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Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

r/ForeverAlone is an ally sub to r/IncelTears

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I just wanna be loved, but don’t think I’m worthy
Nov 7, 2017
Even the head mod is friends with these fucks


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They want to keep ugly subhumans dominated, so of course they are allies
everyone knows that, the whole subreddit is full of fakecels or bluepilled incels.

Just look at 95 % of posts, its full of - " ive been told im an average looking guy but i just havent got a relationship yet "

"im so lonely i havent had a relationship in ( insert amount of weeks/months here)"

" been talking to a tinder match lately, going well"

" got a date set up!".

I wont deny there are most likely some true ugly guys there, but im sick of their bluepilled garbage way of thinking.
Unbearable2woman said:
They want to keep ugly subhumans dominated, so of course they are allies

True that they are bunch of sheep herders.  keep trying to tell  us  ugly men how to act and  feel and not to be angry at the situation. Its so pathetic how desperate they are to keep us in line.
i was banned from the sub , though all i did was give fa women advice to stop having a toxic mindset
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What do you expect lmao

Has anyone had that punch-in-the-gut feeling from realizing how far behind you are compared to your peers? Life keeps on moving, but it's like I'm on a hamster wheel, pedaling away but going nowhere fast.
One of my closest friends in high school (still a "close" friend technically, but now I'm one of many for her) was as awkward as I was in my teens. We had the same "start," so to speak. Both socially incompetent, dorky looking, misfits. I was frumpy, pale, and chubby, while she was a scrawny, hairy Indian girl, so we were naturally friends.
Fast forward almost a decade (we're 27), and it turns out I am still that same person. Awkward, dorky, frumpy, misfit, with a dead-end, unimpressive job, a barely-there social circle, and nonexistent love life.
Meanwhile, in that time, she discovered the magic of a razor, got a cool corporate social responsibility gig, had a long-term college boyfriend she dumped to move to Dubai for an even cooler job a year and a half ago, met her British expat boyfriend one month after moving to Dubai, and now? Now, they are engaged. I got the excited phone call today. He popped the question in the middle of the desert. All that remains is the inevitable onslaught of picture-perfect engagement shots on Instagram.
I am happy for her. Truly. I genuinely like her as a person and hope that things continue to go well for her.
But...even just writing down everything she's done and comparing it to what I've accomplished in the last nine years (nothing), it's embarrassing. It's embarrassing to think someone that was not so different from me once upon a time has actually gone out and done something worthwhile with their life--that they're living a worthwhile life with an interesting career, a glamorous move abroad, a doting fiance, a real social circle in a place she just moved to. The works. While I am simply stuck right where I am, seemingly unable to move forward and without direction in life.
I think sometimes I lull myself into thinking it's not so bad. And then moments like this happen and it knocks the wind right out of you to realize just how far behind in life you are, compared to other people. And what excuse for it is there when you cannot even point to any kind of meaningful difference in the starting point?

Just lol at FA guys who think that the FA girls will like them because they are both FA.
incelman said:
Just lol at FA guys who think that the FA girls will like them because they are both FA.

Yep, this is a huge cope. I wonder if they have femoids PMing them like we did in incels.
ilieknothing said:
Yep, this is a huge cope. I wonder if they have femoids PMing them like we did in incels.

Hell no. I think females see them as pathetic subhumans. Maybe if a guy is good looking he might get PMs.
incelman said:
Hell no. I think females see them as pathetic subhumans. Maybe if a guy is good looking he might get PMs.

Females saw us as subhumans too but they still fished for beta attention from us. They ghost everytime though, the rule is roastie always ghostie.
This community seriously needs to separate themselves from Reddit.
ilieknothing said:
Females saw us as subhumans too but they still fished for beta attention from us. They ghost everytime though, the rule is roastie always ghostie.

I wouldn't reply tbh. They are too stupid to talk to.
Yeah, a lot of the regulars there are Inceltears posters. Not only that, they actively defend normies that post in their sub and consider wishing harm on bullied a bad thing.


Fuck that place.
noonches the cuck is at it again!
Not a big surprise. Cucks of a feather cuck together. kek

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