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Race is everything. The blackpill is about race.



Apr 21, 2024
Race is the most important factor in sexual success and success in general. Race is everything because it affects EVERYTHING. Your height, IQ, personality, skin color, eye color, strength, frame, balding rate, testosterone, culture, and even your civilization. Different races have different brains so they produce entirely different civilizations. I have no doubt that the religious insanity of sandniggers and the filthiness of curries is caused by their race. Race has a special place in dating because only members of the same race can recreate that race, and because white features are the most desired while also recessive. A white girl mixing with a nigger will produce a child who looks 100% nigger. Blue eyes, blonde hair, fair skin, round eyes, straight nose, etc are all recessive. That's why non-whites do everything they can to upgrade their genes with white while whites try to preserve their genes like they are valuable jewels (because they are). Good genes are the most valuable resource on earth and whites are at the top while browns are at the bottom.

It's not just physical. Your race controls every aspect of your thinking. Different races have different thought patterns, different values, different aesthetic tastes, extroversions/introversion, bravery, anxiety, mental illness rates, promiscuity, anger, even parenting style is controlled by race. Growing up in a sandnigger family it was blatantly obvious that my family was nothing like the other white people. There is not a single white man on earth who has the weird mental illness and personality disorders of my dad and other relatives. What you see is what you get. Sandniggers are psychotic religious obsessed nutjobs with severe anger issues of genes. Curries shit in the street because of genes. Niggers steal everything because of genes.

Ethnic foids see their men as failures and whites as superior. They want to mix their genes with whites because it's like joining the winning team. You have to remember that for most of human history races/ethnicities would exterminate one another. If you are an ethnic from a third world shithole you will eventually be wiped out by the more civilized races of man. Marrying abdul or rakesh is dooming her genes. Women always pick the strongest branch including and especially when that branch does not come from her own tree.
There is no way to make a curry as attractive as a white man. That's why race is so valuable. Races can become taller, stronger, and smarter over time but you can't give a curry white skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes.

Imagine you are in a character creation screen and you are trying to design the perfect human. Would they look Indian or Nordic? Obviously Nordic. Females (Nature) is trying to create the perfect organism. Just like they are trying to remove all short and ugly men from the gene pool they are also trying to remove the lower races including if that race is their own like with WMAF and WMXF.

so basically JBW
Yeah but it's deeper than that. JBW holds special value because there is no way to make deathniks as attractive as whites and because white features are recessive.
Yeah but it's deeper than that. JBW holds special value because there is no way to make deathniks as attractive as whites and because white features are recessive.
why do white incels exist?
if JBW was true, white incels wouldnt exist
All whitecels are fakecels. The ugliest "white incel" can go to asia and amass a bodycount higher than the best shitskins in white countries.
why do white incels exist?
Because they refuse to racemix which means they are volcels. Any white guy regardless of how short or ugly they are will ascend in a non-white nation. Whites are treated like literal gods in shitskin countries while those same shitskins who are worshipping whites would be treated like subhuman garbage in white countries.
All whitecels are fakecels. The ugliest "white incel" can go to asia and amass a bodycount higher than the best shitskins in white countries.
When I say it :lul::lul: you cannot make this up
Because they refuse to racemix which means they are volcels. Any white guy regardless of how short or ugly they are will ascend in a non-white nation. Whites are treated like literal gods in shitskin countries while those same shitskins who are worshipping whites would be treated like subhuman garbage in white countries.
Omfg I’ve been saying this for over a year yo lmao …
Stephen King Laughing GIF by Coolidge Corner Theatre
Race is the most important factor in sexual success and success in general. Race is everything because it affects EVERYTHING. Your height, IQ, personality, skin color, eye color, strength, frame, balding rate, testosterone, culture, and even your civilization. Different races have different brains so they produce entirely different civilizations. I have no doubt that the religious insanity of sandniggers and the filthiness of curries is caused by their race. Race has a special place in dating because only members of the same race can recreate that race, and because white features are the most desired while also recessive. A white girl mixing with a nigger will produce a child who looks 100% nigger. Blue eyes, blonde hair, fair skin, round eyes, straight nose, etc are all recessive. That's why non-whites do everything they can to upgrade their genes with white while whites try to preserve their genes like they are valuable jewels (because they are). Good genes are the most valuable resource on earth and whites are at the top while browns are at the bottom.

It's not just physical. Your race controls every aspect of your thinking. Different races have different thought patterns, different values, different aesthetic tastes, extroversions/introversion, bravery, anxiety, mental illness rates, promiscuity, anger, even parenting style is controlled by race. Growing up in a sandnigger family it was blatantly obvious that my family was nothing like the other white people. There is not a single white man on earth who has the weird mental illness and personality disorders of my dad and other relatives. What you see is what you get. Sandniggers are psychotic religious obsessed nutjobs with severe anger issues of genes. Curries shit in the street because of genes. Niggers steal everything because of genes.

Ethnic foids see their men as failures and whites as superior. They want to mix their genes with whites because it's like joining the winning team. You have to remember that for most of human history races/ethnicities would exterminate one another. If you are an ethnic from a third world shithole you will eventually be wiped out by the more civilized races of man. Marrying abdul or rakesh is dooming her genes. Women always pick the strongest branch including and especially when that branch does not come from her own tree.
Curries have it the worst because of their blatant physical disadvantages. But you could also argue that rices have it the worst because their own race of women, noodlewhores, ARE THE ONLY RACE OF WOMEN ON THE PLANET WHO HAVE LITERAL OUTGROUP BIAS
Race is the most important factor in sexual success and success in general. Race is everything because it affects EVERYTHING. Your height, IQ, personality, skin color, eye color, strength, frame, balding rate, testosterone, culture, and even your civilization. Different races have different brains so they produce entirely different civilizations. I have no doubt that the religious insanity of sandniggers and the filthiness of curries is caused by their race. Race has a special place in dating because only members of the same race can recreate that race, and because white features are the most desired while also recessive. A white girl mixing with a nigger will produce a child who looks 100% nigger. Blue eyes, blonde hair, fair skin, round eyes, straight nose, etc are all recessive. That's why non-whites do everything they can to upgrade their genes with white while whites try to preserve their genes like they are valuable jewels (because they are). Good genes are the most valuable resource on earth and whites are at the top while browns are at the bottom.

It's not just physical. Your race controls every aspect of your thinking. Different races have different thought patterns, different values, different aesthetic tastes, extroversions/introversion, bravery, anxiety, mental illness rates, promiscuity, anger, even parenting style is controlled by race. Growing up in a sandnigger family it was blatantly obvious that my family was nothing like the other white people. There is not a single white man on earth who has the weird mental illness and personality disorders of my dad and other relatives. What you see is what you get. Sandniggers are psychotic religious obsessed nutjobs with severe anger issues of genes. Curries shit in the street because of genes. Niggers steal everything because of genes.

Ethnic foids see their men as failures and whites as superior. They want to mix their genes with whites because it's like joining the winning team. You have to remember that for most of human history races/ethnicities would exterminate one another. If you are an ethnic from a third world shithole you will eventually be wiped out by the more civilized races of man. Marrying abdul or rakesh is dooming her genes. Women always pick the strongest branch including and especially when that branch does not come from her own tree.
Are you ethnic by Amy chance?
I see foids fight over a sand nigger at a smoothie shop. I always see foids flirt with him.

I think that Chad is his own race. As long as you are Chad, you should have no issue.
face & height > everything
All whitecels are fakecels. The ugliest "white incel" can go to asia and amass a bodycount higher than the best shitskins in white countries.
Most based graycel ngl
Dnr. You're a gook pretending to be a sand
White+sand couples produce white passing children. Look at the king of Jordan. There are so many examples, even Anglo Indians,
Are usually, white passing.
@Made in Heaven
But, I agree that whites shouldn't mix with niggers and Asians. They're not causacaoid
You gookcels act like us whites don’t have to be tall still. What is it to be white if I’m 5’6
Whites are the best. No one can deny this.
jbw so fucking overrated jfl
height & face > everything
Yeah, but these Indian Chad still slay unlike us
Don’t care. If they aren’t good on the international scale, screw them.
why do white incels exist?
They dont / are an snall minority

Very hard to find a nordic aryan incel, most "whitecels" are balkaners/slavic/meds who are not really white or fit the archetype. On top they're poor and can't travel
Condensing the blackpill and lookism to a single quality is utterly retarded since it's a chimera of every thing society (the extension of female interest) values. Phenotype also matters a lot in this equation, there are certainly a lot of sands with this skull structure and coloring and this guy was and still is lusted after with thousands of edits from foids who watch the show solely for him. JFL now that I think about theres a guy on .org who is arab and looks like a 1:1 replica of him.

As much as I'm a racepiller you can't act like ethnics can't look like other races, I've seen mexicans that look asian with the kpop look, latinos and arabs who look black, or extremely light iranians or afghans. Let's not forget that moving back to your shithole is always an option, it's a guaranteed way of ascending for 60% of the ethnics here, they'll gladly take anyone with a pulse and money.
Condensing the blackpill and lookism to a single quality is utterly retarded since it's a chimera of every thing society (the extension of female interest) values. Phenotype also matters a lot in this equation, there are certainly a lot of sands with this skull structure and coloring and this guy was and still is lusted after with thousands of edits from foids who watch the show solely for him. JFL now that I think about theres a guy on .org who is arab and looks like a 1:1 replica of him.
View attachment 1152657
As much as I'm a racepiller you can't act like ethnics can't look like other races, I've seen mexicans that look asian with the kpop look, latinos and arabs who look black, or extremely light iranians or afghans. Let's not forget that moving back to your shithole is always an option, it's a guaranteed way of ascending for 60% of the ethnics here, they'll gladly take anyone with a pulse and money.
Latino isn't a race and they can look like anything because they are all mixed with various amounts of different races. Since indigenous people were originally from Asia, if they get mixed the right amount with Spanish for the lighter skin, they can often pull off the hapa look.

Arab also isn't directly a race, and most black arabs are just afro-arabs. Same thing with black latinos, they are probably just racially black but ethnically latino. That arab guy you mentioned could have his race as partially (or fully) white, but still ethnically arab. This applies to latinos as well. There are a lot of 100% white latinos out there, and I would classify them just as white as any regular white person. My grandfather was a latino with green eyes.

I do agree that phenotypes matter a lot, but that applies to white people too. A white person with bad phenotypes will be just as ugly as an asian with bad phenotypes.
Condensing the blackpill and lookism to a single quality is utterly retarded since it's a chimera of every thing society (the extension of female interest) values. Phenotype also matters a lot in this equation, there are certainly a lot of sands with this skull structure and coloring and this guy was and still is lusted after with thousands of edits from foids who watch the show solely for him. JFL now that I think about theres a guy on .org who is arab and looks like a 1:1 replica of him.
View attachment 1152657
As much as I'm a racepiller you can't act like ethnics can't look like other races, I've seen mexicans that look asian with the kpop look, latinos and arabs who look black, or extremely light iranians or afghans. Let's not forget that moving back to your shithole is always an option, it's a guaranteed way of ascending for 60% of the ethnics here, they'll gladly take anyone with a pulse and money.
This only proves the racepill more. Only white passing ethnics do well. It's a form of JBW.
Water is wet, niggers are black. Race isn't just a skin pattern, it determines so many layers of human existence, but still JBW is overestimated tho. There're certainly some truly subhuman whitecels in this community. Sub5 men of all races are equally repulsive to foids. However it's generally easier for white normies to get laid as opposed to ethnic normies.
Heught is law regardless of race
I said it before and I'll say it again, racism is a form of lookism and there's an overlap between the two. Heck, a lot of prejudices are just different forms of lookism since humans are visually attuned creatures.
thats why its called the blackpill
only true brothas can call it the niggapill
Brutel wish i was whitecel instead of blackcel whites mog me so much in everyway
How? Are you saying that it's impossible for whites to be incels?
JBW isn't saying that whites cannot be incel, but rather that they have the highest average SMV. That features that are almost exclusive to them objectively make a person more attractive. Germanic whites in particular have the most objectively attractive phenotype in the world.

Whites can be incel, but their race is the best when it comes to SMV. Second best would be black (and yet no one wonders if people think that blacks can't be incel, just because the word "Tyrone" is thrown around).
JBW isn't saying that whites cannot be incel, but rather that they have the highest average SMV. That features that are almost exclusive to them objectively make a person more attractive. Germanic whites in particular have the most objectively attractive phenotype in the world.

Whites can be incel, but their race is the best when it comes to SMV. Second best would be black (and yet no one wonders if people think that blacks can't be incel, just because the word "Tyrone" is thrown around).
JBW is taken literally by ethnic incels on this forum. Btw, JBW has a different meaning for each user.

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