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It's Over r/askanincel has been banned



Oct 4, 2019
@tehgymcel420 r/zabbaleen is next. Its over for you boyo

not over because reddit so didn't care
Plebbit is for soys anyway
Femcels still up seems fair
Reddits hates incels and wants us dead
Femcels still up seems fair
Also femaledatingstrategy
"b-but they aren't bigots like you filthy inkwells!" - says the soycuck, ignoring that fds actively favors social darwinism towards men.
but IT is still up. fuck IT
I fucking hate that cucked website.
Not surprised. Reddit, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram... SCOTUS ruled that prohibiting access to large social media platforms violates the First. And at least in the US, some courts seem to be concluding that, despite these companies being privately held entities, because we use them so broadly, our speech there might be protected after all. 2020 in the US might bring a surprise SCOTUS case on free speech vs. the PC Brigade ... I mean, err, privately owned social media giants.
That sub was gay anyway
Also femaledatingstrategy
"b-but they aren't bigots like you filthy inkwells!" - says the soycuck, ignoring that fds actively favors social darwinism towards men.

They literally have threads where they say most men are genetic trash that deserve nothing and lament the fact that a woman gave birth to them.
They literally have threads where they say most men are genetic trash that deserve nothing and lament the fact that some women gave birth to them.
Pathetic they think that there's something majestic and holy about 3 million spermatozoa dying in a foids immune system in order to reach the egg and fertilize it. How can humanity manifest in the lowest lifeform known as IT?
Reddit really tries it's hardest to deny the existence of incels.
Glad I don't use landfill sites like Reddit and Twitter.
Femcels still up seems fair
Atleast they’re not violent misogynistic inkweasels like you!

Foids are a protected class. Men are not. You can be anti-male all you want with 0 consequences.
holy shit. Just saw this today. I actually liked that sub tbh..Major RIP
Its normie tier but it does increase the numbers in our ranks. Incellistan may be a big influence as well.
They don't deserve to be called Incelistan. They are literally run by a chad and a softie cuck.
I hope a flaming meteor hits reddit HQ.
Fucking brutal. Those simps and white knights keep taking away our only means to feel happy and get a break from this miserable life. They hate us, they just want to see us dead.
why do people even use reddit anymore
FDS should be banned as well as femcels.
My subs are still up >:]
Barely even use reddit anyways
AskFemCels is allowed, so perhaps we should make AskManCels?
They don't deserve to be called Incelistan. They are literally run by a chad and a softie cuck.
I don't think thats really a problem, because it still increases our ranks and they will venture here when its too normie tier. I even read about a trannymaxxer on it, so IDK what will happen, if they will think its degenerate.
As long as r/inceltears remains online the blackpills will be spread far and wide to their 300,000+ visitors.
was cucked anyway
Not surprised. Reddit, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram... SCOTUS ruled that prohibiting access to large social media platforms violates the First. And at least in the US, some courts seem to be concluding that, despite these companies being privately held entities, because we use them so broadly, our speech there might be protected after all. 2020 in the US might bring a surprise SCOTUS case on free speech vs. the PC Brigade ... I mean, err, privately owned social media giants.
That's pretty cool, I hope they'll be able to do something about the situation with Youtube:
Legit dont care about reddit
Why did the slavcel disrespect the butcher of Zabbaleen by not tasting his food at 19:18?

These were probably some liberal soy Slavs. A high T low inhib Vladislav would stuck his head in and started eating this like some barbarian pig.
Why did the slavcel disrespect the butcher of Zabbaleen by not tasting his food at 19:18?

What the F is the point of this? Being born to poor parents who literally remain poor processing other humans' trash, only to start slaving away doing the same at 8, 9, 10. For what? So you can fk out more kids and start the cycle all over again? Do most humans even think about the consequences of pumping sperm into a V-box?
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That place was a shithole anyway. Normies can't even ask us good questions, it's always loaded garbage like "why do you expect to get laid when you are a mentally ill, fat, raging misogynist"
Also femaledatingstrategy
"b-but they aren't bigots like you filthy inkwells!" - says the soycuck, ignoring that fds actively favors social darwinism towards men.
the funny thing is that they activelt support social darwinism SOLELY for men
>going to reddit

Its like a Jew remaining in Germany when Nazis are getting popular. You're asking for trouble at this point

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