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Redpill cucks be like...



The Sentient Incel | Truth-Seeker
Oct 12, 2024

"the primal desire to protect & provide for women" :feelsclown:

Imagine trying to protect and provide for a species which has been proven to actively want to destroy you and take everything from you while providing 0 value to you.

this is what society calls being a real man
Redpillers are proven retards. Blackpill is the only way
Basically bluepillers but even bigger slaves from what i can see
Disguising woman worship as good for men
"Protect muh women!":soy::soy::soy::soy:
Redpillers are gay retards
The primal desire to beat and rape foids
"the primal desire to protect & provide for women" :feelsclown:
:lul: :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
Niggers I swear, even my soul is cringing whenever I readed this statement.

Cuckoldery of the highest order LMAO!!!!!!!!
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:theyre insane arent they
Indeed. I know this crazy mentally fucked ADHD guy I used to do meth with. He is the danger to soyciety kind of psychopath (It's like some kind of demon living inside his body, no joke) and he was a hardcore redpiller. Even though he blends with the NT normies, they still see him as as a clown (but he gets HTB+ tier bitches).

He has this weird sexual fetish of sucking women's toes. I told him that this seems like a very cucked act to me. He got upset very quickly filled with rage and got defensive, trying to justify his actions and shouting at me saying "ThErE's nOtHiNg WronG iF thE gIrl'S cUtE".

NGL, he life mogs me really hard, but only if he could be able to see what kind of a clown he is, he'd die from his own embarrassment.
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Indeed. I know this crazy mentally fucked ADHD guy I used to do meth with. He is the danger to soyciety kind of psychopath (It's like some kind of demon living inside his body, no joke) and he was a hardcore redpiller. Even though he blends with the NT normies, they still see him as as a clown (but he gets HTB+ tier bitches).

He has this weird sexual fetish of sucking women's toes. I told him that this seems like a very cucked act to me. He got upset very quickly filled with rage and got defensive, trying to justify his actions and shouting at me saying "ThErE's nOtHiNg WronG iF thE gIrl'S cUtE".

NGL, he life mogs me really hard, but only if he could be able to see what kind of a clown he is, he'd die from his own embarrassment.
Lmao what about him is redpilled? He talks about providing or something?
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"the primal desire to protect & provide for women" :feelsclown:

Imagine trying to protect and provide for a species which has been proven to actively want to destroy you and take everything from you while providing 0 value to you.

Thats just biology my friend. It is not men's fault
They call us weird but I think that is so fucking weird to worship a specie, aka “gender” that treats you like lepers
Lmao what about him is redpilled? He talks about providing or something?
The redpillery he advocates is the typical shit you hear from everyone else - confidence, game and lifting weights.

To be honest, it's a good advice for normie looking NT's. Sadly it didn't do shit for Spergs like me. If it did, the first thing I'd definitely not do after waking up is visiting .is at the age of 27.
The primal desire to grape and beat foids :feelsthink::blackpill:
Redpillers are retardads and foids worshippers. The only way are the blackpill :feelsjuice:
The redpillery he advocates is the typical shit you hear from everyone else - confidence, game and lifting weights.

To be honest, it's a good advice for normie looking NT's. Sadly it didn't do shit for Spergs like me. If it did, the first thing I'd definitely not do after waking up is visiting .is at the age of 27.
Lmaoo same
Redpill = Betabuxx and betabux deluxe
Big cringe energy. Fix the women first before discussing such things
They call us weird but I think that is so fucking weird to worship a specie, aka “gender” that treats you like lepers
It is weird to worship the inferior gender.
primal desire to kill other people and sleep in caves doesn't make it a good thing this logic is so retarded
This is cucked and pathetic. They are essentially telling you to be a slave for those who hate you.
Redpillers are absolute normie scum.

Protect muh women :soy::soy::soy:

Kek :feelskek:, I love when cucks try to protect toilets, get killed an the foid falls in love with the Chad rapist :feelshaha::feelshaha: clown world
Redpillers are absolute normie scum.

Protect muh women :soy::soy::soy:

Kek :feelskek:, I love when cucks try to protect toilets, get killed an the foid falls in love with the Chad rapist :feelshaha::feelshaha: clown world
Same. Or when they get divorce raped is hilarious too.

Imagine signing over 50% of your net worth to a roastie just for a bit of sex
Same. Or when they get divorce raped is hilarious too.

Imagine signing over 50% of your net worth to a roastie just for a bit of sex
Very true, especially when the cuck kills himself afterwards.
Women can kiss my fucking ass. I hate them all
I mean, technically the desire to provide for and protect women is a primal desire males have. In every mammalian species, males fight each other over a mate. Many are extremely vicious and to the death, others fight each other but not to the point of death or extreme injury....but they all fight one another specifically to get a female's attention. Also out of all the primates, chimpanzees are the most brutal in the way they fight each other....and we're more closely genetically related to them than any other primate.

The problem with red pillers (well, one of the many problems with them) is they argue that primal instincts are all a good thing because they're "natural". The reality is our primal instincts are not conducive to basic civilization. If they were, we wouldn't need laws in the first place. Who would want to spend years and years studying for a degree, or building and maintaining a business when some bigger, stronger retard could beat you to death at a moment's notice thinking it would impress a potential mate?

But yes, the red pill advocates for being a massive simp, but behind a "masculine" veneer (they actually call it "alpha bux", jfl) especially these days. Anyone who identifies with the red pill in 2025 is either a grifter or just completely retarded.
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These are the same guys who would shoot you on the Titanic for wanting to get on an escape raft because "the seats are reserved for the foids."
It's over for protectcels & providecels.
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"the primal desire to protect & provide for women" :feelsclown:

Imagine trying to protect and provide for a species which has been proven to actively want to destroy you and take everything from you while providing 0 value to you.

99.9999999999% of men are like that, that is why we can only dream of "incel revolution". they would rather spend all their money on useless looksmaxxing and get an unfaithful gf for one time in their life than step away from all this bs like a real man. it is ovER

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