he just stayed in a tool-shed to suffer. He was pretty crazy in addition to being a super-genius.

Tesla, I don't know... but at least he didn't pursue women - not like we do anyway.

Generally I agree with you though. Most men, if their dream girl was offered up on a silver plate, would immediately drop any pretenses of voluntary celibacy and give into temptation.
I disagree. In the biography about Newton I read he didn't marry/have sex for religious reasons. There was a chapter on him suffering intensely in his 50's due to his extreme horny-ness, but he thought God would disapprove so he just stayed in a tool-shed to suffer. He was pretty crazy in addition to being a super-genius.

Tesla, I don't know... but at least he didn't pursue women - not like we do anyway.

Generally I agree with you though. Most men, if their dream girl was offered up on a silver plate, would immediately drop any pretenses of voluntary celibacy and give into temptation.
I suppose it would actually be possible to be volcel, for a religious person. Maybe Newton, then.
>Having kids

I don't think you know what "cel" stands for.
Generating life as a Christian is indeed mysterious to me. You believe most people will suffer for ETERNITY, why bring more people into this planet?

Suffering for eternity is objectively way worse than any cruelty you can possibly perform here, even torture, genocide, etc.
I detest their obsession with creating life and keeping it alive (being against abortion for people they don't even know or care about)
I think the best thing that can happen is to never be born and if you die as a baby or a fetus at least you never endured this mad rat race.

Abortion sucks because it allows sluts to sleep around without consequence. When you can’t get an abortion and you’re stuck with a kid you’ll be more scared to cheat on the betabuxx you lock down.
The bible even says that tbh

"I congratulate the dead, who have already died, rather than the living, who still have to carry on. But the person who hasn’t been born yet is better off than both of them. He hasn’t seen the evil that is done under the sun."

Not true, read my comment above

Ecclesiastes is high quality, guy was a king yet he was depressed.

Generating life as a Christian is indeed mysterious to me. You believe most people will suffer for ETERNITY, why bring more people into this planet?

Suffering for eternity is objectively way worse than any cruelty you can possibly perform here, even torture, genocide, etc.

Christians take “Be fruitful and multiply” seriously. When they weigh the options they decide to just do what they feel God commands of them. Plus I’m sure many think they’ll be such good parents that their kids will walk straight into heaven.
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