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It's Over Rejection stories



Feb 16, 2019
Were you rejected before? I was several times by this one girl who seemed to have my personality and seemed to like me. Turns out all personality does is get you into the friendzone while she fucks chad.

Luckily she doesn't even talk to me anymore now, so that's nice.
Not feel like writing it, but yes i have
I cold approached a girl I was vaguely family friends with and she said yes but then she emailed me (I asked her for her number and the lying whore said she didn’t have a phone so she gave me her school email) to say she wasn’t ready for a relationship and would rather be friends. Month later join her club just to leave mid meeting when I saw her fooling around with a 6’5” “nerdy” Chad.
Were you rejected before? I was several times by this one girl who seemed to have my personality and seemed to like me. Turns out all personality does is get you into the friendzone while she fucks chad.

Luckily she doesn't even talk to me anymore now, so that's nice.

I've never talked to a girl, so I wouldn't know. Either way, I've sat at a table with a few girls but never spoke to any of them, and they never spoke to me.
I cold approached a girl I was vaguely family friends with and she said yes but then she emailed me (I asked her for her number and the lying whore said she didn’t have a phone so she gave me her school email) to say she wasn’t ready for a relationship and would rather be friends. Month later join her club just to leave mid meeting when I saw her fooling around with a 6’5” “nerdy” Chad.
Dude I hate this shit. These so called stronk independent women don't even have the courage to tell you that they don't like you, so instead they do this friendzoning bullshit just to use you. Fuck them tbh.

And if course, they need the very best of the best. They can't just settle with an average man, nope. They gotta have the chaddiest chad.
yes, I get rejected from every female ever. This is why I am very bitter towards starting new "friendships" with foids, because they always never give a shit about me while I constantly think about them. the moment I show any advances they are gone. but they are happy to use me for resources if I be a good little cuck. fuck talking to females in a cucked degenerate westernized society.
I've never talked to a girl, so I wouldn't know. Either way, I've sat at a table with a few girls but never spoke to any of them, and they never spoke to me.
Don't talk to them ever, you're not missing out on much. If they liked you, they would start a conversation with you (which they never will given your looks). They're incredibly infantile, stupid, and empty headed vain idiots. And worst of all, all girls are carbon copies of eachother, even the so called socially awkward ones. They all talk about pointless shit and want the same goddamned chad.

The only thing they ever talk about is:
-makeup, shoes, or clothes
-some boy / their boyfriends
And if over 30:
-their husbands, house, or kids

That's it. That's the only topic femtards will ever cover. Ground-breaking, isn't it? I wonder where all the female scientists are.
I have been rejected six times. fuck my life already
I've been rejected twice. First time in 6th grade I was attracted to this girl who was probably a 4/10 at best. Anyway, I asked her out via note, and she told me that she was too young to date. I took this rejection very well, largely in part to the fact that I had moved on by the time I got it. Anyway two years later I was friends with this 9/10 girl and we talked on social media very often. I legit thought I was gonna be able to hit above the belt, and one day she made a suggestive message with a winking emoji and I took the shot. Unfortunately, I got friend zoned. That one kinda hurt me, because she was stunning. Sure enough, last time I checked, she was dating a ripped Irish-American chad.

Kinda wish i asked more girls out, just so i could justify inceldom. Frankly I'm a bit of a bitch when it comes to popping the question. Overall, i've gotten over both of my rejections, although I def still wish I could be with the 2nd girl. However I don't think we would have been very compatible.
Hundreds of times now, but I think being arrested just for trying to talk to some is the most "brutal" rejection yet.

I just see it as a game in audacity now, more like a challenge to go up and approach in the most awkward situations, to crush social anxiety.

I don't really see myself and a femoid ever hitting it off with each other, but the main thing is to have some history of trying, so that I can truly claim incel.
I've been rejected twice. First time in 6th grade I was attracted to this girl who was probably a 4/10 at best. Anyway, I asked her out via note, and she told me that she was too young to date. I took this rejection very well, largely in part to the fact that I had moved on by the time I got it. Anyway two years later I was friends with this 9/10 girl and we talked on social media very often. I legit thought I was gonna be able to hit above the belt, and one day she made a suggestive message with a winking emoji and I took the shot. Unfortunately, I got friend zoned. That one kinda hurt me, because she was stunning. Sure enough, last time I checked, she was dating a ripped Irish-American chad.

Kinda wish i asked more girls out, just so i could justify inceldom. Frankly I'm a bit of a bitch when it comes to popping the question. Overall, i've gotten over both of my rejections, although I def still wish I could be with the 2nd girl. However I don't think we would have been very compatible.

If you are younger than 25, you are not an incel yet. Get the fuck out and save your ass.
I dont want to write it because i start feeling bad and cry when I relive it.
I've never been rejected, just made fun of because of my looks on a few occasions.
Hundreds of times now, but I think being arrested just for trying to talk to some is the most "brutal" rejection yet.

I just see it as a game in audacity now, more like a challenge to go up and approach in the most awkward situations, to crush social anxiety.

I don't really see myself and a femoid ever hitting it off with each other, but the main thing is to have some history of trying, so that I can truly claim incel.
I've gone to the rec center where most girls about my age go, and everytime I leave I feel pissed off and angry. I've had lifeguards come up to me and tell me to stop following girls or talking to them, because apparently they went up to them and said that I was stalking them even though they gave no indication that they didn't want to talk to me.

I guess foids are too afraid of appearing to be a bitch, because even though I have a very likable personality :soy: they're too afraid to reject me up front. I don't know, some of them don't even care about appearance.

Even though I am young, I can't say that I didn't try everything possible to not be incel. The only thing left is work hard at changing my appearance and hope that I ascend that way.
I've been rejected twice. First time in 6th grade I was attracted to this girl who was probably a 4/10 at best. Anyway, I asked her out via note, and she told me that she was too young to date. I took this rejection very well, largely in part to the fact that I had moved on by the time I got it. Anyway two years later I was friends with this 9/10 girl and we talked on social media very often. I legit thought I was gonna be able to hit above the belt, and one day she made a suggestive message with a winking emoji and I took the shot. Unfortunately, I got friend zoned. That one kinda hurt me, because she was stunning. Sure enough, last time I checked, she was dating a ripped Irish-American chad.

Kinda wish i asked more girls out, just so i could justify inceldom. Frankly I'm a bit of a bitch when it comes to popping the question. Overall, i've gotten over both of my rejections, although I def still wish I could be with the 2nd girl. However I don't think we would have been very compatible.
The thing is, even if you did try harder to eventually not get rejected, you still would be in the same predicament you are only you would have more rejections under your belt and nothing to show for it.

We like to think that we have control over how things could have turned out, but that's merely part of the bargaining phase of depression. Girls are really just carbon copies of each other when it comes down to what kind of man they want, so if you got rejected by at least a couple girls, you'll likely just run into more girls who will feel the same about you and turn you down. Remember what we're dealing with, gentlemen.

The landwhale, the Stacy, the plain Jane, the dyke feminist, and the beautiful tradthot all want some chad. There is no variation in what they want. With that being said, sincere you are not chad, they would all say no to you or only use you for betabuxx.
If you are younger than 25, you are not an incel yet. Get the fuck out and save your ass.
That's bullshit. You're born incel, whether you want to believe it or not. What @Looksmaxxcel says is right - regardless of how hard you try, if you're incel you will certainly fail.
think a foid never rejected my face, they generaly block me, or get a new boyfriend before i have time to do shit
Yes, it was humiliating. In fifth grade I told a couple guys that I liked this girl in class and they went and told her and she basically rejected me in front of everyone. It was very embarrassing and I cried in the bath room. I wish I mentally blocked this situation from my mind
They reject me with their body language. They all avoid me, every girl is the same. There is no exception. They're all repulsed by me because of my 2/10 looks. :feels:
They reject me with their body language. They all avoid me, every girl is the same. There is no exception. They're all repulsed by me because of my 2/10 looks. :feels:

I had girls literally look down in disgust today or start walking really fast when they see my face, made me want to kms
I had girls literally look down in disgust today or start walking really fast when they see my face, made me want to kms
Yes, I can see women actively avoiding me. If they're a couple of feet away, they will make sure to go extra to the left or right, and if they're nearby, they will make sure to do the same after looking at me. It's beyond messed up.
They reject me with their body language. They all avoid me, every girl is the same. There is no exception. They're all repulsed by me because of my 2/10 looks. :feels:
You are not the only one, there was even a time where some tourists confused me with a thief just because of my ethnic face. :cryfeels:
You are not the only one, there was even a time where some tourists confused me with a thief just because of my ethnic face. :cryfeels:
I feel like tourists are even more weary of me due to being ethnic. Especially Asian tourists.
I met up with a 200+ 2-3/10 white bitch after a few messages online.

The first thing out of her mouth was "I thought youd be taller" and shortly after that said she wanted to leave.
Twice, and the guy she took a liking in was a chad who the three of us shared the same class in.
They reject me with their body language. They all avoid me, every girl is the same. There is no exception. They're all repulsed by me because of my 2/10 looks. :feels:
:feelsbadman: its mostly indirect..
yes, I get rejected from every female ever. This is why I am very bitter towards starting new "friendships" with foids, because they always never give a shit about me while I constantly think about them. the moment I show any advances they are gone. but they are happy to use me for resources if I be a good little cuck. fuck talking to females in a cucked degenerate westernized society.
I felt this. These ungrateful cunts deserve every misfortune that happens to them.

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