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Venting Question to cuck tears



truest slavcel of them all
Nov 10, 2019
I am a greycel, so I have a question:

I can understand incels posting and venting about their shitty lives, their frustration and built up anger. Many of us were brutally rejected, humiliated, forced into isolation, etc. Nobody understands us IRL, so we found each other :feelsautistic:.

What I do not understand are those cuck tears, who apparently call themselves normies. Why the fuck, as a normie, would you spend hours on incels forums, and create posts on incel tears??? This means, they are either:

1. Incels, but in denial (as a coping mechanism)
2. Mentally ill people
3. Bullies / sadists (IRL losers who project on incels, to feel better)
4. Fishing for internet points ( = incels, because they cannot get validation IRL, so they use internet)

If I was a normie, I would never waste a single second of my life on such shit, heck I would even not know that these forums existed.
All of these tbh
They are coping hard
Who cares about that crappy soy sub reddit rofl
They see us as a threat, and aren't willing to open their minds to more complex ideas like "Maybe we're not a threat."
normscum are generally evil for no reason other than to fill the huge inferiority complex thay have. They love nothing more than shitting on subhuman males. I know for sure that the normie lurkers here are smiling and agreeing as they read this.
To put it in their words" "I am just here for the laughs. I don't spy on incels" (but I need to actually put effort in learning their e-slang to participate in bullying with everybody else).

They enjoy ridiculing and hating on soycially approved targets because they are little insecure sociopaths with no real problems and stakes in life. And there are deficit of socially approved targets since buzz words in western world lose their flavor very quickly, devolving in just new "nazi-bigot-alt-right" synonym.

They are also normalfags, so they are not used to edgy 4chan-style crowd which can produce politically incorrect posts for lulz, venting, trolling and self-actualization. For example, I find edgy memesogynystic stuff on this forum very boring and childish, but I am used to accepting true free speech for what it is. I rather will be comrade to self-aware honest freak than to politically correct biorobot with worldviews, opinions and values dictated by social engineering of the establishment.

Last but not least, they are just NPCs. Those people will call you incel and memesogynyst without hesitation for not watching Captain Marvel, Nu Star Wars or Nu Terminator (and this is not a joke or exaggeration or figure of speech) and in the very next moment they will tell you to stop calling yourself an incel. Stop hitting yourself!
I am a greycel, so I have a question:

I can understand incels posting and venting about their shitty lives, their frustration and built up anger. Many of us were brutally rejected, humiliated, forced into isolation, etc. Nobody understands us IRL, so we found each other :feelsautistic:.

What I do not understand are those cuck tears, who apparently call themselves normies. Why the fuck, as a normie, would you spend hours on incels forums, and create posts on incel tears??? This means, they are either:

1. Incels, but in denial (as a coping mechanism)
2. Mentally ill people
3. Bullies / sadists (IRL losers who project on incels, to feel better)
4. Fishing for internet points ( = incels, because they cannot get validation IRL, so they use internet)

If I was a normie, I would never waste a single second of my life on such shit, heck I would even not know that these forums existed.
To add more to it, IT are pedophiles. REAL pedophiles, they shared Childporn with each other AND they tried to fuck a 7 year old and 9 year old, yes all of this happened. It really says a whole lot about them.
They're just incels who make fun of other incels
To add more to it, IT are pedophiles. REAL pedophiles, they shared Childporn with each other AND they tried to fuck a 7 year old and 9 year old, yes all of this happened. It really says a whole lot about them.
That's messed up :feelspuke:, wtf how come reddit cuckmods did not ban them??
They need something to take out their soy frustrations out on, it is socially acceptable to persecute and alienate ugly men in current year
They think they're better looking than us. :feelsugh::feelsugh::feelsugh:
This means, they are either:

1. Incels, but in denial (as a coping mechanism)
2. Mentally ill people
3. Bullies / sadists (IRL losers who project on incels, to feel better)
4. Fishing for internet points ( = incels, because they cannot get validation IRL, so they use internet)
and the god of cucktears (braziliansmegma) is all of the above
1. Incels, but in denial (as a coping mechanism)
2. Mentally ill people
3. Bullies / sadists (IRL losers who project on incels, to feel better)
4. Fishing for internet points ( = incels, because they cannot get validation IRL, so they use Internet)

10 % -> 1.

90 % -> 3.
Cucktears is a group of trannies, fags, soyboys and landwhales.
Most people on IT are ugly foids and incels in denial.

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