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LifeFuel Realising this isn´t eternal



Mental & Manlet
May 7, 2018
Death will free us all from this brutal world of contrasts, wether we rope or not. My urges for roping have decayed since realizing this, there is always time for roping.
When you rope, there is no coming back, no chance to enjoy delicious copes, no chance to browse incels.is, to listen to some good music. Once you make it, there it is.
Yeah but what is there after death?
Exactly. That's my philosophy on life completely. No point in killing myself. I'll die eventually. Just try to enjoy things in the meantime.

Life is an endurance sport. All you need to do is endure long enough and it solves itself completely. All problems resolve inevitably.
Death will free us all from this brutal world of contrasts, wether we rope or not. My urges for roping have decayed since realizing this, there is always time for roping.
When you rope, there is no coming back, no chance to enjoy delicious copes, no chance to browse incels.is, to listen to some good music. Once you make it, there it is.
Exactly. That's my philosophy on life completely. No point in killing myself. I'll die eventually. Just try to enjoy things in the meantime.

Life is an endurance sport. All you need to do is endure long enough and it solves itself completely. All problems resolve inevitably.
Some [Life Fuel] Thanks. Much appreciated especially no World Suicide Day.
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From an atheistic standpoint: death is not the absence of suffering, it's the absence of everything. Your suffering ceases with death, but you are no longer equipped with the substrate necessary to notice your suffering has ceased.

From a religious standpoint: death is likely to be worse than life. Most on this forum are in a state of mortal sin and risk going to Hell for offenses such as masturbation.
Death will free us all from this brutal world of contrasts, wether we rope or not. My urges for roping have decayed since realizing this, there is always time for roping.
When you rope, there is no coming back, no chance to enjoy delicious copes, no chance to browse incels.is, to listen to some good music. Once you make it, there it is.
Read my earliest threads... Death comes SOON enough on its own... No need to hurry it up
For all we know the afterlife could be worse. For all we know what comes after might just be endless suffering.
Then again it might be Pure Heaven.
I'll miss my vidya when I'm dead. Thanks for making my life at least a little fun while the copes lasted
For all we know the afterlife could be worse. For all we know what comes after might just be endless suffering.
Then again it might be Pure Heaven.

I think so too. Imagine if it was just unbelieveable pain constantly I mean it could really be anything
For all we know the afterlife could be worse. For all we know what comes after might just be endless suffering.
Then again it might be Pure Heaven.
The after life will be boring, even if its pure paradise, you'll eventually run out of things to do, and just LDAR for all eternity.
death wont bring you sex.
real death doesn't exist: when you die, other incels will be born, so the war against Chads and Stacys continues.
the single person is not important while the society is renewed continuously
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real death doesn't exist: when you die, other incels will be born, so the war against Chads and Stacys continues.
the single person is not important while the society is renewed continuously
eventually all life will die
The after life will be boring, even if its pure paradise, you'll eventually run out of things to do, and just LDAR for all eternity.
i hope the afterlife is nothingness
true, same reason against me suiciding is we are all going to die anyway why expedite the process.
Imagine you are reincarnated as an ugly curry though.
Vast majority here are atheists, I am not personally. It’s over for non believercels. Nothing good awaits you on the other side.
I don't get your logic though. It seems like a gigacope and i'll explain way.

Either your balance (positive : copes/music/food) compared to the suffering is positive, and in that scenario you won't see the brievty of life as lifefuel.

Either the balance is negative, you suffer, and in that case roping makes sense.

If i'm suffering deeply, why should i wait 50 years of suffering just because it's "ephemeral ? " the fake that a torture lasting 30 days in a russian prison may be ephemeral doesn't mean you won't try to escape it.

And if you enjoy those copes more than you suffer, well in that case you won't consider death lifefuel.

From an atheistic standpoint: death is not the absence of suffering, it's the absence of everything. Your suffering ceases with death, but you are no longer equipped with the substrate necessary to notice your suffering has ceased.

What's wrong with that? I'm not suffering in my sleep as long as I don't have a negative dream. But neither am I aware my suffering has stopped. It simply has stopped. I don't need to "enjoy the feeling of my suffering stopping". I just need it to end. Period. That's all.
The after life will be boring, even if its pure paradise, you'll eventually run out of things to do, and just LDAR for all eternity.
This is true. Unless we lose our primitive ape brain and get pleasure from other things.
Death will free us all from this brutal world of contrasts, wether we rope or not. My urges for roping have decayed since realizing this, there is always time for roping.
When you rope, there is no coming back, no chance to enjoy delicious copes, no chance to browse incels.is, to listen to some good music. Once you make it, there it is.
Death is not a release. Time does not exist. You will relive the exact same experience an infinite number of times. There are an infinite number of yous repeating the same horror show right now. Is this not hell?
I need to first find a waifu on this mortal plane to spend eternity with.
It is absolutely eternal for now, it doesn't matter that you will die
Death is LifeFuel. Ironically.
Yeah but what is there after death?

Nothing. It’s like before you were born. Remember that? No? Yeah, because you didn’t exist.
For all we know the afterlife could be worse. For all we know what comes after might just be endless suffering.
Then again it might be Pure Heaven.
Most people don't realize that the very idea of something being after death is very questionnable. What I fear in death is not eternal torture or eternal bliss, it's the absolute eternal void, and absence of my conscience regarding this void.
Most people don't realize that the very idea of something being after death is very questionnable. What I fear in death is not eternal torture or eternal bliss, it's the absolute eternal void, and absence of my conscience regarding this void.
Well that's most likely where we're going. Just think about what your life was like before you were born. Nothing.
I believe in a hell and a heaven, I don't try to sin and try to be a normal decent human being. Hopefully this could spare me pain in the afterlife. I believe that in the afterlife (well I hope so at least) that everyone will get his justice.
Eternal recurrence bro, time is flat. You’ll relive this shit forever.
The only way to determine what happens after death is a controlled science experiment by killing someone and bringing them back to life.
We were preceded by eternity, so life should not exist on a linear timeline. We are going to relive this again and again and again and again.
incels go to hell... chad and stacies go to heaven
Were in this cope together boyos never forget that

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