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Discussion Reddit thread describes "woke" anti-incel bullies pretty well


your personality

Jun 26, 2020

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/kyfu5w/wtf_is_the_woke_endgame_anyway/

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/kyfu5w/wtf_is_the_woke_endgame_anyway/gjhbgz5/?context=3

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/kyfu5w/wtf_is_the_woke_endgame_anyway/gjftc3l/?context=3

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/kyfu5w/wtf_is_the_woke_endgame_anyway/gjg0v0j/?context=3

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/kyfu5w/wtf_is_the_woke_endgame_anyway/gjfygfa/?context=3

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/kyfu5w/wtf_is_the_woke_endgame_anyway/gjg9gkr/?context=3
This last comment brings up a salient point: how the basis of bigotry becomes not race or even necessarily gender but oriented metrics of human achievement like having a relationship or career. Incels are seen as flawed and somehow bad people because they cannot get into a relationship and hold down a steady job and people that have achieved these milestones are seen as inherently better people by default. At the same time if incels say they are better off for not having had a relationship because at least they won't be betrayed by someone close to them, or if they say it is better to NEET than wageslave for society, they are portrayed as lazy, smug and in denial missing out on essential human connection, again demonstrating bigotry against males that aren't able to get into relationships or have any other measure of success in life.

This bigotry also rears its head when talking about career achievement. A common "criticism" of incels is that they are tendies eating, lazy neckbeard NEETs. This is a form of poor shaming and again basing human worth upon having a job and being a hyper productive member of society, implying that guys that cannot reach these stage have something inherently wrong with them. It ignores the deterministic aspect of life that no matter how much work you put in the odds are stacked against some people and they cannot overcome these odds no matter how hard they try. It also directs excess focus onto the individual while ignoring, downplaying or dismissing structural inequalities and societal issues that can lead to and amplify individual problems.

Bonus discussion of literal whitewashing of ethnic supporters of "conservative" views or views thought to be held mainly by white males.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/kynuhj/to_understand_trumps_support_we_must_think_in/
Where has this been seen before?

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Uncle Ted said the best, it's all about power

21. Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion or by moral principles, and moral principle does play a role for the leftist of the oversocialized type. But compassion and moral principle cannot be the main motives for leftist activism. Hostility is too prominent a component of leftist behavior; so is the drive for power. Moreover, much leftist behavior is not rationally calculated to be of benefit to the people whom the leftists claim to be trying to help. For example, if one believes that affirmative action is good for black people, does it make sense to demand affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms? Obviously it would be more productive to take a diplomatic and conciliatory approach that would make at least verbal and symbolic concessions to white people who think that affirmative action discriminates against them. But leftist activists do not take such an approach because it would not satisfy their emotional needs. Helping black people is not their real goal. Instead, race problems serve as an excuse for them to express their own hostility and frustrated need for power. In doing so they actually harm black people, because the activists’ hostile attitude toward the white majority tends to intensify race hatred.

They are trying to fight fire with fire, of course everything's going to burn down eventually.
funny how so many soycialists hate those who do not work for the ''capitalistic pigs'' aka hating on neetcels
When women and how they feel are involved all principles go out of the window.

They are trying to fight fire with fire, of course everything's going to burn down eventually.
All part of the plan tbh
You create new enemies so you can continue fighting them and point your finger at those people and claim they were bad all along.

@Cafecel anything you want to add?
When women and how they feel are involved all principles go out of the window.

All part of the plan tbh
You create new enemies so you can continue fighting them and point your finger at those people and claim they were bad all along.

@Cafecel anything you want to add?
I wanna add that if they were in the same position as the person they were shitting on, they would be mad too.

Also they hate on NEETs for not being productive towards society yet they say they hate work and wagecucking. Idk what to add much here you did a pretty good job
I wanna add that if they were in the same position as the person they were shitting on, they would be mad too.
Yup. They always tell you to "get over it" but if someone happens to give them even a fraction of the mistreatment you receive they freak out, get really angry and can't stop talking about it and the "disrespect" they were shown.
Also they hate on NEETs for not being productive towards society yet they say they hate work and wagecucking. Idk what to add much here you did a pretty good job
Imo just like the sudden change of tone and insistence on how racial preferences in dating aren't racist when women have them, it's the same with when any actions are involved that could jeopardize the image of women as a group in any way. When women and how they feel are involved all principles go out of the window for these people.
>They are addicted to bullying and smugness. Wokeness lets them bully people while feeling smug and self assured.

This is actually extremely accurate

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/kyfu5w/wtf_is_the_woke_endgame_anyway/

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/kyfu5w/wtf_is_the_woke_endgame_anyway/gjhbgz5/?context=3

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/kyfu5w/wtf_is_the_woke_endgame_anyway/gjftc3l/?context=3

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/kyfu5w/wtf_is_the_woke_endgame_anyway/gjg0v0j/?context=3

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/kyfu5w/wtf_is_the_woke_endgame_anyway/gjfygfa/?context=3

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/kyfu5w/wtf_is_the_woke_endgame_anyway/gjg9gkr/?context=3
This last comment brings up a salient point: how the basis of bigotry becomes not race or even necessarily gender but oriented metrics of human achievement like having a relationship or career. Incels are seen as flawed and somehow bad people because they cannot get into a relationship and hold down a steady job and people that have achieved these milestones are seen as inherently better people by default. At the same time if incels say they are better off for not having had a relationship because at least they won't be betrayed by someone close to them, or if they say it is better to NEET than wageslave for society, they are portrayed as lazy, smug and in denial missing out on essential human connection, again demonstrating bigotry against males that aren't able to get into relationships or have any other measure of success in life.

This bigotry also rears its head when talking about career achievement. A common "criticism" of incels is that they are tendies eating, lazy neckbeard NEETs. This is a form of poor shaming and again basing human worth upon having a job and being a hyper productive member of society, implying that guys that cannot reach these stage have something inherently wrong with them. It ignores the deterministic aspect of life that no matter how much work you put in the odds are stacked against some people and they cannot overcome these odds no matter how hard they try. It also directs excess focus onto the individual while ignoring, downplaying or dismissing structural inequalities and societal issues that can lead to and amplify individual problems.

Bonus discussion of literal whitewashing of ethnic supporters of "conservative" views or views thought to be held mainly by white males.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/kynuhj/to_understand_trumps_support_we_must_think_in/
Where has this been seen before?


Very high IQ. However it didn't come up on my notices. Which is what I find weird.
>They are addicted to bullying and smugness. Wokeness lets them bully people while feeling smug and self assured.

This is actually extremely accurate

I've seen this time & again.
Uncle Ted said the best, it's all about power
They are trying to fight fire with fire, of course everything's going to burn down eventually.
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Very high IQ. However it didn't come up on my notices. Which is what I find weird.
Yeah I think it's because I had to edit the thread after initially posting it to tag other members. It's similar imo to the glitch that comes up if you quote a second member after initially making a post where you only quote a single member and the person you quote later doesn't get a notification for their post being quoted.
I've seen this time & again.
Finally though we see the connection between how the virgin shaming and poor shaming can co-exist in the mindset of woke SJW liberals like you find in many anti-incel groups. When I came across that last comment about how bigotry is re-centered and moralized around metrics of human achievement and whatever is socially acceptable for the time it struck me how that's exactly what's going on and best explains the coexistence of virgin shaming, poor shaming, and feelings of superiority from having a relationship and sex over others that don't that many anti-incels demonstrate.
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Some very accurate explanations, good find
Fuck I somehow missed this post despite being tagged

Really good comments, very surprising coming from plebbit. You should screenshot or copy paste the comments in case they get deleted


This last comment brings up a salient point: how the basis of bigotry becomes not race or even necessarily gender but oriented metrics of human achievement like having a relationship or career. Incels are seen as flawed and somehow bad people because they cannot get into a relationship and hold down a steady job and people that have achieved these milestones are seen as inherently better people by default. At the same time if incels say they are better off for not having had a relationship because at least they won't be betrayed by someone close to them, or if they say it is better to NEET than wageslave for society, they are portrayed as lazy, smug and in denial missing out on essential human connection, again demonstrating bigotry against males that aren't able to get into relationships or have any other measure of success in life.

This bigotry also rears its head when talking about career achievement. A common "criticism" of incels is that they are tendies eating, lazy neckbeard NEETs. This is a form of poor shaming and again basing human worth upon having a job and being a hyper productive member of society, implying that guys that cannot reach these stage have something inherently wrong with them. It ignores the deterministic aspect of life that no matter how much work you put in the odds are stacked against some people and they cannot overcome these odds no matter how hard they try. It also directs excess focus onto the individual while ignoring, downplaying or dismissing structural inequalities and societal issues that can lead to and amplify individual problems.

And the cherry on top is that they only apply those standards to men. Never ever will they talk shit about the endless droves of jobless women who leech off their husband or off the state. They're complete hypocrites
Fuck I somehow missed this post despite being tagged
The funny thing is like most other subreddits a lot of the people there don't have much sympathy for incels but their criticisms about woke neoliberalism easily describes a lot of aspects of the behavior of anti-incels.
Really good comments, very surprising coming from plebbit. You should screenshot or copy paste the comments in case they get deleted





View attachment 397653

And the cherry on top is that they only apply those standards to men. Never ever will they talk shit about the endless droves of jobless women who leech off their husband or off the state. They're complete hypocrites

"And again this tired point where incels promote violence, suicide, racism, homophobia, ableism, antisemitism, and misogyny; and then complain that people don’t like them because they’re single or don’t have a job."

Where was the promotion of violence, suicide, racism, homophobia, ableism, antisemitism and misogyny in the original post? This guy is implying that there was promotion of those things and then the claim that people don't like incels because they're single or don't have a job. These anti-incel people just lie and pile on whatever accusations of bigotry that they can.

Also the redditors quoted weren't even talking about anti-incels but woke people in general. It's amazing how people commenting in that twitter thread don't get that and are so eager to attack them and the supposed references in those redditors' usernames.

Oh yes, proving our point indeed.

"They really believe that they are speaking in some sort of high level prose that we can't understand while they just look like a child with a thesaurus."

No nothing in any of the posts in this thread was even hard to read. This isn't the ownage they are making it out to be. If you try to argue that people (that you argue are using big words) are trying to sound intelligent when it's obvious they are not trying to do that and you have no proof, you just show yourself to be not that smart. As these people like to say: "imagine telling on yourself like this."
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Phobos is eternal. He will never fall.
This last comment brings up a salient point: how the basis of bigotry becomes not race or even necessarily gender but oriented metrics of human achievement like having a relationship or career. Incels are seen as flawed and somehow bad people because they cannot get into a relationship and hold down a steady job and people that have achieved these milestones are seen as inherently better people by default. At the same time if incels say they are better off for not having had a relationship because at least they won't be betrayed by someone close to them, or if they say it is better to NEET than wageslave for society, they are portrayed as lazy, smug and in denial missing out on essential human connection, again demonstrating bigotry against males that aren't able to get into relationships or have any other measure of success in life.
Bigotry is allowed and even advertised to the masses. But only because it targets Males who don't work. Nothing crushes a society quicker than the Workforce that refuses to work. That is the real reason we are hated. We know life is a scam and they hate that we know it. That is why they celebrate when we die because to them it is a victory, another doomsayer dead and unable to preach means that he cannot recruit more to the cause.
Phobos is eternal. He will never fall.

Bigotry is allowed and even advertised to the masses. But only because it targets Males who don't work. Nothing crushes a society quicker than the Workforce that refuses to work. That is the real reason we are hated. We know life is a scam and they hate that we know it. That is why they celebrate when we die because to them it is a victory, another doomsayer dead and unable to preach means that he cannot recruit more to the cause.
Yeah and that's why a lot of these anti-incels show themselves to be woke neoliberals at heart. No genuine leftist that was for worker's rights would hate males that don't wageslave and make it a point to attack them on this aspect even if they disagreed with them strongly on something like inceldom. Good point too about how they celebrate our deaths because it means we are unable to communicate and influence anyone else further after our deaths.
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Yeah and that's why a lot of these anti-incels show themselves to be woke neoliberals at heart. No true leftist that was for worker's rights would hate males that don't wageslave.
Exactly.. someone who cared about the economy and societies health would be nice to Males that don't want to work in hopes to increase the chance of him wanting to take part in and build society. This Neoliberal ideology is so ghastly in its actions.
Good point too about how they celebrate our deaths because it means we are unable to communicate and influence anyone else after our death.
Just thought it up after looking at the post.. inspiration struck. :feelsmage:
You cannot make such a high IQ thread without masstagging.
stupidpol not so stoopid

"white" supremacist movements. Are wokes colorblind?
And are all feminists also white supremacists then?

"If there were no more enemies left to fight they'd move on to the next hot ideology."

This is wrong though. Ted Kaczysnki got how it really works. If there were no enemies left to fight for wokes aka 'leftists', then they would have to make up new enemies, new scapegoats and new problems. Just how their current problems are just made up. They don't have to find a new ideology.

I can't take anything that comes from a mainstream social media platform seriously tbh. I don't even want to know how many sad and pathetic individuals try to make bucks off of controversial topics like incels. They exist in masses like those cockroaches who work in call centers. If you think about it a bit, most people out there amongst the normies are the exact same kinds of persons you have on your phone when a call center scammer calls you. Same attitude, same moral(less) principles, same ulterior motives, same deception game i.e. just call enough people and eventually you will find some minority of people dumb enough to believe you.

I know these kinds of people too well. Seen hundreds and thousands of these individuals. They get spoiled from early childhood on and get lucky with some rich dude once, get lucky with some hot guy once, get lucky not to be caught cheating on tests. They weasel their way into all sorts of positions in society where they don't belong and are not qualified for. They are carried only ever as far as others are willing to carry them because they are unable to carry themselves. They have never learned how to, not because they are unable to, not because there are stones in their way, but because they are unwilling. Once government has not enough budget for these people left to give, once support is withdrawn from them because men opt out of society, it's over for them.

It'll be great to welcome my further fellow incel migrant brothers. They can help with dethroning these cunts. We need millions more of migrants tbh. And millions less chads. Then foids can finally be thrown into prison where their actions can't create these floods of poor refugees and billions of other men who all get fucked over by their fascist rainbow ideologies.
And the cherry on top is that they only apply those standards to men. Never ever will they talk shit about the endless droves of jobless women who leech off their husband or off the state. They're complete hypocrites
Extremely good point, well said
"And again this tired point where incels promote violence, suicide, racism, homophobia, ableism, antisemitism, and misogyny; and then complain that people don’t like them because they’re single or don’t have a job."

Where was the promotion of violence, suicide, racism, homophobia, ableism, antisemitism and misogyny in the original post? This guy is implying that there was promotion of those things and then the claim that people don't like incels because they're single or don't have a job. These anti-incel people just lie and pile on whatever accusations of bigotry that they can.

Also the redditors quoted weren't even talking about anti-incels but woke people in general. It's amazing how people commenting in that twitter thread don't get that and are so eager to attack them and the supposed references in those redditors' usernames.

Oh yes, proving our point indeed.

"They really believe that they are speaking in some sort of high level prose that we can't understand while they just look like a child with a thesaurus."

No nothing in any of the posts in this thread was even hard to read. This isn't the ownage they are making it out to be. If you try to argue that people (that you argue are using big words) are trying to sound intelligent when it's obvious they are not trying to do that and you have no proof, you just show yourself to be not that smart. As these people like to say: "imagine telling on yourself like this."
I know right, the absolute irony
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Uncle Ted said the best, it's all about power
Every day I see more and more in the world that reminds me of excerpts from his manifesto. In discussions with my friends about leftism/politics/etc, I can’t help but call attention to some quote of his. Just reading the Reddit entries in the OP, I knew I’d find something about Uncle Ted when I scroll down lol. He hit the nail right on the head. Was wrong about absolutely nothing.
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Good thread but do you not think that the conservatives have just as bleak a perspective on low value men. If you can read between the lines you’ll see that conservacucks practice all the same lookism tenets that Liberals do. I.e when they call an ugly dude a “soyboy”
Good thread but do you not think that the conservatives have just as bleak a perspective on low value men. If you can read between the lines you’ll see that conservacucks practice all the same lookism tenets that Liberals do. I.e when they call an ugly dude a “soyboy”
While that's true, it's woke neoliberals and identity politics leftists that have been the most active in trying to deplatform, lie about and silence incels. Conservatives mostly stick to passively insulting incels but still don't care a lot about censoring and taking down incel communities and preventing them from being able to post on their own sites. But many woke neoliberals and identity politics obsessed leftists do have that motive in mind.

So yeah the insults and misrepresentation of incels and low status males from conservatives stings too and shows they don't have much regard for incels and low status ugly males overall. But because these conversatives haven't done a lot in expressing or demonstrating a desire to silence and deplatform incels past insulting incels, they aren't as much an issue as cancel culture liberals and identity politics leftists have been.
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>They are addicted to bullying and smugness. Wokeness lets them bully people while feeling smug and self assured.

This is actually extremely accurate
Reddit in a nutshell.
Control. It's always about control.

ITs are more closer to the lower end of the social totem pole, so they bully to get social recognition, so they can go up.

Big brain wojak

>They are addicted to bullying and smugness. Wokeness lets them bully people while feeling smug and self assured.

This is actually extremely accurate

Fuck I somehow missed this post despite being tagged

Really good comments, very surprising coming from plebbit. You should screenshot or copy paste the comments in case they get deleted

View attachment 397653

And the cherry on top is that they only apply those standards to men. Never ever will they talk shit about the endless droves of jobless women who leech off their husband or off the state. They're complete hypocrites
Very good posts gentlemen.
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I wanna add that if they were in the same position as the person they were shitting on, they would be mad too.

Also they hate on NEETs for not being productive towards society yet they say they hate work and wagecucking. Idk what to add much here you did a pretty good job

View: https://voca.ro/1gmPgfZKortJ

Yeah, I completely agree with all your points. Very precise and good self awareness.

I also hate people who say “you don’t need sex” “sex is overrated” I t’s so fucking retarded when people say that
Lol and u are right about monks when they completely reject sex the normies go bonkers over it.

also I wanna add like what normies say “stop having low self esteem” “stop feeling bad for urself” but if they was in the same exact place u were in, they would have felt bad about themselves too.

also normies and chads say “suicide is not the answer” “suicide is a easy way out” for someone to commit suicide that means they would have go through millions and million years of self preservation to commit suicide.
And pretty much all suicide methods are painful, or scary so u basically would really want to do it if u want to die.
if self preservation didn’t exist we would all be dead because reality is cruel and this plant is garbage

An incels life is really fucking hell.
At the workplace, school, dating market.
Ok I understand women aren’t sexually attracted to me but I have to be shitted on for being ugly and have no social life?
And it’s so difficult to get a job as an Incel because u have little to no social life.
Apparently there was a study that 85% of getting a job is networking.
That’s suifuel for incels like me because basically u have to socialize with people who don’t like u just to live on the planet.
Yeah, I completely agree with all your points. Very precise and good self awareness.

I also hate people who say “you don’t need sex” “sex is overrated” I t’s so fucking retarded when people say that
Lol and u are right about monks when they completely reject sex the normies go bonkers over it.

also I wanna add like what normies say “stop having low self esteem” “stop feeling bad for urself” but if they was in the same exact place u were in, they would have felt bad about themselves too.

also normies and chads say “suicide is not the answer” “suicide is a easy way out” for someone to commit suicide that means they would have go through millions and million years of self preservation to commit suicide.
And pretty much all suicide methods are painful, or scary so u basically would really want to do it if u want to die.
if self preservation didn’t exist we would all be dead because reality is cruel and this plant is garbage

An incels life is really fucking hell.
At the workplace, school, dating market.
Ok I understand women aren’t sexually attracted to me but I have to be shitted on for being ugly and have no social life?
And it’s so difficult to get a job as an Incel because u have little to no social life.
Apparently there was a study that 85% of getting a job is networking.
That’s suifuel for incels like me because basically u have to socialize with people who don’t like u just to live on the planet.

View: https://voca.ro/1jVYfsMZwTKk

^^ gets a bit off track in the last minute or so.

View: https://voca.ro/1lHuhCS0YTCU
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"Whatever stance you take, they'll take the opposite just out of principle, because they have to hate somebody"
spite not principle is the word you are looking for imo.

"What they want is an unfeeling punching bag" sums it up.

"Damn no wonder some people snap..."
"See I knew you were a violent scumbag! You deserve to get bullied :soy::soy::soy:"
^^ gets a bit off track in the last minute or so.

View: https://voca.ro/1lHuhCS0YTCU

"getting off on suffering" is exactly what it is to keep engaging and mocking people you supposedly hate. But by now the idea of woke people that punch down being sadists has gained traction and it's not surprising such people would get off on suffering of what they see as "oppressors" getting what's coming to them.
It ends with Whites being slaughtered.
It ends with Whites being slaughtered.
Don't derail this thread please. It's not about whites. It's about low status sexless males of any ethnicity or cultural background.
Don't derail this thread please. It's not about whites. It's about low status sexless males of any ethnicity or cultural background.
Jfl. Its obviously about Whites, you're claiming the "woke" agenda isn't Anti-White? Are you legitimately retarded?
Jfl. Its obviously about Whites, you're claiming the "woke" agenda isn't Anti-White?
No it isn't. Whites are just a scapegoat for everything bad and a convenient target so they can group whoever they don't like into being alt-right extremists. They want you to get distracted and focused on racial ideas and to become more agitated along racial lines and divisions to validate their pre existing notion that low status males that are falling behind deserve it because they are racist and bigoted. That way they have easy examples to point to of this. These woke neoliberals will label anyone they don't like as racist. It's just used as a buzzword. @dogcel256 @ReconElement

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/kynuhj/to_understand_trumps_support_we_must_think_in/

View: https://twitter.com/EXPELincels/status/1351129327509889025
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No it isn't. Whites are just a scapegoat for everything bad and a convenient target so they can group whoever they don't like into being alt-right extremists. They want you to get distracted and focused on racial ideas and to become more agitated along racial lines and divisions to validate their pre existing notion that low status males that are falling behind deserve it because they are racist and bigoted. That way they have easy examples to point to of this. These woke neoliberals will label anyone they don't like as racist. It's just used as a buzzword. @dogcel256 @ReconElement

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/kynuhj/to_understand_trumps_support_we_must_think_in/

View: https://twitter.com/EXPELincels/status/1351129327509889025

Go tell this horseshit to some white south african, who's watching their neighbors be killed or watching their land being taken away with no compensation all for the crime of being white. Look what Nelson Mandela's woke Campaign led to, the slaughter of Whites what a shocker.

Since somehow in 2021 you lack the foresight to see what the big picture is let me just tell you, South Africa is a window into the future. In 5-10 years America and Europe will look like South Africa, and God only knows what South Africa will look like.

Don't believe me? So be it. I KNOW these words will be vindicated with time. The writing is on the wall.

Go tell this horseshit to some white south african, who's watching their neighbors be killed or watching their land being taken away with no compensation all for the crime of being white. Look what Nelson Mandela's woke Campaign led to, the slaughter of Whites what a shocker.
This is always pointed to as an example. We are talking about incels of all races here not white normies. White normies with families are primarily being slaughtered by black farmers in South Africa not incels. Even so that has nothing to do with inceldom or low status sexless males being hated on which is the topic of this thread.
Since somehow in 2021 you lack the foresight to see what the big picture is let me just tell you, South Africa is a window into the future. In 5-10 years America and Europe will look like South Africa, and God only knows what South Africa will look like.
Even if that is true the accusations of racism that people throw against incels are just a convenient way to dismiss them and try to get them marked as bigots. It doesn't have anything to do with genocide of white people but they want you to think that so that you start talking about that more instead of inceldom and they can then point at you and say it was about racial supremacy all along that fueled your inceldom @LittleBoy
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This is always pointed to as an example. We are talking about incels of all races here not white normies. White normies with families are primarily being slaughtered by black farmers in South Africa not incels. Even so that has nothing to do with inceldom or low status sexless males being hated on which is the topic of this thread.

Even if that is true the accusations of racism that people throw against incels are just a convenient way to dismiss them and try to get them marked as bigots. It doesn't have anything to do with genocide of white people but they want you to think that so that you start talking about that more instead of inceldom and they can then point at you and say it was about racial supremacy all along that fueled your inceldom @LittleBoy
The reddit post you linked is NOT exclusively talking about Anti-incel wokeness. Its talking about the "wokeness" agenda in general so that's what I'm talking about.

"Diversity" is the main building block of the "woke" agenda, No card holds more weight than the race card. Since absolutely nobody is campaigning for Diversity in Ghana, China, Mexico or any other non white country for that matter that means Diversity is exclusively pushed in white-majority countries. That means Diversity is synonymous with less white.

So if the main ingredient of "wokeness" is synonymous with Less Whites, so how could you possibly say its not Anti-white? Do i need to go further or can you grasp what I'm getting at here?
The reddit post you linked is NOT exclusively talking about Anti-incel wokeness. Its talking about the "wokeness" agenda in general so that's what I'm talking about.
Yeah but this thread is how that wokeness also describes a lot of anti-incel wokeness not wokeness on another measures like race.

"Diversity" is the main building block of the "woke" agenda, No card holds more weight than the race card. Since absolutely nobody is campaigning for Diversity in Ghana, China, Mexico or any other non white country for that matter that means Diversity is exclusively pushed in white-majority countries. That means Diversity is synonymous with less white.
Women and advancing their interests are the main block I'd argue. Even jewish men like Harvey Weinstein were hit with very caustic remarks and antisemetic associations after the story came out about Weinstein abusing women in Hollywood. Sexism and misogyny concerns trump racism and ethnicity every time.

So if the main ingredient of "wokeness" is synonymous with Less Whites, so how could you possibly say its not Anti-white?
It's not anti-white in this context. Overall though "wokeness" is more anti low status white male because wokeness and SJWism is anti low status male in general. See how many SJWs still associate with and are in relationships with/fawn over good looking tall white guys but still shit on ugly short low status white guys with politically incorrect opinions. It's about low status males that have the "wrong" opinions and express unpopular social views not "whiteness" for them.
Yeah but this thread is how that wokeness also describes a lot of anti-incel wokeness not wokeness on another measures like race.

Women and advancing their interests are the main block I'd argue. Even jewish men like Harvey Weinstein were hit with very caustic remarks and antisemetic associations after the story came out about Weinstein abusing women in Hollywood. Sexism and misogyny concerns trump racism and ethnicity every time.

It's not anti-white in this context. Overall though "wokeness" is more anti low status white male because wokeness and SJWism is anti low status male in general. See how many SJWs still associate with and are in relationships with/fawn over good looking tall white guys but still shit on ugly short low status white guys with politically incorrect opinions. It's about low status males that have the "wrong" opinions and express unpopular social views not "whiteness" for them.
Gentlemen's agreement. I have not the energy nor the need to break down how the woke agenda is anti white any further than I already have. If you disagree with me so be it, I disagree with you. We can leave it at that.
The endgame of wokeness is the extermination of white
What’s woke?
Woke in this context means hypocritical intersectionalist feminists and identity politics liberals that claim to be about fairness, equality and understanding but that show their true motives through trashing unsuccessful men like incels and guys with bad social skills or that are socially awkward (ie neckbeards) and excusing or disguising that kind of behavior of punching down as fighting back against oppressors, bigotry/hate and "calling out" those guys to help protect women. As one of the comments that was linked in the OP described, "They are addicted to bullying and smugness. Wokeness lets them bully people while feeling smug and self assured."
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