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Blackpill Rachael Ross: " a womans guide to dog sex" brutal and nasty dogpill guide



An alcoholic
Jun 25, 2022
Source: https://storiesonline.net/s/60362/a-brief-guide-to-dog-sex

Most male dogs are more than happy to mount you and fuck you silly. Some are less enthusiastic than others. There are dangers to being mounted by a male dog though.

First, one must understand the anatomy of the male canine reproductive system. A dog's penis is unlike that of a human. The appearance, texture and sensitivity are much different. Working from the tip back, the end of a dog's penis is somewhat blunt with a slight angle. It typically swells to its greatest shaft width along the first 2/5 then gradually tapers until you reach the bulb at the base of the exposed, unsheathed penis.

The bulb, (bulbous glandis) is a large swelling at the base of the penis which consummates the tie between a bitch and a male during sex. On a black lab, it's normally about 3 to 3.5 inches wide, or about 7 to 8 inches in circumference ... A pretty good handful for most of us. If you're going to have sex with a male dog, the bulb and the Os Penis are your main concerns. The Os Penis is a bone inside the shaft of a dog's penis.

If he gets overly excited and starts thrusting wildly, you could get jabbed in the wrong places with it. This is more likely to occur during anal intercourse than vaginal, but be aware that unprepared vaginal intercourse with an overeager dog can result in lesions, tears, and painful bruising to the vaginal wall. Same thing with anal sex, except the results can be even worse due to the increased likelihood of bacterial infection.

(B) Anal Sex

Both men and women can enjoy anal sex with their male dogs. Since there is little to physically differentiate boys from girls, other than superficially (and the male prostate of course) we'll regard them in similar fashion for the purposes of discussion. Tips on mounting are covered in section C below.

For those men and women who enjoy anal sex, you absolutely, positively must ensure you're well lubricated. You should be very clean as well and that includes an enema, although it isn't mandatory unless you have a fetish for it. But cleanliness is always good and lube is essential. Help your dog find his mark! Getting jabbed in the wrong place by an eager dog hurts, I'm telling you. If you do, trust me, you won't sit comfortably for days. You men, watch your balls!

If you allow a dog to mount you anally there is a possibility that the dog may tie with you. That is the bulb, or knot as it is more commonly known, will enter the rectum and in all likelihood remain there. That means you're stuck together. The bulb is composed of muscle tissue which inflates with blood during intercourse and swells to a diameter significantly greater than that of the penis itself. Until you're experienced and very comfortable with taking just the penis, most people should take precautions to avoid penetration of the bulb. This generally means taking control of the dog's motion by grasping the penis firmly near the bulb itself and preventing its entry. Another person works amazingly well for this.

Getting tied to a dog anally is a much different proposition than vaginally. Let's face it, the human butt wasn't made for that sort of thing and so it must be prepared in advance. If you do not prepare yourself, you could be in for fifteen to thirty minutes of agony. Start by loosening yourself up using whatever you can fit up your anus. Well, maybe not anything. Graduated dildos work very well and I highly recommend them. They're available at most decent porn shops. Butt plugs work well to stretch the rectum as well, obviously. Wait until you are comfortable with at least a five inch circumference before taking on a dog. That's a bit more than twice as big around as my thumb and I'm a smallish female, so ... Get a tape measure and you'll see what I mean.

Once the dog's bulb is planted inside the rectum, try to relax and enjoy the ride. The animal will be releasing his semen long before tying with you and will continue to do so until after he is able to pull out. It is imperative that he NOT pull out of you until he starts getting softer and the bulb shrinks. Otherwise, you may have one hell of a story to tell at the Emergency Room! Do not try and pull it out as the anus and rectum may be injured by any forced removal of the bulb. Assuming you've prepared yourself well in advance, there's no reason the sensation of being tied can't be a nice long pleasurable experience for both of you.

© Vaginal Sex

Vaginal sex with a dog is a beautiful thing and I highly recommend it. It's important to remember that you should be relaxed and very well lubricated before attempting intercourse. The best form of lubrication, in my opinion, is natural and that's why they have such awesome tongues. If natural lubrication isn't sufficient use an adequate amount of any water-based lubricant, like our old friend KY Jelly.

To get a dog to mount you, grasp his sheath gently and start rubbing the base of it, near his scrotum. He should, at that time, start thrusting. Some dogs will try and mount you right then and there. Remember, if it's his first time, he'll need some guidance. Even some experienced dogs need help from time to time, and some dogs need glasses. If he does not try to mount you, try pulling him up and jerking him off as he stands behind you. If he just doesn't want to mount you for some reason, try lying on your back with your legs hanging off a couch or bed. Have him lay on top of you, in the missionary position, and try it that way. That's actually my favorite and the position I most recommend for vaginal sex, but everyone always wants it doggy style for some reason ... Go figure. On the other hand, for anal sex, doggy is more effective and comfortable, I'll admit.
Once you've got him to mount you, attempt to guide his penis inside you. Remember, if he misses, that Os penis can hurt. It's a bone! Once firmly inside, you can leave most of the driving up to him. The bulb, as mentioned previously, will swell during intercourse and the vagina is a very accommodating orifice. The bulb may easily enter and exit the vagina until eventually it becomes too large to easily disengage by itself. For this reason it is possible to be tied to the dog without even realizing that it's happened until one of you pulls or pushes and then you feel that strangely pleasurable tugging sensation. Don't worry! Girl's stretch and even with the largest breeds the vagina will stretch lovingly around it with little pain and often with significant pleasure, believe me!

Women who do experience any pain or more than slight discomfort as the bulb enters the vagina should stop their intercourse and take measures to prevent penetration of the bulb. This can be accomplished most easily by grasping the dog's penis by the hand and controlling the animal's movements. Often a partner works best in this situation, but if an extra set of hands is unavailable I'd suggest the missionary position as the most effective way of controlling the dog. It's also a great way to kiss him and tell him what a great lover he is. The cuddling is awesome!

The idea that a dog's bulb will "lock" the animal's cock inside a human female is largely a myth. As I said, the vagina is flexible and it stretches wonderfully. If he ties with your vagina and you wish to disengage prematurely, this is usually not a problem. The vaginal mouth will stretch enough to allow the bulb egress, but this may be uncomfortable for some women and even unnecessary. Unless your parents are coming home unexpectedly, I wouldn't advise it and suggest you relax and enjoy yourself.

Taking the knot invariably leads to 15-30 minutes of raw, wonderful pleasure and a golden opportunity to bond closely with your dog. Even a petite woman with a larger breed of dog will accommodate the bulb with little or no discomfort assuming she is relaxed and well lubricated, either naturally or with KY Jelly, or other non-petroleum based lube as mentioned previously. If you have your husband or boyfriend handy, this is a good time to give him that slow, loving blowjob you promised him for his birthday last year.

To remove the knot, take control of the animal by grasping the base of his penis and pull GENTLY do not jerk or yank it. Don't grab him by the balls either! A steady, gentle pressure will generally allow you to pull the bulb free with a minimum of discomfort depending on the relative size of the animal. Don't worry; the dog won't feel any pain at all. If you feel any pain or more than small discomfort, stop pulling immediately and relax, enjoy the ride and wait for the bulb to shrink in its own good time.

Once "tied" the dog will probably try and turn around so that you're butt to butt with him. This is an instinctual behavior as he wants to fend off anyone who would take advantage of the situation. If he starts trying to pull out or panics, grab whichever legs you can and try and hold him against you so he doesn't pull out. It is a very good idea to have someone else present the first time you tie with a dog in case of an emergency. As mentioned previously, disengaging the knot from the vagina prematurely is usually not a problem, but you want to ensure as much control over the situation as possible to reduce the risk of injury. Sit back, enjoy fifteen to thirty minutes of elation and once he starts getting soft, let him pull out of you. The dog will test the bond you share and that's normal.

If your dog is not too enthusiastic about licking, try using gravy, peanut butter or any other treats you dog might enjoy. DO NOT use chocolate or cocoa based products as chocolate can be toxic for dogs.

Dogs are superlative and sublime at cunnilingus, in my experience. You do not have to worry about all those sharp teeth; dogs are amazingly adept at controlling themselves. Once you've found a canine partner who enjoys licking pussy, the difficulty often comes from controlling oneself as the pleasure mounts (for me anyway) Don't clamp your thighs to the dog's head, grab him by the ears, and grind your happy, humid cunt against his face. I haven't found a dog yet who enjoys that. It's important to relax, keep those legs open, and it's perfectly alright to stroke the animal lovingly, scratch him behind the ears, and whisper soft words of praise.

Analingus is very much like cunnilingus for a dog and most dogs will be interested in performing it for you. Again, it may be necessary to coax the dog with bribery by applying something tasty to area in question. Just remember all dogs will not be into oral so don't try and force the animal under any circumstances. No means no.

Dogs love cock, or so I've heard, and many men have reported hours of pleasure beneath the slavish tongues of canine friends. DO NOT try to insert the penis into a dog's mouth. The teeth are very sharp and designed for cutting meat, get it? Dogs also possess a strong gag reflex and you do not want to try and teach a dog to deep throat. Do I really have to say that? Let the dog lick you like an ice cream cone, lap at your scrotum, and clean up the precum and semen that you may spill. Male or female, most dogs will be more than happy to clean up any mess you might make.

Oral sex with dogs: Giving

To get a dog aroused, use the same process as described above. Grasp the shaft through the sheath near the base, close to the dog's scrotum, and start rubbing rapidly. You will be able to feel the bulb become more defined within the sheath and you must pull the sheath back before it gets too large to emerge. If the knot remains trapped inside the sheath, your dog will be uncomfortable until his erection subsides.

Remember that a dog's penis is normally very sensitive, so be careful when handling it. When exposed to air, the penis is prone to dry out if not constantly moistened. Spit works well for that as even flavorless lubricants (non-petroleum) are rather unsuitable for oral sex, but may certainly be used if desired. There is no problem with using flavored lubricants and for first timers who may be nervous about the taste of a dog's penis, it may provide a bit more comfort ... The only problem with flavored lubes, and I know this from experience, is that the dog might like it even more than you do.

Anyway, I recommend plain old saliva, and direct application is the best method. Try and avoid smearing it on with your hand as that often reduces the effectiveness significantly. Using your tongue is much more fun anyways :) You must be very careful if you choose to take the dog's penis into your mouth, remembering how sensitive it is and ensuring that your teeth do not scrape or bite him. Just use your tight round, O shaped lips and a lot of tongue. It's great and your dog will enjoy it every bit as much as your boyfriend ever did!

Once fully erect, experiment! Most dogs will just stand and pant away happily as you lick, suck, or rub their cocks. Expect him to stay hard for five to fifteen minutes on average. Dog cum is quite tasty and I highly recommend it! The flavor is usually bitter-sweet and less salty than a man's. It is normally rather thin and watery, although I have experienced dog sperm with a consistency much like human semen. There is no harm in swallowing dog sperm and it is very warm and even nutritious, although I've found that after ten to fifteen minutes of pooling on a blanket the flavor becomes somewhat gamy and not quite so enjoyable for me. Fresh and straight from the tap is best, in my opinion.

Oral sex with dogs: Making out like bandits

Kissing your dog is not only fun, but essential to any healthy, loving relationship. I think so anyway, but feel free to disagree if you must. Most dogs, being born to lick, will not mind kissing. It may confuse them at first, some of the games we enjoy as people, but in my experience most dogs are playful and eager for your happy pleasure.

Dog saliva is safe, assuming both you and your dog are healthy! It's always a good idea to have your dog regularly checked by a veterinarian and every six months is a good schedule. What concerns us here are any open wounds or sores inside and around your mouth and the dog's. Any cuts or injuries to either of you should be fully healed before giving him French lessons. Dog saliva in an open wound can (rarely) lead to a variety of bacterial infections, but basic precautions and proper hygiene will all but eliminate that risk.

Some dogs like kissing, some do not, but all dogs like treats. To train my dogs I use Bacon Bits seasoning, they love it. Once the dog realizes that you taste good, he'll want to kiss you a lot! Having your tonsils explored by a long, rapidly flicking tongue is just about enough to announce the Second Cumming. It really gets my motor running!

What does dog semen have in it?

Volume... 7-10 cc with a variation from 0.5 to 20cc
Water percentage... 97% (highest among mammals) vs. man at 90% (lowest)
Contents: Ash, protein, lipids, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, chlorides, sulphur, amino acids, albumins, proteose, nucleoproteins, mucin, albumose, fat globules, thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, niacin, ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), enzymes and fructose.
Prostate (seminal) fluid is highly alkaline, which neutralizes acids in the bitch's vagina. Naturally, larger dogs produce more semen than smaller breeds.

9 - How large is a dog's penis?

Breed Useable Length (inch) Diameter (inch) Cocker Spaniel 2-3 0.5-1 Greyhound 2.5-3 0.5-1 Bulldog 2.5-5 1 Dalmatian 3-4.5 1 Collie 4-5 1 Labrador 4-6 1 Irish Setter 4-6 1 G. Shepherd 5-7 1.5 Great Dane 5-7 1.5 Saint Bernard 7-9 1.5-1.75 Mastiff 7.5-9.25 1.5-1.75

How do I train my dog? Other Safety Precautions

Safety First! For you and your dog. In addition to all my previous notes and warnings, the biggest thing to remember is that a dog is always a dog. It doesn't matter how long you've had him, or how much like your Aunt Georgia he looks, a dog is not a person. In that way they are far more trustworthy than most people you are likely to meet. You must respect the animal and his/her instincts as well as desires. The first time you attempt any sort of sexual activity, proceed slowly and cautiously, allowing the dog to react in such a way that no one is hurt. They are very patient with people they know and trust and will usually give ample warning if they experience something they don't like or want.

The first time you attempt intercourse with a dog, that is receiving vaginal or anal intercourse, it is preferable to have a partner to help control the situation. An experienced partner is obviously best, but just having someone available with an extra set of hands and eyes is a good thing. I understand it isn't always practical, however, and that's unfortunate.

For most first timers I'd recommend missionary over the traditional doggy position. It will allow you the most control over the animal and it's very comfortable once you arrange yourself properly on a chair or bed. It works well for first time dogs as well, especially younger animals who may be prone to over-excitement. Holding the dog close to your body, speaking to him, and stroking him gently will often allow him to relax and calm down more than if he's behind you and on his own. It's also much easier to control the dog's knot that way if you do not want to be tied. Making out with him is pretty fun too, I might add, and generally heightens the experience for me.

Watch out for those nails! Dog toenails are often long, ragged, and sharp even if they're kept well groomed. Most dogs will want to hold onto you in any position they are in, but especially mounting from behind. He wants the leverage and although he doesn't mean to, those nails can scratch the heck out of a human's delicate skin. In the event of a scratch it's important to wash it with anti-bacterial soap and apply any of the commercially available antibiotic creams you find at a drug store. Dog feet tend to be dirty, even for one who stays in the house and you should take precautions against infection.

Even better than the cure is prevention. I'd suggest covering the dog's front paws with mittens or socks to reduce the possibility of being scratched. A child's mittens work very well, but as I say, a pair of decent wool socks (thick ones) will do in a pinch. If you have sewing skills you can certainly make your own out of whatever material suits your fancy. Those felt bags with drawstrings that some liquors come in work wonderfully! Whatever you use, fix the mittens around the front paws tight enough to remain in place, but don't overdo it. Most dogs won't like it at first. They'll want to get those mittens off and so you should train the dog to ignore them and that simply means get him used to wearing them. I've found that food is the best training tool available. Start your dog early by feeding him only after he has his mittens on. Once the dog associates mittens with food, he'll be eager to see you breaking them out, believe me. It takes time, but it works.

I'd suggest that you train your dog to expect sex in a certain place or under certain circumstances. I use an old comforter to have sex on, for example. When my dogs see the blanket, they know what we're going to do and they're usually pretty enthusiastic about it. Anything you can do to reduce stress and confusion on the part of your dog is good! This is more oriented to training a new dog, by the way, taking a puppy and teaching him how to be the consummate lover. It's a lot easier and more enjoyable to have a canine partner who understands basic commands, has experienced the things you enjoy, and associates your sexual activities with pleasure. I mean, it's pretty much common sense, right?

Lastly, if I had to recommend a single breed for a sexual partner, I'd have to go with black labs. I'm biased, true, but they are very even-tempered, intelligent, and fun loving dogs. They're easily trainable and their size is almost perfect for any environment short of a small apartment downtown, although they do need some room and plenty of exercise. A lab will want to be outside 25 hours of the day! But they're comfortable enough living in the suburbs with a decent backyard. If you have a swimming pool ... Oh my! I couldn't keep my dog out of it. Anyway, everyone has their favorites, of course, so I just wanted to plug mine. :) Labs are great for sex!!! Just don't ever teach one how to play Frisbee! It sucks getting bonked on the head every morning at sunrise with a Frisbee, believe me. And keep your love blanket behind a closed door or high on a shelf, it can be a little embarrassing when Grandpa asks you why your dog is dragging the blanket into the living room with his cock poking out of the sheath ... But that's why my boyfriend is a dog.

Best Always
Rachael Ross

If you have questions or comments, email me. This article should be used only as a guide and not taken as "The Final Word" on dog sex. Remember that everyone is different, dogs and people, and your experiences may differ from that of someone else. Seek professional assistance where required and love your dog. Merry Matings!
Girl's stretch and even with the largest breeds the vagina will stretch lovingly around it with little pain and often with significant pleasure, believe me!
Unless your parents are coming home unexpectedly, I wouldn't advise it and suggest you relax and enjoy yourself.
Dog cum is quite tasty and I highly recommend it!
In that way they are far more trustworthy than most people you are likely to meet.
:lul::lul::lul: (probably not wrong though)
Lastly, if I had to recommend a single breed for a sexual partner, I'd have to go with black labs.
brutal niggerpill
Disgusting, the only solution to finding a knotted bitch is flamethrower.

Imagine being the bf or husband of someone like this, ultimate cuck.
You jews should promote BDC porn big dog porn, females would love it
saw some videos posted recently for first time the foids had a dog dildo. no didnt watch it. just a matter of time before the real gets posted more in the mainstream?
saw some videos posted recently for first time the foids had a dog dildo. no didnt watch it. just a matter of time before the real gets posted more in the mainstream?
It's happening now, human men getting cucked by other species
@Shaktiman @Efiliste
:feelspuke::feelspuke::feelspuke::feelspuke::feelspuke: absolutely disgusting, this is animal cruelty
Yikes inkrel this never happens only men do this queens never do that you hateful mysoginist
Thanks for for introducing me to that channel "I Hate Dogs". I apartment has 5 dog owners and total 11 dogs, not joking. I am afraid of getting mauled by them
Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
and love your dog. Merry Matings!"
:reeeeee: Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
If you have your husband or boyfriend handy, this is a good time to give him that slow, loving blowjob you promised him for his birthday last year.
Disgusting, the only solution to finding a knotted bitch is flamethrower.

Imagine being the bf or husband of someone like this, ultimate cuck.
Sounds like the bf is a total soy who gets one bj per year.
Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
Women would rather literally fuck a dog than an ugly man :feelsclown:
The truth
kill every single animal abuser
dogpill is brutal
Source: https://storiesonline.net/s/60362/a-brief-guide-to-dog-sex

Most male dogs are more than happy to mount you and fuck you silly. Some are less enthusiastic than others. There are dangers to being mounted by a male dog though.

First, one must understand the anatomy of the male canine reproductive system. A dog's penis is unlike that of a human. The appearance, texture and sensitivity are much different. Working from the tip back, the end of a dog's penis is somewhat blunt with a slight angle. It typically swells to its greatest shaft width along the first 2/5 then gradually tapers until you reach the bulb at the base of the exposed, unsheathed penis.

The bulb, (bulbous glandis) is a large swelling at the base of the penis which consummates the tie between a bitch and a male during sex. On a black lab, it's normally about 3 to 3.5 inches wide, or about 7 to 8 inches in circumference ... A pretty good handful for most of us. If you're going to have sex with a male dog, the bulb and the Os Penis are your main concerns. The Os Penis is a bone inside the shaft of a dog's penis.

If he gets overly excited and starts thrusting wildly, you could get jabbed in the wrong places with it. This is more likely to occur during anal intercourse than vaginal, but be aware that unprepared vaginal intercourse with an overeager dog can result in lesions, tears, and painful bruising to the vaginal wall. Same thing with anal sex, except the results can be even worse due to the increased likelihood of bacterial infection.

(B) Anal Sex

Both men and women can enjoy anal sex with their male dogs. Since there is little to physically differentiate boys from girls, other than superficially (and the male prostate of course) we'll regard them in similar fashion for the purposes of discussion. Tips on mounting are covered in section C below.

For those men and women who enjoy anal sex, you absolutely, positively must ensure you're well lubricated. You should be very clean as well and that includes an enema, although it isn't mandatory unless you have a fetish for it. But cleanliness is always good and lube is essential. Help your dog find his mark! Getting jabbed in the wrong place by an eager dog hurts, I'm telling you. If you do, trust me, you won't sit comfortably for days. You men, watch your balls!

If you allow a dog to mount you anally there is a possibility that the dog may tie with you. That is the bulb, or knot as it is more commonly known, will enter the rectum and in all likelihood remain there. That means you're stuck together. The bulb is composed of muscle tissue which inflates with blood during intercourse and swells to a diameter significantly greater than that of the penis itself. Until you're experienced and very comfortable with taking just the penis, most people should take precautions to avoid penetration of the bulb. This generally means taking control of the dog's motion by grasping the penis firmly near the bulb itself and preventing its entry. Another person works amazingly well for this.

Getting tied to a dog anally is a much different proposition than vaginally. Let's face it, the human butt wasn't made for that sort of thing and so it must be prepared in advance. If you do not prepare yourself, you could be in for fifteen to thirty minutes of agony. Start by loosening yourself up using whatever you can fit up your anus. Well, maybe not anything. Graduated dildos work very well and I highly recommend them. They're available at most decent porn shops. Butt plugs work well to stretch the rectum as well, obviously. Wait until you are comfortable with at least a five inch circumference before taking on a dog. That's a bit more than twice as big around as my thumb and I'm a smallish female, so ... Get a tape measure and you'll see what I mean.

Once the dog's bulb is planted inside the rectum, try to relax and enjoy the ride. The animal will be releasing his semen long before tying with you and will continue to do so until after he is able to pull out. It is imperative that he NOT pull out of you until he starts getting softer and the bulb shrinks. Otherwise, you may have one hell of a story to tell at the Emergency Room! Do not try and pull it out as the anus and rectum may be injured by any forced removal of the bulb. Assuming you've prepared yourself well in advance, there's no reason the sensation of being tied can't be a nice long pleasurable experience for both of you.

© Vaginal Sex

Vaginal sex with a dog is a beautiful thing and I highly recommend it. It's important to remember that you should be relaxed and very well lubricated before attempting intercourse. The best form of lubrication, in my opinion, is natural and that's why they have such awesome tongues. If natural lubrication isn't sufficient use an adequate amount of any water-based lubricant, like our old friend KY Jelly.

To get a dog to mount you, grasp his sheath gently and start rubbing the base of it, near his scrotum. He should, at that time, start thrusting. Some dogs will try and mount you right then and there. Remember, if it's his first time, he'll need some guidance. Even some experienced dogs need help from time to time, and some dogs need glasses. If he does not try to mount you, try pulling him up and jerking him off as he stands behind you. If he just doesn't want to mount you for some reason, try lying on your back with your legs hanging off a couch or bed. Have him lay on top of you, in the missionary position, and try it that way. That's actually my favorite and the position I most recommend for vaginal sex, but everyone always wants it doggy style for some reason ... Go figure. On the other hand, for anal sex, doggy is more effective and comfortable, I'll admit.
Once you've got him to mount you, attempt to guide his penis inside you. Remember, if he misses, that Os penis can hurt. It's a bone! Once firmly inside, you can leave most of the driving up to him. The bulb, as mentioned previously, will swell during intercourse and the vagina is a very accommodating orifice. The bulb may easily enter and exit the vagina until eventually it becomes too large to easily disengage by itself. For this reason it is possible to be tied to the dog without even realizing that it's happened until one of you pulls or pushes and then you feel that strangely pleasurable tugging sensation. Don't worry! Girl's stretch and even with the largest breeds the vagina will stretch lovingly around it with little pain and often with significant pleasure, believe me!

Women who do experience any pain or more than slight discomfort as the bulb enters the vagina should stop their intercourse and take measures to prevent penetration of the bulb. This can be accomplished most easily by grasping the dog's penis by the hand and controlling the animal's movements. Often a partner works best in this situation, but if an extra set of hands is unavailable I'd suggest the missionary position as the most effective way of controlling the dog. It's also a great way to kiss him and tell him what a great lover he is. The cuddling is awesome!

The idea that a dog's bulb will "lock" the animal's cock inside a human female is largely a myth. As I said, the vagina is flexible and it stretches wonderfully. If he ties with your vagina and you wish to disengage prematurely, this is usually not a problem. The vaginal mouth will stretch enough to allow the bulb egress, but this may be uncomfortable for some women and even unnecessary. Unless your parents are coming home unexpectedly, I wouldn't advise it and suggest you relax and enjoy yourself.

Taking the knot invariably leads to 15-30 minutes of raw, wonderful pleasure and a golden opportunity to bond closely with your dog. Even a petite woman with a larger breed of dog will accommodate the bulb with little or no discomfort assuming she is relaxed and well lubricated, either naturally or with KY Jelly, or other non-petroleum based lube as mentioned previously. If you have your husband or boyfriend handy, this is a good time to give him that slow, loving blowjob you promised him for his birthday last year.

To remove the knot, take control of the animal by grasping the base of his penis and pull GENTLY do not jerk or yank it. Don't grab him by the balls either! A steady, gentle pressure will generally allow you to pull the bulb free with a minimum of discomfort depending on the relative size of the animal. Don't worry; the dog won't feel any pain at all. If you feel any pain or more than small discomfort, stop pulling immediately and relax, enjoy the ride and wait for the bulb to shrink in its own good time.

Once "tied" the dog will probably try and turn around so that you're butt to butt with him. This is an instinctual behavior as he wants to fend off anyone who would take advantage of the situation. If he starts trying to pull out or panics, grab whichever legs you can and try and hold him against you so he doesn't pull out. It is a very good idea to have someone else present the first time you tie with a dog in case of an emergency. As mentioned previously, disengaging the knot from the vagina prematurely is usually not a problem, but you want to ensure as much control over the situation as possible to reduce the risk of injury. Sit back, enjoy fifteen to thirty minutes of elation and once he starts getting soft, let him pull out of you. The dog will test the bond you share and that's normal.

If your dog is not too enthusiastic about licking, try using gravy, peanut butter or any other treats you dog might enjoy. DO NOT use chocolate or cocoa based products as chocolate can be toxic for dogs.

Dogs are superlative and sublime at cunnilingus, in my experience. You do not have to worry about all those sharp teeth; dogs are amazingly adept at controlling themselves. Once you've found a canine partner who enjoys licking pussy, the difficulty often comes from controlling oneself as the pleasure mounts (for me anyway) Don't clamp your thighs to the dog's head, grab him by the ears, and grind your happy, humid cunt against his face. I haven't found a dog yet who enjoys that. It's important to relax, keep those legs open, and it's perfectly alright to stroke the animal lovingly, scratch him behind the ears, and whisper soft words of praise.

Analingus is very much like cunnilingus for a dog and most dogs will be interested in performing it for you. Again, it may be necessary to coax the dog with bribery by applying something tasty to area in question. Just remember all dogs will not be into oral so don't try and force the animal under any circumstances. No means no.

Dogs love cock, or so I've heard, and many men have reported hours of pleasure beneath the slavish tongues of canine friends. DO NOT try to insert the penis into a dog's mouth. The teeth are very sharp and designed for cutting meat, get it? Dogs also possess a strong gag reflex and you do not want to try and teach a dog to deep throat. Do I really have to say that? Let the dog lick you like an ice cream cone, lap at your scrotum, and clean up the precum and semen that you may spill. Male or female, most dogs will be more than happy to clean up any mess you might make.

Oral sex with dogs: Giving

To get a dog aroused, use the same process as described above. Grasp the shaft through the sheath near the base, close to the dog's scrotum, and start rubbing rapidly. You will be able to feel the bulb become more defined within the sheath and you must pull the sheath back before it gets too large to emerge. If the knot remains trapped inside the sheath, your dog will be uncomfortable until his erection subsides.

Remember that a dog's penis is normally very sensitive, so be careful when handling it. When exposed to air, the penis is prone to dry out if not constantly moistened. Spit works well for that as even flavorless lubricants (non-petroleum) are rather unsuitable for oral sex, but may certainly be used if desired. There is no problem with using flavored lubricants and for first timers who may be nervous about the taste of a dog's penis, it may provide a bit more comfort ... The only problem with flavored lubes, and I know this from experience, is that the dog might like it even more than you do.

Anyway, I recommend plain old saliva, and direct application is the best method. Try and avoid smearing it on with your hand as that often reduces the effectiveness significantly. Using your tongue is much more fun anyways :) You must be very careful if you choose to take the dog's penis into your mouth, remembering how sensitive it is and ensuring that your teeth do not scrape or bite him. Just use your tight round, O shaped lips and a lot of tongue. It's great and your dog will enjoy it every bit as much as your boyfriend ever did!

Once fully erect, experiment! Most dogs will just stand and pant away happily as you lick, suck, or rub their cocks. Expect him to stay hard for five to fifteen minutes on average. Dog cum is quite tasty and I highly recommend it! The flavor is usually bitter-sweet and less salty than a man's. It is normally rather thin and watery, although I have experienced dog sperm with a consistency much like human semen. There is no harm in swallowing dog sperm and it is very warm and even nutritious, although I've found that after ten to fifteen minutes of pooling on a blanket the flavor becomes somewhat gamy and not quite so enjoyable for me. Fresh and straight from the tap is best, in my opinion.

Oral sex with dogs: Making out like bandits

Kissing your dog is not only fun, but essential to any healthy, loving relationship. I think so anyway, but feel free to disagree if you must. Most dogs, being born to lick, will not mind kissing. It may confuse them at first, some of the games we enjoy as people, but in my experience most dogs are playful and eager for your happy pleasure.

Dog saliva is safe, assuming both you and your dog are healthy! It's always a good idea to have your dog regularly checked by a veterinarian and every six months is a good schedule. What concerns us here are any open wounds or sores inside and around your mouth and the dog's. Any cuts or injuries to either of you should be fully healed before giving him French lessons. Dog saliva in an open wound can (rarely) lead to a variety of bacterial infections, but basic precautions and proper hygiene will all but eliminate that risk.

Some dogs like kissing, some do not, but all dogs like treats. To train my dogs I use Bacon Bits seasoning, they love it. Once the dog realizes that you taste good, he'll want to kiss you a lot! Having your tonsils explored by a long, rapidly flicking tongue is just about enough to announce the Second Cumming. It really gets my motor running!

What does dog semen have in it?

Volume... 7-10 cc with a variation from 0.5 to 20cc
Water percentage... 97% (highest among mammals) vs. man at 90% (lowest)
Contents: Ash, protein, lipids, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, chlorides, sulphur, amino acids, albumins, proteose, nucleoproteins, mucin, albumose, fat globules, thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, niacin, ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), enzymes and fructose.
Prostate (seminal) fluid is highly alkaline, which neutralizes acids in the bitch's vagina. Naturally, larger dogs produce more semen than smaller breeds.

9 - How large is a dog's penis?

Breed Useable Length (inch) Diameter (inch) Cocker Spaniel 2-3 0.5-1 Greyhound 2.5-3 0.5-1 Bulldog 2.5-5 1 Dalmatian 3-4.5 1 Collie 4-5 1 Labrador 4-6 1 Irish Setter 4-6 1 G. Shepherd 5-7 1.5 Great Dane 5-7 1.5 Saint Bernard 7-9 1.5-1.75 Mastiff 7.5-9.25 1.5-1.75

How do I train my dog? Other Safety Precautions

Safety First! For you and your dog. In addition to all my previous notes and warnings, the biggest thing to remember is that a dog is always a dog. It doesn't matter how long you've had him, or how much like your Aunt Georgia he looks, a dog is not a person. In that way they are far more trustworthy than most people you are likely to meet. You must respect the animal and his/her instincts as well as desires. The first time you attempt any sort of sexual activity, proceed slowly and cautiously, allowing the dog to react in such a way that no one is hurt. They are very patient with people they know and trust and will usually give ample warning if they experience something they don't like or want.

The first time you attempt intercourse with a dog, that is receiving vaginal or anal intercourse, it is preferable to have a partner to help control the situation. An experienced partner is obviously best, but just having someone available with an extra set of hands and eyes is a good thing. I understand it isn't always practical, however, and that's unfortunate.

For most first timers I'd recommend missionary over the traditional doggy position. It will allow you the most control over the animal and it's very comfortable once you arrange yourself properly on a chair or bed. It works well for first time dogs as well, especially younger animals who may be prone to over-excitement. Holding the dog close to your body, speaking to him, and stroking him gently will often allow him to relax and calm down more than if he's behind you and on his own. It's also much easier to control the dog's knot that way if you do not want to be tied. Making out with him is pretty fun too, I might add, and generally heightens the experience for me.

Watch out for those nails! Dog toenails are often long, ragged, and sharp even if they're kept well groomed. Most dogs will want to hold onto you in any position they are in, but especially mounting from behind. He wants the leverage and although he doesn't mean to, those nails can scratch the heck out of a human's delicate skin. In the event of a scratch it's important to wash it with anti-bacterial soap and apply any of the commercially available antibiotic creams you find at a drug store. Dog feet tend to be dirty, even for one who stays in the house and you should take precautions against infection.

Even better than the cure is prevention. I'd suggest covering the dog's front paws with mittens or socks to reduce the possibility of being scratched. A child's mittens work very well, but as I say, a pair of decent wool socks (thick ones) will do in a pinch. If you have sewing skills you can certainly make your own out of whatever material suits your fancy. Those felt bags with drawstrings that some liquors come in work wonderfully! Whatever you use, fix the mittens around the front paws tight enough to remain in place, but don't overdo it. Most dogs won't like it at first. They'll want to get those mittens off and so you should train the dog to ignore them and that simply means get him used to wearing them. I've found that food is the best training tool available. Start your dog early by feeding him only after he has his mittens on. Once the dog associates mittens with food, he'll be eager to see you breaking them out, believe me. It takes time, but it works.

I'd suggest that you train your dog to expect sex in a certain place or under certain circumstances. I use an old comforter to have sex on, for example. When my dogs see the blanket, they know what we're going to do and they're usually pretty enthusiastic about it. Anything you can do to reduce stress and confusion on the part of your dog is good! This is more oriented to training a new dog, by the way, taking a puppy and teaching him how to be the consummate lover. It's a lot easier and more enjoyable to have a canine partner who understands basic commands, has experienced the things you enjoy, and associates your sexual activities with pleasure. I mean, it's pretty much common sense, right?

Lastly, if I had to recommend a single breed for a sexual partner, I'd have to go with black labs. I'm biased, true, but they are very even-tempered, intelligent, and fun loving dogs. They're easily trainable and their size is almost perfect for any environment short of a small apartment downtown, although they do need some room and plenty of exercise. A lab will want to be outside 25 hours of the day! But they're comfortable enough living in the suburbs with a decent backyard. If you have a swimming pool ... Oh my! I couldn't keep my dog out of it. Anyway, everyone has their favorites, of course, so I just wanted to plug mine. :) Labs are great for sex!!! Just don't ever teach one how to play Frisbee! It sucks getting bonked on the head every morning at sunrise with a Frisbee, believe me. And keep your love blanket behind a closed door or high on a shelf, it can be a little embarrassing when Grandpa asks you why your dog is dragging the blanket into the living room with his cock poking out of the sheath ... But that's why my boyfriend is a dog.

Best Always
Rachael Ross

If you have questions or comments, email me. This article should be used only as a guide and not taken as "The Final Word" on dog sex. Remember that everyone is different, dogs and people, and your experiences may differ from that of someone else. Seek professional assistance where required and love your dog. Merry Matings!
"Vaginal sex with a dog is a beautiful thing and I highly recommend it"
:horror: :horror: :horror:
Source: https://storiesonline.net/s/60362/a-brief-guide-to-dog-sex

Most male dogs are more than happy to mount you and fuck you silly. Some are less enthusiastic than others. There are dangers to being mounted by a male dog though.

First, one must understand the anatomy of the male canine reproductive system. A dog's penis is unlike that of a human. The appearance, texture and sensitivity are much different. Working from the tip back, the end of a dog's penis is somewhat blunt with a slight angle. It typically swells to its greatest shaft width along the first 2/5 then gradually tapers until you reach the bulb at the base of the exposed, unsheathed penis.

The bulb, (bulbous glandis) is a large swelling at the base of the penis which consummates the tie between a bitch and a male during sex. On a black lab, it's normally about 3 to 3.5 inches wide, or about 7 to 8 inches in circumference ... A pretty good handful for most of us. If you're going to have sex with a male dog, the bulb and the Os Penis are your main concerns. The Os Penis is a bone inside the shaft of a dog's penis.

If he gets overly excited and starts thrusting wildly, you could get jabbed in the wrong places with it. This is more likely to occur during anal intercourse than vaginal, but be aware that unprepared vaginal intercourse with an overeager dog can result in lesions, tears, and painful bruising to the vaginal wall. Same thing with anal sex, except the results can be even worse due to the increased likelihood of bacterial infection.

(B) Anal Sex

Both men and women can enjoy anal sex with their male dogs. Since there is little to physically differentiate boys from girls, other than superficially (and the male prostate of course) we'll regard them in similar fashion for the purposes of discussion. Tips on mounting are covered in section C below.

For those men and women who enjoy anal sex, you absolutely, positively must ensure you're well lubricated. You should be very clean as well and that includes an enema, although it isn't mandatory unless you have a fetish for it. But cleanliness is always good and lube is essential. Help your dog find his mark! Getting jabbed in the wrong place by an eager dog hurts, I'm telling you. If you do, trust me, you won't sit comfortably for days. You men, watch your balls!

If you allow a dog to mount you anally there is a possibility that the dog may tie with you. That is the bulb, or knot as it is more commonly known, will enter the rectum and in all likelihood remain there. That means you're stuck together. The bulb is composed of muscle tissue which inflates with blood during intercourse and swells to a diameter significantly greater than that of the penis itself. Until you're experienced and very comfortable with taking just the penis, most people should take precautions to avoid penetration of the bulb. This generally means taking control of the dog's motion by grasping the penis firmly near the bulb itself and preventing its entry. Another person works amazingly well for this.

Getting tied to a dog anally is a much different proposition than vaginally. Let's face it, the human butt wasn't made for that sort of thing and so it must be prepared in advance. If you do not prepare yourself, you could be in for fifteen to thirty minutes of agony. Start by loosening yourself up using whatever you can fit up your anus. Well, maybe not anything. Graduated dildos work very well and I highly recommend them. They're available at most decent porn shops. Butt plugs work well to stretch the rectum as well, obviously. Wait until you are comfortable with at least a five inch circumference before taking on a dog. That's a bit more than twice as big around as my thumb and I'm a smallish female, so ... Get a tape measure and you'll see what I mean.

Once the dog's bulb is planted inside the rectum, try to relax and enjoy the ride. The animal will be releasing his semen long before tying with you and will continue to do so until after he is able to pull out. It is imperative that he NOT pull out of you until he starts getting softer and the bulb shrinks. Otherwise, you may have one hell of a story to tell at the Emergency Room! Do not try and pull it out as the anus and rectum may be injured by any forced removal of the bulb. Assuming you've prepared yourself well in advance, there's no reason the sensation of being tied can't be a nice long pleasurable experience for both of you.

© Vaginal Sex

Vaginal sex with a dog is a beautiful thing and I highly recommend it. It's important to remember that you should be relaxed and very well lubricated before attempting intercourse. The best form of lubrication, in my opinion, is natural and that's why they have such awesome tongues. If natural lubrication isn't sufficient use an adequate amount of any water-based lubricant, like our old friend KY Jelly.

To get a dog to mount you, grasp his sheath gently and start rubbing the base of it, near his scrotum. He should, at that time, start thrusting. Some dogs will try and mount you right then and there. Remember, if it's his first time, he'll need some guidance. Even some experienced dogs need help from time to time, and some dogs need glasses. If he does not try to mount you, try pulling him up and jerking him off as he stands behind you. If he just doesn't want to mount you for some reason, try lying on your back with your legs hanging off a couch or bed. Have him lay on top of you, in the missionary position, and try it that way. That's actually my favorite and the position I most recommend for vaginal sex, but everyone always wants it doggy style for some reason ... Go figure. On the other hand, for anal sex, doggy is more effective and comfortable, I'll admit.
Once you've got him to mount you, attempt to guide his penis inside you. Remember, if he misses, that Os penis can hurt. It's a bone! Once firmly inside, you can leave most of the driving up to him. The bulb, as mentioned previously, will swell during intercourse and the vagina is a very accommodating orifice. The bulb may easily enter and exit the vagina until eventually it becomes too large to easily disengage by itself. For this reason it is possible to be tied to the dog without even realizing that it's happened until one of you pulls or pushes and then you feel that strangely pleasurable tugging sensation. Don't worry! Girl's stretch and even with the largest breeds the vagina will stretch lovingly around it with little pain and often with significant pleasure, believe me!

Women who do experience any pain or more than slight discomfort as the bulb enters the vagina should stop their intercourse and take measures to prevent penetration of the bulb. This can be accomplished most easily by grasping the dog's penis by the hand and controlling the animal's movements. Often a partner works best in this situation, but if an extra set of hands is unavailable I'd suggest the missionary position as the most effective way of controlling the dog. It's also a great way to kiss him and tell him what a great lover he is. The cuddling is awesome!

The idea that a dog's bulb will "lock" the animal's cock inside a human female is largely a myth. As I said, the vagina is flexible and it stretches wonderfully. If he ties with your vagina and you wish to disengage prematurely, this is usually not a problem. The vaginal mouth will stretch enough to allow the bulb egress, but this may be uncomfortable for some women and even unnecessary. Unless your parents are coming home unexpectedly, I wouldn't advise it and suggest you relax and enjoy yourself.

Taking the knot invariably leads to 15-30 minutes of raw, wonderful pleasure and a golden opportunity to bond closely with your dog. Even a petite woman with a larger breed of dog will accommodate the bulb with little or no discomfort assuming she is relaxed and well lubricated, either naturally or with KY Jelly, or other non-petroleum based lube as mentioned previously. If you have your husband or boyfriend handy, this is a good time to give him that slow, loving blowjob you promised him for his birthday last year.

To remove the knot, take control of the animal by grasping the base of his penis and pull GENTLY do not jerk or yank it. Don't grab him by the balls either! A steady, gentle pressure will generally allow you to pull the bulb free with a minimum of discomfort depending on the relative size of the animal. Don't worry; the dog won't feel any pain at all. If you feel any pain or more than small discomfort, stop pulling immediately and relax, enjoy the ride and wait for the bulb to shrink in its own good time.

Once "tied" the dog will probably try and turn around so that you're butt to butt with him. This is an instinctual behavior as he wants to fend off anyone who would take advantage of the situation. If he starts trying to pull out or panics, grab whichever legs you can and try and hold him against you so he doesn't pull out. It is a very good idea to have someone else present the first time you tie with a dog in case of an emergency. As mentioned previously, disengaging the knot from the vagina prematurely is usually not a problem, but you want to ensure as much control over the situation as possible to reduce the risk of injury. Sit back, enjoy fifteen to thirty minutes of elation and once he starts getting soft, let him pull out of you. The dog will test the bond you share and that's normal.

If your dog is not too enthusiastic about licking, try using gravy, peanut butter or any other treats you dog might enjoy. DO NOT use chocolate or cocoa based products as chocolate can be toxic for dogs.

Dogs are superlative and sublime at cunnilingus, in my experience. You do not have to worry about all those sharp teeth; dogs are amazingly adept at controlling themselves. Once you've found a canine partner who enjoys licking pussy, the difficulty often comes from controlling oneself as the pleasure mounts (for me anyway) Don't clamp your thighs to the dog's head, grab him by the ears, and grind your happy, humid cunt against his face. I haven't found a dog yet who enjoys that. It's important to relax, keep those legs open, and it's perfectly alright to stroke the animal lovingly, scratch him behind the ears, and whisper soft words of praise.

Analingus is very much like cunnilingus for a dog and most dogs will be interested in performing it for you. Again, it may be necessary to coax the dog with bribery by applying something tasty to area in question. Just remember all dogs will not be into oral so don't try and force the animal under any circumstances. No means no.

Dogs love cock, or so I've heard, and many men have reported hours of pleasure beneath the slavish tongues of canine friends. DO NOT try to insert the penis into a dog's mouth. The teeth are very sharp and designed for cutting meat, get it? Dogs also possess a strong gag reflex and you do not want to try and teach a dog to deep throat. Do I really have to say that? Let the dog lick you like an ice cream cone, lap at your scrotum, and clean up the precum and semen that you may spill. Male or female, most dogs will be more than happy to clean up any mess you might make.

Oral sex with dogs: Giving

To get a dog aroused, use the same process as described above. Grasp the shaft through the sheath near the base, close to the dog's scrotum, and start rubbing rapidly. You will be able to feel the bulb become more defined within the sheath and you must pull the sheath back before it gets too large to emerge. If the knot remains trapped inside the sheath, your dog will be uncomfortable until his erection subsides.

Remember that a dog's penis is normally very sensitive, so be careful when handling it. When exposed to air, the penis is prone to dry out if not constantly moistened. Spit works well for that as even flavorless lubricants (non-petroleum) are rather unsuitable for oral sex, but may certainly be used if desired. There is no problem with using flavored lubricants and for first timers who may be nervous about the taste of a dog's penis, it may provide a bit more comfort ... The only problem with flavored lubes, and I know this from experience, is that the dog might like it even more than you do.

Anyway, I recommend plain old saliva, and direct application is the best method. Try and avoid smearing it on with your hand as that often reduces the effectiveness significantly. Using your tongue is much more fun anyways :) You must be very careful if you choose to take the dog's penis into your mouth, remembering how sensitive it is and ensuring that your teeth do not scrape or bite him. Just use your tight round, O shaped lips and a lot of tongue. It's great and your dog will enjoy it every bit as much as your boyfriend ever did!

Once fully erect, experiment! Most dogs will just stand and pant away happily as you lick, suck, or rub their cocks. Expect him to stay hard for five to fifteen minutes on average. Dog cum is quite tasty and I highly recommend it! The flavor is usually bitter-sweet and less salty than a man's. It is normally rather thin and watery, although I have experienced dog sperm with a consistency much like human semen. There is no harm in swallowing dog sperm and it is very warm and even nutritious, although I've found that after ten to fifteen minutes of pooling on a blanket the flavor becomes somewhat gamy and not quite so enjoyable for me. Fresh and straight from the tap is best, in my opinion.

Oral sex with dogs: Making out like bandits

Kissing your dog is not only fun, but essential to any healthy, loving relationship. I think so anyway, but feel free to disagree if you must. Most dogs, being born to lick, will not mind kissing. It may confuse them at first, some of the games we enjoy as people, but in my experience most dogs are playful and eager for your happy pleasure.

Dog saliva is safe, assuming both you and your dog are healthy! It's always a good idea to have your dog regularly checked by a veterinarian and every six months is a good schedule. What concerns us here are any open wounds or sores inside and around your mouth and the dog's. Any cuts or injuries to either of you should be fully healed before giving him French lessons. Dog saliva in an open wound can (rarely) lead to a variety of bacterial infections, but basic precautions and proper hygiene will all but eliminate that risk.

Some dogs like kissing, some do not, but all dogs like treats. To train my dogs I use Bacon Bits seasoning, they love it. Once the dog realizes that you taste good, he'll want to kiss you a lot! Having your tonsils explored by a long, rapidly flicking tongue is just about enough to announce the Second Cumming. It really gets my motor running!

What does dog semen have in it?

Volume... 7-10 cc with a variation from 0.5 to 20cc
Water percentage... 97% (highest among mammals) vs. man at 90% (lowest)
Contents: Ash, protein, lipids, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, chlorides, sulphur, amino acids, albumins, proteose, nucleoproteins, mucin, albumose, fat globules, thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, niacin, ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), enzymes and fructose.
Prostate (seminal) fluid is highly alkaline, which neutralizes acids in the bitch's vagina. Naturally, larger dogs produce more semen than smaller breeds.

9 - How large is a dog's penis?

Breed Useable Length (inch) Diameter (inch) Cocker Spaniel 2-3 0.5-1 Greyhound 2.5-3 0.5-1 Bulldog 2.5-5 1 Dalmatian 3-4.5 1 Collie 4-5 1 Labrador 4-6 1 Irish Setter 4-6 1 G. Shepherd 5-7 1.5 Great Dane 5-7 1.5 Saint Bernard 7-9 1.5-1.75 Mastiff 7.5-9.25 1.5-1.75

How do I train my dog? Other Safety Precautions

Safety First! For you and your dog. In addition to all my previous notes and warnings, the biggest thing to remember is that a dog is always a dog. It doesn't matter how long you've had him, or how much like your Aunt Georgia he looks, a dog is not a person. In that way they are far more trustworthy than most people you are likely to meet. You must respect the animal and his/her instincts as well as desires. The first time you attempt any sort of sexual activity, proceed slowly and cautiously, allowing the dog to react in such a way that no one is hurt. They are very patient with people they know and trust and will usually give ample warning if they experience something they don't like or want.

The first time you attempt intercourse with a dog, that is receiving vaginal or anal intercourse, it is preferable to have a partner to help control the situation. An experienced partner is obviously best, but just having someone available with an extra set of hands and eyes is a good thing. I understand it isn't always practical, however, and that's unfortunate.

For most first timers I'd recommend missionary over the traditional doggy position. It will allow you the most control over the animal and it's very comfortable once you arrange yourself properly on a chair or bed. It works well for first time dogs as well, especially younger animals who may be prone to over-excitement. Holding the dog close to your body, speaking to him, and stroking him gently will often allow him to relax and calm down more than if he's behind you and on his own. It's also much easier to control the dog's knot that way if you do not want to be tied. Making out with him is pretty fun too, I might add, and generally heightens the experience for me.

Watch out for those nails! Dog toenails are often long, ragged, and sharp even if they're kept well groomed. Most dogs will want to hold onto you in any position they are in, but especially mounting from behind. He wants the leverage and although he doesn't mean to, those nails can scratch the heck out of a human's delicate skin. In the event of a scratch it's important to wash it with anti-bacterial soap and apply any of the commercially available antibiotic creams you find at a drug store. Dog feet tend to be dirty, even for one who stays in the house and you should take precautions against infection.

Even better than the cure is prevention. I'd suggest covering the dog's front paws with mittens or socks to reduce the possibility of being scratched. A child's mittens work very well, but as I say, a pair of decent wool socks (thick ones) will do in a pinch. If you have sewing skills you can certainly make your own out of whatever material suits your fancy. Those felt bags with drawstrings that some liquors come in work wonderfully! Whatever you use, fix the mittens around the front paws tight enough to remain in place, but don't overdo it. Most dogs won't like it at first. They'll want to get those mittens off and so you should train the dog to ignore them and that simply means get him used to wearing them. I've found that food is the best training tool available. Start your dog early by feeding him only after he has his mittens on. Once the dog associates mittens with food, he'll be eager to see you breaking them out, believe me. It takes time, but it works.

I'd suggest that you train your dog to expect sex in a certain place or under certain circumstances. I use an old comforter to have sex on, for example. When my dogs see the blanket, they know what we're going to do and they're usually pretty enthusiastic about it. Anything you can do to reduce stress and confusion on the part of your dog is good! This is more oriented to training a new dog, by the way, taking a puppy and teaching him how to be the consummate lover. It's a lot easier and more enjoyable to have a canine partner who understands basic commands, has experienced the things you enjoy, and associates your sexual activities with pleasure. I mean, it's pretty much common sense, right?

Lastly, if I had to recommend a single breed for a sexual partner, I'd have to go with black labs. I'm biased, true, but they are very even-tempered, intelligent, and fun loving dogs. They're easily trainable and their size is almost perfect for any environment short of a small apartment downtown, although they do need some room and plenty of exercise. A lab will want to be outside 25 hours of the day! But they're comfortable enough living in the suburbs with a decent backyard. If you have a swimming pool ... Oh my! I couldn't keep my dog out of it. Anyway, everyone has their favorites, of course, so I just wanted to plug mine. :) Labs are great for sex!!! Just don't ever teach one how to play Frisbee! It sucks getting bonked on the head every morning at sunrise with a Frisbee, believe me. And keep your love blanket behind a closed door or high on a shelf, it can be a little embarrassing when Grandpa asks you why your dog is dragging the blanket into the living room with his cock poking out of the sheath ... But that's why my boyfriend is a dog.

Best Always
Rachael Ross

If you have questions or comments, email me. This article should be used only as a guide and not taken as "The Final Word" on dog sex. Remember that everyone is different, dogs and people, and your experiences may differ from that of someone else. Seek professional assistance where required and love your dog. Merry Matings!
"But that's why my boyfriend is a dog."
"Grandpa asks"

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