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REAL experiment on ItsOver, Twisted, FaceAndLMS and Zyros. Ratings are bullshit.

ratings from females are useless

just like many women are affraid of slutshaming , this one won't reveal whom her pussy wets for.

in this case i see a preference for the most NT/Ltrable/presentable looking guy

btw should have posted a recent pic of zyros where he looks non-NT but aesthetic , would be more interesting since he mogs the other 4.
7339er said:
HOLY SHIT, its over for @FaceandLMS

i'm sending you a virtual hug, come hug me bruddah

This isn't news to me. I've been telling guys here I am a legit truecel and FACECEL since r/incel days.
Lol there all below average.

It's time for all of them to LDAR

itsOVER said:
I always thought Twisted and Zyros were about equal so not really surprised.

Twisted clearly mogs Zyros.  Twisted is 6/10

Zyros is 5-5.5/10
Coping here is off the charts. If a girl gets asked to rate 4 people she doesn't know, you can rest assured that the resultant numbers are accurate in her opinion. It's not like OP asked 'how much would you rate me out of 10' which would give rise to tons of virtue signal bullshit.

What we've learned is for these foids, even Zyros level looks aren't enough. Now sample size is too lol to extrapolate that out to much but for these ones...Zyros wasn't hot. Shouldn't come as much surprise that an upper tier normie doesn't get all the pussy wet though, should it? And if he's not considered hot, obviously neither myself or FACEandLMS will be by the same girls.

Not really surprised at all by the results.
Also op your a massive autist. Who fucking ask a bunch of jungle gooks sluts to rate there friends fucking lol
itsOVER said:
Coping here is off the charts. If a girl gets asked to rate 4 people she doesn't know, you can rest assured that the resultant numbers are accurate in her opinion. It's not like OP asked 'how much would you rate me out of 10' which would give rise to tons of virtue signal bullshit.
What we've learned is for these foids, even Zyros level looks aren't enough. Now sample size is too lol to extrapolate that out to much but for these ones...Zyros wasn't hot. Shouldn't come as much surprise that an upper tier normie doesn't get all the pussy wet though, should it? And if he's not considered hot, obviously neither myself or FACEandLMS will be by the same girls.
Not really surprised at all by the results.

I agree. Yes women lie to virtue signal, but in this case that isn't applicable really.
itsOVER said:
Hahaha, it's me buddy boyo. And I assure you I don't look anything remotely like a 'guy who no one wants to fuck with' IRL. 56kg, no muscle, 5ft 7. Yeah, it wasn't a great photo, made worse because facial hair in SEA is considered ugly and low class, but I don't look great either way.

I've grown my hair since then (buzzcut did look shit on me), though as I'm NW2 it's still not great (getting a transplant next month though to sort that out).

Pic now: https://imgur.com/a/xCVKl

As you can see longer hair improves me slightly but because of my shit hairline it's still not good. Lower third is also a shitshow and I don't have the money to get it fixed right now. Well I could afford a chin implant, but I really need wraparounds which cost a lot more as the entire lower third is crap.

That's what lookism said and seems to generally be the consensus on this forum. On that specific pic I looked worse than average though thanks to shitty facial hair + I'd just recently buzzcut my hair which turnedout to be a terrible mistake.

Probably cos he's been swiping right in Thailand recenly. It'd be difficult to do this in the west as all of us get few/no matches there (apart from Twisted who is a total autist or LARPer).

Lmao. You look like one of these PUA guys claiming that they're model-tier. Just lol!
Blackpill101 said:
Lmao. You look like one of these PUA guys claiming that they're model-tier. Just lol!

Huh? I have never claimed to be model tier even once in my life...
itsOVER said:
Huh? I have never claimed to be model tier even once in my life...

I know that. Your face just resembles that of the many PUA guys falsely claiming that they're "male models."
Blackpill101 said:
I know that. Your face just resembles that of the many PUA guys falsely claiming that they're "male models."

Jesus, now I even resemble the TRP losers. It really is over.
itsOVER said:
Jesus, now I even resemble the TRP losers. It really is over.

Try growing hair and see how ya look.
Blackpill101 said:
Try growing hair and see how ya look.

It's all gotta be shaved off in mid March for my transplant (hello eggman levels of ugliness) but I'm not gonna cut it till then. Problem is the hairline though.
Are you really getting a transplant? Some people on here and on the other similar forum whose name I won't mention seem to think having anything less than a pristine NW0 merits a transplant, which is quite honestly retarded. I can't really tell from a single picture, but you appear to be NW 1.5 or 2 at most. Are you going to get like 1000 grafts only? Your hair seems to be the least of your problems.
NorwodingGymcel said:
Are you really getting a transplant? Some people on here and on the other similar forum whose name I won't mention seem to think having anything less than a pristine NW0 merits a transplant, which is quite honestly retarded. I can't really tell from a single picture, but you appear to be NW 1.5 or 2 at most. Are you going to get like 1000 grafts only? Your hair seems to be the least of your problems.

I'm a solid NW2. It's quite bad, temples are heavily recessed.

Plus the other side of this coin is MONEY. My worst feature is my lower third. Second worst is hairline. Third worst is zygos projection and 4th is bags under eyes. However I have no money for wraparound jaw implants, zygos surgery has very few good results, whereas I have the money for hair and eye stuff.

Surgeon said around 2300 grafts needed.
itsOVER said:
I'm a solid NW2. It's quite bad, temples are heavily recessed.

Plus the other side of this coin is MONEY. My worst feature is my lower third. Second worst is hairline. Third worst is zygos projection and 4th is bags under eyes. However I have no money for wraparound jaw implants, zygos surgery has very few good results, whereas I have the money for hair and eye stuff.

Surgeon said around 2300 grafts needed.

Ah, it must be extremely dense packing in that case. I would guess your surgeon is going to do 50-60 per cm^2? Mine only did 40, so I had to get another one and am currently in the processing of rotting again to wait for my hairline to look human again. I have had 3000 so far for a NW3.

Holy shit. The second guy getting 2 and 3. In my mind he's at least a 5. Oh man. Zyros getting a 4. It's ogre. My hope is getting roped. And those bitches are jungle gooks, right? FFS.
NorwodingGymcel said:
Ah, it must be extremely dense packing in that case. I would guess your surgeon is going to do 50-60 per cm^2? Mine only did 40, so I had to get another one and am currently in the processing of rotting again to wait for my hairline to look human again. I have had 3000 so far for a NW3.

Yeah 55cm^2. Pretty much everyone points out my shit hair on PSL forums so it's obviously a bit problem. Going to NW0 then growing it longer might obscure some if my other shit features too. Or at least make them less noticable.

Pasteleiro said:

Holy shit. The second guy getting 2 and 3. In my mind he's at least a 5. Oh man. Zyros getting a 4. It's ogre. My hope is getting roped. And those bitches are jungle gooks, right? FFS.

I'm not losing any sleep over 3 random foids tbh. Can confirm I'm still getting plenty of tinder matches in Thailand, plus a bunch more from other apps. 

Dally reminder that when you're actually IN Thailand, you're not being compared vs PSL6 whites. Instead you're quite a rare commodity which works in your favour.
Did you discuss with your surgeon the current plan to get back to a NW0? Most surgeons I talked to said a strong NW2 (ie 1.5) is the most they would recommend for a young person to pursue, since there are a limited number of donor grafts and in order to appear more natural as you age, since honestly after 35 years old at least 75% or more of all white males will be NW2, at least.
NorwodingGymcel said:
Did you discuss with your surgeon the current plan to get back to a NW0? Most surgeons I talked to said a strong NW2 (ie 1.5) is the most they would recommend for a young person to pursue, since there are a limited number of donor grafts and in order to appear more natural as you age, since honestly after 35 years old at least 75% or more of all white males will be NW2, at least.

Yes already discussed.

Idgaf if I look retarded at 40 tbh. Life's over then anyway.
Weed said:

Do you think she really rated Invisible 1 point higher than itsOVER?

Or do you think she just couldn't bring herself to look like a racist so rated that way

interesting question
Incel_Dikshit said:
Also how the fuck did you get facelms his picture you defo used that one from google lmfao.
No, he didn't. I have seen his picture as well. And before you ask, no I'm not showing you anything.
going on Tinder to measure ability to get hookups is a much better way to determine attractiveness than asking some random slope. females are already miserable at rating people objectively without being white man worshippers.
how is itsover a 2, lol JFL. never seen faceandLMS so i couldn't judge him but they honestly gave him a rating inbetween itsover and zyros? he says hes the ugliest human alive but if he would be inbetween zyros and itsover he would be atleast a PSL 5.

retarded women wtf
not surprising to anyone that goes outside
blackpill_incel said:
Holy fuck looking like zyros in 2018 isn't even good enough!
its over. Even chadlites arent good enough for the average woman.
It depends on WHO you ask. If you ask 19 years old girl they will obv say twisted since they are in his age range. You can only do a zyros experiment by asking ppl around his age 26-35
Allblueeeee said:
It depends on WHO you ask. If you ask 19 years old girl they will obv say twisted since they are in his age range. You can only do a zyros experiment by asking ppl around his age 26-35

Who gives a shit what post wall roasties think though? 16-21 is where it's at.
itsOVER said:
Who gives a shit what post wall roasties think though? 16-21 is where it's at.

yea wanna see twisted when he is 30. Zyros will probably mog him then
Allblueeeee said:
yea wanna see twisted when he is 30. Zyros will probably mog him then

Maybe - as pretty boys don't age well.

But the opinion of prime females is all that counts. Post wall sluts are irrelevant.
Allblueeeee said:
It depends on WHO you ask. If you ask 19 years old girl they will obv say twisted since they are in his age range. You can only do a zyros experiment by asking ppl around his age 26-35

Not so true. Real age doesn't matter, only perceived one.
Damn this is suifuel. Imagine being rated 8/10.
Some of you dudes don't know how to rate for shit. Zyros is not a pussy wetter. He looks like a fucking girl himself. He looks like those weird school shooters who only attract hipster girls. He won't attract most women.

No guy who slays so much pussy has over 1,000 posts and 100 pics on incel websites for validation.
I dont see the point of this thread tbh ..explain pls
takurak said:
I dont see the point of this thread tbh ..explain pls
That ratings are bullshit.. I think majority of the forum thought Zyros mogs Twisted.
I was surprised by It'sOver's legit very low rating
Weed said:
That ratings are bullshit.. I think majority of the forum thought Zyros mogs Twisted.
I was surprised by It'sOver's legit very low rating

Everyone here is an incel so ....
takurak said:
Weed said:
That ratings are bullshit.. I think majority of the forum thought Zyros mogs Twisted.
I was surprised by It'sOver's legit very low rating
Everyone here is an incel so ....
Zyros isn't and Twisted is.
You text like a drunk clown. But good experiment. Do more. Put them all on Tinder.
Weed said:
That ratings are bullshit.. I think majority of the forum thought Zyros mogs Twisted.
I was surprised by It'sOver's legit very low rating

Facial hair is considered ugly and low class as fuck in Thailand. Plus you put me next to 2 guys who obviously mog me so obviously by comparison I look extra shit.

I always had Twisted and Zyros around the same (PSL 6). Twisted has the better phenotype for SEA though...that pretty boy look. He needs to NTmax fast though because that type doesn't age so good.
itsOVER said:
I've grown my hair since then (buzzcut did look shit on me), though as I'm NW2 it's still not great (getting a transplant next month though to sort that out).

Pic now: https://imgur.com/a/xCVKl

As you can see longer hair improves me slightly but because of my shit hairline it's still not good. Lower third is also a shitshow and I don't have the money to get it fixed right now. Well I could afford a chin implant, but I really need wraparounds which cost a lot more as the entire lower third is crap.

That's what lookism said and seems to generally be the consensus on this forum. On that specific pic I looked worse than average though thanks to shitty facial hair + I'd just recently buzzcut my hair which turnedout to be a terrible mistake.

You phenotype is quite similar to mine(moon face of death), so I would actually not recommend wraparound jaw surgery, it would make your face look even more round.

I would suggest you look into procedures that slims down your face, contrary to the psl meme "width width and more width", you would benefit a lot more if you shaved some fat and bone off and achieve a more angular look


from what I have seen, Koreans are the gods of moonface to pretty face transformations
these are thai girls, right?

I'm surprised they rated zyros over 1/10. NON-WHITE SKIN = DOGSHIT IN THAILAND.

the fact that zyros even got higher than the other guy with blue eyes says a lot.
Delusion said:
You phenotype is quite similar to mine(moon face of death), so I would actually not recommend wraparound jaw surgery, it would make your face look even more round.

I would suggest you look into procedures that slims down your face, contrary to the psl meme "width width and more width", you would benefit a lot more if you shaved some fat and bone off and achieve a more angular look


from what I have seen, Koreans are the gods of moonface to pretty face transformations

I don't know of any surgery possible to slim down a face in that way. Surely it's all about your skull shape which is pretty much fixed?
Delusion said:
Holy shit that morph

@ItsOver maybe it's legit.. Try to get to 10% body fat and see what happens.
Weed said:
Holy shit that morph

@ItsOver maybe it's legit.. Try to get to 10% body fat and see what happens.

Dude getting to 10% bf won't change my skull shape.

With that said I'm cutting down to that anyway just to see if anything DOES change since I've never been that lean.
itsOVER said:
Weed said:
Holy shit that morph
@ItsOver maybe it's legit.. Try to get to 10% body fat and see what happens.
Dude getting to 10% bf won't change my skull shape.
With that said I'm cutting down to that anyway just to see if anything DOES change since I've never been that lean.
That's good that you're cutting down. Yes it won't change skull shape but low body fat will get rid of facial fat that will make your bones look more prominent
Weed said:
That's good that you're cutting down. Yes it won't change skull shape but low body fat will get rid of facial fat that will make your bones look more prominent

Won't look anything like the morph though for sure.
To most girls ratings are legit but some girls might like your phenotype. Most USA girls are repulsed by me but I've found Philippines girls love my face and not just because I'm white. I now have a long distance relationship with cute azn in Philippines and she says how hot I am. It's all about location if you're not a universal Chad like Nick Bateman for example

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