I pERsonally don’t give a fuck if a whore or slut is raped.
But if you believe the “it’s natural thERefore it should be OK to do” argument is a valid justification for rape, then the same argument can be a valid justification for murdER (because murdER is also natural) which means any random pERson can kill you even when it’s NOT for self-defence and you should be OK with that.
Rape and murdER being illegal is the reason society is much more civil nowadays than in the caveman ERa. Human nature is putrid, thERefore the only way to create a peaceful and ordERly society is by SUPPRESSING the harmful aspects of human nature.
The problem in modERn society, is that male nature (to commit rape and murdER) is being suppressed whereas female nature (to be hypERgamous and only select the genetically elite men for sex/reproduction) is being celebrated and supported
We r told by feminists that feminist societies are a place of “equality,” even though Women in feminist societies have a significant advantage ovER men.
whereas in patriarchal societies, the harmful nature of BOTH sexes was suppressed, so ironically patriarchy was actually the societal structure of TRUE EQUALITY (despite feminists arguing that patriarchy = “inequality”).
Nature by default exists at “equilibrium”. Equilibrium is achieved when eithER thERe are NO restrictions on BOTH male nature and female nature (caveman times) OR BOTH male nature and female nature are suppressed (patriarchy).
Feminist societies have ARTIFICIALLY disrupted the natural equilibrium, and although this “unbalanced system” can be maintained in the short tERm, in the long-tERm nature always returns to equilibrium because nature is more powERful than even humanity itself (we r a creation of nature, we will always be at its mERcy).
ThERe are 2 ways for the species to return to a state of natural equilibrium.
EithER men start freely following their own nature the same way women are doing in modERn feminist societies (which means the rates of rape and murdER increase). Or, men continue to have their nature suppressed but restrictions are ALSO placed on female nature (revERting society back to patriarchy).
I believe the FIRST scenario (“free for all” system whERe both sexes follow their nature without restriction) will take place FIRST (Society will become a place of chaos, widespread rape and murdER taking place).
Then aftER some time, the most powERful and influential men (the men in charge) will realise that such a society is only doomed for self-destruction, so in ordER to restore peace for the purpose of ensuring the continuation of the species (and preventing humanity’s extinction), the patriarchy will be re-instated.
No idea how long it will take for the first scenario to come to fruition, but if it takes place in my lifetime, I just hope I’m able to have as much fun as possible and if I get killed, I hope my death is fast