"The person who has learned the system of a certain philosophy, although he has the perfect knowledge of all the principles, definitions and arguments found in that philosophy, as well as of the divisions or branches that have been made out of that system, possesses no more than historical knowledge of that philosophy. He knows only what has been told him, his judgments are those which he has received from his teachers. Dispute the validity of a definition, and he is completely at a loss to find another. He has formed his mind on another's, but the imitative faculty is not the productive one. His knowledge has not been drawn from reason, and although objectively considered it is rational knowledge, subjectively it is merely historical knowledge."- Immanuel Kant
There are good/better quotes from Schopenhauer, but I don't have them saved to a notepad.
“Our schools are, in a sense, factories, in which the raw products (children) are to be shaped and fashioned into products to meet the various demands of life. The specifications for manufacturing come from the demands of twentieth-century civilization, and it is the business of the school to build its pupils according to the specifications laid down.” (Public School Administration, Ellwood Cubberley)
"In our dream…the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand…We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or of science. We are not to raise up from among them authors, orators, poets, or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians. Nor will we cherish even the humbler ambition to raise up from among them lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we now have ample supply…For the task that we set before ourselves is a very simple as well as a very beautiful one: to train these people as we find them for a perfectly ideal life just where they are…an idyllic life under the skies and within the horizon, however narrow, where they first open their eyes.” (The Country School of Tomorrow, Frederick Taylor Gates)