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JFL Really pissed off a white girl at work last month. (Dogpillers will have a field day with this)

I've been meaning to post about this since it happened but I just haven't had the time.
So about a month ago when things got slow for a little while at work, this white girl (who is the ONLY non-manager white girl who works there) started telling us about this date she had with a guy from tinder. She went on and on about the boring details of the date. Blah blah blah he ordered the cheapest wine, blah blah blah service was bad, blah blah blah, other boring details nobody cares about that I didn't bother to remember. I swear she went on for like 5 minutes about what she wore.

Anyway, the end of the date is the only relevant part. So they went back to her place together and her dog attacked him out of no where (not sure where or how bad the attack was). After that she KICKED HIM OUT. She then told us that she kicked him out of her place because "dogs can sense if someone is a bad person". She unironically thought it wasn't HER fault for having a shitty aggressive dog, it wasn't the dog's fault for attacking him out of no where, it was HIS fault for being attacked unprovoked because no dog would ever attack a good person.

So then I said something along the lines of "Dogs kill infants and toddlers all the time, did they all deserve to die because they were secretly evil or something?" She then gave me this look of INTENSE disdain and said "no one cares what you think". Ever since that day she has treated me with open disdain and I don't even care.

Anyway it's insane how many people legitimately believe that dogs are somehow able to "sense" if someone is good or evil. I've heard numerous people express this opinion, in real life and online. The notion that dogs are even intelligent enough to conceptualize concepts like morality is beyond absurd given that these retarded creatures will happily consume their own fecal matter. But not only can they understand morality, they are also psychic and I guess all those infants and toddlers killed by mutts were all going to grow up to be mass murderers or child molesters. No way to know for sure, but we'll have to trust their judgement.... "dog" is "god" backwards, what other proof do you need?

But there's also the fact that morality is a human construct and varies greatly throughout cultures and time periods. But I guess dogs also magically embody the moral compass of the time period, culture, and part of the world in which they inhabit. Maybe that's why dogs loved Hitler, things like invading other countries, genocide and war crimes were moral in nazi geramy. But even within a specific culture, time period, and country, the idea of what is and isn't "moral" varies fairly significantly. Someone's idea of morality could differ from their own neighbor's, or sibling's for that matter. Democrats, republicans, centrists, communists, SJWs, christians, muslims, jews, anarchists, fascists, and libertarians even within the same country have wildly different ideas of what is and isn't moral. I guess this is another one where we're just going to trust the SUPERIOR judgement of these shit eaters. But why not put the dogs vastly superior judgement and clairvoyance to better use? Why have trials? Just unleash an aggressive mutt in the courtroom and if the defendant gets attacked, he's guilty. And instead of letting inferior HOOOOOOOOOOOOMAAAANS vote for president, let's put all of the presidential candidates in an arena full of pit bulls. Last survivor gets to be president.
She’s low IQ from the jump OP. After her BS excuse about the dog you could tell where her mental state is.
the SUPERIOR judgement of these shit eaters.
Almost all foids think this about dogs. I went to a friend's house in middle school and the dog attacked me, it was a small dog so I just literally ignored it as it bit my boots. His sister and her friends whispered and looked at me like a murdered baby just fell out of my pocket. They even said their dog only bit "creeps" and their "abusive" former stepdad. Like two days later I stayed the night over there and had drinks and blunts, when it was time to crash i slept on the couch and woke up with the dog laying on my lap. Ever since then, the dog was always very happy to see me. When his sister noticed the dog being nice to me I said "I'm a born again Christian".
Women submitting to their dogs reveals how weak and pathetic they really are.
It's messed up how foids can totally avoid professional relationships because a person made her uncomfortable but if a guy does that then he has social issues and needs to be replaced with a more outspoken fellow.
I can't tell you how infuriating this issue makes me feel. I want to make a living without having to deal with people's bs.
Nothing to do with a stranger invading the home territory of the dog, both the guy & girl probably giving off nervous vibes around the area of being with an unfamiliar person. Nah couldn't be the dog sensing the anxiety/fear pheromones being given off & went into attack mode out of jealousy, need to protect the turf & owner or pure instinct to attack anything giving off a flight response.
What if she brought Chad and the dog attacked.Would she kick him out
Nah it'd be a threesome or the dog gets a timeout for an hour.
Your entire post is quite autistic. Don't get me wrong. I agree with you 100%. The thing is just that it should be obvious that she just didn't like the guy and that her entire "the dog could sense he was a bad person" bullshit really just meant: "I hated the guy. He was so ewww." to which you basically responded: "Maybe the problem is not entirely on his side."

You not getting what she actually said and thinking she meant it literally and you not getting what you actually said and how it came through to her is what I mean when I say you are an autist.
Oh shit, really? I understood it the way op did. Well I am diagnosed Asperger's so I guess it checks out?
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