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JFL R.I.P autistcels



Nov 28, 2017
lets assume you magically get a girl, lets say shes a 5 or 6(very unrealistic but just roll with it). she has a decent social life, goes to parties etc etc. to stay with her you would also have to go to such parties, go with her and her friends(including male friends), struggle to hold conversational strength with her regularly, order meals at restaurants with her(much harder for autists and you will look very socially awkward), autistically interact with others around her and with her around others etc. not only will this put a massive strain on you and the relationship but your autistic ass would obviously get dumped very quickly but then again this is purely hypothetical. she wouldnt ever consider your cock the instance she senses your autism. it is truly fucking over for autistcels. unless you are at least a 7 you will not get the S U C C and even as a 7 autist you can only get 5s and 6s because a neurotypical 7 beats an autistic 7 any day of the week. mentalcel is real people.
a neurotypical 7 beats an autistic 7 any day of the week. mentalcel is real people.

6/10 autists mog the absolute shit out of sub4 NTs though.
good post tbh. some here underestimate personality. it only matters up to a certain point though. if you're in the 4-7 range in looks personality and money matter a lot. but once you get to the 8-10 range anything goes
true but autism lowers the PSL by 2 points.

I actually agree with that.

I just hate it when people claim all incels must be autists. The ones who claim sub4 NT guys can easily get sub4 women. Those are the worst and need to fuck off back to lookism.

In the real world, sub4 NT guys can't get shit (or have to betabux) due to juggernaut law.
Well it's over for us
Normals instantly know you're not a normalfag. They can tell there's something off about you.

Autists need to learn very good speech skills, a large vocabulary, and be able to fluently articulate their thoughts in a way that demonstrates intelligence. They'll think you're odd, but at least they don't think you're retarded.

In the past it would just be called eccentric.
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it's over. why even try? It's just too hard. If I was agirl I'd have no problems. No fair.
Yes having to get to know her friends and family is to much for me to handle,if I even tried to be social they would still see me as awkward and weird,I'm doomed to live like this for the rest of my pathetic life I'm planning to kill myself when I turn 30 next year
i am so fucking stupid and autistic. i can barely hold conersations with people, if even that. i am beyond a fuck up.
i am so fucking stupid and autistic. i can barely hold conersations with people, if even that. i am beyond a fuck up.
i cant even hold a fucking conversation. i have nothing relatable to peers my age and am too fucking autistic to communicate properly.
i cant even hold a fucking conversation. i have nothing relatable to peers my age and am too fucking autistic to communicate properly.
If your a social retarded shut in then your gonna have to find another shut in to date or else it won't work. A girl may sleep with an attractive shy guy, but if he can't integrate with her social circle and family it won't work out in the long run.
Reading this post fucking destroyed any hope I had left.
lets assume you magically get a girl, lets say shes a 5 or 6(very unrealistic but just roll with it). she has a decent social life, goes to parties etc etc. to stay with her you would also have to go to such parties, go with her and her friends(including male friends), struggle to hold conversational strength with her regularly, order meals at restaurants with her
I'm out.
6/10 autists mog the absolute shit out of sub4 NTs though.

never underestimate the power of NT. A strong 4 who is NTmaxxed and low inhib can be more intersting for girls than an autistic 6 with high inhib
Autistic = shy or autistic = literally autistic?
That's what I've always said. Even if I got a "gf" by some kind of magic I would never be able to keep her more than a week with my autistic schizoid brain. Most femoids are hyperneurotypical creatures and if you're not NT you will most likely rot alone your entire life.
im so ugly and autistic im probably more autist than everyone here i have no chance

Can people stop claiming autism unless they’re legit diagnosed?
diagnosis doesnt mean shit ive been told my multiple people i am i bet i am more autist than you besides if i really wanted to i could get diagnosed easy
Normals instantly know you're not a normalfag. They can tell there's something off about you.

Autists need to learn very good speech skills, a large vocabulary, and be able to fluently articulate their thoughts in a way that demonstrates intelligence. They'll think you're odd, but at least they don't think you're retarded.

In the past it would just be called eccentric.

Lmao to rephrase "If you're autistic, don't be autistic."
Lmao to rephrase "If you're autistic, don't be autistic."
It won't help the retard autistics, but the socially inept autistics? People will think they're "weird", but this is basically because pic related.

It won't help the retard autistics, but the socially inept autistics? People will think they're "weird", but this is basically because pic related.

View attachment 4358

Same difference. If you're autistic, you're autistic. Normies won't ever like you unless godly looks.
At least as an autistcel you can do ONSs using tinder.
never underestimate the power of NT. A strong 4 who is NTmaxxed and low inhib can be more intersting for girls than an autistic 6 with high inhib

I've known a lot of incels in real life. The vast majority of them were NT.
That's what I've always said. Even if I got a "gf" by some kind of magic I would never be able to keep her more than a week with my autistic schizoid brain. Most femoids are hyperneurotypical creatures and if you're not NT you will most likely rot alone your entire life.

Ive thought about it a lot. I imagine myself faking a social net, pretending to be a normie when im with she and her family/friends... making jokes... Its just fucking impossible. I know i could not do it.
Most femoids are hyperneurotypical creatures and if you're not NT you will most likely rot alone your entire life.
fucking THIS. pretty much every girl with aspergers is more neurotypical than your average man. girls have it so rigged in their favour its not even funny.

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