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Experiment rank your obesity from 1 to 9 and then tell me at what numerical point you would begin to get disgusted with a foid



May 20, 2018

I'm probably closest to 5, I would begin to get disgusted by girls at 5+. I am not a hypocrite since I am also disgusted with myself and want to improve.

I think I could fuck a 9 but it would be a hatefuck, I can't respect someone who lets
themselves go that far.

I could partially love them though but I would show my love with a violent hatefuck because it would help them burn calories.

With consent of course. Only chad can get away with rape, and only rape-by-chad can benefit a foid. Rape by sub-chad just depresses foids and makes them eat more, so they won't benefit.
6 if i close my eyes.
im in between 2 and 3 and id begin to get disgusted with a foid at 5
5-6 I am weight wise

I would get disgusted after the 3, because girls are meant to be light.
4-6 idk my bmi is like 23
I'm probably a 2 and would probably be able to fuck a 6 foid maybe a 7 but that would already be quit hard.
3-5 and I’d not tolerate one after 6-7
Im underweight, 1.
I'm between 1 and 2. I would fuck a 6
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I'm probably closest to 5, I would begin to get disgusted by girls at 5+. I am not a hypocrite since I am also disgusted with myself and want to improve.

I think I could fuck a 9 but it would be a hatefuck, I can't respect someone who lets
themselves go that far.

I could partially love them though but I would show my love with a violent hatefuck because it would help them burn calories.

With consent of course. Only chad can get away with rape, and only rape-by-chad can benefit a foid. Rape by sub-chad just depresses foids and makes them eat more, so they won't benefit.
I'm a 2 would be disgust3d by 7+
im closest to 1 and I wouldnt go near anything above a 7

now tell me if you practise some yoga stuff guys
4, i’d do 6 or maybe 7 at most.
-1 for myself, never began tbhngl.

For the foid, 4 seems a no for me.
I'm 2, the highest number I'd fuck is 5. But maybe up to 7 if she has a nice butt.
I'm between 1 and 2. Disgusted, I'd say 5
I'm around 7, and I would be disgusted around 8.
3 right now.

I'd go up to a 5.
2-3 looks about right, it's sorta hard to tell with these drawings. I am a lanky fuck with a BMI of 21 but I'm not anorexic. anyways 5 and above is unattractive to me
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I’m around 3

Im out off by anything past 5 tbh
im at 5, most i would do is 6 or 7 tbh
this thread is a big yikes from me! i wouldnt take a 5+ as a gf
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I'm probably closest to 5, I would begin to get disgusted by girls at 5+. I am not a hypocrite since I am also disgusted with myself and want to improve.

I think I could fuck a 9 but it would be a hatefuck, I can't respect someone who lets
themselves go that far.

I could partially love them though but I would show my love with a violent hatefuck because it would help them burn calories.

With consent of course. Only chad can get away with rape, and only rape-by-chad can benefit a foid. Rape by sub-chad just depresses foids and makes them eat more, so they won't benefit.
i would be with a 9 no problem.I am somewhat scared of the smell though.a 9 is easymode though,and this thread just goes on to show how this forum is filled with fakecels.There are so many fakecels here,it's fucking disgusting.I sometimes wonder if i am really talking to a brother or if i am just talking to another fakecel/normie who shouldn't be here to begin with.
I'm 2 or 3 (so very similar to my facial PSL score) and would even fuck a trollmaxed 8. But with every foid above 5 it would be hard to stay hard.
this thread just goes on to show how this forum is filled with fakecels.
There are so many fakecels here,it's fucking disgusting.
There's a reason I worded it "be disgusted with" rather than "not fuck" since you can fuck people while being disgusting.

This gives room for people not to volunteer "I wouldn't fuck" cutoffs.

I don't consider it any more fakecel to refuse to fuck a rank-9 landwhale than to refuse to fuck a trap though. There's no ubercel here willing to fuck anything that moves. It's purity spiral to forbid basic standards, long as you accept your approximate looksmatch facewise.
I'm ok with 5, but I'd fuck 6 and maybe 7 too.
7-9 aren't human.
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Hating yourself doesn't absolve you from being a hypocrite, expecting more than you're worth but not affording others the same luxury would make you a hypocrite.

Also, this chart isn't very good. It only includes the skinny and the fat. What if I've built muscle?
I'm about 4 or 5 but I wouldn't want 1,2 or 9 really.
i'm a 2. 5 is where they usually stop being attractive, 6 and above is disgusting.
I would fuck all of them
I'm 5 on the scale, 6 is fine but 7 is unacceptable.
pentuple :chad:s
I watch what I eat and workout regularly. When I start letting myself go I starve myself to get back on track and workout twice as hard after. a 5 on that scale in return is generous. It's completely cuck tier to think otherwise.

Imagine being a 5'4 female who doesn't exercise and being unable to not be a landwhale.
I'm a 2, getting disgusted at foid 6.
I gymmaxxed so i can't find myself in the chart :feelsYall: but i could be between 2 and 3. I don't like people over 4 and i would not fuck people over 6. The problem with fat people is that they have a horrible smell when they sweat because they are letting out all the trash inside them :feelshaha: aka fat.
I am a 3.5

5+ is gross, ideal is 3.
I'm about a 7 but I don't have nearly as good a frame as that guy in the drawing so I might looks a little smaller.

As for a foid you'd have to define disgust but assuming you mean if could I get aroused by whichever what which one well it'd have to be 9+

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