I'm stoned so no point in taking it right now, but bookmarked for sure. When I was 17 I had my IQ professionally evaluated as well as taken a comprehensive cognitive battery that a full scale IQ test was merely one component of. So I already know my GIQ is 110, but that my sub-scores have substantial discrepancies between them with verbal oriented scores being a good bit higher and with visual oriented sub-scores being much lower.
I have Aspergers and NVLD, with NVLD being nonverbal learning disability. My composite IQ (GIQ -- General Intelligence Quotient -- which is typically referred to as just IQ) is at the high end of the average range and right on the dot for being above average I believe (I think I took a 10 SD test and was right on the 10 point deviation). But, my verbal scores (particularly working memory oriented) are well into the gifted range (pretty much 120-129 range I believe, with 130+ being the 10 point deviation into very gifted), and my visual scores are substantially lower due to me lacking more than primitive long term visual memory (severely impaired range -- among the worst in the entire world).