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Venting Recent influx of Graycels making shitposts



The Meeks shall inherit the Earth
Mar 19, 2018
What's with the recent big number of newcel gray posters, reposting basic Blackpill, or pseduo making fun of incels by saying something like "all of us losers"

They attempt to insult incels but then group themselves in with the insult, as if to have some plausible deniability, in case someone sees through their thinly veiled tirade against incels.

I even saw one post that said something like everyone here is a retarded loser with no life, and then they just wrote something like "but I'm part of it" as to make it seem less insulting

We really need a system where you must have 50 posts before you can create a new thread. So much semi-trolling, LARP'ing, and shit talking from new members, we absolutely need a filter on all this autism.
If someone really wants to post here, then having to accumulate 50 total posts / replies doesn't seem unreasonable. I'm tired of seeing semi troll posts / shit posts and then clicking on the author only to see "joined: today"
junecels are still paying their due
I'm one of those users lol posting Blackpills tho
We really need a system where you must have 50 posts before you can create a new thread. So much semi-trolling, LARP'ing, and shit talking from new members, we absolutely need a filter on all this autism.
If someone really wants to post here, then having to accumulate 50 total posts / replies doesn't seem unreasonable. I'm tired of seeing semi troll posts / shit posts and then clicking on the author only to see "joined: today"
This has been suggested before, and for whatever reason, mods won't implement it. I think its a great system. By 50 posts, most people pretending to actually belong here are exposed.

As an alternate idea, only allow posting a certain limit after joining, for example: only 5 posts allowed per day for first week, or maybe wait 3 days after joining to post to encourage lurking and conformity.
tfw only 3 more months until Novembercels are the mayest of cels
High IQ post. I would increase the number of posts required to 100.
It's probably already been posted tbh
Out of the 58,000+ threads in this sites history theres already every blackpill known to mankind that's been posted
It takes some time to adapt to a new community of people, especially for a low social skills one like me. I'm glad I have joined this forum but I hope my posts haven't offended anyone so far.
High IQ post. I would increase the number of posts required to 100.
I have decided myself I'd wait until 100 post before even thinking of making a thread of my own.
It takes some time to adapt to a new community of people, especially for a low social skills one like me. I'm glad I have joined this forum but I hope my posts haven't offended anyone so far.

I have decided myself I'd wait until 100 post before even thinking of making a thread of my own.

I didn't make my first thread until more than 2 months after having an account here (3 months including lurking). I probably had at least 800+ posts too. I think you should have to "earn your stripes", so to speak, to be able to post threads.

Don't worry about offending people though m8, people will always find a way. If you're truly blackpilled, you'll fit in here.
They attempt to insult incels but then group themselves in with the insult, as if to have some plausible deniability, in case someone sees through their thinly veiled tirade against incels.

I even saw one post that said something like everyone here is a retarded loser with no life, and then they just wrote something like "but I'm part of it" as to make it seem less insulting

This is how PSLers talk. Self deprecating incels are common. You guys are too sensitive which comes with low IQ which permeates this forum. Yes, we are losers, yes, we are the filth of society, acknowledging that isn't wrong. We sit and complain on a forum about our lack of sex life. We aren't high class people.

Beauty is a natural superiority. That's why we are trash. We've been cursed with bad looks.

When incels self deprecate its through the eyes of society. I might call myself or others a shitskin but that isn't me saying it, its more like me parroting how society feels about us. I dont actually think brown or black skin is inferior.

This is part of what makes PSL high quality and .me low quality. Every attack on incels here is seen as an outsider/infiltrator post when it's almost always the truth being said by one of your own.

But please, keep pretending other incels observing our entitlement to women is "cuck tears" or whatever bogeyman you use to keep your coping. This forum is the farthest thing from blackpill.
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What's with the recent big number of newcel gray posters, reposting basic Blackpill, or pseduo making fun of incels by saying something like "all of us losers"

They attempt to insult incels but then group themselves in with the insult, as if to have some plausible deniability, in case someone sees through their thinly veiled tirade against incels.

I even saw one post that said something like everyone here is a retarded loser with no life, and then they just wrote something like "but I'm part of it" as to make it seem less insulting

We really need a system where you must have 50 posts before you can create a new thread. So much semi-trolling, LARP'ing, and shit talking from new members, we absolutely need a filter on all this autism.
If someone really wants to post here, then having to accumulate 50 total posts / replies doesn't seem unreasonable. I'm tired of seeing semi troll posts / shit posts and then clicking on the author only to see "joined: today"
Agreed. Almost all newcels post content with ape level iq
This is how PSLers talk. Self deprecating incels are common. You guys are too sensitive which comes with low IQ which permeates this forum. Yes, we are losers, yes, we are the filth of society, acknowledging that isn't wrong. We sit and complain on a forum about our lack of sex life. We aren't high class people.

Beauty is a natural superiority. That's why we are trash. We've been cursed with bad looks.

When incels self deprecate its through the eyes of society. I might call myself or others a shitskin but that isn't me saying it, its more like me parroting how society feels about us. I dont actually think brown or black skin is inferior.

This is part of what makes PSL high quality and .me low quality. Every attack on incels here is seen as an outsider/infiltrator post when it's almost always the truth.
Um speak for yourself buddy. Just because someone was born with inferior genes making them too ugly to get women doesn't make them a pathetic loser, it makes them a victim of bad circumstances. Someone on here mentioned being a volunteer firefighter and had a good job, but just couldn't get women to look at him because he was ugly. What a loser right? You've got a pretty messed up outlook on life, NGL.

JFL, this isn't Lookism. Keep your self depreciation autism contained to yourself.
I see no problem of seing an incel saying that he is nothing or subhuman.

That is an incel venting how society saw him during that week.
Um speak for yourself buddy. Just because someone was born with inferior genes making them too ugly to get women doesn't make them a pathetic loser, it makes them a victim of bad circumstances. Someone on here mentioned being a volunteer firefighter and had a good job, but just couldn't get women to look at him because he was ugly. What a loser right? You've got a pretty messed up outlook on life, NGL.

JFL, this isn't Lookism. Keep your self depreciation autism contained to yourself.

There it is again.

If I call that volunteer firefighter a subhuman, again that's satirising society's lack of giving a shit about people that do good things for society because they're average looking.

My "outlook" on life is based on my experiences of what people think of people without looks. There's no good or bad, only Chads and incels.
We really need a system where you must have 50 posts before you can create a new thread. So much semi-trolling, LARP'ing, and shit talking from new members, we absolutely need a filter on all this autism.

If someone really wants to post here, then having to accumulate 50 total posts / replies doesn't seem unreasonable. I'm tired of seeing semi troll posts / shit posts and then clicking on the author only to see "joined: today"

I would like to limit this on the total time spent, not on the number of posts. No one should be allowed to post within the first 3 months of joining, he has to stay here, read the posts, know the senior members, understand and only then he should be allowed to create thread/make posts.
There it is again.

If I call that volunteer firefighter a subhuman, again that's satirising society's lack of giving a shit about people that do good things for society because they're average looking.

My "outlook" on life is based on my experiences of what people think of people without looks.
Yeah sure, but I'm talking about people who obviously genuinely mean it. There's a difference between jokingly referring to someone as "subhuman" and then going on a sentence long descriptor about "piece of shit retarded losers" or something like that.

It's almost always from new members, too. I don't care about playful banter, I'm talking about actual attacks by brand new members.
Luminary before thread posting privileges, tbh.

"no red, no thread"
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How much of a fucking loser do you have to be to infiltrate a online virgin community? Is there anything more pathetic?
This is how PSLers talk. Self deprecating incels are common. You guys are too sensitive which comes with low IQ which permeates this forum. Yes, we are losers, yes, we are the filth of society, acknowledging that isn't wrong. We sit and complain on a forum about our lack of sex life. We aren't high class people.

Beauty is a natural superiority. That's why we are trash. We've been cursed with bad looks.

When incels self deprecate its through the eyes of society. I might call myself or others a shitskin but that isn't me saying it, its more like me parroting how society feels about us. I dont actually think brown or black skin is inferior.

This is part of what makes PSL high quality and .me low quality. Every attack on incels here is seen as an outsider/infiltrator post when it's almost always the truth being said by one of your own.

But please, keep pretending other incels observing our entitlement to women is "cuck tears" or whatever bogeyman you use to keep your coping. This forum is the farthest thing from blackpill.

Yep, this place is garbage compared to the golden days of PSL (mostly puahate and sluthate, since lookism was a substantial step down and its current state is even more embarrassing than this shit-tip). I'm immediately struck by how uninteresting much of the discourse on here is, conversely, puahate was and remains to be the most hilarious forum I've ever posted on - no holds barred, no stupid fucking rules and inane over-moderation as seen here. I have my theories, when you have a forum comprised primarily of virgins the content is going to be lacking in both intelligence and wit. Because even though most of us posting here are irrevocably hideous, to attain TRUECEL status you have to be life-threateningly dull, and unfortunately, much of us are without making any effort. Face it, the average poster on here has the communication skills of a drooling pants shitting imbecile.

If this forum wants to avoid being a heaving pile of shit the mods need to stop banning and deleting every thread which isn't in accordance with the overly stringent rules. Puahate had a variety of posters and non of the perma-virgins (like myself) wailed incessantly following a sensitive remark. This dump is going to have a short shelf life.
I would like to limit this on the total time spent, not on the number of posts. No one should be allowed to post within the first 3 months of joining, he has to stay here, read the posts, know the senior members, understand and only then he should be allowed to create thread/make posts.

The "senior members" here are the biggest shitposters, I would go into detail but let's just say one of them posted in this thread right now and all he ever does is post the same cuckface for like 60% of his posts. I would be very weary of people with thousands of posts here, since this site is fairly new, most of those people will just be shitposting to rack up their posts (not saying you, you're probably one of the better posters here)

This need to conform to how everyone else posts here just encourages a circle jerk mentality, it's what makes this forum so goddamn awful, no other perspectives other than "I LDAR and yeah that's my life and fuck women" is remotely tolerated. Every day the same exact threads are posted, there is nothing new or insightful ever written because nothing new or insightful is ever allowed.

For the record, most of these new posters ARE probably taking the time to lurk a little before posting their entry level blackpill shitposts. That's because that's all this forum really is when you boil it down.

I challenge you to find any thread the past week even remotely thought provoking or interesting, or even funny. It's all the same barfed up crap about looks, jbw, 80/20, and reddit cuck stories.

Yep, this place is garbage compared to the golden days of PSL (mostly puahate and sluthate, since lookism was a substantial step down and its current state is even more embarrassing than this shit-tip). I'm immediately struck by how uninteresting much of the discourse on here is, conversely, puahate was and remains to be the most hilarious forum I've ever posted on - no holds barred, no stupid fucking rules and inane over-moderation as seen here. I have my theories, when you have a forum comprised primarily of virgins the content is going to be lacking in both intelligence and wit. Because even though most of us posting here are irrevocably hideous, to attain TRUECEL status you have to be life-threateningly dull, and unfortunately, much of us are without making any effort. Face it, the average poster on here has the communication skills of a drooling pants shitting imbecile.

If this forum wants to avoid being a heaving pile of shit the mods need to stop banning and deleting every thread which isn't in accordance with the overly stringent rules. Puahate had a variety of posters and non of the perma-virgins (like myself) wailed incessantly following a sensitive remark. This dump is going to have a short shelf life.

I ALMOST prefer lookism to here, just because everyone here is so obsessively bitter that you can't post anything derogatory or even suggestive against incels or "blackpill" (at least what these chumps think blackpill is) or they call you a fake and get the mods on your ass. Nobody can take brutal satire because they all think highly of themselves and unironically believe the world has wronged them because they're not getting laid. The fact that I can go to the thread list and find that 25% of them are complaining about a little insignificant subreddit just shows the astronomically low sentience most of these people have. It's part of why race-baiting isn't allowed here, since ethnics (of which I am one of) all get super butthurt and you can't have a normal conversation. It's not a coincidence that this place has spawned zero memes or new incel terminology since its inception, it's all siphoned off psl/misc since everyone here's a stick in the mud with no original thoughts.
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Wouldn't be happening if Azavii were here tbh.
As a maycel I'm disgusted with julycels and their shitty fucking posts

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