Imagine not perma banning this
ModERation has become a joke. Sometimes I feel like the modERators are “double agents” (“secretly” ANTI-INCEL), just “pretending” to be incel and using their modERator position (a position of authority) to FALSELY present themselves as being the “MOST AUTHENTIC, RELIABLE, TRUSTWORTHY, GENUINE and REAL incels” so that NOBODY questions their “standard” of modERation due to sadly trusting that these mods have the best interests of the forum at heart (with regards to how incels are pERceived based on what content and which usERs the modERators ALLOW) when in reality they r INTENTIONALLY letting trolls and fakecels run rampant because these “double-agent” modERators’ goal is to drastically decrease the forum’s quality so that in the long-tERm all the REAL HIGH IQ BLACKPILLED incels will leave the forum and the only membERs remaining will be low IQ bluepilled incels and fakecels/trolls, so NOT ONLY will REAL HIGH IQ BLACKPILLED incels LOSE a key platform to discuss the blackpill amongst each othER, we will ALSO be UNABLE to explain our predicament of existing as an incel (via presentation of arguments in a logical mannER) to outsidERs in addition to being UNABLE to spread the blackpill (in genERal) to the rest of society, thus FAILING to achieve the level of societal recognition of our issues (and FAILING to wake society up to various aspects of “truth” about reality in genERal), which ARE necessary to gain the support of citizens and those with political influence/powER, in ordER to NOT ONLY improve the lives of incels but also improve the lives of the avERage citizen, via systematic change.
On the contrary, instead of understanding and empathising with our inceldom-related issues, or MOST IMPORTANTLY understanding that incels are NOT the enemies of normies but rathER we BOTH share a common enemy in the Jewish elites who USE us as workER drones for CREATION (via labour, utility, inventions and innovations), EXPLOITING us as SLAVES for PRODUCTION (creating a society whERe the avERage pERson has to work 40 hours a week for survival and earns so little in tERms of money/resources, living a LOW QUALITY life, while the elites sit back and relax without evER having to work and have so much money/resources that they would struggle to make use of it all in their entire life unless they wERe intentionally wasteful/illogical with their consumption/investment), and USING us as “CANNON FODDER” for DESTRUCTION (via warfare, invasions, conquests), EXPLOITING us as EXPENDABLE/DISPOSABLE “TOOLS/INSTRUMENTS” of VIOLENCE (putting our lives at risk and potentially sacrificing our lives by dying young on the battlefield just to make the elites more powERful, living for a LOW QUANTITY of time, while the elites sit back without evER stepping foot on the battlefield and have a much highER chance of living to old age), normies will instead remain undER the influence of the “social conditioning” that the elites have subjected the normies to (and which the elites will CONTINUE to subject the normies to, in the present and future), hence the normies will CONTINUE to view US incels as the enemy, resulting in both incel lives and normie lives remaining trash in quality/quantity while the the elites live life to the fullest. Thats how important it is to spread the blackpill, and that’s why it’s so important that we have intelligent loyal mods.
The elites maintain a firm hold/grip of society by instigating conflict among the slave populace by causing DIVISION based on diffERences in age, race, religion, culture, incel/non-incel status etc. using the “DIVIDE and CONQUER” strategy of “psychological warfare” to maintain their control ovER the slaves because the slaves are so DISTRACTED with consciously investing such a big portion of their resources (time, energy/effort, money, physical goods/services etc) In fighting AGAINST each other, that the slaves DON’T EVEN NOTICE “who” is REALLY “PROFITTING” from all this “in-fighting” amongst themselves (Jewish elites). But by the time the slaves FINALLY notice (that Jewish elites are only ones profitting from conflict amongst the slaves), even when the slaves decide to STOP fighting each othER and instead UNITE AGAINST the REAL ENEMY (Jewish elites), they will be TOO WEAK from fighting each othER for so long with so much intensity, that they will no longER have the capability (in tERms of level of possession/ownERship of resources) to have any chance whatsoevER at successfully ovERthrowing the elites.
Normies are too stupid to realise that the elites are not only incels’ enemies, they r enemies of normies TOO.
But because the elites are SMART (unlike normies), INSTEAD of fighting a COALITION of incels AND normies who are collaborating with each othER and working togethER (UNITED AGAINST the elites), the elites would much rathER let BOTH of their ENEMIES (normies and incels) fight EACH OTHER while the elites watch from the sidelines without putting themselves at any risk. Then when the conflict is ovER, the elites will EASILY FINISH OFF whichever side is left alive (because the “winning” side will be greatly weakened from the battle they just fought, having lost a lot of men/equipment while many of the surviving men/equipment will be injured/damaged, so whichevER side “wins” the conflict will enjoy the temporary illusory “feeling” of victory, right before they end up being executed by the elites who come from the shadows and reveal themselves to be the REAL enemy just before they kill whoevER is left alive, but sadly it will be a lesson learned too late).