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Theory Ranking of race by incel population

El Enemigo

El Enemigo

Dec 20, 2021
From most to least
1. Rice
2. Curry
3. Bbc
4. Cumskin
5. Spic

What do you think?
1 Asian
2 South Asian
3 Mestizo
4 Jewish
5 Arab
6 White
7 Black
1 Asian
2 South Asian
3 Mestizo
4 Jewish
5 Arab
6 White
7 Black
Why would you place mestizo in 3rd and black at the bottom? Cumskins are always crying about how fast spics are taking over the us and blacks are the most rejected race by foids
Since when are the jews incels? They gave women rights, jfl at them missing out on pussy lmao
Why would you place mestizo in 3rd and black at the bottom? Cumskins are always crying about how fast spics are taking over the us and blacks are the most rejected race by foids
I put Mestizos at 3 because of height. Mestizo men are quite short on average. There's only really a big Mestizo population in Texas and California. Blacks have the highest SMV next to Whites. White Mestizo and Asian foids all love Tyrone's. Also Black male and White female couples are the most common next to White male Asian female couples. Asian and Indian men are the most rejected race by foids.
I put Mestizos at 3 because of height. Mestizo men are quite short on average. There's only really a big Mestizo population in Texas and California. Blacks have the highest SMV next to Whites. White Mestizo and Asian foids all love Tyrone's. Also Black male and White female couples are the most common next to White male Asian female couples. Asian and Indian men are the most rejected race by foids.
My bad, I should have specified that this list is not only focused on the US
Horner Africans (tend to have massive foreheads, scrawny, and bad hairline. Genuinely thr most subhuman if they don't have arab blood)

South Asian (Brown, short, chink, low IQ)

South Indian (solely due to being more caucasion than S. Asian)

East Asian (At least they are whiter and smarter Than S. Asian)

North Indian (solely due to existence of Aryans)

Hapas (can vary depending on combination though)

Arabs (they sometimes look like Indians)

Mulattos (depending on how much white genes they have)

Egyptians (too dark skinned But egyptians who are caramel colored are moggers)

Turk Asians (they're basically hapas but still have pink skin and colored eyes sometimes)

Slavs (Slavs are uglier than alot of MENA due to their weird as fuck phenotype. They have round faces and weird eyes)









Too lazy to write descriptions for the last few.
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I put Mestizos at 3 because of height. Mestizo men are quite short on average. There's only really a big Mestizo population in Texas and California. Blacks have the highest SMV next to Whites. White Mestizo and Asian foids all love Tyrone's. Also Black male and White female couples are the most common next to White male Asian female couples. Asian and Indian men are the most rejected race by foids.
Don't confuse black with mulatto, pure blacks are subhuman, mulattoes have Caucasian genes that's why they look relatively good. Tyrone is mulatto and not black, mulattoes have dark skin but that doesn't make them black.
Going from most incel to least, top to bottom:

Southeast asian (filipino, thai, indonesian, etc)

Northeast asian (korean, jap, northern han)

Full blooded central and south american indigenous guys

Aboriginal australians & new guineans


Horner africans (somalis)




Indigenous north americans



West africans and their descendants in the new world

Nordic types
Asian American men by a mile.
Horner Africans (tend to have massive foreheads, scrawny, and bad hairline. Genuinely thr most subhuman if they don't have arab blood)

South Asian (Brown, short, chink, low IQ)

South Indian (solely due to being more caucasion than S. Asian)

East Asian (At least they are whiter and smarter Than S. Asian)

North Indian (solely due to existence of Aryans)

Hapas (can vary depending on combination though)

Arabs (they sometimes look like Indians)

Mulattos (depending on how much white genes they have)

Egyptians (too dark skinned But egyptians who are caramel colored are moggers)

Turk Asians (they're basically hapas but still have pink skin and colored eyes sometimes)

Slavs (Slavs are uglier than alot of MENA due to their weird as fuck phenotype. They have round faces and weird eyes)









Too lazy to write descriptions for the last few.
Why are Egyptians so high?
Retarded kike why cant you get banned 110 times again
I’m fucking tired of people being anti semetic to me :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:
((((Inflation)))) will continue until Goyim surrender!
Nordic nigga here

Cope n seeth ethnic you will never be able 2 take up as much d vitamin from the sun like me :feelsLSD:
Keep barking at us superior olive skinned gods you pigskin nerdic
According to ethnics all of your guy's women already are:feelsPop:
Im on the side of ethnics, foids should only be allowed to fuck with their own race. Jewish foids should only fuck kike cels. Asian foids with ricecels
foids should only be allowed to fuck with their own race. Jewish foids should only fuck kike cels. Asian foids with ricecels
Surprising based answer from (((you)))
@faded Jews aren’t white idiot you’re a race within all races
1. Hispanic Black :lasereyes:
2. Non-Hispanic Black :lasereyes:
3. Non-Hispanic Asian :cryfeels:
4. Non-Hispanic Indian :cryfeels:
5. Non-Hispanic Arab :feelswhat:
6. Non-Hispanic Jew :feelswhat:
7. Hispanic of any race, except for White :feelswhat:
8. Hispanic White :feelsokman:
9. Non-Hispanic White :chad:

There is still a hierarchy within these races, Slavs get mogged hard by every non-Black race above despite being Non-Hispanic Whites. :blackpill:
Why are Egyptians so high?
Because all those other races are uglier than them. Why do you think they shouldn't be there?

From most to least
1. Rice
2. Curry
3. Bbc
4. Cumskin
5. Spic

What do you think?
I think people are doing these rankings in the hypothetical scenario all these races would be in the West what is wrong. Sure whites have the highest SMV due to better stats(best facial harmony, tallest race, multicolor eyes or hair) but the incel question is matter of location. Therefore abundance.

My rank regardless the location from the most to least incel race is:

Whites=they have it hard because their women have no fear to god and slutmaxxing started to be well received there. Women dont need to commit with ugly fucks or at least the first ones they encounter because they can abort their children. Even if foids get pregnant they just need to open an OnlyFans, cashapp or wishlist; work at pink collar useless jobs with fancy names like "sale consultant", "sale specialists", "recruiters " or shits like that so whites can´t run the betabuxxer game. Although, in some parts of the West men are more likely to reproduce than foids. That means that whites are on average more prone to reproduce with foids whose children are from different father.

East Asians: They have the same issues of the West plus an inflation of pussy geomaxxers do. Also there´s too much supply of men due to the policies China did some years ago.

Eastern Europeans: They are white, but the social and economical context of these countries delied all the components that increase hypergamy and inceldom. These countries are less lib than Western countries such as U.S or U.K so pussy is more abundant there.

Mestizos: All mestizos live in countries that are a combination of the worst of the worlds like Hanna Montana says. Enough "Westernized" culture to follow the trends of U.S and Europe so foids can do the same white foids do. Although, things like dating apps, OF or so is less common. And both Baby Boomers and Gen X still more religious in comparison of the open liberal society of many Western countries. This inhibs the inner sluts foids have because past gens despises such thing in some degree. Also, abortion is ilegal in most of those countries so many men can run JBF game and stepdaddymaxxing game. Although OF hits harder because foids earn in dollars what is absolutely better than what earn most population making OFmaxxing more reliable.

Southeast Asians: I guess they follow some sorta of Western trends?

Indians/Arabs= They just need to moneymax and run arranged marriage game.

BBC=they just need to rape or rely from arranged marriage.

If is the range based in dating apps nothing new under the sun. From most to least incel race
Southest Asians
Indians/East Asians
I think people are doing these rankings in the hypothetical scenario all these races would be in the West what is wrong. Sure whites have the highest SMV due to better stats(best facial harmony, tallest race, multicolor eyes or hair) but the incel question is matter of location. Therefore abundance.

My rank regardless the location from the most to least incel race is:

Whites=they have it hard because their women have no fear to god and slutmaxxing started to be well received there. Women dont need to commit with ugly fucks or at least the first ones they encounter because they can abort their children. Even if foids get pregnant they just need to open an OnlyFans, cashapp or wishlist; work at pink collar useless jobs with fancy names like "sale consultant", "sale specialists", "recruiters " or shits like that so whites can´t run the betabuxxer game. Although, in some parts of the West men are more likely to reproduce than foids. That means that whites are on average more prone to reproduce with foids whose children are from different father.

East Asians: They have the same issues of the West plus an inflation of pussy geomaxxers do. Also there´s too much supply of men due to the policies China did some years ago.

Eastern Europeans: They are white, but the social and economical context of these countries delied all the components that increase hypergamy and inceldom. These countries are less lib than Western countries such as U.S or U.K so pussy is more abundant there.

Mestizos: All mestizos live in countries that are a combination of the worst of the worlds like Hanna Montana says. Enough "Westernized" culture to follow the trends of U.S and Europe so foids can do the same white foids do. Although, things like dating apps, OF or so is less common. And both Baby Boomers and Gen X still more religious in comparison of the open liberal society of many Western countries. This inhibs the inner sluts foids have because past gens despises such thing in some degree. Also, abortion is ilegal in most of those countries so many men can run JBF game and stepdaddymaxxing game. Although OF hits harder because foids earn in dollars what is absolutely better than what earn most population making OFmaxxing more reliable.

Southeast Asians: I guess they follow some sorta of Western trends?

Indians/Arabs= They just need to moneymax and run arranged marriage game.

BBC=they just need to rape or rely from arranged marriage.

If is the range based in dating apps nothing new under the sun. From most to least incel race
Southest Asians
Indians/East Asians
I still wouldn't put white at the bottom, majority of incel forums are taken over by whites and curries, there must be a reason for that :feelshmm:
Stop coping and just watch as you become a minority :feelzez:
Just relax hermano, we’re already a minority in your spic countries but you still worship us and let us have control of them :feelskek:

Anyways, the roof of my McMansion could use some new shingles. I’m sure you and la raza can help me out with that. You each will receive a very fair $20 USD compensation for your day of work :feelsclown:
I still wouldn't put white at the bottom, majority of incel forums are taken over by whites and curries, there must be a reason for that :feelshmm:
For the reasons I listed above. Slut shaming has died in white countries while their countries are pretty atheist. And incel forums are taken by curries living in the West. Look at TheTrueHonkler or Zero.
Just relax hermano, we’re already a minority in your spic countries but you still worship us and let us have control of them :feelskek:

Anyways, the roof of my McMansion could use some new shingles. I’m sure you and la raza can help me out with that. You each will receive a very fair $20 USD compensation for your day of work :feelsclown:
As always you turn political because you know whites get masculine mogged by ethnics to self harm :lul:

Poor coping gringito :smonk:, his white incel brothers have to shoot schools to look as dominant as an average ethnic
For the reasons I listed above. Slut shaming has died in white countries while their countries are pretty atheist. And incel forums are taken by curries living in the West. Look at TheTrueHonkler or Zero.
Why are Asians always at the top but most don't join incel forums?
Why are Asians always at the top but most don't join incel forums?
They must either have their own forums or majority of them don´t know English. I think things are fucked in East Asia since it follows certain trends of the West.
Nitpick. They aren't any more special than the average arab. Less special some would say.
Average arab VS Average Egyptian. Very big difference.


Also REMEMBER that egyptians have plenty of genetic mixture from Greeks, Turks, Levantines, Albanians, something Arabs dont. So you can find plenty of whiter Egyptians compared to Arabs

They must either have their own forums or majority of them don´t know English. I think things are fucked in East Asia since it follows certain trends of the West.
I meant Asians living in the west as you said incel forums are overtaken by curries living in the west yet asians always hild 1st no matter where
I meant Asians living in the west as you said incel forums are overtaken by curries living in the west yet asians always hild 1st no matter where
You should also keep in mind noodlewhores are more viable option for low value white men than Indian women. And as you can see they are a lot of East Asians in incel community. I wouldn´t say they are in first place. Maybe in pair of curries.

Only pretty rice gets women.

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