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RageFuel [Rant] My sister's boyfriend and society's degeneracy.

Suicide Sheep

Suicide Sheep

Proud NA KHHV Supremacist
May 30, 2021
I thought this wouldn't get worse. As some of you may know, it's been a couple of months since I've been forced to listen to my sister and her normie boyfriend have sex AT LEAST once a week in our house.
That's because his based mom wouldn't allow them to met at his house without pointing out how shameless it is for two man/womenchild to live with their parents house while also having sex under the same roof. So after that, my sister claimed that she got offended :foidSoy: and would never be there again.

So naturally, they started dating where we live, in my parents house. The main problem in this is, aside from the obvious, that my parents are cucked boomers, like, REALLY fucking cucked boomers.
At first, my sister and her boyfriend had at least a few manners and common sense, but as my parents started comforting him, giving him more space, giving him presents (I kid you not) and letting weird things slide, like him being in his underwear around the house, he started spending more and more time here and nowadays he only goes out to work his job.... this fucking shit is just getting out of control.

I swear to fucking god, that has absolutely nothing to do with envy, incel rage or anything alike, it's just about how fucking degenerate the world has become. Like, can you even imagine how someone who lived in the past century would react if they found out that, in the future, the newer generations would use their parents home as their freebie motel and the parents themselves as their servants as they fuck and chill all day? That's right, these degenerates don't even wash their clothes, pay for their food, house bills, do their dishes or cook their food, that is all provided by my cucked parents, FOR ABSOLUTELY FUCKING FREE.
I'm going insane, I can't be the only one who thinks the idea of using the elders like that is just straight up dishonorable, shameful and sickening. Even even if someone offered me to be in that position with a girlfriend I would disgustedly refuse it. I may be an incel, but I have principles, I'm not just a horny animal who wants to fuck. :feelswhat::feelspuke:

I'm so desperate, because no one gives a fuck about what I'm saying anymore. The idea of being someone worthy, independent and capable of solving your own problems without pointing fingers or asking for help has become "cringe", "toxic" and "archaic" in our culture, and what took place was the enormous amounts of spoiled brainwashing trash that only a few billionaires control and push into the brains of society and their single digit aged kids. No wonder multiple studies are pointing out that newer generations are getting dumber. People just don't think for themselves anymore. They just get bombarded by the same narratives repeatedly until they start believing in them without knowing exactly why, hence you often see how fucking awful they are at defending these ideas that are not even theirs. Can you imagine how this will play out with today's kids who are using their phones from day 0? God, I feel so fucking sorry for them and their pathetic parents. I'm so glad I'm not an idiot, even if it that means being an incel.

Are you guys really sure you want to have children in this world (assuming you will find a foid that wasn't corrupted by this mess)? Risking losing your child to drugs, social media, cultural brainwash, natural disasters? Do you genuinely think this world deserve people like you to correct its trajectory?
Well, I don't. I don't think this world deserves my genes, nor do I think it would be appropriate to spawn my hypothetical kids in it. I will let this world proudly destroy itself as my spirit laughs at them cluelessly wondering what went wrong.
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Just wait for ww3 to happen
Thankfully I am a home owner. At least I get to rot in peace.
Not having a sister is one of the few things I’m thankful for
"my sister's boyfriend"

Just wait for ww3 to happen
Or Idiocracy, or 1984, or something in between. Whatever happens, happens. :feelscomfy:

Are you in a financial position to get your own apartment?
No, but I'm working on it.

Thankfully I am a home owner. At least I get to rot in peace.

Not having a sister is one of the few things I’m thankful for
I stand my ground when it comes to dealing with me, but I have no authority (nor do I want to) on things related to others. The more you give to most people, the more they are going to want to take away from you.
If you had a sister, I think you would at least be able to defend yourself too, but I see what you mean.
She has your same genetics, but She has a bf and you don't have a gf, that's Say everything
I can see why some snap and kill their family i uses to despise such people but after being in the gutter so long I couldn't care less
Thankfully I am a home owner. At least I get to rot in peace.
One of the best copes is having your own house. Even if it don't ascend you it gives you so much peace.
One of the best copes is having your own house. Even if it don't ascend you it gives you so much peace.
Honestly if rent prices where not so extreme I'd not be so opposed to that as just auto pay everything monthly as it was two places ago for me and that apartment was pretty peaceful too.
Holy fuck thats brutal, when i read things like this i appreciate being a muslim. Both me and my mom would kill my sister if she was caught even kissing a boy in our house. Western culture is beyond cucked. Your dad is pathetic letting his own daughter serve as someone's toilet in his own house. I cannot comprehend such cucked mindset. Make sure that guy doesn't get closer to ur mom.
I'm still waiting for china to attack Taiwan. If that doesn't trigger ww3, it will never happen in out lifetime
(((Wars))) are not what you think.
Not going to (((happen))).
War apocalypse is cope. It wouldn't be profitable for most billionaires, who have a significant portion of control over the world.

One of the best copes is having your own house. Even if it don't ascend you it gives you so much peace.
I want one so bad. The feelings of independence and privacy must be the best ever. :feelsLightsaber:

Holy fuck thats brutal, when i read things like this i appreciate being a muslim. Both me and my mom would kill my sister if she was caught even kissing a boy in our house. Western culture is beyond cucked. Your dad is pathetic letting his own daughter serve as someone's toilet in his own house. I cannot comprehend such cucked mindset. Make sure that guy doesn't get closer to ur mom.
I too can't understand that mindset. I wonder if this is more common among boomers, given that they were the ones who started the sexual revolution. Sex is so trivialized around here that, as I write this, my mom, him and her are casually talking about my sister's pregnancy exams while making jokes as if this is just another day :shock: . She is doing these exams so she can start using an IUD, all of which (exams and IUD surgery) are being funded by my cucked dad as well.
War apocalypse is cope. It wouldn't be profitable for most billionaires, who have a significant portion of control over the world.

I want one so bad. The feelings of independence and privacy must be the best ever. :feelsLightsaber:

I too can't understand that mindset. I wonder if this is more common among boomers, given that they were the ones who started the sexual revolution. Sex is so trivialized around here that, as I write this, my mom, him and her are casually talking about my sister's pregnancy exams while making jokes as if this is just another day :shock: . She is doing these exams so she can start using an IUD, all of which (exams and IUD surgery) are being funded by my cucked dad as well.
i'd poison ur sisters bf if i was in ur place. Poison the whole family tbh

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