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SuicideFuel R.I.P Atavistic Autist



I prefer ticks and chiggers to norms and niggers
Sep 18, 2020
Gone, but never forgotten. Fly high big dawg, no sign of life after small convo in dms, very unusual, (((they))) took another one.

@Atavistic Autist

Rip Smh GIF

stay safe my fellow junkies, always test ur shit ong
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He died of a fent od from laced tianeptine. Sad story.
I thought I saw him online fairly recently.
Damn the fentanyl Crisis is real in america, People want to send their kids to college with narcan. I thought you were making a stretch here but I Remember him posting when I first joined and now looking at all his Posting talking About pills I really dont doubt it. RIP
piece of shit apologist of russian imperialism. he would be happy if russia came to my town and levelled it
I recall him being inactive for much longer periods of time in the past
You knew this was coming. He romanticized drugs too much.
piece of shit apologist of russian imperialism. he would be happy if russia came to my town and levelled it
You are pawn of USA empire.
You don't care when US troops murder someone.

How do you know he died ?
I occasionally inject methamphetamine and my biggest worry is that one day I end up shooting up meth laced with fentanyl
Last I spoke with him was on the 23rd of January, he was doing outdoor stuff.
He died of too much NoFap bs as most of you braindead faggots do
I recall him being inactive for much longer periods of time in the past
@Atavistic Autist puts me on unease sometimes ngl
I hope he isn't really dead.
Maybe he went to jail tbh.
Maybe he went to jail tbh.
Dude fentanyl is everywhere, It’s to the point where if your caught with fentanyl now they have to schedule you to be released cause the jails are so packed in America
You are pawn of USA empire.
No, I am not. I want no involvement in other countries' affairs. I want to end all Finnish contributions to various UN funds and treaties since super rich countries like Singapore do not contribute anything and Nordic countries contribute much more than their fair share of the burden. UN = from West to the Rest. Singapore, South Korea, Kuwait, Israel, Qatar, UAE etc. are all officially developing countries ("poor countries") in the United Nations and its treaties because they are selfish and there is no way to force any country to abandon its self-decided developing country status. Singapore is literally the world's richest and most developed country but still claims developing country status at UN, WTO, climate change negotiations etc. and does not financially contribute to any UN causes, funds, appeals et cetera. I have always opposed Finland's EU membership, OSCE membership, UN membership and all UN treaties that force Finland to pay to Singapore and other developing countries, and for example to accept unlimited amount of asylum applications and force us to take anyone in who claims asylum. I oppose Finland's sanctions against Russia and have opposed since 2014 because it's like shooting ourselves in the foot (Russia was by far the number one trading partner of Finland in 2013) economically. I could support economic sanctions against Russia, if they were like UN sanctions, where all countries participated. I support at this time full trade embargo on Russia. But Finland should not participate in it unless all countries of the world participated. If China, India, Turkey, Philippines, Brazil, Africa stopped buying from Russia, Russia's economy would collapse. Otherwise we shoot ourselves in the foot. We need cheap russian pipeline gas to power our economy, now we (Finland, but Germany also) are in serious industrial decline and long recession without end in sight (we should still have a plan to replace that in case of Russia stopping deliveries). Now it is a lose-lose situation where Russia flares gas at Portovaya and we buy expensive LNG, mainly from the USA.

Finland should withdraw from Council of Europe. Because its human rights treaty bans death penalty (I have always supported death penalty) and as far as I know, not only EU legislation but also Council of Europe membership means that we cannot just decline to receive any asylum applications and must instead take in all migrants who ask for asylum. After their asylum application is rejected, most still can't be deported back and even if can be deported, it costs dearly to state's finances. Of course withdraw from the UN refugee treaty also, most countries from which we receive refugees like Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Indonesia, Syria etc. have never even joined the UN refugee treaty so Finnish asylum-seekers can not even claim asylum in those countries from which we take lots of asylum-seekers. There is no reciprocity. People from Africa try to come to Saudi Arabia, but Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Oman have not ratified the UN refugee treaty, so they do not even accept to receive their asylum applications, instead they shoot to kill the migrants. That is what Europe needs to do also. At Greece-Turkey border, at Mediterranean, do not rescue, shoot-to-sink!!!!!!!!!!!! Poland, Lithuania, Finland should kill the migrants that come to our territory without documents.

I am very angry that Nordic countries, BENELUX, Germany, UK, Switzerland and EU's common budget gives so much money for example to the Palestinians, direct budget support included, UNRWA etc. while rich arab countries do not give anything. West is too nice. It is not our problem. (No, I do not support Israel in any way, I am neutral in the Palestine/Arabs/Israel conflict. Better would be if Israel would never have been founded)

I have always opposed Finnish troops abroad in these UN and EU missions. We have had troops in Lebanon for example for decades. All Finnish forces should be withdrawn from abroad. Now all the political parties represented in the parliament agreed to at least maintain the troops numbers abroad and preferably increase them further since we withdrew from Afghanistan. We send more to Africa and plan to send much more troops to Africa in UN and EU missions. Also, Finnish army banned our soldiers from buying sex abroad even when they are on their holiday. Also forbidden is to have sexual relations with local women. BUT NOW WE RECEIVE SOLDIERS FROM USA, GERMANY AND OTHER NATO COUNTRIES AND THEY ARE FREE TO HAVE SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH OUR WOMEN! I DO NOT SUPPORT ANY FOREIGN SOLDIERS ON FINNISH SOIL!!!! NOT EVEN DURING EXERCISES, NAVAL VISITS ETC.

I do not support Finnish NATO membership. I think we should have developed our own nuclear weapons long ago. We should start now if we haven't already. Exit from NATO once our own nuclear deterrence against Russia is ready. We should have chemical weapons also. And of course anti-personnel land-mines, we should have never ratified the Ottawa treaty since Russia has not. Land-mines are very effective and cheap and Russia has deployed them for example around the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station. We should deploy anti-personnel land-mines now to prevent the asylum seeker invasion from Russia. Deploy them where the asylum-seekers come in maastoraja (outside official border crossing points).

I support donating some Finnish military equipment/weapons to Ukraine. Finnish volunteers who fought for Ukraine should receive official veteran status like those that served in Lebanon, Kosovo, Afghanistan etc. But I am angry that Finland has given much, much more than our fair share. Finland has given like 3-4 times more than France, despite our population being 5.5 million and France 68 million and similar GDP per capita. We give every month a package worth about 100 million euros. The last one was 106 million euros. France wants others to pay for CAESAR, only donating 12 and others should pay the 60. They plan to produce 72 this year for Ukraine, but only agreed to donate 12 and others should pay France to donate to Ukraine the 60. This is unacceptable from Finnish perspective. We DONATE to Ukraine about 100 million worth of defense materiel every month. If France would give the same as Finland, it needs to give over 1200 million euros worth of military hardware every month to match our burden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are a security threat Russian operative/occupant in the Baltics (you never say which country) and you should at minimum be deported back to Russia like Latvia is now doing (unfortunately only those who have Russian citizenship and refuse to learn Latvian). Or hanged/worked to death as a slave serving industrial purposes.

You don't care when US troops murder someone.
I care similarly as when Saudi/UAE troops/proxies murder in Yemen, Israel murders in Palestine.

I think Israel is apartheid and terroristic state that should not exist. I do not support Hamas either. Gazans elected Hamas and Hamas is popular in the West Bank now also. Now they cry about a ceasefire. Attack and then cry about a ceasefire while saying that they will attack again and again in the future!!!!!!!!!! Ukraine-haters usually are pro-Hamas. Imagine Ukraine starting a war (if there was none before) with Russia by killing thousands of civilians in Moscow in cruel ways and enjoying it and then immediately crying for a ceasefire after the revenge comes. Hamas should be totally dismantled and I think Israel should not have withdrawn from Gaza in 2005. But Israel should be dismantled also, unfortunately that is impossible now that they have nuclear weapons and USA always backs Israel no matter what they do which is wrong.

I'll put you on ignore since I wasted a lot of time writing this. This has happened many times here in the past. Not wise use of my limited time.
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No, I am not. I want no involvement in other countries' affairs. I want to end all Finnish contributions to various UN funds and treaties since super rich countries like Singapore do not contribute anything and Nordic countries contribute much more than their fair share of the burden. UN = from West to the Rest. Singapore, South Korea, Kuwait, Israel, Qatar, UAE etc. are all officially developing countries ("poor countries") in the United Nations and its treaties because they are selfish and there is no way to force any country to abandon its self-decided developing country status. Singapore is literally the world's richest and most developed country but still claims developing country status at UN, WTO, climate change negotiations etc. and does not financially contribute to any UN causes, funds, appeals et cetera. I have always opposed Finland's EU membership, OSCE membership, UN membership and all UN treaties that force Finland to pay to Singapore and other developing countries, and for example to accept unlimited amount of asylum applications and force us to take anyone in who claims asylum. I oppose Finland's sanctions against Russia and have opposed since 2014 because it's like shooting ourselves in the foot (Russia was by far the number one trading partner of Finland in 2013) economically. I could support economic sanctions against Russia, if they were like UN sanctions, where all countries participated. I support at this time full trade embargo on Russia. But Finland should not participate in it unless all countries of the world participated. If China, India, Turkey, Philippines, Brazil, Africa stopped buying from Russia, Russia's economy would collapse. Otherwise we shoot ourselves in the foot. We need cheap russian pipeline gas to power our economy, now we (Finland, but Germany also) are in serious industrial decline and long recession without end in sight (we should still have a plan to replace that in case of Russia stopping deliveries). Now it is a lose-lose situation where Russia flares gas at Portovaya and we buy expensive LNG, mainly from the USA.

Finland should withdraw from Council of Europe. Because its human rights treaty bans death penalty (I have always supported death penalty) and as far as I know, not only EU legislation but also Council of Europe membership means that we cannot just decline to receive any asylum applications and must instead take in all migrants who ask for asylum. After their asylum application is rejected, most still can't be deported back and even if can be deported, it costs dearly to state's finances. Of course withdraw from the UN refugee treaty also, most countries from which we receive refugees like Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Indonesia, Syria etc. have never even joined the UN refugee treaty so Finnish asylum-seekers can not even claim asylum in those countries from which we take lots of asylum-seekers. There is no reciprocity. People from Africa try to come to Saudi Arabia, but Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Oman have not ratified the UN refugee treaty, so they do not even accept to receive their asylum applications, instead they shoot to kill the migrants. That is what Europe needs to do also. At Greece-Turkey border, at Mediterranean, do not rescue, shoot-to-sink!!!!!!!!!!!! Poland, Lithuania, Finland should kill the migrants that come to our territory without documents.

I am very angry that Nordic countries, BENELUX, Germany, UK, Switzerland and EU's common budget gives so much money for example to the Palestinians, direct budget support included, UNRWA etc. while rich arab countries do not give anything. West is too nice. It is not our problem. (No, I do not support Israel in any way, I am neutral in the Palestine/Arabs/Israel conflict. Better would be if Israel would never have been founded)

I have always opposed Finnish troops abroad in these UN and EU missions. We have had troops in Lebanon for example for decades. All Finnish forces should be withdrawn from abroad. Now all the political parties represented in the parliament agreed to at least maintain the troops numbers abroad and preferably increase them further since we withdrew from Afghanistan. We send more to Africa and plan to send much more troops to Africa in UN and EU missions. Also, Finnish army banned our soldiers from buying sex abroad even when they are on their holiday. Also forbidden is to have sexual relations with local women. BUT NOW WE RECEIVE SOLDIERS FROM USA, GERMANY AND OTHER NATO COUNTRIES AND THEY ARE FREE TO HAVE SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH OUR WOMEN! I DO NOT SUPPORT ANY FOREIGN SOLDIERS ON FINNISH SOIL!!!! NOT EVEN DURING EXERCISES, NAVAL VISITS ETC.

I do not support Finnish NATO membership. I think we should have developed our own nuclear weapons long ago. We should start now if we haven't already. Exit from NATO once our own nuclear deterrence against Russia is ready. We should have chemical weapons also. And of course anti-personnel land-mines, we should have never ratified the Ottawa treaty since Russia has not. Land-mines are very effective and cheap and Russia has deployed them for example around the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station. We should deploy anti-personnel land-mines now to prevent the asylum seeker invasion from Russia. Deploy them where the asylum-seekers come in maastoraja (outside official border crossing points).

I support donating some Finnish military equipment/weapons to Ukraine. Finnish volunteers who fought for Ukraine should receive official veteran status like those that served in Lebanon, Kosovo, Afghanistan etc. But I am angry that Finland has given much, much more than our fair share. Finland has given like 3-4 times more than France, despite our population being 5.5 million and France 68 million and similar GDP per capita. We give every month a package worth about 100 million euros. The last one was 106 million euros. France wants others to pay for CAESAR, only donating 12 and others should pay the 60. They plan to produce 72 this year for Ukraine, but only agreed to donate 12 and others should pay France to donate to Ukraine the 60. This is unacceptable from Finnish perspective. We DONATE to Ukraine about 100 million worth of defense materiel every month. If France would give the same as Finland, it needs to give over 1200 million euros worth of military hardware every month to match our burden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are a security thread Russian operative/occupant in the Baltics (you never say which country) and you should at minimum be deported back to Russia like Latvia is now doing (unfortunately only those who have Russian citizenship and refuse to learn Latvian). Or hanged/worked to death as a slave serving industrial purposes.

I care similarly as when Saudi/UAE troops/proxies murder in Yemen, Israel murders in Palestine.

I think Israel is apartheid and terroristic state that should not exist. I do not support Hamas either. Gazans elected Hamas and Hamas is popular in the West Bank now also. Now they cry about a ceasefire. Attack and then cry about a ceasefire while saying that they will attack again and again in the future!!!!!!!!!! Ukraine-haters usually are pro-Hamas. Imagine Ukraine starting a war (if there was none before) with Russia by killing thousands of civilians in Moscow in cruel ways and enjoying it and then immediately crying for a ceasefire after the revenge comes. Hamas should be totally dismantled and I think Israel should not have withdrawn from Gaza in 2005. But Israel should be dismantled also, unfortunately that is impossible now that they have nuclear weapons and USA always backs Israel no matter what they do which is wrong.

I'll put you on ignore since I wasted a lot of time writing this. This has happened many times here in the past. Not wise use of my limited time.
No, I am not. I want no involvement in other countries' affairs. I want to end all Finnish contributions to various UN funds and treaties since super rich countries like Singapore do not contribute anything and Nordic countries contribute much more than their fair share of the burden. UN = from West to the Rest. Singapore, South Korea, Kuwait, Israel, Qatar, UAE etc. are all officially developing countries ("poor countries") in the United Nations and its treaties because they are selfish and there is no way to force any country to abandon its self-decided developing country status. Singapore is literally the world's richest and most developed country but still claims developing country status at UN, WTO, climate change negotiations etc. and does not financially contribute to any UN causes, funds, appeals et cetera. I have always opposed Finland's EU membership, OSCE membership, UN membership and all UN treaties that force Finland to pay to Singapore and other developing countries, and for example to accept unlimited amount of asylum applications and force us to take anyone in who claims asylum. I oppose Finland's sanctions against Russia and have opposed since 2014 because it's like shooting ourselves in the foot (Russia was by far the number one trading partner of Finland in 2013) economically. I could support economic sanctions against Russia, if they were like UN sanctions, where all countries participated. I support at this time full trade embargo on Russia. But Finland should not participate in it unless all countries of the world participated. If China, India, Turkey, Philippines, Brazil, Africa stopped buying from Russia, Russia's economy would collapse. Otherwise we shoot ourselves in the foot. We need cheap russian pipeline gas to power our economy, now we (Finland, but Germany also) are in serious industrial decline and long recession without end in sight (we should still have a plan to replace that in case of Russia stopping deliveries). Now it is a lose-lose situation where Russia flares gas at Portovaya and we buy expensive LNG, mainly from the USA.

Finland should withdraw from Council of Europe. Because its human rights treaty bans death penalty (I have always supported death penalty) and as far as I know, not only EU legislation but also Council of Europe membership means that we cannot just decline to receive any asylum applications and must instead take in all migrants who ask for asylum. After their asylum application is rejected, most still can't be deported back and even if can be deported, it costs dearly to state's finances. Of course withdraw from the UN refugee treaty also, most countries from which we receive refugees like Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Indonesia, Syria etc. have never even joined the UN refugee treaty so Finnish asylum-seekers can not even claim asylum in those countries from which we take lots of asylum-seekers. There is no reciprocity. People from Africa try to come to Saudi Arabia, but Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Oman have not ratified the UN refugee treaty, so they do not even accept to receive their asylum applications, instead they shoot to kill the migrants. That is what Europe needs to do also. At Greece-Turkey border, at Mediterranean, do not rescue, shoot-to-sink!!!!!!!!!!!! Poland, Lithuania, Finland should kill the migrants that come to our territory without documents.

I am very angry that Nordic countries, BENELUX, Germany, UK, Switzerland and EU's common budget gives so much money for example to the Palestinians, direct budget support included, UNRWA etc. while rich arab countries do not give anything. West is too nice. It is not our problem. (No, I do not support Israel in any way, I am neutral in the Palestine/Arabs/Israel conflict. Better would be if Israel would never have been founded)

I have always opposed Finnish troops abroad in these UN and EU missions. We have had troops in Lebanon for example for decades. All Finnish forces should be withdrawn from abroad. Now all the political parties represented in the parliament agreed to at least maintain the troops numbers abroad and preferably increase them further since we withdrew from Afghanistan. We send more to Africa and plan to send much more troops to Africa in UN and EU missions. Also, Finnish army banned our soldiers from buying sex abroad even when they are on their holiday. Also forbidden is to have sexual relations with local women. BUT NOW WE RECEIVE SOLDIERS FROM USA, GERMANY AND OTHER NATO COUNTRIES AND THEY ARE FREE TO HAVE SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH OUR WOMEN! I DO NOT SUPPORT ANY FOREIGN SOLDIERS ON FINNISH SOIL!!!! NOT EVEN DURING EXERCISES, NAVAL VISITS ETC.

I do not support Finnish NATO membership. I think we should have developed our own nuclear weapons long ago. We should start now if we haven't already. Exit from NATO once our own nuclear deterrence against Russia is ready. We should have chemical weapons also. And of course anti-personnel land-mines, we should have never ratified the Ottawa treaty since Russia has not. Land-mines are very effective and cheap and Russia has deployed them for example around the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station. We should deploy anti-personnel land-mines now to prevent the asylum seeker invasion from Russia. Deploy them where the asylum-seekers come in maastoraja (outside official border crossing points).

I support donating some Finnish military equipment/weapons to Ukraine. Finnish volunteers who fought for Ukraine should receive official veteran status like those that served in Lebanon, Kosovo, Afghanistan etc. But I am angry that Finland has given much, much more than our fair share. Finland has given like 3-4 times more than France, despite our population being 5.5 million and France 68 million and similar GDP per capita. We give every month a package worth about 100 million euros. The last one was 106 million euros. France wants others to pay for CAESAR, only donating 12 and others should pay the 60. They plan to produce 72 this year for Ukraine, but only agreed to donate 12 and others should pay France to donate to Ukraine the 60. This is unacceptable from Finnish perspective. We DONATE to Ukraine about 100 million worth of defense materiel every month. If France would give the same as Finland, it needs to give over 1200 million euros worth of military hardware every month to match our burden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are a security thread Russian operative/occupant in the Baltics (you never say which country) and you should at minimum be deported back to Russia like Latvia is now doing (unfortunately only those who have Russian citizenship and refuse to learn Latvian). Or hanged/worked to death as a slave serving industrial purposes.

I care similarly as when Saudi/UAE troops/proxies murder in Yemen, Israel murders in Palestine.

I think Israel is apartheid and terroristic state that should not exist. I do not support Hamas either. Gazans elected Hamas and Hamas is popular in the West Bank now also. Now they cry about a ceasefire. Attack and then cry about a ceasefire while saying that they will attack again and again in the future!!!!!!!!!! Ukraine-haters usually are pro-Hamas. Imagine Ukraine starting a war (if there was none before) with Russia by killing thousands of civilians in Moscow in cruel ways and enjoying it and then immediately crying for a ceasefire after the revenge comes. Hamas should be totally dismantled and I think Israel should not have withdrawn from Gaza in 2005. But Israel should be dismantled also, unfortunately that is impossible now that they have nuclear weapons and USA always backs Israel no matter what they do which is wrong.
I don't meant you personally. I meant your country and elites of Finland since they are forming foreign policy.
Especially new post-Soviet states act as US pawns.
They even deny existence of CIA secret prisons on their territory and pretend that this doesn't happened.
How it's a democracy if wide population don't know about it and don't allowed to have public discussion on these issues?
How do you know he’s dead?
I want independent Finland with anti-personnel land-mines, chemical weapons, nuclear weapons and I want Finland to exit EU, Council of Europe, NATO, UN and all UN treaties.

Read the whole post and to what it was a response.

I spent hours writing it and no-one even read it. This has happened on this website many times. That's why I put @NorthernWind on ignore as my first (second de facto if I include one other idiot, but I just manually ignored his messages, did not put on ignore list) ignored user here ever, because he has provoked me multiple times to waste lots of time answering and then he does not even appreciate/read/respond to it. Also I put him on ignore because clearly he is of low intelligence. Just look at his basic grammar errors.
I want independent Finland with anti-personnel land-mines, chemical weapons, nuclear weapons and I want Finland to exit EU, Council of Europe, NATO, UN and all UN treaties.

Read the whole post and to what it was a response.

I spent hours writing it and no-one even read it. This has happened on this website many times. That's why I put @NorthernWind on ignore as my first (second de facto if I include one other idiot, but I just manually ignored his messages, did not put on ignore list) ignored user here ever, because he has provoked me multiple times to waste lots of time answering and then he does not even appreciate/read/respond to it. Also I put him on ignore because clearly he is of low intelligence. Just look at his basic grammar errors.
No, I am not. I want no involvement in other countries' affairs. I want to end all Finnish contributions to various UN funds and treaties since super rich countries like Singapore do not contribute anything and Nordic countries contribute much more than their fair share of the burden. UN = from West to the Rest. Singapore, South Korea, Kuwait, Israel, Qatar, UAE etc. are all officially developing countries ("poor countries") in the United Nations and its treaties because they are selfish and there is no way to force any country to abandon its self-decided developing country status. Singapore is literally the world's richest and most developed country but still claims developing country status at UN, WTO, climate change negotiations etc. and does not financially contribute to any UN causes, funds, appeals et cetera. I have always opposed Finland's EU membership, OSCE membership, UN membership and all UN treaties that force Finland to pay to Singapore and other developing countries, and for example to accept unlimited amount of asylum applications and force us to take anyone in who claims asylum. I oppose Finland's sanctions against Russia and have opposed since 2014 because it's like shooting ourselves in the foot (Russia was by far the number one trading partner of Finland in 2013) economically. I could support economic sanctions against Russia, if they were like UN sanctions, where all countries participated. I support at this time full trade embargo on Russia. But Finland should not participate in it unless all countries of the world participated. If China, India, Turkey, Philippines, Brazil, Africa stopped buying from Russia, Russia's economy would collapse. Otherwise we shoot ourselves in the foot. We need cheap russian pipeline gas to power our economy, now we (Finland, but Germany also) are in serious industrial decline and long recession without end in sight (we should still have a plan to replace that in case of Russia stopping deliveries). Now it is a lose-lose situation where Russia flares gas at Portovaya and we buy expensive LNG, mainly from the USA.

Finland should withdraw from Council of Europe. Because its human rights treaty bans death penalty (I have always supported death penalty) and as far as I know, not only EU legislation but also Council of Europe membership means that we cannot just decline to receive any asylum applications and must instead take in all migrants who ask for asylum. After their asylum application is rejected, most still can't be deported back and even if can be deported, it costs dearly to state's finances. Of course withdraw from the UN refugee treaty also, most countries from which we receive refugees like Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Indonesia, Syria etc. have never even joined the UN refugee treaty so Finnish asylum-seekers can not even claim asylum in those countries from which we take lots of asylum-seekers. There is no reciprocity. People from Africa try to come to Saudi Arabia, but Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Oman have not ratified the UN refugee treaty, so they do not even accept to receive their asylum applications, instead they shoot to kill the migrants. That is what Europe needs to do also. At Greece-Turkey border, at Mediterranean, do not rescue, shoot-to-sink!!!!!!!!!!!! Poland, Lithuania, Finland should kill the migrants that come to our territory without documents.

I am very angry that Nordic countries, BENELUX, Germany, UK, Switzerland and EU's common budget gives so much money for example to the Palestinians, direct budget support included, UNRWA etc. while rich arab countries do not give anything. West is too nice. It is not our problem. (No, I do not support Israel in any way, I am neutral in the Palestine/Arabs/Israel conflict. Better would be if Israel would never have been founded)

I have always opposed Finnish troops abroad in these UN and EU missions. We have had troops in Lebanon for example for decades. All Finnish forces should be withdrawn from abroad. Now all the political parties represented in the parliament agreed to at least maintain the troops numbers abroad and preferably increase them further since we withdrew from Afghanistan. We send more to Africa and plan to send much more troops to Africa in UN and EU missions. Also, Finnish army banned our soldiers from buying sex abroad even when they are on their holiday. Also forbidden is to have sexual relations with local women. BUT NOW WE RECEIVE SOLDIERS FROM USA, GERMANY AND OTHER NATO COUNTRIES AND THEY ARE FREE TO HAVE SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH OUR WOMEN! I DO NOT SUPPORT ANY FOREIGN SOLDIERS ON FINNISH SOIL!!!! NOT EVEN DURING EXERCISES, NAVAL VISITS ETC.

I do not support Finnish NATO membership. I think we should have developed our own nuclear weapons long ago. We should start now if we haven't already. Exit from NATO once our own nuclear deterrence against Russia is ready. We should have chemical weapons also. And of course anti-personnel land-mines, we should have never ratified the Ottawa treaty since Russia has not. Land-mines are very effective and cheap and Russia has deployed them for example around the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station. We should deploy anti-personnel land-mines now to prevent the asylum seeker invasion from Russia. Deploy them where the asylum-seekers come in maastoraja (outside official border crossing points).

I support donating some Finnish military equipment/weapons to Ukraine. Finnish volunteers who fought for Ukraine should receive official veteran status like those that served in Lebanon, Kosovo, Afghanistan etc. But I am angry that Finland has given much, much more than our fair share. Finland has given like 3-4 times more than France, despite our population being 5.5 million and France 68 million and similar GDP per capita. We give every month a package worth about 100 million euros. The last one was 106 million euros. France wants others to pay for CAESAR, only donating 12 and others should pay the 60. They plan to produce 72 this year for Ukraine, but only agreed to donate 12 and others should pay France to donate to Ukraine the 60. This is unacceptable from Finnish perspective. We DONATE to Ukraine about 100 million worth of defense materiel every month. If France would give the same as Finland, it needs to give over 1200 million euros worth of military hardware every month to match our burden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are a security threat Russian operative/occupant in the Baltics (you never say which country) and you should at minimum be deported back to Russia like Latvia is now doing (unfortunately only those who have Russian citizenship and refuse to learn Latvian). Or hanged/worked to death as a slave serving industrial purposes.

I care similarly as when Saudi/UAE troops/proxies murder in Yemen, Israel murders in Palestine.

I think Israel is apartheid and terroristic state that should not exist. I do not support Hamas either. Gazans elected Hamas and Hamas is popular in the West Bank now also. Now they cry about a ceasefire. Attack and then cry about a ceasefire while saying that they will attack again and again in the future!!!!!!!!!! Ukraine-haters usually are pro-Hamas. Imagine Ukraine starting a war (if there was none before) with Russia by killing thousands of civilians in Moscow in cruel ways and enjoying it and then immediately crying for a ceasefire after the revenge comes. Hamas should be totally dismantled and I think Israel should not have withdrawn from Gaza in 2005. But Israel should be dismantled also, unfortunately that is impossible now that they have nuclear weapons and USA always backs Israel no matter what they do which is wrong.

I'll put you on ignore since I wasted a lot of time writing this. This has happened many times here in the past. Not wise use of my limited time.
Read it
I want independent Finland with anti-personnel land-mines, chemical weapons, nuclear weapons and I want Finland to exit EU, Council of Europe, NATO, UN and all UN treaties.
Oispa. Siihen vielä vahva pankkisalaisuus päälle. Suomen etu olisi olla Sveitsin kaltainen maa ennen vuotta 2002, kun se ei vielä kuulunut yk:hon.
Oispa. Siihen vielä vahva pankkisalaisuus päälle. Suomen etu olisi olla Sveitsin kaltainen maa ennen vuotta 2002, kun se ei vielä kuulunut yk:hon.
Miksi pankkisalaisuus?

Sveitsi antoi naisille äänioikeuden todella myöhään muihin maihin verrattuna. Kardinaalimunaus. Naisten äänioikeus, varsinkin nuorten naisten äänioikeus, on hirveä virhe. Hedelmällisen iän jälkeen saavat hieman järkeä päähän, mutta miten tietää, kenellä kuukautiset ovat loppuneet ja kenellä eivät ole loppuneet? Kannatan siis hieman enemmän vanhempien naisten äänioikeutta kuin nuorten. Mutta en kannata miestenkään yleistä ja yhtäläistä äänioikeutta.

Itse en perusta kansanvallasta, kansanäänestyksistä. Sveitsistä ei pitäisi ottaa mallia kansanäänestysten suhteen.

Oli tarkoitus käydä äänestämässä aamulla ja olla paikalla jo ennen kuin äänestyspaikan ovet aukeavat, mutta käytin tunteja tuon pitkän viestin kirjoittamiseen ja sen seurauksena en ole vieläkään äänestänyt! Nyt pitää lähteä, että ehdin puoli kahdeksaksi kotiin takaisin katsomaan tulosiltaa. Luonnollisesti laitan vitosen lappuun.

Toimittajan ammatti pitäisi olla naisilta kielletty ammatti.
I want independent Finland with anti-personnel land-mines, chemical weapons, nuclear weapons and I want Finland to exit EU, Council of Europe, NATO, UN and all UN treaties.

Read the whole post and to what it was a response.

I spent hours writing it and no-one even read it. This has happened on this website many times. That's why I put @NorthernWind on ignore as my first (second de facto if I include one other idiot, but I just manually ignored his messages, did not put on ignore list) ignored user here ever, because he has provoked me multiple times to waste lots of time answering and then he does not even appreciate/read/respond to it. Also I put him on ignore because clearly he is of low intelligence. Just look at his basic grammar errors.
Nigger answered to my post with a detailed answer and already created drama even if I answered to his post.
And I don't remember asking him anything besides some insignificant questions and he doesn't noticed my posts regarding masturbation in his thread about fapping.
And it's normal because it's impossible to notice or answer to any post.
But I guess his anti-Russian stance makes him blind with rage.
I have met some Russophobes during my life and they were very biased angry people.
Maybe he isn't even Russophobe but it's hard to not notice it.
Pankkisalaisuus toisi lisää rahaa Suomeen. Vastaavanlaiset järjestelyt vaurastutti myös Luxemburgin ja Liechtensteinin kaltaisia maita. Tämä voisi omalla tavallaan parantaa myös turvallisuutta kun vaikutusvaltaiset ihmiset itänaapurista tuovat rahansa Suomeen, ne jäädytetään jos Suomi joutuu poikkeustilaan ja interessit voivat vähentyä mitä tulee Suomen uhkailemiseen, jos iltapaskoihin on yhtään edes uskomista. Nämä ovat vain omat mielipiteeni ja ajatukset.
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Most of us have lost many incel friends. I've lost 10+. Governments will pay.
Miksi pankkisalaisuus?
Pankkisalaisuus toisi lisää rahaa Suomeen. Vastaavanlaiset järjestelyt vaurastutti myös Luxemburgin ja Liechtensteinin kaltaisia maita. Tämä voisi omalla tavallaan parantaa myös turvallisuutta kun vaikutusvaltaiset ihmiset itänaapurista tuovat rahansa Suomeen, ne jäädytetään jos Suomi joutuu poikkeustilaan ja interessit voivat vähentyä mitä tulee Suomen uhkailemiseen, jos iltapaskoihin on yhtään edes uskomista. Nämä ovat vain omat mielipiteeni ja ajatukset.
Gone, but never forgotten. Fly high big dawg, no sign of life after small convo in dms, very unusual, (((they))) took another one.

@Atavistic Autist

Rip Smh GIF

stay safe my fellow junkies, always test ur shit ong

He went to go live with Saint Baraka in Incelhalla. He will live a great afterlife there.

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