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- Nov 25, 2017
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Just had my fucking mum suggest that I should take the 'anti-depressants' fucking bitch. Dumb fucking bitch. I fucking hate the cunt so fucking much, dumb fucking bitch, literally what hte fuck, she doesn't understand my pain. She's a fucking cunt.
I cannot fucking believe it sometimes. I really can't. Why would I fucking take pills for my fucking mood when it's caused by something that is unfixable? It is pointless I will still be fucking depressed the fucking cunt bitch. Honestly, fuck everyone holy shit. I am so fucking done. I just had to vent about this because it came into my mind and it really made me pissed off, these fucking bitches do not understand the pain we fucking face (by we I'm referring to actual fucking incels, not larping fucking retards or cunts who say they are mentalcels), honestly. She also advises against me having a fucking lefort 1 despite my fucking maxilla being more recessed than the fucking cunt who had the fucking lefort 3 (the obweseger one). I have no fucking sympathy for anyone at this point. Fuck everything.
I really don't know what the fuck to do at this point. Anti-depressants should be banned, they're complete fucking shit. How would taking a pill help your fucking depression if it is caused by something environmental, fucking cunts.
She refuses to acknowledge that my depression/anxiety comes from something related to looks, which are uncontrollable. She believes in every fucking just-world fallacy there is, she is a stupid obnoxious bitch. Honestly, she makes fun of other peoples appearances, but refuses to believe that every mental fault of my own comes from my inferior looks. Fucking absurd. Fuck her, she is a fucking cunt.
Very high IQ thread, tbh, but I didn't want to necro the original post. tbh.