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Rate this Bangladeshi man and his polish wife

Betabuxxing be like
nigga looks like bangla fred durst
so with such cherry picking examples you want to prove that women are fine with ugly man?
shes kinda ugly
all polish people are automatically 0/10

they are a vile subhuman race

that is why both the nazis and soviets agreed on total polack death
without betabuxing he would have no succes with such woman.

he was doing minimum wage job as a foreign student in uk when they started to date
are you just a typical GrAY giving cherry-picked examples to make some kind of point about the blackpill?
He and I look similar,wtf, while I rot here.
so with such cherry picking examples you want to prove that women are fine with ugly man?
polkas are always fine with ugly guys as long as they are not of their own race and nationality they are biggest race and national traitors on earth
all polish people are automatically 0/10

they are a vile subhuman race

that is why both the nazis and soviets agreed on total polack death
If only they would gas my grandma. My existence is pointless. Muh three wars muh soviets muh germans muh bolsheviks, we incels have it 1000x worse than you fuckers.
polkas are always fine with ugly guys as long as they are not of their own race and nationality they are biggest race and national traitors on earth
Jak się z tym nie zgodzić

Only Polish foids are emanating with so hatred towards their own men.
Jak się z tym nie zgodzić

Only Polish foids are emanating with so hatred towards their own men.
soon they will be marrying fucking aliens of all races, anything but their own men (can't forget about dogpill)
Polka kosmita slub
Polka kosmita slub 2
Polka kosmita slub 3
Polka marriage reptilian alien
Polka reptilian marriage
Polka reptilian alien
Polka marriage dog
Polka marriage dog 2
Polka marriage dog 3
Polka marriage dog 4

I really don’t give a fuck.

I thought I told you already that I don’t have any allegiance to: my gendER, my race/ethnicity, my ancestral country of origin, my country of citizenship etc.

And LIKEWISE, I don’t discriminate anybody based on their gendER, race/cultural origin, country of birth/residence

So STOP assuming that people who “just so happen to be of the SAME gendER and/or race/cultural origin and/or nationality etc. AS ME, must also have the SAME mindset, beliefs, philosophical outlook etc. as me (which is the MAIN IMPLICATION of your ACTION of tagging me on this post, assuming I’d have any intERest whatsoevER or give a single shit about the life of some random Bangladeshi curry on the MERE BASIS of the fact that I’m a curry of Bangladeshi-origin myself).

People may be SIMILAR to me in NONE, SOME or even ALL of those aspects, BUT they will nevER be ME.

I take pride in
MYSELF as an individual. I don’t need to have any loyalty or allegiance to any particular “group” just for the sake of “feeling less lonely” (unlike normies who are UNABLE to accept themselves the way they are as an individual, hence they have to attach themselves to a group in ordER to feel a “sense of BELONGING”, no diffERent to litERal sheep which always travel in a flock because that’s whERe they feel most comfortable).

Next time you categorise me, place labels on me or associate me with any particular group of people (othER than incels kek), I will block yo ugly incel ass (and same applies to anybody else who wants to be a fucking smartarse with me, learn your place you dumb mothERfuckERs).
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Why are you angry? You are responsible for this, you Jews....
Not me you retard I’m Jewish incel soros and other cucked jews screwed me over and didn’t even give me one pussy to fuck!
@WorthlessSlavicShit find me a polish foid or one in crimea
The girl on the left looks like E.T with a wig on
Girl on the left is disgusting ugly cunt I’d fuck but I’d rather die alone than married to that ugly bitch
Then go via birth right trip
No thanks fuck that shit it’s religious right wing propaganda only Chad schlomo gets laid on that not a short 5’4 autist Jew like me
No thanks fuck that shit it’s religious right wing propaganda only Chad schlomo gets laid on that not a short 5’4 autist Jew like me
Ethan from h3h3 got laid. You are just coping. Just try out your luck once.
Ethan from h3h3 got laid. You are just coping. Just try out your luck once.
fuck off cherry picker
I only like white blonde USA suburb girls anyway I don’t want med foids !
Least volcel on volcel.is
my standards are low af but I’m not making an extra effort unless it’s for young blonde USA suburbs white girl :feelsohh:
all polish people are automatically 0/10

they are a vile subhuman race

that is why both the nazis and soviets agreed on total polack death

All I see is a subhuman dating another subhuman
Just an average p0lka with her "foreign prince".

Shit like this is why Poland is the most intensely blackpilled country in the world according to Google Trends:shock::giga::

he was doing minimum wage job as a foreign student in uk when they started to date
Nothing surprising. I'm not sure who it was that said it, but I remember somebody here once mentioning in one of the Slavpill discussions that according to surveys of interracial marriage and dating scene in London, Polish chicks were much more likely than native white British ones to have curry boyfirneds/husbands.

JFL.jusr because she's white doesn't mean she has high smv
True, but try explaining that to half of the userbase here:fuk:.

Jfl, did you make these:feelskek:? They seem pretty fitting:feelshaha:.

@WorthlessSlavicShit find me a polish foid or one in crimea
I wish I knew any brocel:feelsbadman:.


All I see is a subhuman dating another subhuman
Avi checks out, Gendo IQ response brocel:feelzez::feelsYall:.

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