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Venting Racial nationalists are low IQ retards



Sep 18, 2018
Your upper classes don't give a shit about you and make no distinction between you and other underclass people. Yes I know that because of IQ and cultural differences the races aren't the same but imo there doesn't exist such a thing as racial brotherhood. Look at what the white upper classes in the west are doing to their own white underclasses: They are replacing them with brownies because they would rather rule over dumb low IQ idiots that are easier to control than their own native white populations. The reason they do this is that from the point of view of the upper class they are basically their own separate entity that has nothing in common with the lower classes of their own race. White rich guys view white poor guys as nothing more than white niggers. They don't care about them.

And this is also true for you coping ethnics as well. Do you think your own upper classes care about you because you are not white? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!

And blaming jews for all of this is also a massive cope, since this is true even in societies where jews hold no real power. The elites of any society will ALWAYS view their lower classes with revulsion, jews or no jews.

Racism always has been, and always will be, a form of cope for the lesser elements of society that can't compete because of inferior genetics. The upper classes have mostly high IQ and thus don't have to worry about being outcompeted by third worlders with an IQ of 70, where as the working classes do because of lower intelligence and inferior genetics.

Racism=cope because of inferior genetics.
I guess its better than being a faggot or jew I guess. you should get anally raped by niggers. there's nothing wrong with being retarded, Pol Pot proved that. r selection breeds more, and when the K select group disappears, we take over. your turn, cuck


also lol @ "upper classes" they only care about money, not their own livelihood. worshipping money is something broads do


You're right when you say there's no real racial brotherhood. In this world it's pretty much everyone versus everyone. Most alliances are shaky and can be undone depending on the circumstances.

But living in a monocultural, mono-racial country is still better. You just have to take a look at the best and worst countries to see that.
Very high IQ post, i'm impressed. But one thing i couldn't agree that racism is a cope.
Being racist is essential for human beings. Only mentally ill retards don't have judge others by ethnicity at first sight.

Edit: as Mainlander mentioned, it's better to live in monolithic cultural enviroment. You can see right now how France descends into african-level shithole just because of forced diversity.
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Very high IQ post, i'm impressed. But one thing i couldn't agree that racism is a cope.
Being racist is essential for human beings. Only mentally ill retards don't have judge others by race at first sight.

eh, lukewarm IQ at best. and making fun of retarded people is what caused urbanite soys to end up in S-21 in Kampuchea.
be upper class = work in the grass.
I am a proud goyim too. Embrace it. Find yourself.
if every country unleashed their nukes on Israel all at once, jews would be done for. this needs to happen ten years ago.
It's easier to control people with an average IQ, low aggression and high inhibition, rather than low IQ, high aggression and low inhibition.
There is no racial brotherhood, but there also isn't a class brotherhood or anything else that isn't just personal self interest.
In this case racial collectivism is just more convenient, if you wish to live in a highly productive society with low crime rates.
Cultures, countries and nationalists are limiting humans. They need to be cured.
scientism is at best occasional nuggets of knowledge, at worst a heresy.

besides even though he was technically a Nationalist (more of just a Patriot), he just wanted to get rid of chads and stacies that live in high rise, high rent apartments that contribute nothing to society but manipulate money (jews do that too) and do coke rails on the weekend. he did away with landlords, and forced those same NPCs to work on farms without decent food or water. slow torture is best torture.
Cultures, countries and nationalists are limiting humans. They need to be cured.

Oh yeah they are complete retards. Especially white supremacists in America. They think the niggers are fucking them over :feelshaha::feelshaha: nah homie its the rich people of all races that are fucking you over.
the problem with ethnonationalism (the only problem) is dealing with class conflict later, what better way than having an overlord who physically removes them from the population by slowly starving them. its like Pinochet but in reverse.
Oh yeah they are complete retards. Especially white supremacists in America. They think the niggers are fucking them over :feelshaha::feelshaha: nah homie its the rich people of all races that are fucking you over.

what if its both? ever think of that? or do you just have an internal dialogue that repeats "MUH DIK" over and over again?
The jews are the cause of all problems.
this is why nazbol is the future
The West and its strategy to deal with the aging of boomers is bizarre.

Western boomers bought real estate on the cheap and many of them are close to being millionaires due to sky-high real estate values. In their youth, these boomers refused to do dirty jobs so they imported Hispanics in the states and MENAs in Europe (later on also Slavs).

Then these Western boomers taught their Gen X and Millennial kids (especially their daughters) to be careerists and all get university degrees causing oversaturation of degree holders and the meme of college grads working at Starbucks with huge debts. Subsequently, their indebted gender studies degree holding daughters infused with 4th wave feminism refuse to have children causing the need for refugee importation to keep population levels at a reasonable level.

Lastly, these selfish rich boomers in their old age fuck up the economy through covid lock downs because they are unwilling to die from the virus.

White Boomers, a meme generation. :lul:

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