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Soy Rape, though bad, is not as horrific as the west takes for granted



Dec 3, 2020
Mandatory preface for the feds that I am in no way advocating for crime or for anyone to engage in this kind of act. Nor do I have any desire, inclination, or plans to do as such so don’t twist my words. This is merely a discussion of the assumptions we in the western world take for granted since I’m not convinced they all make sense and we’re not permitted to discuss “sacred” subjects like this anywhere else.

In the west this is a viewpoint that is effectively beyond reproach. It’s not something you’re “allowed” to question and even suggesting it’s not quite as terrible to experience as we’re taught will destroy any reputation you once had. It’s just not something that’s on the table for evaluation. But it should be, same as any view.

I should clarify what I mean though since this is a very touchy subject. It’s not that I doubt rape is undesirable or unpleasant, sure it is. What I doubt is that it’s to the degree of horror that it’s presented as in most cases.

In the western world we put rape up there on par with murder and water boarding. We put it up there with legitimate crucifixion. In fact, I think most people — certainly most women — have a stronger emotional reaction of frothing rage on the subject of rape than any of those other things. And we punish rape with incredible severity (only if you’re a man doing it at that).

Yet when you stop to think about it for yourself — to consider what the experience is actually like. I mean, I’ll just say it — that is ridiculous and irrational. Mainly because the act of having sex is just not that difficult, painful, or really even for that big of deal at the end of the day — at least not to the degree women claim (with some exceptions I’ll get to).

At the end of the day you’re being forced to have sex with someone you don’t want to. And that’s not good, not claiming it is — I even understand punishment for it in a traditional society. But it’s not akin to actual torture and it’s not on the level of murder or something either contrary to what most western people seem to believe. I also do not buy the female schtick you always see about how they were “”””traumatized”””” for life when their gym teacher seduced them or whatever. Many a young lad has fucked his teacher and they were all the better for it — but for some reason when it’s women everyone loses their minds.

The exceptions to this of course would be:
1) if you got AIDS or something then yeah that’s actually really really bad and I get the reaction in that case.
2) anal rape is dramatically worse than vaginal rape. This is why when men are raped it’s not really comparable to the norm of female rape.

Something women will never understand (they seem genuinely incapable of sympathizing or even wrapping their head around it) is how most men cannot get sex like women can.

If you are a man, part of why men get drunk with women or go after younger women from a position of status above them (etc) is because men MUST use every tool they have if they want to get laid. You just won’t get laid otherwise as a typical guy in the modern western world. In wars, people talk about how horrible it is that soldiers rape women, but think about it from the soldier’s point of view — you are literally risking your life. You could die at any moment (and in today’s world no one back home even cares that you’re doing so). On top of that you have been programmed on purpose by your government to see your enemies as monsters that are less than human so you could kill them without breaking a sweat (as people like Eva’s Shinji do not make for good soldiers in the real world). The enemy men are fucking killed which is a lot worse than getting raped/absorbed into another culture. It’s not that I’m saying it’s pleasant or “good” but what I am saying is that everyone describes rape in the west with very emotional and exaggerated language.

Today women farm it because it’s socially valuable — they will lie about getting raped and they’ll lie about the degree of how bad it was because there’s social leverage and status and positive attention and sympathy in doing so. My own sister has lied about several men raping her over the years and I know she’s lying but many people especially other women just blindly believe her no matter what, it’s nuts.

The final angle is just that women act incredibly entitled on this subject — they always act as through well “obviously” men should see it is immoral and defend us! But they can’t see it logically — men outlawed rape to protect their wives and daughters. If men have no wives and daughters and if men cannot get access to sex and if rape laws ONLY punish men then why on earth would they oppose rape? The fact that so many men do actually shows that men care about women a lot even over our own self interests.
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criminalization of rape in the west is just a sign of civilization and racial superiority, who wants to be cucked by some nigger and let him get away :feelswhat:
criminalization of rape in the west is just a sign of civilization and racial superiority, who wants to be cucked by some nigger and let him get away :feelswhat:
The fuck?
I think the biggest problem is how women have weaponized rape. These days if someone is accused of rape or grooming they're crucified before the facts are laid out.
I don't have any problems with sexhavers getting fucked, but it's a whole different story when women use it to get rid of opposition. Because the word sexual harassment became synonymous with rape, and sexual harassment doesn't have any meaning. Like these days looking at a woman and being ugly means sexual harassment. Trying to talk to a woman is sexual harassment. It's not going to be fixed any time soon
I personally think women set rape as a hill to die on because consciously or unconsciously they understand that sex is the greatest power they have and they’re able to leverage it in the modern world to great effect in manipulating men to do what they want/give them thing/whatever.

If men can just “take” sex then it threatens their power as a group. That’s the “real” reason that’s unstated that they hate it so much seems to me. I’d bet money most women have had sex with someone they didn’t really want to and it probably wasn’t a big deal there either.

I’ll add another bullet to my original list of exceptions though that if you’re raped and you get the absolute shit beat out of you/you get hospitalized and such then yeah that’s also really bad and goes beyond mere rape but the thing is that’s a separate crime — assault and battery. Yet people just assume the worst things imaginable because rape is such a harsh negative connotation type word in these parts.

You really cannot talk about this kind of thing anywhere normal. The assumptions of our own society can’t be questioned or you’re a monster basically. News flash feds I have no desire or intention to commit any crimes. I’m not gonna rape anybody and I never claimed as such so fuck off. It’s so god damned tiring to see people take what you actually said then twist it up and misrepresent you. But that’s basically just the Incel tears way at this point since they can’t win in an honest argument. But I digress…
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Women shouldn't be allowed to make decisions about their lives

This means that raping a woman should not be a crime

If a married woman is raped by someone other than her husband, then she should be stoned to death for infidelity. Other than that, there is no need to legislate against the rape of women or take measures to prevent it

Besides, even ITcels should agree on this. Women enjoy being raped and fantasize about being raped all the time, so outlawing it would be suppressing female sexuality
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I think the biggest problem is how women have weaponized rape. These days if someone is accused of rape or grooming they're crucified before the facts are laid out.
on youtube i saw this cop bodycam of them charging into some guy's house who was accused of touching or raping his step daughter or something like that, and before he could even speak for his side of the story the cops barge in and shoot him, which he gets on his knees looking around confused, before looking directly down the barrel of a cops shotgun which is then fired directly into his face killing him instantly. Faggot ass cops killed a man before he could be potentially proven innocent. and of course his wife and daughters get away scott free and so do the cops. they murdered a man who was already shot a few times and on the ground in no threatening position
Inkwells here are giving ITniggers too much material.

Besides that criminalization of rape is primarily in the men's interest, not necessarily in the w0men's, since foids enjoy rape.
I think the biggest problem is how women have weaponized rape. These days if someone is accused of rape or grooming they're crucified before the facts are laid out.
I don't have any problems with sexhavers getting fucked, but it's a whole different story when women use it to get rid of opposition. Because the word sexual harassment became synonymous with rape, and sexual harassment doesn't have any meaning. Like these days looking at a woman and being ugly means sexual harassment. Trying to talk to a woman is sexual harassment. It's not going to be fixed any time soon
You nailed it and I agree entirely. high IQ/well put mate
I read everything. Good thread. Rape is a means to obtain status, a social leverage as you put it. The supposed horrors of rape are almost entirely psychological, as vaginas were designed to be penetrated and thus there is no physical harm done to it during penetration. If the woman is unconscious, she will not even notice what happened unless she got pregnant or somebody told her about it later.

Rape was socially engineered to elicit an emotional response from people who hear about it, which is why it is the worse sin someone can commit these days. Think about it, every crime is redeemable except rape. There is no redemption arc for rape. You are condemned to be a monster for life. Why is that exactly? Why is society so hysterical about rape? I think it is foremost a product of feminism.
I made a few edits here and there that I should’ve cleaned up before posting, my bad. You’ve explained it well I think mate. Saving your comment :feelsYall: I think you pretty much nailed it and a lot more briefly than I didso well done.
on youtube i saw this cop bodycam of them charging into some guy's house who was accused of touching or raping his step daughter or something like that, and before he could even speak for his side of the story the cops barge in and shoot him, which he gets on his knees looking around confused, before looking directly down the barrel of a cops shotgun which is then fired directly into his face killing him instantly. Faggot ass cops killed a man before he could be potentially proven innocent. and of course his wife and daughters get away scott free and so do the cops. they murdered a man who was already shot a few times and on the ground in no threatening position
That’s insane holy shit
Inkwells here are giving ITniggers too much material.

Besides that criminalization of rape is primarily in the men's interest, not necessarily in the w0men's, since foids enjoy rape.
It’s only material for them because they misrepresent what you actually say and twist your words. They basically force you to be a strawman they made up in their own head.

The truth is, you’re not allowed to talk about this basically anywhere normal and the second I disagrees with the default point of view of women I was already a monster in their eyes.

The only solution for us is to question the sacred norms and to blackpill as many men as possible. Otherwise nothing can change. And that requires that we, you know, talk about these things. Hell I’d talk it on other platforms too except they censor it because, really, they’re afraid.
on youtube i saw this cop bodycam of them charging into some guy's house who was accused of touching or raping his step daughter or something like that, and before he could even speak for his side of the story the cops barge in and shoot him, which he gets on his knees looking around confused, before looking directly down the barrel of a cops shotgun which is then fired directly into his face killing him instantly. Faggot ass cops killed a man before he could be potentially proven innocent. and of course his wife and daughters get away scott free and so do the cops. they murdered a man who was already shot a few times and on the ground in no threatening position
what the fuck? even if he was found guilty they are in no authority to kill someone like that this is fucking outrageous
I personally think women set rape as a hill to die on because consciously or unconsciously they understand that sex is the greatest power they have and they’re able to leverage it in the modern world to great effect in manipulating men to do what they want/give them thing/whatever.

If men can just “take” sex then it threatens their power as a group. That’s the “real” reason that’s unstated that they hate it so much seems to me. I’d bet money most women have had sex with someone they didn’t really want to and it probably wasn’t a big deal there either.

I’ll add another bullet to my original list of exceptions though that if you’re raped and you get the absolute shit beat out of you/you get hospitalized and such then yeah that’s also really bad and goes beyond mere rape but the thing is that’s a separate crime — assault and battery. Yet people just assume the worst things imaginable because rape is such a harsh negative connotation type word in these parts.

You really cannot talk about this kind of thing anywhere normal. The assumptions of our own society can’t be questioned or you’re a monster basically. News flash feds I have no desire or intention to commit any crimes. I’m not gonna rape anybody and I never claimed as such so fuck off. It’s so god damned tiring to see people take what you actually said then twist it up and misrepresent you. But that’s basically just the Incel tears way at this point since they can’t win in an honest argument. But I digress…
Thank you for the very high IQ post brocel, I think absolutely a psychological effect takes part as a loss of power, womens biggest asset is giving access to sex so they feel powerless when it is taken from them.
Women shouldn't be allowed to make decisions about their lives

This means that raping a woman should not be a crime

If a married woman is raped by someone other than her husband, then she should be stoned to death for infidelity. Other than that, there is no need to legislate against the rape of women or take measures to prevent it

Besides, even ITcels should agree on this. Women enjoy being raped and fantasize about being raped all the time, so outlawing it would be suppressing female sexuality
Unfortunate that a thread like this will attract the glowposters.

But yeah its just forced sex, I am trying to imagine it from my pov being raped by fat ugly foid by her riding my cock or something, its horrible but its not up there with stuff like murder torture paedophilia. Also like the glowposter mixing truth with lies (fed tactic) Women do evolutionarily orgasm from rape and enjoy it in a sense which lessens the crime in a way.
So many foids have rape fantasies anyway, you don't see as many foids with fantasies of being murdered or tortured, so it obviously is not that bad. I still hold no respect for rapists and condone the act, I just dislike how the social punishment does not fit the crime.
Foids always on a pedastal man
what the fuck? even if he was found guilty they are in no authority to kill someone like that this is fucking outrageous
That’s insane holy shit
apparently the daughter called 911 claiming he said he was gonna kill the mom. and "took them hostage" in their house. police/swat arrived and knocked on the door, he opens but immediately throws it closed and the y chase after him while shooting him, which he then sits on 1 knee with his pistol or gun beingg held downwards. that's when the second faggot cop comes in with a shotgun and mercs him in the face infront of a woman next to him, for no damn reason at all
Absolute facts
Honestly most women deserve to be raped so there's nothing wrong with it
Either way 99% of bitches enjoy and have orgasms during rape so even if they didn't want it it's most like making them a favor
Rape being a major crime is only sensible in a country where women are virgins until marriage if they are sleeping around one unenjoyable dick is not the end of the world for some roastie who took hundreds of them. Hell I'd argue it's severity should be in the range as just a normal assault, now obviously not a good thing but not worthy of a long prison sentence either.
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He's not a fakecel. It's just that rape would turn foids even more whoreish and bitchy which will probably worsen the problem for incels.

A better idea would be to revoke women's rights through law and turn them into buyable property.
I'd argue it would have the inverse effect at least on the bitchy part being more whorish not sure that's possible. After all decriminalized rape would objectively make toilets avoid ugly males even more and not pick arguments with them like they currently do since there would be the potential for consequences. Not advocating for it anyway just looking at it objectively.
Mandatory preface for the feds that I am in no way advocating for crime or for anyone to engage in this kind of act. Nor do I have any desire, inclination, or plans to do as such so don’t twist my words. This is merely a discussion of the assumptions we in the western world take for granted since I’m not convinced they all make sense and we’re not permitted to discuss “sacred” subjects like this anywhere else.

In the west this is a viewpoint that is effectively beyond reproach. It’s not something you’re “allowed” to question and even suggesting it’s not quite as terrible to experience as we’re taught will destroy any reputation you once had. It’s just not something that’s on the table for evaluation. But it should be, same as any view.

I should clarify what I mean though since this is a very touchy subject. It’s not that I doubt rape is undesirable or unpleasant, sure it is. What I doubt is that it’s to the degree of horror that it’s presented as in most cases.

In the western world we put rape up there on par with murder and water boarding. We put it up there with legitimate crucifixion. In fact, I think most people — certainly most women — have a stronger emotional reaction of frothing rage on the subject of rape than any of those other things. And we punish rape with incredible severity (only if you’re a man doing it at that).

Yet when you stop to think about it for yourself — to consider what the experience is actually like. I mean, I’ll just say it — that is ridiculous and irrational. Mainly because the act of having sex is just not that difficult, painful, or really even for that big of deal at the end of the day — at least not to the degree women claim (with some exceptions I’ll get to).

At the end of the day you’re being forced to have sex with someone you don’t want to. And that’s not good, not claiming it is — I even understand punishment for it in a traditional society. But it’s not akin to actual torture and it’s not on the level of murder or something either contrary to what most western people seem to believe. I also do not buy the female schtick you always see about how they were “”””traumatized”””” for life when their gym teacher seduced them or whatever. Many a young lad has fucked his teacher and they were all the better for it — but for some reason when it’s women everyone loses their minds.

The exceptions to this of course would be:
1) if you got AIDS or something then yeah that’s actually really really bad and I get the reaction in that case.
2) anal rape is dramatically worse than vaginal rape. This is why when men are raped it’s not really comparable to the norm of female rape.

Something women will never understand (they seem genuinely incapable of sympathizing or even wrapping their head around it) is how most men cannot get sex like women can.

If you are a man, part of why men get drunk with women or go after younger women from a position of status above them (etc) is because men MUST use every tool they have if they want to get laid. You just won’t get laid otherwise as a typical guy in the modern western world. In wars, people talk about how horrible it is that soldiers rape women, but think about it from the soldier’s point of view — you are literally risking your life. You could die at any moment (and in today’s world no one back home even cares that you’re doing so). On top of that you have been programmed on purpose by your government to see your enemies as monsters that are less than human so you could kill them without breaking a sweat (as people like Eva’s Shinji do not make for good soldiers in the real world). The enemy men are fucking killed which is a lot worse than getting raped/absorbed into another culture. It’s not that I’m saying it’s pleasant or “good” but what I am saying is that everyone describes rape in the west with very emotional and exaggerated language.

Today women farm it because it’s socially valuable — they will lie about getting raped and they’ll lie about the degree of how bad it was because there’s social leverage and status and positive attention and sympathy in doing so. My own sister has lied about several men raping her over the years and I know she’s lying but many people especially other women just blindly believe her no matter what, it’s nuts.

The final angle is just that women act incredibly entitled on this subject — they always act as through well “obviously” men should see it is immoral and defend us! But they can’t see it logically — men outlawed rape to protect their wives and daughters. If men have no wives and daughters and if men cannot get access to sex and if rape laws ONLY punish men then why on earth would they oppose rape? The fact that so many men do actually shows that men care about women a lot even over our own self interests.
I see rape as a form of bullying now, rather than some savage horrific act. Depends on who's being raped, too. If it's a BPD slut, then she'll probably enjoy it, but if it's some square foid, then she'll probably look at it more terrifying.
Rape being a major crime is only sensible in a country where women are virgins until marriage if they are sleeping around one unenjoyable dick is not the end of the world for some roastie who took hundreds of them. Hell I'd argue it's severity should be in the range as just a normal assault, now obviously not a good thing but not worthy of a long prison sentence either.
Yeah good point the crime is not always as morally abhorent like stealing from a faceless multi million dollar corporation or mom and pop store.

Most rape victims are usually sluts anyway which is the truth.
I agree with OP and interestingly, I don't think it's even a purely incel take. If my memories don't fail me, I think I read that a female member of the UK parliament suggested that rape itself should be punished less harshly, but the violence associated with it should be punished harshly and I kinda agree with it.

Many of the reasons people cite as being "traumatic" in rape also occur in general violence as well and in kidnapping etc. and yet these crimes are not seen as as morally wrong as rape. In fact, unlike most violent crimes, the rapist doesn't necessarily intend harm of the raped one (rapee?) - just like a thief.

That said, just because being raped doesn't necessarily feel as painful as e.g. being punched, the damage (in form of e.g. STDs) can still be severe which can warrant a severe punishment.

I also think that, like usual, it is seen as the "worst" kind of crime as it predominantly affects women. Whenever something negatively affects men, people don't care much, but if it mainly affects women, people care, because men are seen as worthless.
criminalization of rape in the west is just a sign of civilization and racial superiority, who wants to be cucked by some nigger and let him get away :feelswhat:
Nigger > white feminist.
I agree with OP and interestingly, I don't think it's even a purely incel take. If my memories don't fail me, I think I read that a female member of the UK parliament suggested that rape itself should be punished less harshly, but the violence associated with it should be punished harshly and I kinda agree with it.

Many of the reasons people cite as being "traumatic" in rape also occur in general violence as well and in kidnapping etc. and yet these crimes are not seen as as morally wrong as rape. In fact, unlike most violent crimes, the rapist doesn't necessarily intend harm of the raped one (rapee?) - just like a thief.

That said, just because being raped doesn't necessarily feel as painful as e.g. being punched, the damage (in form of e.g. STDs) can still be severe which can warrant a severe punishment.

I also think that, like usual, it is seen as the "worst" kind of crime as it predominantly affects women. Whenever something negatively affects men, people don't care much, but if it mainly affects women, people care, because men are seen as worthless.
You explained that well yeah I agree mate :feelsYall: and damn are you right that nobody gives a fuck about men’s problems anywhere near to the degree society at cares about anything that minorly inconveniences women.
Mandatory preface for the feds that I am in no way advocating for crime or for anyone to engage in this kind of act. Nor do I have any desire, inclination, or plans to do as such so don’t twist my words. This is merely a discussion of the assumptions we in the western world take for granted since I’m not convinced they all make sense and we’re not permitted to discuss “sacred” subjects like this anywhere else.

In the west this is a viewpoint that is effectively beyond reproach. It’s not something you’re “allowed” to question and even suggesting it’s not quite as terrible to experience as we’re taught will destroy any reputation you once had. It’s just not something that’s on the table for evaluation. But it should be, same as any view.

I should clarify what I mean though since this is a very touchy subject. It’s not that I doubt rape is undesirable or unpleasant, sure it is. What I doubt is that it’s to the degree of horror that it’s presented as in most cases.

In the western world we put rape up there on par with murder and water boarding. We put it up there with legitimate crucifixion. In fact, I think most people — certainly most women — have a stronger emotional reaction of frothing rage on the subject of rape than any of those other things. And we punish rape with incredible severity (only if you’re a man doing it at that).

Yet when you stop to think about it for yourself — to consider what the experience is actually like. I mean, I’ll just say it — that is ridiculous and irrational. Mainly because the act of having sex is just not that difficult, painful, or really even for that big of deal at the end of the day — at least not to the degree women claim (with some exceptions I’ll get to).

At the end of the day you’re being forced to have sex with someone you don’t want to. And that’s not good, not claiming it is — I even understand punishment for it in a traditional society. But it’s not akin to actual torture and it’s not on the level of murder or something either contrary to what most western people seem to believe. I also do not buy the female schtick you always see about how they were “”””traumatized”””” for life when their gym teacher seduced them or whatever. Many a young lad has fucked his teacher and they were all the better for it — but for some reason when it’s women everyone loses their minds.

The exceptions to this of course would be:
1) if you got AIDS or something then yeah that’s actually really really bad and I get the reaction in that case.
2) anal rape is dramatically worse than vaginal rape. This is why when men are raped it’s not really comparable to the norm of female rape.

Something women will never understand (they seem genuinely incapable of sympathizing or even wrapping their head around it) is how most men cannot get sex like women can.

If you are a man, part of why men get drunk with women or go after younger women from a position of status above them (etc) is because men MUST use every tool they have if they want to get laid. You just won’t get laid otherwise as a typical guy in the modern western world. In wars, people talk about how horrible it is that soldiers rape women, but think about it from the soldier’s point of view — you are literally risking your life. You could die at any moment (and in today’s world no one back home even cares that you’re doing so). On top of that you have been programmed on purpose by your government to see your enemies as monsters that are less than human so you could kill them without breaking a sweat (as people like Eva’s Shinji do not make for good soldiers in the real world). The enemy men are fucking killed which is a lot worse than getting raped/absorbed into another culture. It’s not that I’m saying it’s pleasant or “good” but what I am saying is that everyone describes rape in the west with very emotional and exaggerated language.

Today women farm it because it’s socially valuable — they will lie about getting raped and they’ll lie about the degree of how bad it was because there’s social leverage and status and positive attention and sympathy in doing so. My own sister has lied about several men raping her over the years and I know she’s lying but many people especially other women just blindly believe her no matter what, it’s nuts.

The final angle is just that women act incredibly entitled on this subject — they always act as through well “obviously” men should see it is immoral and defend us! But they can’t see it logically — men outlawed rape to protect their wives and daughters. If men have no wives and daughters and if men cannot get access to sex and if rape laws ONLY punish men then why on earth would they oppose rape? The fact that so many men do actually shows that men care about women a lot even over our own self interests.
There was a thread a few weeks ago asking about "who are your favorite users" and I definitely forgot to mention you, but that's because I couldn't remember your random ass name
Mandatory preface for the feds that I am in no way advocating for crime or for anyone to engage in this kind of act. Nor do I have any desire, inclination, or plans to do as such so don’t twist my words. This is merely a discussion of the assumptions we in the western world take for granted since I’m not convinced they all make sense and we’re not permitted to discuss “sacred” subjects like this anywhere else.

In the west this is a viewpoint that is effectively beyond reproach. It’s not something you’re “allowed” to question and even suggesting it’s not quite as terrible to experience as we’re taught will destroy any reputation you once had. It’s just not something that’s on the table for evaluation. But it should be, same as any view.

I should clarify what I mean though since this is a very touchy subject. It’s not that I doubt rape is undesirable or unpleasant, sure it is. What I doubt is that it’s to the degree of horror that it’s presented as in most cases.

In the western world we put rape up there on par with murder and water boarding. We put it up there with legitimate crucifixion. In fact, I think most people — certainly most women — have a stronger emotional reaction of frothing rage on the subject of rape than any of those other things. And we punish rape with incredible severity (only if you’re a man doing it at that).

Yet when you stop to think about it for yourself — to consider what the experience is actually like. I mean, I’ll just say it — that is ridiculous and irrational. Mainly because the act of having sex is just not that difficult, painful, or really even for that big of deal at the end of the day — at least not to the degree women claim (with some exceptions I’ll get to).

At the end of the day you’re being forced to have sex with someone you don’t want to. And that’s not good, not claiming it is — I even understand punishment for it in a traditional society. But it’s not akin to actual torture and it’s not on the level of murder or something either contrary to what most western people seem to believe. I also do not buy the female schtick you always see about how they were “”””traumatized”””” for life when their gym teacher seduced them or whatever. Many a young lad has fucked his teacher and they were all the better for it — but for some reason when it’s women everyone loses their minds.

The exceptions to this of course would be:
1) if you got AIDS or something then yeah that’s actually really really bad and I get the reaction in that case.
2) anal rape is dramatically worse than vaginal rape. This is why when men are raped it’s not really comparable to the norm of female rape.

Something women will never understand (they seem genuinely incapable of sympathizing or even wrapping their head around it) is how most men cannot get sex like women can.

If you are a man, part of why men get drunk with women or go after younger women from a position of status above them (etc) is because men MUST use every tool they have if they want to get laid. You just won’t get laid otherwise as a typical guy in the modern western world. In wars, people talk about how horrible it is that soldiers rape women, but think about it from the soldier’s point of view — you are literally risking your life. You could die at any moment (and in today’s world no one back home even cares that you’re doing so). On top of that you have been programmed on purpose by your government to see your enemies as monsters that are less than human so you could kill them without breaking a sweat (as people like Eva’s Shinji do not make for good soldiers in the real world). The enemy men are fucking killed which is a lot worse than getting raped/absorbed into another culture. It’s not that I’m saying it’s pleasant or “good” but what I am saying is that everyone describes rape in the west with very emotional and exaggerated language.

Today women farm it because it’s socially valuable — they will lie about getting raped and they’ll lie about the degree of how bad it was because there’s social leverage and status and positive attention and sympathy in doing so. My own sister has lied about several men raping her over the years and I know she’s lying but many people especially other women just blindly believe her no matter what, it’s nuts.

The final angle is just that women act incredibly entitled on this subject — they always act as through well “obviously” men should see it is immoral and defend us! But they can’t see it logically — men outlawed rape to protect their wives and daughters. If men have no wives and daughters and if men cannot get access to sex and if rape laws ONLY punish men then why on earth would they oppose rape? The fact that so many men do actually shows that men care about women a lot even over our own self interests.
Litterally who cares about rape? It should be a minor crime. Just reverse the sexes and you see how stupid the rape narrative is. Rape to a man is like force feeding a starving african child. It’s litterally forced love, intimacy, contact. It’s not fucking murder for fuck sake.

The thing is feminists obsessing about rape so much just proves how men and women are NOT the same. Women loathe the average man sexually just like heterosexual normal man loathes the average man sexually. Men have NO sexual value, they have to earn it. If they get sex without “earning” it it’s labelled as “rape”
There was a thread a few weeks ago asking about "who are your favorite users" and I definitely forgot to mention you, but that's because I couldn't remember your random ass name
Thanks I appreciate the sentiment fren :feelsYall: There’s a reason why the name is so bad and it relates to my paranoia about feds (not that it matters since if they wanna get you odds are you’re gonna get got. They probably know who most of us are tbh).
Litterally who cares about rape? It should be a minor crime. Just reverse the sexes and you see how stupid the rape narrative is. Rape to a man is like force feeding a starving african child. It’s litterally forced love, intimacy, contact. It’s not fucking murder for fuck sake.

The thing is feminists obsessing about rape so much just proves how men and women are NOT the same. Women loathe the average man sexually just like heterosexual normal man loathes the average man sexually. Men have NO sexual value, they have to earn it. If they get sex without “earning” it it’s labelled as “rape”
I see what you mean. What I don’t understand is how other men/most men don’t see what you mean. Is it just that our institutions are really good at brainwashing men against our own interests and instilling double standards that favor women?
Litterally who cares about rape? It should be a minor crime. Just reverse the sexes and you see how stupid the rape narrative is. Rape to a man is like force feeding a starving african child. It’s litterally forced love, intimacy, contact. It’s not fucking murder for fuck sake.

The thing is feminists obsessing about rape so much just proves how men and women are NOT the same. Women loathe the average man sexually just like heterosexual normal man loathes the average man sexually. Men have NO sexual value, they have to earn it. If they get sex without “earning” it it’s labelled as “rape”
I don't think its fair to compare to man getting raped "excluding forced anal penetration" its more personal as a foid because you are usually physically weaker and its a thing going inside of you forcefully. It's still bad but not that bad but the argument that a foid raping my dick with her pussy is good so rape for foids = good is not the same.
I don't think its fair to compare to man getting raped "excluding forced anal penetration" its more personal as a foid because you are usually physically weaker and its a thing going inside of you forcefully. It's still bad but not that bad but the argument that a foid raping my dick with her pussy is good so rape for foids = good is not the same.
Oh come on. Even with foid being stronger or carrying heavy weapons it’a still the same. It just doesn’t feel abusive because women have intrinsic sexual value, men don’t. With men it’s like they are taking away something from the women (again: women have sexual market value, men don’t) while with women raping it’s like they are forcefully giving you a present. That’s why. Just like stealing food or force feeding someone. Men and women have totally different sexual marker value
I see what you mean. What I don’t understand is how other men/most men don’t see what you mean. Is it just that our institutions are really good at brainwashing men against our own interests and instilling double standards that favor women?
The paramecium shows how awareness and consciousness can be totally unrelated to intelligence. You can be high awareness but low intelligence just like you can be high in both or low in both or even high intelligence and low awareness. We are probably high in both plus some kind of tendencies to ESP or shit like that. That's why we can so quickly do pattern recognition, understand the trends or even somehow sense how they will develop in the future. I remember envisioning this state of things in 2012-2013 when i slowly started to understand foids nature and here we are, most men incapable of actually mating with women because of female access to resources+their nature of searching for superior man (they thought it was crazy at that time, it is not today). I also remember being highly into the idea of VR back in 2012-2013 when it seemed so far fetched to be absurd or stupid stuff. I remember i wrote a school essay centered around my idea of how the 2030 would have been and i started describing kids going to schools with VR headsets and shit. It was out of fun and passion but now we actually have globalists obsessing about this lol.

Most people have lower awareness and consciousness than us that's why they are always so fucking tribal and left behind (they usually adopt our worldview 7-8 years later than us), that's why many of them have high IQ but they seem like functional fucking retards (not even getting started with average IQ+ just well read and cultured; the worst kind of midwit).

This trend lead me to despise most people or to kinda becoming more and more of a loner. I just despise normies and their attitude toward things and people and ideas.
Dunno this equation Man=sexually poor Woman= sexually rich with all the due consequences of that just seems so stupidly obvious to me i cannot stomach people not wanting to accept this clear comparison. The poor will have shitty everyday life even tho the poor probably could try to steal from the rich or harass him for money, not the other way around. Women harassing men is litterally like the rich forcing the poor to take his money. That's fucking it. Most enraging stuff is you can actually see sheeple normies BEHAVING as this was true (knowing it's true on a deep subconscious level. For example when they laugh at male rape victims or say "it's not the same thing" without being able to argue WHY they think it's not the same) but then going batshit crazy when you SAY this on a conscious level. GIGA FUCK THEM ALL.
Oh come on. Even with foid being stronger or carrying heavy weapons it’a still the same. It just doesn’t feel abusive because women have intrinsic sexual value, men don’t. With men it’s like they are taking away something from the women (again: women have sexual market value, men don’t) while with women raping it’s like they are forcefully giving you a present. That’s why. Just like stealing food or force feeding someone. Men and women have totally different sexual marker value
I think you make a good point with the taking away/present analogy.

Now I think if a women were stronger for whatever reason or had some sort of weapon but still let it happen it would not be as psychologically bad.
I think the severity of rape really depends on the type of victim too, most rape victims are already whores anyway which is why it happens to them in the first place so being forcefully penetrated is not so bad compared to a younger virgin foid who holds sex with more of an intimate value for example.
The paramecium shows how awareness and consciousness can be totally unrelated to intelligence
I have never heard of this before and google showed that this is some type of cell, do you have any links I can read about this it interests me alot.
they are always so fucking tribal
I will ALWAYS preach this but back in the caveman times exile meant death, this is why people are afraid to go against the mainstream agenda today. The thought of it will invoke a deep rooted biological fear of being exiled from the tribe in which you would die alone, back in history being smart to the point of being against the pack did you no favors. I think Galileo is a great example of this and I think he may have almost died due to his theory of the sun being motionless and the earth revolving it as it was believed at the time to be the opposite. So despite being correct and smarter he was outcast and could have died. The trait to be a sheep and go with the herd kept you alive.
I personally think women set rape as a hill to die on because consciously or unconsciously they understand that sex is the greatest power they have and they’re able to leverage it in the modern world to great effect in manipulating men to do what they want/give them thing/whatever.

If men can just “take” sex then it threatens their power as a group. That’s the “real” reason that’s unstated that they hate it so much seems to me. I’d bet money most women have had sex with someone they didn’t really want to and it probably wasn’t a big deal there either.
High IQ. It's all about power dynamics.

I think the biggest problem is how women have weaponized rape. These days if someone is accused of rape or grooming they're crucified before the facts are laid out.
False rape accusation is a pretty old trick, happens (to Joseph) in the first book of the Bible.
I strongly doubt rape is as bad as foids make it seem. Even rough sex is supposed to be enjoyable. I see many insta-whores making brag videos of the sort of "when you give that older guy a chance" and she's limping or hurting in the video.

Of course, this is not to say I want to be raped, even though a man being rape by other man is factually much worse and unnatural, so there is no comparison that can be made. As with everything else, men have it worse. I also don't mean violent rape, because in it you'd get beaten into submission, and getting a beating by itself is already worse.

In the end, rape is simply about power and control over men. Try to imagine a world where women have nothing men want. There would be no simping. All their numerous privileges would be non-existent. If women behaved badly, they'd get punched, like happens to men. Women would face consequences for their actions. Men would not get into fights or in competition with each other for women.

Rape has also been weaponized against men. A rape accusation is an insta-kill button for men.
I read everything. Good thread. Rape is a means to obtain status, a social leverage as you put it. The supposed horrors of rape are almost entirely psychological, as vaginas were designed to be penetrated and thus there is no physical harm done to it during penetration. If the woman is unconscious, she will not even notice what happened unless she got pregnant or somebody told her about it later.

Rape was socially engineered to elicit an emotional response from people who hear about it, which is why it is the worse sin someone can commit these days. Think about it, every crime is redeemable except rape. There is no redemption arc for rape. You are condemned to be a monster for life. Why is that exactly? Why is society so hysterical about rape? I think it is foremost a product of feminism.

This is also extremely based.
Oh come on. Even with foid being stronger or carrying heavy weapons it’a still the same. It just doesn’t feel abusive because women have intrinsic sexual value, men don’t. With men it’s like they are taking away something from the women (again: women have sexual market value, men don’t) while with women raping it’s like they are forcefully giving you a present. That’s why. Just like stealing food or force feeding someone. Men and women have totally different sexual marker value
You’re definitely right that subconsciously people do see it like that. However most will never admit it.
I strongly doubt rape is as bad as foids make it seem. Even rough sex is supposed to be enjoyable. I see many insta-whores making brag videos of the sort of "when you give that older guy a chance" and she's limping or hurting in the video.

Of course, this is not to say I want to be raped, even though a man being rape by other man is factually much worse and unnatural, so there is no comparison that can be made. As with everything else, men have it worse. I also don't mean violent rape, because in it you'd get beaten into submission, and getting a beating by itself is already worse.

In the end, rape is simply about power and control over men. Try to imagine a world where women have nothing men want. There would be no simping. All their numerous privileges would be non-existent. If women behaved badly, they'd get punched, like happens to men. Women would face consequences for their actions. Men would not get into fights or in competition with each other for women.

Rape has also been weaponized against men. A rape accusation is an insta-kill button for men.
High IQ :feelsYall: You pretty much hit that nail on the head
High IQ. It's all about power dynamics.

False rape accusation is a pretty old trick, happens (to Joseph) in the first book of the Bible.
You know what I never made that connection for the Joseph story lol. Incredible
I think you make a good point with the taking away/present analogy.

Now I think if a women were stronger for whatever reason or had some sort of weapon but still let it happen it would not be as psychologically bad.
I think the severity of rape really depends on the type of victim too, most rape victims are already whores anyway which is why it happens to them in the first place so being forcefully penetrated is not so bad compared to a younger virgin foid who holds sex with more of an intimate value for example.
Yes. heterosexual rape mostly is about someone with bigger sexual value being robbed...even with a stronger woman or armed woman female on male rape still doesn't feel like a crime. So why would we care about male on female rape? Different intrinsic sexual value? Oh ok that means men and women are NOT the same so we should rewrite their rights and duties accordingly hehe
have never heard of this before and google showed that this is some type of cell, do you have any links I can read about this it interests me alot.
I remember Penrose and Hammerhoff were using this paramecium as a example of howyou can have some sort of consciousness (learning from mistakes etc) without having any neurons or intelligence (they theorized microtubules are receptors for consciousness while neurons are basically just calculators. Paramecium has microtubules but doesn't have any neurons or has very few). Maybe i can send you some video of Hammerhoff
I remember Penrose and Hammerhoff were using this paramecium as a example of howyou can have some sort of consciousness (learning from mistakes etc) without having any neurons or intelligence (they theorized microtubules are receptors for consciousness while neurons are basically just calculators. Paramecium has microtubules but doesn't have any neurons or has very few). Maybe i can send you some video of Hammerhoff
I would appreciate a video link yes
Good thread. Interesting read, lots of great points
Extremely good read along with the replies as well.

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