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[rant] Dear females, stop trying to "help" and "understand" incels



Living girl repellent
Nov 8, 2017
It is an insult, like a Nazi claiming to empathize with a bunch of minorities.
What is even the goal of these females? Are they so desperate to come across as decent people that they'll advocate for the very people who loathe them? Or is it a matter of wanting attention no matter who it comes from?

We are not fucking zoo animals for you to study and observe, nor can you ever understand us or be "blackpilled" as such a thing requires first-hand experience which females are incapable of having. You are not our "allies" you are our enemies, so go away and neck yourselves already.

Do you really think you make a difference in our lives? That saying "hur dur im a female and i dont hate u gais inceltears shud stop bulling u" is going to cure years of depression and emotional abuse? You are all the worst sort of female, the kind that tries to act "empathetic" and "different" while still contributing to our suffering. You are scum, every last attention-whoring, virtue-signalling whore.

Put out, or get out.
It is an insult, like a Nazi claiming to empathize with a bunch of minorities.
What is even the goal of these females? Are they so desperate to come across as decent people that they'll advocate for the very people who loathe them? Or is it a matter of wanting attention no matter who it comes from?

We are not fucking zoo animals for you to study and observe, nor can you ever understand us or be "blackpilled" as such a thing requires first-hand experience which females are incapable of having. You are not our "allies" you are our enemies, so go away and neck yourselves already.

Do you really think you make a difference in our lives? That saying "hur dur im a female and i dont hate u gais inceltears shud stop bulling u" is going to cure years of depression and emotional abuse? You are all the worst sort of female, the kind that tries to act "empathetic" and "different" while still contributing to our suffering. You are scum, every last attention-whoring, virtue-signalling whore.

Like I told one of them on inceltears I argued with, its the logical equivalent of walking up to a starving homeless man, patting him on the head and saying "everything will be alright" and walking off lol, the only person that benefited from that interaction was them, they got to give themselves an ego boost for being a "good person", the man is still homeless and starving. If they were really feeling sorry they'd give him some food, just like if one of these women were really sorry they'd offer a date, if things really aren't so hopeless, then show me, prove it to me, they won't ever do that, talk is cheap
Yeah I'm just ugly I don't have to explain myself. Females avoid me in the streets when I don't even look at them. That's how repulsive I am.
Eh, I would rather have them attempt to sympathize with our plight than have them mock us, laugh at us, and tell us that we have only ourselves to blame for our problems -- which is all I've ever seen them do.
Like I told one of them on inceltears I argued with, its the logical equivalent of walking up to a starving homeless man, patting him on the head and saying "everything will be alright" and walking off lol, the only person that benefited from that interaction was them, they got to give themselves an ego boost for being a "good person", the man is still homeless and starving. If they were really feeling sorry they'd give him some food, just like if one of these women were really sorry they'd offer a date, if things really aren't so hopeless, then show me, prove it to me, they won't ever do that, talk is cheap
You've hit the nail right on the head.

They NEED to act like they have the moral high ground and like they’re such good people who just want to help while they stick knives in our backs and laugh at our expense.
Eh, I would rather have them attempt to sympathize with our plight than have them mock us, laugh at us, and tell us that we have only ourselves to blame for our problems -- which is all I've ever seen them do.
I actually find the latter less offensive, since it's at least honest.
At least admit that you're a fucking POS instead of trying to justify your actions and come across as "good"
They NEED to act like they have the moral high ground and like they’re such good people who just want to help while they stick knives in our backs and laugh at our expense.
Yep they try to care like they’re better than us but in the end they want us all dead
females aren't trying to help anybody they're just virtue signaling
It is an insult, like a Nazi claiming to empathize with a bunch of minorities.
What is even the goal of these females? Are they so desperate to come across as decent people that they'll advocate for the very people who loathe them? Or is it a matter of wanting attention no matter who it comes from?

We are not fucking zoo animals for you to study and observe, nor can you ever understand us or be "blackpilled" as such a thing requires first-hand experience which females are incapable of having. You are not our "allies" you are our enemies, so go away and neck yourselves already.

Do you really think you make a difference in our lives? That saying "hur dur im a female and i dont hate u gais inceltears shud stop bulling u" is going to cure years of depression and emotional abuse? You are all the worst sort of female, the kind that tries to act "empathetic" and "different" while still contributing to our suffering. You are scum, every last attention-whoring, virtue-signalling whore.
Sticky this for the white knight faggots on here.
Eh, I would rather have them attempt to sympathize with our plight than have them mock us, laugh at us, and tell us that we have only ourselves to blame for our problems -- which is all I've ever seen them do.

I'd rather the opposite, because the end result is the same, we still don't get laid and on top of that they get to stroke their egos about "being a good person", don't you see that its the same shit.

Scenario 1: mock us, laugh at us, and tell us that we have only ourselves to blame for our problems
Result For Us - Still Incel
Result For Them - Derive sadistic pleasure from our misfortune

Scenario 2: attempt to sympathize with our plight
Result For Us - Still Incel
Result For Them - Derive narcissistic pleasure while stroking their egos for being "good" and "understanding"


In actuality Scenario 1 is slightly better, because at least they don't get to think of themselves as a "good person" while still contributing to the system that leaves us incel. At least they have to be honest with their thoughts and values.

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