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Blackpill Reasons Incels are considered terrorist these days

  • Thread starter Deleted member 23656
  • Start date

Deleted member 23656

Dec 25, 2019

Coz they are violent right?

Somehow a bunch of low-t ugly weak manlets who have been bullied all their lives are suddenly going to feared more than Gangbanger Tyrone or Juan? You know people who actually have experience in the streets and living the school of hard knocks as well as drugs?

Somehow Incels are more feared by foids for fear of rape or hitting them. Yet every time you hear some domestic violence case or even murder of some female, its somehow usually her boyfriend/husband/fuckbuddy etc. Aka SEX-HAVERS. So where are the Incels?

What about shootings?

What about ER? Incels have been involved in mass shootings right?

I myself was shocked to find how fucked up America is that there is a mass shooting almost every day. I guess if you cherrypick the ones that were Incel related, I'm sure you can stereotype them easily.

Antifa had a shooting. I don't see the media focusing enough on that one considering the death count is WAY HIGHER. Also werent place like Twitter and Facebook unironically allowing ISIS to spread propaganda and recruit people for a while? Some priority there.

Don't be fooled. They just want an excuse. A casus belli. A supposed "justified" reason for hating Incels and classifying them as terrorist.

I'll give you a reason. I'll give you two of them

1. They are ugly and weak losers with no one to defend them.

By default people already are conditioned to hate ugly people (especially when they are manlets) . Notice that in the movies, the bad guys are almost always the ugly ones while the goods ones are always beautiful. Therefore people already see us as bad guys before they even think. If we were all gigachads, would they think that?

Also most of us are losers. We don't have any strings to pull so some big shot politician or lawyer will make it illegal to talk shit about us like it. We're not like Jews where they have a gorillion antisemitism laws to protect their image. We also don't benefit anyone like helping them get elected so there's no minority hand out or sympathy for us either.

2.The IDEAS Incels have are a threat to stability of the system

When someone goes ER, people are going to pretend to give a shit and forget about it the next news cycle. Why is it forgotten so fast? Coz it happens all the time and its insignificant in the grand scale of things. According to that wiki article, there's a mass shooting almost everyday in America. So the system doesn't give a shit.

What the system DOES give a shit about is the Blackpill that Incels spread. It doesn't affect just America, it affects the WORLD

You can deny it but almost no where (even on the internet) will people feel comfortable about you going into details about it. Lets see

Female vs Male Behavior
Social hierarchy

Everyone knows about these but its very shallow and just a laughing matter. When you look at this stuff in detailed, it becomes very ugly and dark. All the nice things you thought you knew about life were a lie. The world is flat out unfair.

Now just imagine all non-chads woke up swallowing the blackpill one day. They realized that their fate was decided at birth. That most of them are doomed for mediocrity. That even if they worked their asses off they couldn't significantly change their destiny. That all they would get is chad's leftovers who would still divorce rape and cuck them anyway.

They would be fucking mad. They would just give up or worse, overthrow the system. After all why should they just accept it. Its human to be angry.

People are motivated by Optimism and Hope. The Blackpill tells them it never existed and they were fucked from the day they were born.

So yeah. Ignore the Media's excuses. The real reason is your thoughts are a pretty huge threat to the stability of the world. Since you're all ugly losers, the system would rather you all go and die quietly than attempt to cause a rebellion.
Because people consider them alt-right, as if alt-right people are more violent, when they aren’t. And because ugly people are easier to blame.
It's because they want to suppress ideologies they don't like, it has nothing to do with "violence". It's a tactic, literally crying out in pain as they strike ideological opponents.

See, you are not allowed to spread the blackpill because that goes against their new world order so off to the gulags with you inkel.
It's only a matter of time before the FBI starts rounding us up and placing us in incel concentration camps.
Whenever people exposed corruption .tyranny. etc. Of the current regime. They will be exterminated. Tbe power that be would rather get rid of half of the population and more than to relinquish 1 ounce of their power and control. Back in the 80's and 90's it was thousands of militia, patriots, constitutionalist groups that was deemed domestic terrorists. Granted many of these groups are protestants based have current and ex military ,politicians, law enforcement people in them. They are not as picked on anymore because if civil war ensue.estimate of up to 1/3 of military who are citizens will back them.
Because they got it backwards: a lot of incels aren't terrorists, but a lot of terrorists are incels. There may be a point to be made about inceldom perhaps being one of the ingredients to terrorism? But on its own it's unlikely to be dangerous. However it creeps out foids so prepare to be ostracized.
We would be considered terrorists even if there never was a single "attack" performed by a single self identified incel.
We would be considered terrorists even if no incel ever posted anything online about "going ER".
We would be considered terrorists even if we had political and religious views deemed acceptable to both The Left and The Right.
We would be considered terrorists even if every one of us was a happy wagecuck.

We are not considered terrorist due to anything that we have done.
We are considered terrorists because of what we know.
When you know the truth about how life itself, let alone society works... and you're not part of the genetic or financial elite...you're a terrorist.
When you know that you have only suffering to look forward to, that you will never have love or a family... you're a terrorist.
When you have nothing worth clutching onto that they can take from you, and nothing to gain from playing along... you're a terrorist.
When you know the real terrorists are preparing to terrorize you... you're the terrorists.


Women don't care about violence or rape when it's done by a good looking man
It's because they want to suppress ideologies they don't like, it has nothing to do with "violence". It's a tactic, literally crying out in pain as they strike ideological opponents.

See, you are not allowed to spread the blackpill because that goes against their new world order so off to the gulags with you inkel.
Sums it up pretty much the way I was going too.
Now i understand why president trump and texas governor abbot put a clamp on arabic immigration. There is only so much chaos they created that they can control with manpower and resources. With all the illegal drug cartels and islamic terrorists running loose in texas. Am sure at least 80% of the effort will be to put down the ugly and low status american citizen men. Also for decades . Survivalists and preppers have been flocking to texas because we have so much land .more jobs and more liberty than any other state in the union.
The most dangerous thing we spread is the blackpill. A billion dollar industry would collapse once normies realize all these „nice„ ladies in media,advertisment, politics etc. in fact despise them.
Now i understand why president trump and texas governor abbot put a clamp on arabic immigration. There is only so much chaos they created that they can control with manpower and resources.

AFAIK Trump didn't ban any Muslims, he just put a moratorium on immigration from countries profiled as high risk from a security point of view. Obama did the same thing, the whole "Muslim ban" is a media lie, but to say that the media lies is like saying the sky is blue at this point.

As for controlling chaos, i have a feeling the establishment actually likes those shootings because it gives them an excuse to crack down on people and remove rights.
So yeah. Ignore the Media's excuses. The real reason is your thoughts are a pretty huge threat to the stability of the world. Since you're all ugly losers, the system would rather you all go and die quietly than attempt to cause a rebellion.

Time to rise up.
The most dangerous thing we spread is the blackpill. A billion dollar industry would collapse once normies realize all these „nice„ ladies in media,advertisment, politics etc. in fact despise them.
Its more
AFAIK Trump didn't ban any Muslims, he just put a moratorium on immigration from countries profiled as high risk from a security point of view. Obama did the same thing, the whole "Muslim ban" is a media lie, but to say that the media lies is like saying the sky is blue at this point.

As for controlling chaos, i have a feeling the establishment actually likes those shootings because it gives them an excuse to crack down on people and remove rights.
The ban was each state get to decide if they can refuse to house refugee from foreign countries. Texas is the first state to do so.
Women don't care about violence or rape when it's done by a good looking man
Not sure if this is true, but for sure they would never suspect a chad of a rape.
The real reason is your thoughts are a pretty huge threat to the stability of the world. Since you're all ugly losers, the system would rather you all go and die quietly than attempt to cause a rebellion.
I keep on getting 20% warnings these days for motivating lurkERs to fight the feminist system. I'm not calling for violence from forum members, but for the lurkERs to vote with their feet and vote against feminism. The Jews already hate me, but they can't punish me because they rely on me, a wetbackcel, to invade America and take ovER the white population, yet I hate the Jews more than the whites.

To the ADL: What Jew gonna do?
Now i understand why president trump and texas governor abbot put a clamp on arabic immigration. There is only so much chaos they created that they can control with manpower and resources. With all the illegal drug cartels and islamic terrorists running loose in texas. Am sure at least 80% of the effort will be to put down the ugly and low status american citizen men. Also for decades . Survivalists and preppers have been flocking to texas because we have so much land .more jobs and more liberty than any other state in the union.
All them survivalys must have forgotten about the Alamo!
I keep on getting 20% warnings these days for motivating lurkERs to fight the feminist system. I'm not calling for violence from forum members, but for the lurkERs to vote with their feet and vote against feminism. The Jews already hate me, but they can't punish me because they rely on me, a wetbackcel, to invade America and take ovER the white population, yet I hate the Jews more than the whites.

To the ADL: What Jew gonna do?
Do you remember the Alamo?
I'm a bearded sand nigger, I'm already considered a terrorist.
I'm just an ugly guy who uses this page to cope. I understand that a woman wouldn't want me, because why would anyone settle for me.
Incels are now the scapegoats for the past few years. The media want to hide the bigger picture such as corruption and things. Whatever the media says people will eat that shit up.

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