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/r/IncelTears positively enforces rape of incels



Nov 8, 2017
just bringing you your daily blackpill.


They are basically saying the same thing we said in our sub, but even worse. How is cucktears not banned?
Plebbit. Where calling for rape gets you banned. Unless its cucks calling for men to be raped. That's fine.
Their top post right now has a prison joke about incels and Porgi said prison rape jokes aren't cool.

The hypocrisy is unbelievably retarded.
"don't make light of people getting mistreated"

Funny, that's the only comment that was downvoted.  I wouldn't be surprised if IncelTears users were blue-pilled incels; their personalities suck.  Kek.
They say that they dislike us promoting rape...

But they promote rape.

Very smart.
Sjws can never do wrong
ordinaryotaku said:
They say that they dislike us promoting rape...

But they promote rape.

Very smart.

Depends on if they're promoting rape or joking. Thing is, it looks a lot like a joke, but that's just a guess (especially since prison rape jokes are a thing)- i mean half the time people make fun of the subreddit for promoting rape and this might be something similar. From there, if they were joking, humor is kinda subjective... which would explain the downvotes when someone got upset. 

I didn't see many things to do with rape on /r/incels that appeared to be jokes, that's the reason i kinda stayed away from the sub despite wanting to be part of the community. I might be wrong but I saw a fair few people on the subreddit who seemed to unironically promote rape- no jokes at all. 

TL/DR; they're probably joking about rape, the incels subreddit was probably not joking.
The double standards physically hurt me. We must cleanse them all.
Report it to reddit admins immediately. Do it now their sub needs ti be banned.
Now that is an actual hate group, they promote rape!!!
Anime or video game where a FICTIONAL CHARACTER is sexualized:  "OMG rape culture!!  Men who buy this stuff are fucking rape supporting pigs!! This is why I need feminism!"

Prison rape: "LOL! #prisonbooty don't drop the soap! XD XD XD XD XD ecks dee"
We need to get those cuckfags banned. They are much worse then we ever were.
BlackPill47 said:
We need to get those cuckfags banned. They are much worse then we ever were.

There are plenty of subs where people regularly advocate for violence.  Even though it's technically against the rules, the reddit admins are never going to ban an SJW sub for advocating for violence.  Incels are considered a politically acceptable target by reddit numales and as such, anything done to them is justified.  

The rules don't apply to SJWs, they can do whatever they want.  It's the same way with brigading.  Politically incorrect subs are forced to use np links whereas SJW subs like shitredditsays are allowed to link directly even though there's mountains of evidence they brigade.  Plenty of people have brought the fact that a lot of SJW subs like srs are brigading and have shown solid evidence of it.  The reddit admins happily ignore it and at least a couple of the admins have openly praised srs.
Ryo Hazuki said:
There are plenty of subs where people regularly advocate for violence.  Even though it's technically against the rules, the reddit admins are never going to ban an SJW sub for advocating for violence.  Incels are considered a politically acceptable target by reddit numales and as such, anything done to them is justified.  

The rules don't apply to SJWs, they can do whatever they want.  It's the same way with brigading.  Politically incorrect subs are forced to use np links whereas SJW subs like shitredditsays are allowed to link directly even though there's mountains of evidence they brigade.  Plenty of people have brought the fact that a lot of SJW subs like srs are brigading and have shown solid evidence of it.  The reddit admins happily ignore it and at least a couple of the admins have openly praised srs.

Numales are just lol. Kek at that.
Earlier they were talking about how it's wrong that some of the users are under 16.
Yet it's funny to think about said users getting brutally sodomized.
Gets the noggin' a-joggin'.
eggo said:
Earlier they were talking about how it's wrong that some of the users are under 16.
Yet it's funny to think about said users getting brutally sodomized.
Gets the noggin' a-joggin'.

Bingo on this. /r/IncelBullies won't be able to refute that.
I'm bumping this old but gold thread, just lol @ the double standard, fucking Steve cuckman liberal faggot. Fuck /u/spez
this is what women wish all non-chads would do, go off and rape each other. if you aren't chad women hate you
mental_out said:
Porgi keeps trying to make that sub into something it isn't. It's clear the vast majority of people on that sub don't agree with her ethics.

Who is progi? I'm out of the loop, fill me in buddy boyo  :bigsmile:
iiiTeMpeR said:
mental_out said:
Porgi keeps trying to make that sub into something it isn't. It's clear the vast majority of people on that sub don't agree with her ethics.
Who is progi? I'm out of the loop, fill me in buddy boyo :bigsmile:
a it mod with an italian flair
Those cucks should be beheaded.

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