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Redpill me on the Irish



Jun 20, 2018
The Irish, why were they hated?
anglos don’t like them just coz
They aren't hated, my favorite president (andrew jackson) was irish and whooped the dude who tried to kill him's ass with a cane after he used two pistols to try to kill him. Irish people in groups are not very impressive though. They're often made fun of but no hatred I know exists, There was racism along with blacks in the US (black and irish need not apply), and the Irish were treated worse, but they smartened up and now are just white along with the italians who were also disliked (not to that degree though). Mostly hated for being catholic at that time.
They aren't hated, my favorite president (andrew jackson) was irish and whooped the dude who tried to kill him's ass with a cane after he used two pistols to try to kill him. Irish people in groups are not very impressive though. They're often made fun of but no hatred I know exists, There was racism along with blacks in the US (black and irish need not apply), and the Irish were treated worse, but they smartened up and now are just white along with the italians who were also disliked (not to that degree though). Mostly hated for being catholic at that time.
makes sense, thanks
I have Irish heritage and some family living in Ireland.

I don’t understand a lot about the whole thing but fuck those British bastards tbhtbh.
Just Éireannmaxx bro
As far as I know Irish faced racism at first and called subhumans etc. But then they accepted by people
I don't hate the Irish but last time i visited Dublin i couldn't believe the amount of hoes in their super prime. Like 13/14 years old girls wearing like prostitutes. Ireland is supercucked.
I don't hate the Irish but last time i visited Dublin i couldn't believe the amount of hoes in their super prime. Like 13/14 years old girls wearing like prostitutes. Ireland is supercucked.
I haven’t been there in many years. Was very nice when I went there.
Once subhumans now accepted in society
I don't hate the Irish but last time i visited Dublin i couldn't believe the amount of hoes in their super prime. Like 13/14 years old girls wearing like prostitutes. Ireland is supercucked.
Literally most of Dublin consists of people that aren't Irish
i dont get why other brits shit on the irish. theyre all a bunch of ugly cunts so they should all make peace and sign an ugly cunt pact or something.
fuck those British bastards tbhtbh.
Oi M8 I don't think we are your cup of tea but no need to get squiffy wiv me. So don't be a right cunt or I'll shag your nan after a cheeky nandos G. You ant even got a fuckin bird to toss you off because when I shag her there's enough room to swing a cat like. After I'll go for a fish and chips and do some maths and there you go bobs your uncle.

Jk I'm Irish but live in cUK
Oi M8 I don't think we are your cup of tea but no need to get squiffy wiv me. So don't be a right cunt or I'll shag your nan after a cheeky nandos G. You ant even got a fuckin bird to toss you off because when I shag her there's enough room to swing a cat like. After I'll go for a fish and chips and do some maths and there you go bobs your uncle.

Jk I'm Irish but live in cUK
It's all anglo propaganda.
They hate the irish because of the ira, they bombed England over 500 times and almost killed that right wing conserative witch Maggie Thatcher
They hate the irish because of the ira, they bombed England over 500 times and almost killed that right wing conserative witch Maggie Thatcher
Well done.
They kept on backing catholic kings (usually french) to try an invade britian after the glorious revolution 1690 when britian was protestant against majority Catholic europe.
The english decided to invade Ireland a long time ago. So the irish fought them. And so the English oppressed them. Etc
Evil Anglo Brit here. We (the Normans really tbh) invaded them in the 12th century and tried to conquer the territory; they managed to take the 'Pale' around what is now Dublin. This was all pretty normal for European countries at the time until King Henry VIII in 1534 decided that he wanted to get divorced from his wife but the Pope wouldn't let him; Henry VIII started his own English Protestant Church and tried to force the country to Protestantism, meanwhile expanding English territory deeper in Ireland. England went back to Catholic under Mary I and then back to Protestant when Queen Elizabeth I took power. Then Protestantism became a massive part of English identity when we defeated the Catholic Spanish Armada in 1588.

Ireland remained Catholic, but England put Protestants in charge called the 'Protestant Ascendancy'. When Oliver Cromwell (A MEGA UBER PURITAN PROTESTANT) was winning the English civil war in 1642-1651 he went nuts on Irish Catholics, believing them to be part of the Church of Satan. He killed a lot of Irish Catholics and the Irish still remember him now. During this time England sent a fucktonne of hardcore protestants from lowland Scotland to colonise Northern Ireland; they became known as Ulster-Scots or Scots-Irish. Like 200,000 went to America in the 1700s and loads of whites in the American south are descended from them.

A lot of stereotypes developed about the Irish after that. That they were stupid, backward, and mostly, drunk. So the English looked down on the Irish as a bunch of drunken peasants with an evil religion that needed to be purged and brought to the true faith: Protestantism.

In 1798 the Irish rebellion of Wolfe Tones was defeated by the British (England and Scotland united formally in 1707) and Ireland was completely brought under British control in 1801 in the Act of Union. The Irish Catholic population became really dependent on potatoes for a set on complex reasons. The British didn't give a fuck about them and used Ireland as a breadbasket for exporting food; the Irish had the potatoes. In the 1850s there was a massive disease/potato blight that killed off all the potatoes. The British kept on exporting food from Ireland because who cares about drunken peasants with an evil and false branch of Christianity. Over a million of them died and millions more escaped to America in places like Boston, but everywhere in the US really.

Also in the 19th century Britain started to develop ideas about how the Irish might be inferior racially, as an explanation for their drunkenness and lethargy. The idea that Germanic descended people (like English Anglo-Saxons) were superior racially to Celtic descended people (like the Irish and Welsh) became popular.

In 1916 when the British army was getting fucked hard at the Somme in WW1 the Irish in Dublin seized their chance and had a 'rising' (they took hold of a fucking post office). After ww1 Britain was fucked to be able to deal with an Irish revolution so they sent ex-soldiers to be military police called ' The black and tans'. They were generally massive cunts who just beat the shit out of people, shot people for fucking nothing like playing Irish sports or some shit. Even the King of England and British Fascist leader Oswald Mosely thought they were fucked in the head and treated the Irish like shit

They basically won their independence in 1921 when Britain agreed that Ireland would have the 26 counties in the South (mostly catholic) but Britain would keep the 6 counties in the North (mostly Protestant). The Irish catholics didn't like this and formed the Provisinal IRA but that's another story.

tl;dr we colonised them and we hated catholics at the time.They were seen as alcoholic backward peasants with a satanic branch of Christianity. When they came to America during the famine they were also hated for being Catholics and seen as drunkards by protestant nativists there.

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